Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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shitpost hoi4
Items (15)
Accidentally buried the Black Sea
Created by mazdar007
I accidentally buried the Black Sea, which doesn't happen to anyone, right? Now you can walk through the maritime provinces. Upd: dug it back up https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808450079...
Adolf Hitler
Created by WORLD WAR Z
Adolf Hitler Portrait COMPATIBILITY: Ironman compatible. Multiplayer compatible....
Based Radio [UPDATED]
Created by Göebbler
Based Radio Welcome to the most truly based radio on HOIV workshop. you will find some of your favorite edit music listed below. songs: Nightmare - Plenka 블라인드 세계 (Blind World) - Plenka Shot Edit Version - Plenka Nostalgia - Plenka No - Plenka Stress - Ple...
Bunny Stalin
One of the well-known in communist circles is the Siberian bunny suit. In this suit, Stalin often made the most important decisions on sending people to the gulag, as well as in the fight against Hitler, who was very much afraid of Stalin's powerful and st...
Extreme Division Designer 10x10+2x10
Created by 我_没_有_名_字
最多100个营+20个支援连 1.13更新: 完成相关学说解锁第十行...
Generals needed!
Created by zetconzee
Никогда не задумывались, зачем нужно так много генералов в ваниле если большая часть всё-равно не используется? Этот мод исправляет это, теперь: - Генералы имеют лимит в 6 дивизий - Фельдмаршалы имеют лимит в 12 дивизий (если используются как генералы) - Ф...
Glasgs Fort Mod
Created by Glasg0
Adds 100 fortification level also halves the construction time Makes gameplay more difficult...
Hearts Of Brainrot
Created by Sukhoi
Bored of having fun on this game? Want to get brain damage (if you haven't yet)? Well, this mod changes most sound effects to whatever memes 3AM me could think of I made this long time ago so some memes might be dead by now Use at your own risk :steamthumb...
Long Chile
Created by Nemotastic
Title says all Took around 6 Hours to make Feel free to use in whatever you like...
long czechoslovakia (Czechoslongvakia) 1.11
Created by Funny Kraut
NOT FOR AVALANCHE SEPERATE MOD MAY BE RELEASED. it contains a few things: 2 custom states a few changes to buildings (Czechongslovakia now has sea access and therefore a port) new OOBs for Romania and Czechoslongvakia to reflect borders (Czechoslongvakia r...
Jerma Peace Conference sound
Created by Westbrooke117
It plays when a peace conference ends...
Mussolini Washing Machine Replacer
Created by JohnC96
Washcism is on the rise in europe! After Waschdolf Rüttler, Italys Bissello Washolini joined the Ariel Forces. They grow stronger every day......
Long Luxemburg
Created by shkazzz
Tired of a small defenseless Luxembourg??? Let it be As LONG as Czechoslovakia, only really LOOONG!...
Vehicles, but it's Drive (2011)
Created by tan_mi.ya
Have you seen Drive (2011)? Do you own a hammer? Do you own a scorpion jacket? Are you Ryan Gosling? Are you literally him? Well, fear not! With this mod, all motorized, mechanized, and tank divisions now play snippets of "A Real Hero" by College & Electri...
War Chess
Created by Crni Bombarder
HoI4-War-Chess A HoI4 mod implementing a singleplayer / multiplayer chess in the game https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfumeron/HoI4-War-Chess/main/docs/game_example.gif How to use this mod The War Chess decisions All happen in the decision tab (Shift + Q...