Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker

103 ratings
Survival - Gameplay Overhaul
File Size
622.179 MB
Dec 14, 2023 @ 9:54am
Apr 21 @ 2:08am
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Survival - Gameplay Overhaul

This is a gameplay overhaul mod that makes numerous changes to the game and adds new features, including new randomized elements, new custom difficulty settings, reworked fuel mechanics, and much more.


  • Added more than 30 randomized elements to the game.
  • The wrench, cutters, dynamite, and both keys are randomized to locations that make sense with the story.
  • Added notes and map objectives with the locations of items that are required to progress.
  • The gas mask, lighter, and the shotgun can spawn outside of lockers. (This also applies to the revolver if it's not given to the player from the start)
  • Randomized changes in almost every map.
  • Randomized obstacles like gas leaks that don't go away, making the gas mask much more useful.
Note: If you're having trouble finding one of the keys, there is a text file inside the mod folder with some possible key spawns.

Difficulty Settings
  • Added new difficulty settings indicated by (+) next to their name.
  • Power Switch Fuel Consumption: The amount of fuel consumed by active power switches.
  • Bombing Chance To Stop Generator: The chance of the generator stopping when bombings happen outside the bunker.
  • Hide Trap Warning Signs: Hides the red warning signs near traps.
  • Stalker Damage Resistance: How resistant the stalker is to different damage types.
  • Stalker Light Resistance: How resistant the stalker is to lights being on.
  • Shotgunner Health: The amount of health the shotgunner has.
  • Soldier Quarters Puzzle: A new puzzle in the soldier quarters.
  • Replaced fuel storage code lock difficulty setting with a modified version that adds a randomized obstacle to the fuel storage. (Active on every difficulty except easy)
More difficulty setting changes listed in the change notes.

Fuel Rework
  • Fuel canisters now contain either 100% or 50% fuel, indicated by a progress bar.
  • Fuel bottles contain 50% fuel, essentially nerfing them when used to refill the generator.
  • Pouring fuel with a canister costs 50% fuel instead of using the entire canister.
  • Crafting a fuel bottle will use 50% fuel from the canister used to craft it.
  • Added difficulty setting to choose the amount of fuel it costs to save from 50% to 200%. (100% is equal to shell shock mode)
    Note: If the item used to save doesn't have enough fuel, fuel items from the inventory will be used for the remaining fuel.

General Changes
  • Flashlight third charge lasts longer but is much louder.
  • All power switches are off by default. (this makes soldier quarters harder to navigate due to the daisy chained switches)
  • Power switches affect the stalker's presence and ability to emerge while the generator is on.
  • Several changes to the stalker to make him more unpredictable and harder to deal with.
  • Several changes to the shotgun to make it more useful as a tool to break doors and obstacles and less useful as a weapon to easily deal with the stalker.
More general changes listed in the change notes.

  1. Download the mod by pressing the subscribe button
  2. From the main menu, click on "Custom Stories"
  3. Click on the "Stories" tab
  4. Click on "Survival - Gameplay Overhaul"
  5. Click on "Launch"

This mod is incompatible with most addons, avoid using any addons unless they are specifically made for this mod.

If you run into any issues let me know and I'll fix them as soon as possible.
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [author] May 10 @ 4:04am 
The scripted rat event shouldn't trigger on ng+ but it's bugged at the moment, I'll have it fixed in the next update.
Zippy May 9 @ 2:46pm 
Not to burst DCL's bubble, but adding notes for every single item kind of ruins the point of trying to find them yourself, even if they're just hints. It feels that much more rewarding when you find stuff completely on your own. Also, I assume you re-added the "rat gets shot" scripted event in the ruins? The rat dying and the shotgun blast never seem to match up.
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [author] May 7 @ 6:13am 
I'll try to add it in a future update.
DCL May 7 @ 4:18am 
Sometime it's hard to find somethings.
Can you add random hint notes that telling about specific item
like medikit,lighter,revolver,shotgun,gas mask,fuse?

You can hide them like you hide the keys in specific location from their hint notes
and that will make this mod more fun.
BusinessMan2K02 May 1 @ 3:51am 
That's nice to know , thanks for the reply :)
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [author] May 1 @ 3:46am 
Something similar is on my to-do list but it's not easy to implement and currently I don't have a lot of time to work on the mod, so maybe in the future.
BusinessMan2K02 May 1 @ 3:35am 
I have a suggestion : i was thinking that It would be great to replace some doors (specifically where box fuses are located) with metal doors and it would require either to find a key or a code to actually enter the room and activate the lights in a certain level.

I think it'a a pretty good idea and not to hard to implement , and maybe in the long run it would add a bit more of a challenge in the game.

Let me know , man ! :)
Saint Conqueror Lenin  [author] May 1 @ 3:09am 
I feel like cloth and sticks are already plentiful, sticks have increased spawn rate in this mod and I don't want to increase the amount of cloth simply because it would make molotovs even more powerful. Cloth also has a decent chance to spawn when breaking wooden boxes.

Fuse boxes don't drain any fuel only active power switches do, meaning levels without power switches will drain the same amount of fuel regardless if they have fuses placed or not.
Neonwarrior May 1 @ 2:54am 
Just beat the mod on Shellshocked for the second time (took me 7 hours each).

One thing I want to ask is if sublevels that you have placed a fuse in are supposed to be impossible turn off. What I noticed is that as I unlock new sublevels, the power drain gets worse and worse as certain sublevels like the Prison and Arsenal have no power switches to turn off. Obviously the fusebox cannot be de-activated. Running the generator means I have no choice but to fully power these sublevels and, I assume, waste fuel.

If RNG makes either the Prison or the Arsenal the sublevel that gets a free fuse, I assume you'll be stuck with the extra fuel drain forever.
DCL May 1 @ 2:24am 
Can you rebalance some of item quantities like cloth and stick?
I think I can even find more grenades than those items that they were supposed to being.