Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

30 평점
Rt56ETT Patch
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545.758 MB
2024년 4월 15일 오후 6시 37분
2024년 6월 4일 오후 6시 42분
변경 사항 6개 ( 보기 )

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Rt56ETT Patch


I had some time between duty stations so I cranked out this compat. This is my first independently published mod. Normally, I'm a bit of a background guy but I guess this is my first foray into frontline publishing.

Needless to say, this is a ETT60 and Rt56 compat. However, I do have the plan to making a few additions in the future. If you have any recommendations or a balancing suggestion. Just let me know in the comments!


Throw suggestions in the comments!


Full Credit to ETT60 for making the ETT60 mod:

Same to that of Bolshevik Remover whose compat I used as a basis to make this one:
댓글 59
Takonas  [작성자] 2시간 전 
I've added XP to my list of bug fixes.

@GOztz Unfortunately, no, I'm currently getting thrown on TDYs and this is only one project of many and I don't have mastery of the Russian language to roll it out.

@Aurelius Will check it out, likely caused by me editing an event chain to allow national spirits to load.

Feels like I'm setting up the tripwire for future problems with every incompatibility I patch. :Tripwire:

Recent update of 1.14.6 might brick the mod so let me know if it's unplayable at any point.

Thank you everyone for the feedback!

Яндекс.ГООООЛ 2024년 6월 9일 오전 4시 27분 
Does AI work fine with new tank-plane-ship designer?
GOztz 2024년 6월 8일 오후 4시 47분 
Is there a Russian translation?
TreeasaurusRex 2024년 6월 7일 오후 4시 13분 
Yea something with a recent update messed the XP of all units up, hopefully a simple fix.
[82AD] Tristan 2024년 6월 7일 오전 2시 11분 
Anyone else having a problem with unit experience? Icons appear bugged and either don't display or repeat themselves multiple times across the unit bar.
Aurelius 2024년 6월 6일 오전 7시 05분 
Playing as UK, the Anglo-Egyptian Naval Conference doesn't seem to be awarding me any influence no matter what I do.
2240893883 2024년 6월 6일 오전 5시 00분 
Hi, I just find out there is some bug with the designer for modern tanks, I try to create anti-ait variants with them, but it does not work, after I click ok, it just become a normal variant rather than anti-air.
Fancy_BJ 2024년 6월 5일 오전 7시 30분 
@Takonas Your suffering is recognized and appreciated.
Takonas  [작성자] 2024년 6월 4일 오후 6시 47분 
Finally figured out the Special Forces Tree bug.

Well, new update is live. I'm definitely expecting to roll out further fixes. Let me know when I need to.
Takonas  [작성자] 2024년 6월 1일 오전 8시 50분 
Sorry guys for my touch and go activity, working for the government is like a tornado. You can watch which way its going but only react to its sudden path.