

439 ratings
ReSplice: Core
Mod, 1.5
File Size
2.540 MB
Apr 30 @ 1:42pm
May 15 @ 12:13pm
7 Change Notes ( view )
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ReSplice: Core

In 1 collection by Helixien
Helixiens Creations
15 items

You can see all changes in the changelog tab!

Current mod version: 1.0.1-Shelley-rev4

More content, bug fixes, etc! This is just the first version, this mod will grow similar to how ReGrowth: Core did.

What is ReSplice?
ReSplice is a mod deeply influenced by the philosophy of the Vanilla Expanded Series and my desire to make rimworld feel more immersive. As well as the fact I love xenotypes and the gene system added by Biotech. Everything added was made to fit or mirror vanilla. From a simple UI texture to a new more complex system,being as performance and vanilla friendly as possible is the main objective we have.

This mod is the Core, which is a requirement for all other ReSplice mods (one day, not just yet), but don't let yourself be fooled by the name. It in itself also adds a lot of new content to your game.

ReSplice is designed to be as lightweight as possible, adding the minimum of new code required for its auditions to work.

These are all the mods we currently support on our end:
  • None as of now

These mods do not work with ReSplice: Core, or aren't recommended to be used together.
  • None as of now

Q: Can this mod be added to an existing save?
A: Yes it can!

Q: Can this mod be removed from a save?
A: It's not recommended, no!

Q: Is this mod part of the Vanilla Expanded Series?
A: No.

Q: Can I add dark archite genes to my xenotypes?
A: No, they are not designed for that. However you can toggle them on for the xenotype editor pre-game.

Q: Does the mod change Rimworlds balance?
A: Yes, it does change Rimworlds balancing to a degree. However every mod does and we are trying to keep stuff balanced, as subjective as balance is.

Q: Mod Options don't work!?
A: Make sure to restart the game! Most options require a restart.

  • Textures are made by ISOREX, OskarPotocki and my humble self.
  • XML and patches are done by me.
  • C# Code done by Taranchuk.
  • Background was made via ChatGPT.
  • Gene repository is based on redundantusage mod.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0[creativecommons.org]

Popular Discussions View All (1)
May 1 @ 1:17pm
Couple of grammar/text issues
Cruel Moose
khazid73 May 19 @ 5:29am 
Can there be a way of ejecting archite capsules from the xenogerm duplicator without deconstructing it. I can't make the xenogerm from the assembler when the capsules are in the duplicator.

I'm not sure if its a bug or something to be implemented latter but the dark archite harvesting ritual text of what the ritual does just says "text.todo"
SonneillonZ May 15 @ 1:38pm 
Works again for me too. ty
Helixien  [author] May 15 @ 12:33pm 
Love to hear that, thanks!
Shigari May 15 @ 12:32pm 
Can confirm, completely removed and uninstalled the mod, then reinstalled it back again, and it works. Can sell to traders once again. Thanks.
Helixien  [author] May 15 @ 12:13pm 
Okay hopefully it works now
Kusko25 May 15 @ 11:12am 
@Helixien was too big for a comment.
This is from minimal modlist on dev quicktest map
NeoSono May 15 @ 11:10am 
I can confirm that it still isnt working. I unsubscribed and resubscribed with waiting and everything and the other mod that shows mod updates also shows that the mod is updated but trading still doesnt work sadly.
Helixien  [author] May 15 @ 10:48am 
@Kusko25: Post a full log please, not just a part of it.
Kusko25 May 15 @ 10:46am 
Unfortunately there still seem to be problems with it. Error persists after un-/resubscribing. I need to turn off the trade beacon covering the gene banks to trade. So barring Steam shenanigans it is still an issue.

```JobDriver threw exception in toil MakeNewToils's initAction for pawn Tomboy driver=JobDriver_UseCommsConsole (toilIndex=1) driver.job=(UseCommsConsole (Job_32885252) A = Thing_CommsConsole5300642 Giver = ThinkNode_QueuedJob [workGiverDef: null])
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.````
Helixien  [author] May 15 @ 10:05am 
Bug should be fixed, if steam doesnt update the mod, please unsub, wait a few second, and then sub again to make sure it downloads the latest version!