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Space Engineers

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Q-Tech Weapons Guide
By Qarannia
This is a guide to the blocks in the Q-Tech Weapons mod.

Welcome to Q-Tech Weapons. This mod contains a set of general purpose energy weapons and missiles. This mod requires WeaponCore and Animation Engine to function, so make sure you have both mods loaded in your world. They are listed as dependencies so they should load automatically. This guide is up to date for Version 1.1.
Heavy Turret
The Heavy Turret is a 3x3x2, slow moving, double barrelled turret designed for use against capital ships and stations. There are two variants, beam and pulse. The beam variant has a range of 5km and the pulse variant has a range of 2km. The pulse variant does 2.5x the damage of the beam variant to offset its shorter range.

There are six different color ammos for the Heavy Turret, all of which have identical range and damage. The six colors are red, green, blue, purple, yellow, and white.
Light Turret
The Light Turret is a 1x1x1, fast moving, double barrelled turret designed for use against smaller ships, missiles, meteors and biologicals. There are two variants, beam and pulse. The beam variant has a range of 2km and the pulse variant has a range of 800m. The pulse variant does 2.5x the damage of the beam variant to offset its shorter range.

There are six different color ammos for the Heavy Turret, all of which have identical range and damage. The six colors are red, green, blue, purple, yellow, and white.
The Cannon is a 1x1x5, fixed placement weapon designed for use against capital ships and stations. There are two variants, beam and pulse. The beam variant has a range of 2km and the pulse variant has a range of 800m. The pulse variant does 2.5x the damage of the beam variant to offset its shorter range. The Cannon is a much more powerful weapon than it's turreted cousin.

There are six different color ammos for the Cannon, all of which have identical range and damage. The six colors are red, green, blue, purple, yellow, and white.
Missile Launcher
The Missile Launcher is a 1x1x2 quad launcher designed for use against a wide variety of ship and station sizes. While each individual missile is not particularly powerful, the launcher is small enough and cheap enough to engage in swarm tactics to overwhelm an enemy's point defence and do some serious damage.

The range of the missiles is 5km and the reload time is 30s.
Torpedo Launcher
The Torpedo Launcher is a 1x1x4 launcher that fires a single, very powerful, long range torpedo designed for use against capital ships and stations. The torpedoes have a long range and slow speed but employ a unique stealth technology that makes them difficult to detect until they are close to the target.

The range of the torpedo is 10km and the reload time is 30s.
Countermeasures Launcher
The Countermeasures Launcher is a 1x1x1 defensive turret designed to fire a series of eight decoys that confuse and distract incoming enemy projectiles. The countermeasures decoys do no damage themselves but create an overlapping pattern of electromagnetic noise that is very effective at confusing the guidance systems of enemy missiles.

To offset the effectiveness of the countermeasures the launcher has a limit of four per grid and a long reload time of 60s.
The Starfury is a drone fighter that is designed for use against enemy ships and stations. When launched, it will fly to the targeted grid, orbit and attack with twin pulse cannons and then return home to the ship that launched it. The Starfury is susceptible to point defence systems but is tougher than your average missile.

One Starfury can be launched every five seconds from the launcher but each launcher can only field a maximum of 10 fighters concurrently.
The Energy and Kinetic damage resistances in this mod are set to 1. This means that weapons will do 100% of their normal damage to the affected blocks. It is possible to customise these resistance values using the WeaponCore server configuration file. This file is automatically created when a world loads with WeaponCore in the mod list, and can be found at:

For convenience, clicking here[] will allow you to download a config snippet that can be inserted into the WeaponCore server configuration file. This config snippet contains overrides for the damage output of each weapon as well as overrides for the armor resistances of the blocks. Each <AmmoOverride> section can be copied to the config file between the <AmmoOverrides></AmmoOverrides> tags. Each <ArmorOverride> section can be copied to the config file between the <ArmorOverrides></ArmorOverrides> tags. You can then change the weapon damage output or armor resistance values to suit your gameplay.

The Ammo name for each weapon used in the AmmoOverride section is detailed in the table below.

Weapon and Ammo Type
Cannon - Beam Red
Cannon - Beam Green
Cannon - Beam Blue
Cannon - Beam Purple
Cannon - Beam Yellow
Cannon - Beam White
Cannon - Pulse Red
Cannon - Pulse Green
Cannon - Pulse Blue
Cannon - Pulse Purple
Cannon - Pulse Yellow
Cannon - Pulse White
Heavy Turret - Beam Red
Heavy Turret - Beam Green
Heavy Turret - Beam Blue
Heavy Turret - Beam Purple
Heavy Turret - Beam Yellow
Heavy Turret - Beam White
Heavy Turret - Pulse Red
Heavy Turret - Pulse Green
Heavy Turret - Pulse Blue
Heavy Turret - Pulse Purple
Heavy Turret - Pulse Yellow
Heavy Turret - Pulse White
Light Turret - Beam Red
Light Turret - Beam Green
Light Turret - Beam Blue
Light Turret - Beam Purple
Light Turret - Beam Yellow
Light Turret - Beam White
Light Turret - Pulse Red
Light Turret - Pulse Green
Light Turret - Pulse Blue
Light Turret - Pulse Purple
Light Turret - Pulse Yellow
Light Turret - Pulse White
Q-Tech Missile
Missile Launcher and Missile
Q-Tech Torpedo
Torpedo Launcher and Torpedo
Starfury Drone Guns