Dota 2
The Doomsday Machine
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As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you!
Tips:I cannot cancel the original weapon saw-tooth effect in the game. You can see the correct effect in the picture with gray background below.
The Timber must have a jump knife, and attack is the best defense!

Przedmioty (6)
Weapon Of The Doomsday Machine
Autor: Gentle Beast
As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you! Tips:I cannot cancel the original...
Shoulders Of The Doomsday Machine
Autor: Gentle Beast
As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you! Tips:I cannot cancel the original...
Armor Of The Doomsday Machine
Autor: Gentle Beast
As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you! Tips:I cannot cancel the original...
Back Of The Doomsday Machine
Autor: Gentle Beast
As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you! Tips:I cannot cancel the original...
Head Of The Doomsday Machine
Autor: Gentle Beast
As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you! Tips:I cannot cancel the original...
Offhand Weapon Of The Doomsday Machine
Autor: Gentle Beast
As a lover of playing 1000 games of Timber, I really want a set of Timber outfits that look very aggressive. Therefore, I spent a long time making this set of accessories. I hope you all like it and vote for me. Thank you! Tips:I cannot cancel the original...