Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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*Old* Custom AI - ResonanceBot4e ST and EX
Old Workshop: Scenario
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29 JUL 2014 a las 4:37
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*Old* Custom AI - ResonanceBot4e ST and EX


A new version of ResonanceBot is now public! This version is out-dated.

ResonanceBot 4e Description:
Click 'Subscribe' to download a very challenging and advanced Custom AI for Age of Empires II: HD Edition. This mod supports both the vanilla HD Edition and "The Forgotten Expansion." I designed both AIs to provide the most entertaining and satisfying game experience for the players.

This mod contains *two* different Custom AIs for Age of Empires II: HD Edition. The first AI that comes packaged in this is the newest version of my 6v2 AI, now referred to as ResonanceBot EX, or Extra. This is the AI that you have probably seen featured on my YouTube page. ResonanceBot EX is designed to play in a series of 6v2 scenarios in which the two super powered AIs take on 6 human or AI opponents! This particular AI comes packaged in the form of several different Scenario maps, all of which have randomly generated resource layouts! The maps include Arabia, Team Islands, and a custom map of mine called "Wetlands." Wetlands is an open land map that has several ponds scattered around it that are teeming with Shore Fish. The reason that the EX version only comes in Scenarios and not as an AI file is because the EX version is designed to play with extra population, a feature only possible through a Scenario. In addition, nobody wants to spawn adjacent to ResonanceBot EX, so the Scenario map layouts position both teams directly across from each other.

The second AI that this mod contains is the brand new ResonanceBot ST, or Standard. This AI does not cheat on any difficulty except Hard and Hardest and is designed to be a flexible, challenging, and helpful AI. What makes this AI unique is that it helps teach you the game while you play. ResonanceBot ST offers you advice during the matches, >>a feature that can toggled on or off<<. It also adjusts the difficulty slightly to better match the skill level of its opponents, ensuring that every match is an exciting one. That feature can also be turned off. You can even pick his strategies for him! Playing against ResonanceBot ST is a great way to learn Age of Empires II. While ResonanceBot ST is not the most effective AI, I designed it to be fun and to have flaws that are exploitable by the enemy. I wanted it so that if you recognize mistakes in the AI's strategy, that a skilled player can take of advantage of them and win. In that sense I believe my AI provides an extremely entertaining, educational, and meaningful experience that not all AIs can deliver. And of course it has a wide variety of funny AI taunts that add flavor to every match. The taunts add to the satisfaction of finally defeating it, but you can always turn them off. It can also play most standard maps and settings. It prefers to play open land maps like Arabia, but it can certainly play Black Forest, Islands, Mediterranean, and many other maps. As long as the population is 200+, teams are locked, and the starting age is the Dark Age, ResonanceBot4e ST should play fine. I made the second AI because people often asked me if they could 1v1 the EX version of my AI or play it non-6v2 matches. The EX version was designed to play against an unfair number of opponents, so putting it in a different type of match would be rather unfair for the enemy. Now you are more than welcome to 1v1 my AI, 2v2 it, or play it however you choose! Keep in mind that ResonanceBot ST was designed to only play against humans, so it is not very optimzed for AI only matches. Chatting Taunt 42 to my AI will allow you to enable or disable certain AI behaviors. More details on both AIs can be found below.

Changelog from Version 4d:

Changelog TLDR:
-ResonanceBot EX now has completely randomized strategies, unit choices, taunts, and more!
-All of the Scenario maps are randomized now.
-A mountain of bug fixes and optimization improvements.
-Lower difficulties have been heavily tweaked and fixed.
-AI no longer resigns when his Town Center is lost.

How to Play against the Custom AI:

To play the EX version of ResonanceBot you have to go to the Scenario list in your game and select it from there. There are 6 Scenario Maps in total, 3 for HD Edition (HD) and 3 for The Forgotten (FE). Select the appropriate one for whichever version of the game you are playing .To play the map in Single Player, simply go to the Scenario Editor and click Test. That way the teams will stay locked. To play ResonanceBox EX in multiplayer you need to select the appropriate Scenario from within the multiplayer lobby and then all the players in the lobby will download that file. Then fill each slot with a Computer or Human player (all slots must be filled for the AI to work!). The Scenarios come packaged with a snazzy Teammate AI that will tribute you resources and help you fight ResonanceBot EX. If you are struggling to defeat ResonanceBot EX, I recommend that you try to reach the Castle Age quickly and build a Castle to protect yourself. ;)

To play the ST version of ResonanceBot, you simply have to go to Single Player and select the AI from the drop down menu next to "Computer." Select the appropriate version of ResonanceBot ST based on whether or not you are playing on vanilla HD Edition (HD) or The Forgotten (F). To play with or against ResonanceBot ST in multiplayer you just need to select the corresponding version from the drop down menu next to 'Computer' within the multiplayer lobby. Make sure to select 200+ population and the starting age should be set to the Dark Age.

Other Information:
ResonanceBot EX can only be played in Scenarios and all player slots must be filled by either Computer or Human players.

ResonanceBot ST can be played on most standard maps, but it struggles on strange maps like Migration or Budapest. It also prefers to be played on standard settings such as 200 or more population, Dark Age start, locked teams, and low resources. ResonanceBot ST can also play King of the Hill on standard settings but not other game modes. While the AI can partially play Death Match and Regicide to a degree, it is not optimized for either of those game modes. At the moment you can chat the AI taunt 42 to enable or disable certain behaviors such as chats, taunts, dynamic difficulty, and early resigning. You can also change its selected strategy there. Lastly, ResonanceBot ST is not optimized at all to play against other AIs in matches with no human players.

While my AI is not the most intelligent or advanced AI out there, The Barbarian comes to mind, without Userpatch 1.4 it is quite difficult to fix many of these issues. Not only that but I created my AI with the goal of creating the most fun AI out there, rather than the smartest. ;) It should create a very enjoyable experience every game.

Other cool AIs on the Steam Workshop:

21 comentarios
WizzEz 31 AGO 2014 a las 11:56 
3 words YOU ARE AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!
John Fish 9 AGO 2014 a las 9:23 
I love it! The new ST is really good for training, and harder than the new, official AI. A weird thing I noticed though, or maybe this was just me, but I found the AI harder to beat on 'Hard' than on 'Hardest' :)
WizzEz 9 AGO 2014 a las 3:38 
how do you download it?
GTRulez 7 AGO 2014 a las 10:16 
I just played a match with ResonanceBot ST in my team and 2 normal AI's to compare him in a 4v4 match.
he does play alot better as a team mate while 1 of the 2 standard AI failed to send any support troops at all. ST was sending troops all the time to keep the pressure on.

at the standard difficulity he said he was going for a fast castle strategy, however he was the slowest of all 8 players to reach the castle age. he had quite a few extra villagers when he did though

I'm liking it so far!
Resonance22  [autor] 2 AGO 2014 a las 15:22 
With ResonanceBot ST you do not need to fill all player slots. It can play with any amount of players. ;)

If anyone has any feedback about how the lower difficulty levels feel, I am always interested in that. For example, if anyone plays against the Easiest/Standard difficulty, does it provide a challenge while not feeling overwhelming?

And lastly, how do you prefer to play against my AI? 1v1, 3v3, what map, etc? I am curious about what your preferred playstyle is. I will factor in any feedback in addition to the changes listed above.

And thanks for the kind and helpful feedback everyone! I will be releasing a smaller update within the next few weeks to iron out some kinks and bugs. Most importantly I will be improving the AI on water maps and other weird maps as well as tweaking the AI's advice and taunts. Of course in the meantime you are welcome to chat the AI taunt 42 to to toggle on and off its chats or other behaviors. :D
Loggy 2 AGO 2014 a las 15:11 
The AI doesn't seem terribly adaptive: it decided to continue throwing cav archers, archers and spears at mine when I had a large pile of skirms with a few archers and scorpions. As mine had no pikemen the obvious thing to do would have been to pull out the cavalry, but it didn't happen.

Eventually mine lost as it just couldn't keep up with the sheer volume of non-trash units produced by cheating resources.

Also, you might want to avoid using (game-time == something) as this might not actually trigger if you turn the speed up. If the script doesn't get a pass on the exact second then it won't ever happen. The only other thing I noticed is that your AI doesn't seem to always upgrade units sensibly - it went for a long time in the castle age without getting bodkin/leather armour when it would benefit its entire army.
Hannibal 2 AGO 2014 a las 12:23 
So looking at your youtube vids... With the ST ai you don't have to fill all the slots or you do?
gagman 2 AGO 2014 a las 10:21 
ahh thanks - i wasnt read it :D
so forget the rest after "the AI is fine -"
ai is fine - i liked it !
Resonance22  [autor] 2 AGO 2014 a las 3:37 
You can turn off the messages with the 42 taunt.
BigLung 1 AGO 2014 a las 18:16 
10/10 will play this AI again