Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Post Apocalyptic Occupations
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Apr 10, 2023 @ 12:34pm
Jun 2, 2023 @ 6:12am
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Post Apocalyptic Occupations

In 1 collection by NukaBoy
Last Days - 50YL Hardcore Collection
106 items
This mod replaces the vanilla occupations with 25 post apocalyptic occupations (Not all of them are shown in the preview images above). Some of these are fairly basic and are based on the vanilla occupations while others are completely different or purely for flavor. There are also some new traits. These are occupation specific though and not selectable.

List of occupations
- Drifter
- Former Slave
- Cultist
- Peasant
- Clothier
- Herbalist
- Blacksmith
- Tinkerer
- Scavenger
- Gatherer
- Hermit
- Hunter
- Raider
- Travelling Merchant
- Militia
- Scout
- Bounty Hunter
- Tribesman
- Psycho
- Exotic Dancer
- Gladiator
- Deadbeat
- Courier
- Educator
- Thief

No known bugs right now. If you find any please report them.

Compatibility / Prerequisites
Don't use this mod with other occupation mods. Some of them might not work.

This mod was created for future use on my MP server. Thus it has a relatively long and specific list of prerequisite mods.

You will need most of these only for certain occupations. If you are playing singleplayer and don't plan on using them you can play without them.

- Profession Framework (ALWAYS required)
- The Workshop (Not used by any occupation but needed to run Scrap Weapons mod)
- Scrap Weapons (Used by "Raider")
- Yaki's Makeshift Clothing (Used by "Clothier" and "Tribesman")
- More Maps (Used by "Courier")

Post Apocalypse, 10YL, Professions, Occupations, Traits, Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Overhaul

Workshop ID: 2960670927
Mod ID: postapoc_occupations
Mod ID: postapoc_occupations_lastdays
Nova the Clown May 16 @ 6:21am 
Hello! @nukaboy what does pretty do?
DDL Apr 18 @ 3:46pm 
after instaling this mod I can still see occupations from Vanilla, how should I do so that only Post Apocalyptic Occupations remain
Aradia Megido Apr 13 @ 12:33pm 
what does pretty do?
Ghostchild369 Apr 9 @ 12:23am 
how to enable mod? i copied the id number and all to 4players.. all mods are woking except this one
Morgan Mar 28 @ 7:40pm 
May I add this to my modpack?
NukaBoy  [author] Mar 13 @ 12:56am 
@Pakal82: As long as you make the mod non-public on the workshop feel free to adjust it
Pakal82 Feb 11 @ 1:32am 
HI @nukaboy. Your mod is very very interesting...
I'm creating my own dedicated multiplayer server and wanted to ask if I can take the basis of your mod and modify it to fit my server. I would like to change the name of some professions, profession costs and items that professions spawn with
As long as it's not a problem for you
I look forward to your response
Big work
Tharuviel Feb 8 @ 9:28pm 
If anyone else is having issues with some professions just not showing up, for me the issue was that somehow the "Profession Framework Old Build 41 Patch" mod got enabled in my server instead of Profession Framework and that was breaking things
mthoms Jan 18 @ 2:03am 
@nukaboy - i found some of the traits would duplicate (in my own profession modding I had the same issue and for me at least, it happened when i had set a trait to be part of a given occupation's inherent traits... to fix, i had to make a inconspicuous2 (example) version of the trait and make it mutually exclusive with its original version and have the game switch any trait2 traits with the original version on gamestart)...

but to summarise, the issue i faced with yours is that a few traits given by professions are still selectable on the available traits menu which means u can choose them twice (which is particularly bad when a player chooses the same negative trait twice allowing extreme points)
NukaBoy  [author] Jan 17 @ 12:59pm 
@mthoms Are you sure this isn't a mod conflict issue? You are the first person to report this specific issue and it never occured when during my tests