Don't Starve
アイテム (118)
This mod dose not have English,Maybe need a Chinese font(i don't know) 我不是作者,只是个修复bug的,作者应该是饥荒游戏吧里的一个大神, 地址在这里 steam的第一个上传者灵梦 具体改动在改动里看吧, 如果写在这估计会很长很长 应该大概也许可能可以在哈姆雷特里面使用(至少主世界可以) *人物简介: *三围:胃150,命100,脑150,移速*1.25,饥饿消耗*1...
作成者 翼语
因MOD内容较多无法上传,现拆分成3部分,第二、三部分从下方传送门订阅 ★【本MOD第二部分yiyu_suppurt传送门】★ ★【本MOD第三部分角色MOD传送门】★ 尊重他人劳动成果。请勿私自抄袭、提取MOD功能自己发布。 Copyright 2018 。本Mod不授权在 任何平台上修改发布,除在 Steam 帐户翼语授权下” 禁用MOD如下: 影响本mod平衡禁用:99堆叠、快速采集、无限宝石矿、猪人商店、快速工作 木牌传送、豪华营火、及各类攻击超高武器mod 模仿本mod功能禁用:打包权杖、作物移植...
作成者 翼语
此MOD为宝石萝莉yiyu补丁包 本MOD创建世界时必须选择兼容哈姆雷特 本MOD创建世界时必须选择兼容哈姆雷特 本MOD创建世界时必须选择兼容哈姆雷特 因MOD内容较多无法上传,现拆分成3部分,第一、二部分从下方传送门订阅 ★【本MOD第一部分角色MOD传送门】★ ★【本MOD第二部分yiyu_suppurt传送门】★ 本补丁包内主要是怪物的AI和动作. 需与宝石萝莉MOD同时开启生效。 -----------------------------------------------------------...
作成者 翼语
此MOD为宝石萝莉yiyu补丁包 本MOD创建世界时必须选择兼容哈姆雷特 本MOD创建世界时必须选择兼容哈姆雷特 本MOD创建世界时必须选择兼容哈姆雷特 因MOD内容较多无法上传,现拆分成3部分,第一、三部分从下方传送门订阅 ★【本MOD第一部分角色MOD传送门】★ ★【本MOD第三部分角色MOD传送门】★ 内含专属世界、专属地形和地毯等有关于地形的东西。 需与宝石萝莉MOD同时开启生效。 单独开启只会改变世界地形,不建议这么做。 --------------------------------------...
作成者 Doro0419
必须兼容 哈姆雷特 原版 — — — — — —修改项目 — — — — — ·快速升级 ·杀死3~5生物就可以升级啦 ·Miho再也不会跟丢 ·miho离你太远时会瞬移(海难边缘&各种传送) ·使用切斯特代码,穿越DLC会丢失 ·铃铛代码:c_give("mihobell") · 专属物品修改·扇子和面具的耐久增加 ·“烟火盛宴”(100级解锁)消耗SA...
作成者 踏雪寻梅3124
请兼容哈姆雷特!请兼容哈姆雷特!请兼容哈姆雷特! 否则可能出现未知问题! 出现问题来找我反馈! 模组Q群:433059175,b站直播间:666816 现在你可以在饥荒里使用花盆种植蔬菜了!
作成者 shlo.d
—————————————————————————————————————— 请把MOD关闭使用游戏自带的翻译。 出现问号是因为你没有关另一个字体MOD 本次汉化的人员: shlo-d 38 与澈 划星 牧野流星 i_am_a_ruin 北北 翻译和屎一样的苦工 使用说明 订阅本mod; 启动“Don't Starve(饥荒)”游戏; 点击“mod”按钮进入mod页; 待自动下载完订阅的mod; 在mod列表勾选本mod; 点击“apply(应用)”按钮; 点击“Exit Now”按钮,游戏自动退出,重新开...
(abandoned) RPG HUD
作成者 キオフオ
This MOD gives the possibility to add extra equipment slots for backpacks and amulets, increase the size of containers, and much more. You can customize it in game through the mods screen. More details below. Compatible with "Reign of Giants" and "Shipwrec...
ActionQueue Remix
作成者 翼语
擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 Copyright @ 2022 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved ( ̄▽ ̄)~* 觉得不错别忘了点赞 感谢提醒其他角色报错的小伙伴,我平时不玩其他角色,如仍有报错。可加裙反馈:428159820 感谢提醒其他角色报错的小伙伴,我平时不玩其他角色,如仍有报错。可加裙反馈:428159820 ______________________________________________________________...
作成者 fais0n
Make all plants transplantable. Adshovel for DST Specific truf is needed. reeds: marsh or tidalmarsh. cactus: desert_drit cave banana tree: mud flower cave: mud, marsh or tidalmarsh lichen: mud marshrooms: NOT rocky, road, underrock, woodfloor, carpet, che...
Advanced Farming
作成者 shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Compatible with all DLC including Hamlet. The Advanced Farm is an agricultural breakthrough! ---------------Advanced Farm---------------- Has wither protection. Has a faster growth rate. Allows crop gr...
Always On Tiki Torch
作成者 shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Compatible with all DLC including Hamlet Craftable under the light tab! It takes 3 wood & 1 dung to make. ----------------With the Always On Tiki Torch------------------ You can light up an area. Cook....
和之前的 《赫默的奇妙冒险》 是同属天坑框架的mod 这个mod修改自天地大佬的人物mod天坑系列- 盖伦 因为向联机版阿米娅mod的作者要了授权所以没有前置mod可以直接使用 【声明】本mod一些素材来自网络,如有侵犯请通知我,我会立刻将该mod下架删除 创意工坊mod封面来自网络,画师:QuAn_ ,UID:6657532 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 必须要兼容哈姆雷特DLC 介绍 这个mod修改了阿米娅的三维算法,并加入了升级,加点,主动技能的系统 同时该mod也添加了怪物强化...
Better Ice Box
作成者 Wimzie
Slows down the time it takes for food to perish in the Ice Box. Compatible with Reign of Giants, Hamlet and Shipwrecked! Also allows configuration of the speed of perishing, which includes an option to make food refresh while in Ice Boxes....
作成者 小猫非死不可
模组怪物比正常的强一点===游戏前可以仔细看看下面介绍===目前需要加载中文模组===感谢支持 代码@宵征󰀖 贴图@老熊 击杀怪物获取经验值或吃专属料理和饥荒最珍贵料理 击杀怪物所得的经验值与击杀怪物的难度和稀有度决定 ====技能解锁==== 5级解锁蝶舞 R (buff作用 增加移速、攻击力) 10解锁被动神鬼玉护盾(被攻击概率触发无敌,初始触发概率10% 可通过装备镶嵌宝石提升) 15解锁束鬼阵 T (范围冰冻) 20解锁梦想封印 Y (范围伤害 ) 25解锁不朽(被动恢复) 紫妈 砍树 挖矿 战斗 ...
作成者 柴柴Chai-Chai
Please make sure your world compatible with Shipwrecked ———————————————————————————————————— Carney is on her trip has flexible combat skills walking and eating fish make her upgrade,no upper limit can craft ...
Character YuYi
作成者 翼语
擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 Copyright @ 2018 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved 抵制垃圾:本mod不兼容任何dyc相关mod,需退订垃圾墙和垃圾血条MOD 抵制垃圾:本mod不兼容任何dyc相关mod,需退订垃圾墙和垃圾血条MOD 随后删除本MOD文件642704851让游戏自动重新下载,并验证游戏完整性 随后删除本MOD文件642704851让游戏自动重新下载,并验证游戏完整性 ★有疑问的可以看下事件描述★ 感谢大家的支持...
作成者 Kaoyu
It's a Chinese Language Mod, you may not need it. 简体中文介绍 繁體中文介紹...
Combat Info Plus
作成者 北理星星
Shows detailed combat info . if you are not in Rog or SW,please choose default color! if you are not in Rog or SW,please choose default color! You can check 1.prefab 3.atk 4.atk range 5.atk period 6.speed 7.sanity 8.left following time 9.freeze re...
Combined Status
作成者 rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). Also available on the Klei Forums. This mod enhances the HUD to better show the player's stats and various information about the world, such as te...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, HAM, DST]
作成者 IvanX
Adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Your crock pot is not smart enough? No worries, this mod will turn it into clever craft pot, making cooking as and intuitive as crafting! The mode DOES NOT change any of the game mechanics, It just give...
Craftable Nests
作成者 龍淵LoongY
玩巨人国时请选择兼容海难或哈姆雷特!!! 给不可制造的一些生物巢穴添加了制作配方。 全DLC可建造。 未经允许,请勿擅自搬运 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please choose compatible shipwreck or Hamlet!!! added recipes to some non-manufacturable biological nests.(All DL...
Craftable treasures
作成者 IvanX
Holding yourself back from using any thulecite weapons/amulets/staffs because all of their ingredients are non-renewable? Hold back no more! With this mod, you'll get a balanced, i repeat BALANCED way of crafting all the gems and thulecite. It will not fee...
Crazy Island(Worldgen)
If you like this mod,endorse me pls. I added some new kinds of worldgen choices such as 2000x2000 map size,or 1x1 tiny islands,hope you can enjoy it. (This mod was made in 2015, so ROG compatible only) If you want to play the tiny island ,just choose crazy...
Create and refresh Krampus Sack
作成者 Scut·M
坎普斯背包的合成配方:1加速手杖、10猪皮、2蜡纸。 可以设置反鲜,小偷包如果设置反鲜,冰箱也会反鲜!!! 可以设置反鲜,小偷包如果设置反鲜,冰箱也会反鲜!!! 可以设置反鲜,小偷包如果设置反鲜,冰箱也会反鲜!!!(重要的事情说三遍!!!) 单机版的API有点低,建议入联机版,联机版不用买DLC也可以玩到三件套DLC Tropical Experience 联机版的小偷背包反鲜...
Display Food Values
作成者 Chikowitz
Currently mod is not getting updates. If you want to continue develop the mod, feel free to use all files in my mod. This mod displays what food and healing items have what hunger, health, sanity values (including rotting). It will work for items in invent...
Display Food Values 2 (Discontinue)
作成者 mentalistpro
Display every food stats! ♡ Drop a like and add the mod into your favourite! Join the mod development on Github Subject to proper attribution and good faith, please feel free to modify, re-produce or, re-distribute my mod. M...
Dragon knight V1.8
作成者 Hanging
I made the mod just because of interest. About the MOD: 1.Add three new characters They have their own Skills, special Items and so on... https://steam...
DS musha chinese
作成者 lild100
Musha chinese translation mod, It must be run with original Musha. 这只是汉化mod,需要同时开启原版Puppy Princess Musha才可以,只开这一个mod是不行的。 Musha目前已内置中文,在设置中开启即可,汉化MOD可做为补充翻译,不再是必须的。 感谢LongFei帮忙制作mod框架,并且在代码问题上给予我大量帮助,十分感谢! 汉化说明: 除了我认为没必要翻译的部分,其它内容已全部翻译完毕。 不翻译的部分:人物名称、伙伴名称、...
互換性なしとして知らせる ]  egg pain queuer
作成者 天地一madao
this mod named 蛋疼排队论 ,you can translate this name directly 2016.12.3 23:15:46 update 1.shift+double click select multi 2.linear deploy 3.deploy placer tips 4.drop gems and goldnugget 5. DST VERSION:
作成者 codingz
egg pain queuer...
Extremely increase fps!!!-DontStarveLuaJIT
作成者 北理星星
DontStarveLuaJIT,Original author:PaintDream,github: I made the mod version of this patch after getting authorized by the original author. This mod implements the installation of dontstartveluajit on DS, DST an...
Fast Travel [DS]
作成者 SoraYuki
Description the original author in DST is Isosurface. Build a fast travel network and travel instantly from sign post to sign post. Introduction 1. pop sign dialog when homesign is built. 2. pop destination select dialog when right click on homesign, trave...
Fish Farm
作成者 shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Compatible with all DLC including Hamlet. The Fish Farm is a self sustaining food source. While exploring one day, Wilson came across what looked to be an old wash tub. Upon closer inspection he discov...
作成者 翼语
擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 Copyright @ 2018 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved 声明抵制垃圾: 因超级墙和血条MOD作者DYC,恶意篡改玩家游戏本体文件。 只要开启过他的任何MOD,就会修改你的游戏文件,在其中写入破坏本MOD的代码。 你可以试试修复游戏之后找到该文件dont_starve\data\scripts\saveindex.lua 随后开启他的任何MOD看看是否会马上给你篡改掉。故本MOD作者坚决抵制DYC这个垃...
Frostmourne v0.4
作成者 Icccie
Lich King's legendary weapon. Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit. Weapon stats: -Deals 80 damage. -Drains 3 player's sanity per attack. -Freezes enemies on attack. -Really ...
作成者 muffin
该mod已停止更新 火炉背包: 吸收主人的饥饿来修理装备 *加快一倍于威尔逊饥饿速率的饥饿速率 *自动修复背包里的工具护甲和武器 *在设置界面打开修复一切开关可以修复几乎所有有耐久的物品 (为避免开局饥饿消耗过快开局提供特有制作材料而不是背包) furnace_sack Absorb the owner’s hunger to repair equipment Automatically repair tool armor and weapons in the backpack...
作成者 <default>
Automate gathering resources! --- --- G10MM-3R is a drone version of Glommer. Design inspired by Drones from Slime Rancher. It can: - Pick up various inventory items (uncooked food and resources), - Pick resources like Grass...
Gem Rocks (discontinued)
作成者 Mairuzu
This mod Adds new mineable rocks called Gem Rocks. Available rocks: *Red Gem Rocks - drops 3 stone and 1-2 red gems *Blue Gem Rocks - drops 3 stone and 1-2 blue gems *Purple Gem Rocks - drops 3 stone and 1-2 Purple gems You can change its spawn rate in the...
作成者 zeus
前言: 尊重版权,请勿抄袭! You can make some gems It needs researchlab to unlock for ROG redgem+bluegem=purplegem bluegem+yellowgem=greengem redgem+yellowgem=orangegem goldgugget*10=yellowgem IF in the Shipwrecked you can make redgem,bluegem and yellowgem rocks*2+feat...
Geometric Placement
作成者 rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Don't Starve Together workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and disp...
Hamlet & Shipwrecked
作成者 hectorzx
Play SW, Hamlet and ROG, all in the same world. The maps uses the default seasons on the world they are played, if you wanna change the seasons use Seasons Changer Maps 3in1 ROG Map 3in1 SW Map 3in1 Hamlet Map Requisites Don't Starve Reign of Giants Don't ...
Health Info Plus
作成者 fais0n
Shows cretures's health info and attack damage. This mod's main source code is Health info, I just bring something new....
Hero in the Dark
作成者 kraken121
This mod will incorporate traditional fantasy elements and lore while retaining the artistic style and the survive or die elements of Don't Starve. A large focus of the lore and design of the mod will be from D&D and other games/books within the genre....
Himeragi Yukina
姬柊雪菜(Himeragi Yukina ) Chinese only, English is still in production! health:200 sanity:300 hunger:200 ability ·······Divine Spirit Possession, lower health, higher damage, faster running。 default damage mult is 0.7(lower than Wendy), the damage mult increa...
Ice Flingomatic Range Check
作成者 Black Mirror
For RoG DLC. When you examine your Ice Flingomatic it will show its range. Amount of time the range will be visible can be configured to: short = 10 seconds default = 30 seconds long = 60 seconds longer = 240 seconds longest = 480 seconds always = forever ...
作成者 黑冰深白
If your game crashes, close the small textures in the settings.游戏崩溃请在设置里关闭小贴图。 This mod is in English.下面网盘链接有中文版本。当然你们订阅一下我还是会很开心的~ Compatible with Hamlet!!!!!!! 兼容哈姆雷特!!!!!!! This is a character mod based on INORI, made by 蠢汪. This is my first mod,INORI i...
Insight (Show Me+)
作成者 penguin0616
点击显示中文 Languages: English, Chinese Background Information An informational mod for DS! I made this because I like to know everything about everything. Click for DST Version Notice This is still being developed, there are bound to be bugs. If you do encount...
Item display
作成者 隔絕
鼠属不易 牛转乾坤 有问题请联系作者 作者:大雄/山哥 作者QQ:3114340882 饥荒辅助bug反映群:893453421 如果是此mod崩溃请加qq或者steam !!! 发送崩溃报告截图或者log.txt 并且说明怎么崩溃的!!! 如果是此mod崩溃请加qq或者steam !!! 发送崩溃报告截图或者log.txt 并且说明怎么崩溃的!!! 如果是此mod崩溃请加qq或者steam !!! 发送崩溃报告截图或者log.txt 并且说明怎么崩溃的!!! 如果你喜欢可以: 点个赞,订个阅,评个论 如果...
Items Skins 物品皮肤
作成者 Model
Skins of items. 仅搬运 上传自用...
Kuriyama Mirai
作成者 走出现有幼稚
Kuriyama Mirai 3 surround Life: 200-500 (upgrade) Spirit: 50 Hunger: 150-350 (upgrade) special Shadow monsters (demon dreams) are numerous and do not recover spirit (the feeling of two purple amulets) Very fast (twice as fast as normal) Hunger is fast (twi...
Legendary Gifts for Valentine's Day--The first part
作成者 Karas
------------------------------------------------------------@Klei-JoeW---------------------------------------------------- Dear JoeW,This is the true, I uploaded DON'T STARVE mod in Workshop, "Legendary Gifts for Valentine's Day" was banned by Steam.In fac...
作成者 龍淵LoongY
永远璀璨的火炬 A torch forever bright! 未经允许,请勿擅自搬运。 请选择兼容海难或哈姆雷特! Please choose compatible shipwreck or Hamlet!...
Magical Girls
作成者 老王天天写bug
No more maintaining When I first uploaded this mod, I had a big plan in mind to make five characters and various bosses into this mod. But now, I've lost the motivation to maintain the mod. Why? Every time I launched my code editor, I recalled the latest u...
作成者 zeus
make something Now,you can create something in the games. If you ask me:What can I make in the game? My answer is:Almost everything that is difficult to obtain! 更新于:10 月 7 日 本次更新内容: 1,兼容哈姆雷特 2,允许在哈姆雷特寻宝栏里制作金币(呼噜币),制作条件为5个铁矿石+1锤子 3,允许在武器栏制作触手武器。(哈姆雷特地图如果实在找...
请注意,这不是一个人物mod Please note that this is not the character mod. 本mod支持海滩,如果你在玩巨人国,请务必兼容海滩!请务必兼容海滩!请务必兼容海滩! Be sure to be compatible with the SW Mandegra now supports English. Unfortunately, I use machine translation. The default is Chinese. Please switch la...
First of all, I'm sorry to my foreign friends. Because this MOD is too complex, I have spent a lot of energy on the mechanism. I can't add English to this version. Besides, DS itself has no Chinese font, so the content of MOD is messy. I'm sorry for your b...
Map Revealer
作成者 Kuloslav
It's a very simple mod revealing the entire map in the game, regardless of the level at which we find ourselves. Despite the simplicity makes it easy modding or just makes the game a lot easier. Have a nice use. FAQ: Q: Please add visibility rocks, bushes ...
Max Stacks
作成者 DCI_Benway
All items stackable stack to 99....
Michael The Fox
作成者 Officer Hopps
I FIXED THE WORKSHOP ISSUE AND NOW HE IS AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD THOUGH WORKSHOP! !!WARNING!!-- MOD ISN'T FULLY UPDATED FOR RoG YET!--!!WARNING!! Michael The Scaredy Cat Character Mod Michael is a kind hearted character and scares very easily. He has lower S...
Minimap HUD
作成者 squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
This is not my mod!It comes from DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta. I just made it compatible with DoNotStarve! This is not my mod!It comes from DoNotStarveTogetherANewReignBeta. I just made it compatible with DoNotStarve! This is not my mod!It comes from D...
My Pets
DLC must be turned on!!!!! ( Reign_of_Giants or Shipwrecked or Hamelet ) 1.4 Update: Pets can travel the world with you , too! 宠物可以跟随你一起穿越世界! 1.1.5 Update: Added winter skins 更新了冬季皮肤系列(谢谢小强大佬) https://i.loli....
作成者 翼语
擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 Copyright @ 2018 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved Copyright @ 2018 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved 关于本MOD有什么建议可以在下方留言。( ̄▽ ̄)~* 觉得不错别忘了点赞 _______________________________________________________...
作成者 翼语
擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 Copyright @ 2019 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved 本MOD未加密,独立完成并书写,拿去学习可以,请勿抄袭搬运。 关于本MOD有什么建议可以在下方留言。( ̄▽ ̄)~* 觉得不错别忘了点赞 抵制垃圾: 因超级墙和血条MOD作者DYC,恶意篡改玩家游戏本体文件。 只要开启过他的任何MOD,就会修改你的游戏文件,在其中写入破坏本MOD的代码。 你可以试试修复游戏之后找到该文件dont_starve\da...
No Permanent Death!
作成者 Kotauskas
Allows you to save at any time (F4), reload your save (F9) and adds the choice to the death screen. With contributions from simplex's Compromising Survival and xzl2021's Manual Saving Process. ...
Quick Drop - DS + DST (client)
作成者 myxal
Original mod by Fidooop: DST client version DS port by me. =================== Description: Hold SHIFT while hovering over an inventory item to drop it with right-click! Hold CTRL+SHIFT to drop a single item from a stack....
作成者 WillCream
2017-06-17 update: I'm not the author and it seems that the author was too lazy to bring it into steam.Here is the link: Thanks for @Ernestasrun helping me to fix most visible grammar issues, I think my English has made...
RPG Items+
作成者 kaito
This mod is an updated mod from RPG Items mod by HeavenFall (Questionable Intent) Now fully compatible with Shipwrecked DLC. ---------------------------------------------- Update 1.2 - Added Venomous and Thunderous to armor effects. - Changes to Poisonous ...
Ryiku, The Sentinel
作成者 RyiKupo
Ryiku, the sentinel cat. From a new age Ryiku comes packed with her own blade Wrex. After several days of drawing, coding, testing, and sampling I bring to you Ryiku. I plan to create a story for her, and potentially two other characters by making a comic ...
It's a growing weapon The attributes of schneewalzer are as follows: materials: 10 goldnugget, 2 bluegem, 2 redgem damage 40, speed 1.2, durability 300, and repairable restoration materials: goldnugget(10%) and bluegem(20%) update material: bluegem (1lv) u...
作成者 Globalastick
3.0 update brings new scythe - Hi-Tech Scythe. The main feature of Hi-Tech Scythe is ability to mow down several closely located objects at the same time. Also has cool shadows like dst ancient cane skin. THE SCYTHE CAN MOW DOWN Speed of harvesting increas...
Sea Reclamation
作成者 翼语
尊重版权。请勿抄袭。copyright 2018@yiyu 改变地形后记得小退保存。关闭本MOD。重新进入游戏。(重要) 关于本MOD有什么建议可以在下方留言。( ̄▽ ̄)~* 觉得不错别忘了点赞 声明抵制垃圾: 因超级墙和血条MOD作者DYC,恶意篡改玩家游戏本体文件。 只要开启过他的任何MOD,就会修改你的游戏文件,在其中写入破坏本MOD的代码。 你可以试试修复游戏之后找到该文件dont_starve\data\scripts\saveindex.lua 随后开启他的任何MOD看看是否会马上给你篡改掉。故...
Setpiece Config
作成者 Joe
This mod gives you some control over the amount of set pieces that spawn during worldgen. The skeleton dude that you can set to lots in the worldgen options applies only to skeleton boons, which are different from set pieces. Set pieces include things like...
Shinobu Oshino
作成者 Ivan
Latest update: Special thanks for painter @抓dalao的咸鱼! 1.6.1 update 1.Now in greenhand mode there is no limitation of level; In expert mode, the limitation of level is 100 now (previous 20), but no science bonus. 2.Now you can enable or disable the hammer f...
SignPlus Fix
作成者 翼语
关于本MOD有什么建议可以在下方留言。( ̄▽ ̄)~* 觉得不错别忘了点赞 声明抵制垃圾: 因超级墙和血条MOD作者DYC,恶意篡改玩家游戏本体文件。 只要开启过他的任何MOD,就会修改你的游戏文件,在其中写入破坏本MOD的代码。 你可以试试修复游戏之后找到该文件dont_starve\data\scripts\saveindex.lua 随后开启他的任何MOD看看是否会马上给你篡改掉。故本MOD作者坚决抵制DYC这个垃圾。 如果你已中招,始终显示MOD崩溃,那么操作如下: 第一步:退订超级墙和血条MOD 第...
Sir Daniel Fortesque
作成者 Totoroszek
This mod adds one character and many items inspired on Medievil series - My mod inspiration is Sir Daniel Fortesque! In 1386 he defeat Zarok. In 1886 he defeat Lord Palethorn. Now he is risen again by the power of nightmare fuel! He needs to prove his brav...
作成者 Nadav
Do you find yourself confused over the many recipes the crock pot offers? Do you need to check online before cooking? This mod alters to Crock Pot to show you what you're going to cook, without cooking it, saving you the time and from unfortunate mistakes....
Snake Oil cure poison
作成者 Aire Ayquaza
Allow you to use snake oil as an anti venom. Snake oil is a very rare item droped by snakes when killed by player, it's an unlimited item. You can modify the immune duration after curing poison with anti-venom or snake oil in settings Copyright 2018 Aire_A...
作成者 飞熊
作成者 翼语
擅自提取、修改、搬运本MOD功能并发布是很没素质的表现。忘周知。 Copyright @ 2018 STEAM YIYU. All rights reserved 声明抵制垃圾: 因超级墙和血条MOD作者DYC,恶意篡改玩家游戏本体文件。 只要开启过他的任何MOD,就会修改你的游戏文件,在其中写入破坏本MOD的代码。 你可以试试修复游戏之后找到该文件dont_starve\data\scripts\saveindex.lua 随后开启他的任何MOD看看是否会马上给你篡改掉。故本MOD作者坚决抵制DYC这个垃...
作成者 muffin
该mod已停止更新 英雄联盟熔岩巨兽墨菲特同人mod 饥饿250 生命250 精神100。 1每60秒会生成一层石头皮,当受到伤害时石头皮会破裂,并为石头人提供短时间的保护。 2石头皮存在时石头人的速度比正常角色快5%,但石头皮破裂后石头人的移速只有正常角色的75%。 3石头皮破裂时各种石头都有可能掉出(包括宝石) 4所有击中石头人的敌人会被施加虚弱效果,移速和攻速减半,持续4秒。 5石头人空手时攻击将造成较高的aoe伤害 6自带一定的减伤。 7aoe伤害和减伤的具体数值可以在mod界面设置。 8按R触发石...
Storm Cellar
作成者 shtornovi
Please make Jesus Lord of your life today, I love you! Compatible with all DLC including Hamlet --------------The Storm Cellar--------------- Is a massive storage hole with 80 slots. Is fireproof. Can't be destroyed by giants. Can be hammered down. Is craf...
Super Farm
作成者 清晨草露
Version 1.7.4 update: remove mini mode Farm Features: 1. You can grow 9 crops at a time 2. You can customize the fence style 3. New crop icon optional 4. The farm turns snow white in winter 5. Need to re-fertilize after 10 harvests 6. Construction difficul...
Syelza (风幻龙)
作成者 HeiAZBZ
DST版风幻龙地址 更新: 1.7.0 基于dst 1.7.0版 已与dst版基本无异。 晚上 饥饿大于1/3才会发光 !,发光范围有所减小。背包护甲值用尽消失时里面的物品掉落。 按键:T:查看等级信息 R:查看加天赋点方向 上下左右:使用天赋点 武器不可修复,也不打算做,可以在mod选项中选择高使用次数或选择无限 有苹果箱消失的情况可以用 c_returnlickingbone() 找回 或 重新给你个苹果箱 1.击杀怪物掉落符文结晶(10%的掉落率)http://images.akamai.steamu...
Tame Tallbirds
作成者 Keidence
Full-grown Tallbirds raised by the player will be friendly. Ever raised a Tallbird? Probably not because in the base game raised Tallbirds are hostile and not much use. Tame Tallbirds seeks to fix that by making Tallbirds raised by the player loyal pets an...
The Old Popsicles
作成者 SoulMaker
Mod Name: The old popsicles Character Name: Shiro Character attributes at the beginning of game: health:100 hungry:100 hunger rate:1.2 sanity:100 night reduce rate:1.2 attack:0.8 move speed:1.0 Shiro has 5 specials. Strength, Endurance, Agility, Intelligen...
The Umi
作成者 FlyIN_11
自用类型的人物,初始血量75,可以通过吃灵魂石来升级血量,移动速度如果你们觉得太快了可以告诉我. A character of my self, with an initial health of 75, will be able to increase his or her health by eating a soulsgem. 三围(attribute) HP n hunger 75 --> LV be 150 SAN 100 --> LV be 200 出生自带一把无限耐久的特殊双刃斧稿(贴图尚未实...
作成者 深海水母灯
介绍: 单机和联机是不一样的,虽然现在是一样的,但以后更新会大有不同 巨人,海难/船难都能玩 ,要是有bug,请及时告诉我,我这里是一个小组,会去测试,修改。 愿你们玩的开心。 道具: 伞 能打怪,会回一点精神,夏天还能降点温,,,,,,, 120秒隔热 50%防御 200耐久 伤害是(20-30) 翅膀 能保暖还能加速! 天钿 因为来到这个世界的时候变成了智障分不清那个是天依,天依便做了个冒牌的自己给天钿,好让天钿乖乖的看家。 功能:有九个格子,可以放食物,相当于冰箱。 (类似于切斯特) P:换装 没什么...
作成者 DrBLOOD95
Hi everyone, are you still looking for new fights and challenges, well here we've got the toadstool waiting for you in Reign of Giant and ShipWrecked! At the begining I wanted to keep that mod for myself but after putting the other DST mods online I decide...
Too Many Items
C.J.B.'s Original Too Many Items can be found here: The mod is the same except Reign of Giants and Shipwrecked items have been added, as well as the ability to spawn in structures. Works witho...
作成者 飞熊
toso.the person in the sword...
Wall Gates
作成者 Black Mirror
Different kind of walls, you can open and close them, so they act like a doors. You can now close your base area and don't have to use hammer to get in/out and rebuild your walls. You can repair Wall Gates with wall segemnts or materials they are build wit...
Wesna the Lost Student [Version 0.8.2]
作成者 Siamese Dream
Custom Character Wesna and her Companion hound Choppy. Wesna the Lost Student ''¡Come out Choppy!'' Health - 150 Hunger - 150 Sanity - 200 Start With a Unique item : Necromicon. When reading Necronomicon it turns into Choppy. When Choppy dies Necronomicon ...
WhaRang The Millennium Fox
作成者 JinYering
Check for Change Notes Wharang Details Information (Incomplete) Subscribe to Together version Wharang Stats: Maximum Soul Heart: 500 ■  080 - - - - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - - - ■  285 ■  085 - - - - - - - - (Collect Soul Heart) - - - - - - ...
作成者 Folthan
A lone wolf trapped in the spooky forest. Separated from his pack, the wolf is forced to fend for himself. ====== Wolf works on Don't Starve, Reign of Giants and Shipwreck!! ====== *To do list* - Make Shipwreck quotes (SW) - Fix animation pivot points (SW)...
Wormhole Marks
作成者 Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. Works with RoG and Base Game and Shipwrecked. Can support up to 8 pairs of Bermud...
Xiao Kong
作成者 龍淵LoongY Code:龍淵LoongY Art Designer: @魔法少女唐间竹子(人物,装备) @VoodooLiang(石磨,食物) 剩余部分,本人瞎姬霸P的 还有感谢 @DSMODMAKE三年一班 @饥荒制作mod学习 群的小伙伴们 哇哈哈,小空其实年前就完成了的,并且原本打算是年前发布的,但是某些原因 (我懒~我懒~我懒~,重要的事情说三遍) (#^.^#)现在被美工吐槽难产,所以就把最后的文本写好发布啦,至于有...
Yakumo Yukari Beta v11 (Hamlet Support)
作成者 Yukari7777
Yakumo Yukari comes from unknown world to manipulate Don't Starve world! DST version Who is Yakumo Yukari This is a character mod based on Touhou Project, made by ZUN. Yakumo Yukari is dreadful Youkai who manipulates her own world, Gensokyo. She wanted to ...
作成者 iceamei冰糖
Now this mod has been adapted to ALL DLCs, and it is no longer necessary to be compatible with Hamlet. Original author: 柴柴Chai-Chai; Remake: iceamei冰糖 This mod did not obtain the original author "柴柴Chai-Chai " consent, all started from personal hobby and t...
精灵公主Musha You can select the language in the mod configuration. compatible:RoG、SW、HAM By 青青草原扛把子 bilibili:青青草原扛把子Q The following is from Baidu translation 【Preface】 I'm just a rookie who can't code. Please don't expect too much from me. I may give up at an...
[DS]Musha [H-0.9.7]
作成者 Catasu
I'm not the original author of the mod, i'm just a player who took upon myself to fix any bugs or crashes in the mod feel free to join my discord to chat about any problems with the mod:
[DS]Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.0.8 Update Now it can draw all the mods items! Added an API for other modder. If you want to make smartminisign for your own chester. Please write like this in your chester: if TUNING.SMART_SIGN_DRA...
[HM]DST Anims- v1.1.4
作成者 MySora
本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 传送门: 模组本体·Onikiri 鬼切 动画包·Onikiri 鬼切 材质包·Onikiri 鬼切 Code: 主码:风铃草 小开心 协助:半夏微暖半夏凉 贝子小姐脚下埋着尸体 う丶青木 Art: 美术:魔法少女唐间竹子 特效&动画:风铃草 Co...
[HM]Onikiri 1.2.2
如果你喜欢这个mod,请帮忙点赞支持~谢谢!♥ ★★★由于工坊描述页面字数限制问题,本模组详细介绍请见置顶讨论组(↓点击可跳转): 文字版Mod介绍 Text introduction(Chinese) 历史更新内容请见:改动说明 ✿✿✿✿【重大结构调整更新】✿✿✿✿ 鬼切自本版本起将拆分为3个mod文件,分别为代码/动画/材质 请大家一齐订阅开启,避免发生模组启动异常问题,传送门见下(↓点击可跳转) 动画包·Onikiri 鬼切 材质包·Onikiri 鬼切 Code: 主码:风铃草 小开心 当前已空置 ...
[HM]Onikiri Anims- v1.1.4
作成者 MySora
本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 本mod只是一个分包part,感兴趣的亲点传送门订阅本体哦,Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 传送门: 模组本体·Onikiri 鬼切 动画包·Onikiri 鬼切 材质包·Onikiri 鬼切 Code: 主码:风铃草 小开心 协助:半夏微暖半夏凉 贝子小姐脚下埋着尸体 う丶青木 Art: 美术:魔法少女唐间竹子 特效&动画:风铃草 Co...
[ROG/SW/HM]Puppet Girl
---2019-Mar-21--- Fix for HM DLC —————————————————————————————————————————— ·Programmer:半夏微暖半夏凉 ·Painter:魔法少女唐间竹子 ·Original: Onmyoji 陰陽師本格幻想RPG —————————————————————————————————————————— ···Sorry, my English is poor. I hope you can understand the DESC··· h...
目前赫默已经算是到了正式版了,后续不会有什么新内容了。 如有bug可以继续发送log至以下邮箱: log文件路径: Documents(我的文档)\Klei\DoNotStarve 本mod相关讨论只接收log反馈,为了彼此心情着想,请不要以其他问题(例如询问人物攻略)来联系作者,谢谢 本mod美工已在19年万圣节对原作和原作官方转黑,请知悉 最后,提前祝泰拉大陆万圣节快乐:) 2020 02 02 来修一下模组描述,顺便为PRC的诸位祝一句迟来的春节快乐 https://...
作成者 flaky
Oink! Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, oink! Here is a HOT BRAND NEW PIG SHOP. A kind piggy sells you useful stuff for some goldie nuggets! The items are limited but the piggy gets new every season! And if you've been byuing for so long and it's alread...
[SW]Totooria Helmold
作成者 柴柴Chai-Chai Stats: Initial is fragile, 150 hungry, 200 sanity, 75 health Damage = Wendy ————————————————————————————————————...
[T] Map Plug-in
作成者 Talent.M
QQ 群:231241088(已满) QQ 群:790445377 You may still need another MOD:Fast Work ...