Portal 2

Portal 2

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Secondary Fire: Something Old... [PART 4]
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Secondary Fire: Something Old... [PART 4]

In 1 collection by Rubycario
Secondary Fire Testing Initiative
5 items
Hey, long time no see, huh? Anyway, I found this chamber just sitting there, almost completely finished on my computer, so I decided to patch it up, get it working, and finally release it.

This map is meant to be the fourth installment in my "Secondary Fire" map series inspired by the popular mod, "Blue Portals." This chamber is a tad more difficult than the last 3, especially considering the Portal Momentum Chaining at the begining.

This chamber involves 3 of FourthReaper's custom testing elements. They are as follows.

(Yellow) Force Deflection Field. Allows nothing to pass through it except Portals and Turret gunfire.

(Green) Surface Division Field. Basically a giant Portal. Anything can pass through it.

The purple field I forget the name of. Only allows cubes and what not to pass through it, not the player.

Special thanks to Groxkiller for the use of his prefabs, and FourthReaper for the use of his testing elements. And of course, the Blue Portals team for the inspiration.

UPDATE: 7/11/15
-Added color corrections to help with the overall environments.
-Added props and decals to help with the environment of room 2.
-Completely changed the environment of room 2.
-Turrets will now self destruct when they are tipped over.
--This is to prevent people from tossing disabled turrets into the button and not giving the cube enough space to hit it.
-Fixed up the soundscapes to better help with the environment.
-Minor lighting edits.
-Added an area around the blue Portal in room 2.
--This was done to give the player some space to place the ball down so they could get out of the pit easier.
-Changed the ball in room 1 to a cube.
-Added turret to room 1.
Grem™ May 17 @ 5:02pm 
I wonder why so many portal-related projects associate time travel with green..
Fireball19 May 16, 2021 @ 5:19pm 
2021 and we still play your maps. Shows how good they are. Keep up the good work .Hope you're still making test chambers. :steamthumbsup:
SpielSatzFail Mar 3, 2021 @ 12:38pm 
Very entertaining series, thumbs up :-)
hub Feb 9, 2021 @ 5:58am 
Instantiation Aug 10, 2019 @ 7:35pm 

Only one portal and a room full of turrets? A bit more dangerous than normal.

The destroyed look turned out great.

Surface division! I was not ready for the sideways room. Fortunately 'just try' sometimes works.
𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖗 Dec 27, 2017 @ 3:10pm 
that was the best map I ever play:steamhappy:
Light Warrior Dec 28, 2016 @ 4:25pm 
Thank you for your wonderful reply, which shows that all your decisions were preceded by careful thought. None of my criticisms were a very big deal, and I appreciate your responses and your desire to do things the way you did. Simply, my thinking of what makes a test chamber great (especially with regard to the secondary-fire) is that I picture Aperture Science consistently doing only what is necessary. Your desire to use secondary fire is more than enough reason to do it; that doesn't translate to Aperture doing it. Thanks!
Rubycario  [author] Dec 13, 2016 @ 11:06pm 

As for the secondary fire, that was purely for aesthetic reasons. To stand out. There's no real logical reason to it because I didn't think that of all things required one. It doesn't make a difference whether the main portal is blue or orange, but I wanted to further set these maps apart from other fantastic Portal projects, especially ones that gave me inpiration for single portal map making.

As for the fields rather than doors, I explained above. They where meant to be used in more difficult and diverse ways, one of which including both sides of the field to lead to two entirely separate locations. (ie, the back leads to a room with a button, while going through the front leads to a room with a cube)

Anywho, sorry for the long post, but I hope I was able to clarify a few of the questions you had. Thank you for your critic, it's very much appreciated! :D :p2orange:
Rubycario  [author] Dec 13, 2016 @ 11:06pm 
@Light Warrior
Thank you for your critic, the time you put into that is something I honestly do appreciate. :) Now, allow me to explain why I did what I did here.

Before anything I should say that this was more or less a tutorial bed for these green fields. I had more difficult and engaging tests planned for them in the future, but never got around to them do to my, unfortunate, dwindling interest in Portal. So, that's why I used these over doors. I'd reccomend checking out FourthReaper's Penrose maps to see what these fields are capable of in a more advanced setting. :)

The gravity flipping, I assume you mean in the destroyed room, correct? Was mainly to show that these fields could alter how the player percieves gravity in the chamber. Instead of flinging straigt up and falling right back down, you're instead flinged upwards into a room where you land safely. This concept was to be expanded on in future maps, but as stated I never got to them.
Light Warrior Nov 30, 2016 @ 4:02pm 
This is a very good test, with wonderful, foreboding atmosphere, music, and aesthetics. However, it falls short of being excellent because of numerous things about it that I don't understand. First, I didn't like the gravity flipping, and I don't understand why it was necessary. Second, why only secondary fire, and not primary? Just to be different? I saw no logical reason for it. Third, I don't see why certain walls had to just vanish and instantly rematerialize, when you could have had them just open and close.