Space Engineers

Space Engineers

122 ratings
Type: Mod
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8.617 MB
Nov 23, 2024 @ 9:58am
Nov 30, 2024 @ 10:56am
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Anyways, here's WelderWall

Welder wall is a replacement to-- walls of welders and grinders

Featuring customizable settings for speed, power, and size it allows admins to allow server friendly welder walls.

Far faster and more efficient than vanilla welder walls, it allows for cusomization of how much CPU it can take up

If you have any issues or suggestions please join the discord

If you have any issues or suggestions please report them to the discord

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LUMMEL88 Jan 31 @ 9:13am 
hallo ik hebt een vraag waar kan ik het vinden is het een blok? of een transport buis? of een las apparaat
ik ben in het spel in creatief modus en ik kan het nog niet vinden

alvast bedankt voor de reacites
6Satanic6Panic6 Jan 21 @ 11:21am 
hey been having issues built a large frame 62w 58w and its been wonky not starting randomly grinding the ass end off my ship etc i have 3 reactors and like 40 batteries just wont work now
Husk Jan 15 @ 9:58pm 
When i tried to make a ship from projection it seemed to take all my recourses and only weld a part of the ship even though i used projection to assembler to make the missing parts but it made me make the missing parts 3 times and it still wasnt done completely
Math  [author] Jan 14 @ 6:01pm 
The closer you get to MaxPower the the faster it will weld/grind to the MaxSpeed config value, the scale of power to speed is roughly linear (then half max speed when half max power). ActionsPerTick is a performance option, lower it if you lag too much when welding or grinding.
Ancaritha Jan 14 @ 5:29pm 
Super cool mod that makes it way easier to repair my large battleships after taking them to Unidentified Signals!
I was wondering if you could explain what the different settings in the config do. There is an actions per tick field, a speed field and a max power field. How exactly do actions per tick and speed interact, and how does power factor into it? I can shove tons of power into the walls but what does that actually do besides drain all my batteries? :)
Richard Potato [NYR] Jan 12 @ 2:01am 
I was also having the same issue as Cold_Far and Imp.
Setting the Power Input on the welder corners to 100MW has resolved it for me
Imp Jan 11 @ 10:49am 
Have the same problem as cold_far. It doesnt weld ...
VorgartenDiktator Jan 10 @ 7:47am 
As far as we were able to notice it does not fix dents but repairs the block. so the dent is there visually but does not get buffed out.
Cold_Far Jan 7 @ 3:03am 
found a bug? The wall welds like 1% and puts in all the components, but doesn't weld to a completion
Math  [author] Dec 31, 2024 @ 10:49am 
The default max limit in the config file is 50, you can see the max size ingame using the blue lines