Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

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Censor Bar (version 3)
Universe: Original IP
Tags: SFM
File Size
3.506 MB
Sep 11, 2023 @ 3:46pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Censor Bar (version 3)

A newer version of my Censor Bar model!

In addition to using the helper bones in the top and bottom edges and the corners, you now get a second skin that turns it into a white bar that reads "CENSORED" for obvious effect.

Instructions for stretching it horizontally:

To stretch it on the sides, for the left or right sides, grab the top and bottom corner bones and move it to the left or right. To grab them, hold the CTRL Key after selecting one corner, then select the other. For Top and Bottom sides, you can grab the bone on either the top or bottom sides.

And now, it is scaled properly, so you don't have to apply scale controls to make it larger,. You can still scale it, though.

The most common use for the censor bar is to censor cartoonish nudity, or censoring some damage or hiding one's face. Other interesting uses for it still include using two black bars to affix to the camera to replicate the Letterbox format.
