

150 ratings
Submarine Overhaul
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Apr 4, 2023 @ 11:29pm
May 24 @ 4:21am
107 Change Notes ( view )

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Submarine Overhaul

This is Submarine pack that overhauls every single submarine in the vanilla game. To not just look better, but to play better, and fix many issues.

Forgive me for the janky-ness of this mod page, this is the first time I've really put a lot of effort into making look good (I'm not good at graphic design). Do bare in mind that some of the information, and all of the screenshots are out of date. It's better than what it looks like.

My buddy Plag helped me out a lot with this mod page, so go check him out! he's the creator behind the Real Sonar mod.


Major Features
  • Better AI support!!!
  • Pretty subs!
  • T3 Dugong and Barsuk subs! (for the fun of it)
  • linked fab/decon/medfab!
  • Medfab and a bar added to the Berila!
  • Security/Engineering Door added to the Kastrull!
  • Brig, and an additional ladder added to the Typhon!
  • Cameras added to the Remora, and Azimuth! Berila gets a new camera system as well!
  • More docking ports, with greater control over them!
  • Better room names!
  • And more! (that i probably forgot to mention here)

Keep in mind, This pack includes ALL SUBS. That means shuttles, and drones get treated as well. And any sub that isn't shown on the mod page are also treated as well.

AI improvements
A huge portion of barotraumas bot performance comes down to how good the subs waypoints are.
As such, I've reworked all submarines/drones/shuttles to accommodate our beloved bots as much as possible. I'm able to do this thanks to cleaner waypoints, better placement of said points, and improving how bots use airlocks and ladders.
Bots can now consistently use ladders without tripping up, and wont accidentally open airlock doors into the ocean. Additionally, They can now move between drones without issue as well.

for example: the kastrull drone has been heavily modified to allow bots to be able to access its ballast tank. The remora drone has had similar modifications done, with the added bonus of an added airlock.

(if you guys find any issue, please let me know. I'll see what I can do about it)

Future Plans
I might add these things to my mod:
  • New subs
  • Making pre-existing subs more interesting
KnightForEyes May 24 @ 9:02pm 
Uhh.. The Humpback-1 still has the same issues.Engine still taking damage.
Stravinsky May 24 @ 6:26am 
@KnightForEyes it would be good to remind that modders are not paid for producing the mod. You are aware that they will be bug because it doesnt follow AAA video game producing method (that are also bugged as hell at release) i had in barotrauma 4 or 5 20h long campaign ruined with 6 multiplayer friend because of mod bug. Its like that.. you cant be mad at a modder for ruining your game (i guess only if his intention IS to destroy your game/pc on purpose). It has to be reminded again and again !
Antoneeee  [author] May 24 @ 4:30am 
Additionally, I don't have the time nor the ability to always spot every problem that a sub has. Most problems are only revealed when given extensive play testing and doing an entire campaign. And frankly, I don't have the time, manpower, or the energy to do this. Especially for minor modifications.
KnightForEyes May 24 @ 4:29am 
Thank you very much. And again sorry bout blowin out like Hammerhead Matriach. And again. Please. Just test it before launching it. Avoid working midnights for a mod. Work for it when you guys got the minds, If you guys mess up and somebody (examp) like me would have the big issue and would leave mad things like this. At least thank god you guys are hella active, Apologies again.
Antoneeee  [author] May 24 @ 4:24am 
Antoneeee  [author] May 24 @ 4:22am 
Be more respectful next time.
KnightForEyes May 24 @ 4:18am 
Yes, I am kinda mad that they're not even testing their own subs. But at least dont make us the Target dummies. Im stuck with this broken ship now! We cant even contunue cus of this (AI just always gets distracted by engine, Stealing away few suits etc, acts very weirdly)
KnightForEyes May 24 @ 4:08am 
Attention : Probably Mod Devs isnt testing their Subs. I had alot of issues with this mod. Like right now... Humpback-1's engine currently taking damage per second (1dmg per second), They're not even trying to look "Hmm I edited this sub, I must test things out to be sure If everything is going well with AI or players who using it"

Please on god get yourselves a tester or test the damn things for game or two. Maybe 5 games. Be sure everything goes well on the sub. This mod is a headache of minor bugs.

Anyway yeah. TEST YOUR SUBS BEFORE RELEASING IT. Thanks. Just wanted to point this out for these devs who throwing wrench for their every subs and dont even try it, Let the players send info like a Beta Tester.
owl boy May 6 @ 9:26pm 
it seems like the typhon 1's upper airlock is broken. i believe all it needs is for the wires in the circuit box's SIGNAL_IN_2 and SIGNAL_IN_3 to be swapped.
bleuskii May 2 @ 6:57am 
@Antoneeee Awesome, thank you. Keep up the great work!