Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker

108 평점
Survival - Gameplay Overhaul
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622.195 MB
2023년 12월 14일 오전 9시 54분
2024년 6월 6일 오후 11시 29분
변경 사항 9개 ( 보기 )

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Survival - Gameplay Overhaul

This is a gameplay overhaul mod that makes numerous changes to the game and adds new features, including new randomized elements, new custom difficulty settings, reworked fuel mechanics, and much more.


  • Added more than 30 randomized elements to the game.
  • The wrench, cutters, dynamite, and both keys are randomized to locations that make sense with the story.
  • Added notes and map objectives with the locations of items that are required to progress.
  • The gas mask, lighter, and the shotgun can spawn outside of lockers. (This also applies to the revolver if it's not given to the player from the start)
  • Randomized changes in almost every map.
  • Randomized obstacles like gas leaks that don't go away, making the gas mask much more useful.
Note: If you're having trouble finding one of the keys, there is a text file inside the mod folder with some possible key spawns.

Difficulty Settings
  • Added new difficulty settings indicated by (+) next to their name.
  • Power Switch Fuel Consumption: The amount of fuel consumed by active power switches.
  • Bombing Chance To Stop Generator: The chance of the generator stopping when bombings happen outside the bunker.
  • Hide Trap Warning Signs: Hides the red warning signs near traps.
  • Stalker Damage Resistance: How resistant the stalker is to different damage types.
  • Stalker Light Resistance: How resistant the stalker is to lights being on.
  • Shotgunner Health: The amount of health the shotgunner has.
  • Soldier Quarters Puzzle: A new puzzle in the soldier quarters.
  • Replaced fuel storage code lock difficulty setting with a modified version that adds a randomized obstacle to the fuel storage. (Active on every difficulty except easy)
More difficulty setting changes listed in the change notes.

Fuel Rework
  • Fuel canisters now contain either 100% or 50% fuel, indicated by a progress bar.
  • Fuel bottles contain 50% fuel, essentially nerfing them when used to refill the generator.
  • Pouring fuel with a canister costs 50% fuel instead of using the entire canister.
  • Crafting a fuel bottle will use 50% fuel from the canister used to craft it.
  • Added difficulty setting to choose the amount of fuel it costs to save from 50% to 200%. (100% is equal to shell shock mode)
    Note: If the item used to save doesn't have enough fuel, fuel items from the inventory will be used for the remaining fuel.

General Changes
  • Flashlight third charge lasts longer but is much louder.
  • All power switches are off by default. (this makes soldier quarters harder to navigate due to the daisy chained switches)
  • Power switches affect the stalker's presence and ability to emerge while the generator is on.
  • Several changes to the stalker to make him more unpredictable and harder to deal with.
  • Several changes to the shotgun to make it more useful as a tool to break doors and obstacles and less useful as a weapon to easily deal with the stalker.
More general changes listed in the change notes.

  1. Download the mod by pressing the subscribe button
  2. From the main menu, click on "Custom Stories"
  3. Click on the "Stories" tab
  4. Click on "Survival - Gameplay Overhaul"
  5. Click on "Launch"

This mod is incompatible with most addons, avoid using any addons unless they are specifically made for this mod.

If you run into any issues let me know and I'll fix them as soon as possible.
댓글 274
HotPocketsAt2AM 2024년 5월 31일 오후 2시 04분 
nice, time to do the most unholy shit known to man
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [작성자] 2024년 5월 31일 오후 1시 04분 
As long as they are simple model/texture change or color gradient mods they shouldn't conflict.
HotPocketsAt2AM 2024년 5월 31일 오후 12시 44분 
could cosmetic mods conflict with this one?
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [작성자] 2024년 5월 21일 오후 11시 52분 
Thanks for letting me know! It's a known issue that I intend to fix in the next update.
Zippy 2024년 5월 21일 오후 7시 05분 
There's another weird thing that happens with the randomization. You know that room that's next door to the pillbox ladder room? The one that has those weird pipes blocking sometimes? The gun spawned in that room, and it was locked with a metal door and padlock. You're supposed to obviously shoot the padlock with the gun by aiming through the pipes, but you can't do that because the gun is in that room.

I had the shotgun, but the spread can easily miss. Trying to throw a grenade through is also borderline impossible, given how janky and awkward the game's physics are. I had to throw a grenade right at the door (the non-padlocked side), which worked, but not everyone would think to do that. I don't know, I felt like that was worth mentioning.
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [작성자] 2024년 5월 21일 오전 4시 53분 
The formula isn't changed with this mod, there should always be 7 pocket bags in each playthrough, unless you're playing with many inventory slots then less pocket bags spawn so the inventory doesn't overflow.

I appreciate all the ideas, even if they don't fit the theme they might help me generate new ideas. Deciding on implementing something is usually based on what you said, if it fits the theme of the game and the mod, how much it improves the game, and how difficult it is to actually implement it.
Zippy 2024년 5월 21일 오전 4시 07분 
@DCL There should always be enough pocket bags around to create 13 inventory slots. Unless Lenin changed the formula in the mod.

@Lenin What's your view on ideas for the mod? As long as it fits the theme of the game and benefits everyone in some aspect, the idea is fine?
DCL 2024년 5월 21일 오전 2시 54분 
I want to know something, Are those bags that they could fulfill your inventory slot
or they have limited?

Because I usually can't collect all of them to fulfill my inventory.
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [작성자] 2024년 5월 15일 오전 6시 37분 
It's distance based, doesn't matter if he is outside or inside the walls.
Neonwarrior 2024년 5월 15일 오전 3시 23분 
Does it matter if you charge it near holes, or is that something the stalker always hears when he is in a wall?