

85 ratings
DynamicEuropa - Default Level Size Patch
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Feb 1, 2023 @ 9:12pm
Mar 13, 2023 @ 9:29am
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DynamicEuropa - Default Level Size Patch

You like to play with DynamicEuropa, but the transition level are too long for your taste?
This patch will reset the level sizes back to default values, but keep the other modified values to still give you the features of DynamicEuropa's biome overhaul!
This version is NOT compatible with Frith's Biomes!

A version for Frith's Biomes compatibility can be found here.

Load Order:
- DynamicEuropa - Default Level Size Patch
- DynamicEuropa

You need a new campaign for it to work. Level size values are saved upon world generation at the start of a campaign and can't be changed later on.
Load order is important! This patch needs to be placed above DynamicEuropa, otherwise it will be overwritten and stops working!
hUbert 2 8 hours ago 
Note that Dynamic Europa now uses (mostly) regular level size matching vanilla
_]|M|[_  [author] May 4 @ 4:38am 
@Rebel: It just makes levels smaller. It doesn't make them easier to navigate. Levels will still be somewhat larger than vanilla as I've mentioned a thousand times by now due to levels not being a straight line anymore.

@Leonix: That happens in vanilla too since the Blood in the Water update. Not the mod's fault.

@LuciferLuck: No, the map generation is handled by DynamicEuropa and specific map generation patches. This only affects the submarine levels.

@Umberman: Just unlucky level generation. The very first level of the campaign is fairly short with just about 600m, but sometimes you can also get the rare maze level which causes the distance to be very far because of its zig zag generation.
Umberman May 3 @ 4:51pm 
Did this mod break today? Some levels have been like 2 clicks to the objective
LuciferLuck Apr 30 @ 12:13pm 
Does it also have original map's structure?
Leonix Apr 29 @ 9:26am 
Could you make alternative version with length about 1600 km? O.o I think this mod messes with the generation of beacons and wrecks a bit, because it generates beacons too close to the starting point, and once it gave me a beacon right into an outpost (giant submarine) so they were stuffed inside each other and I couldn't recover the signal. Also I didn't encounter a single wreck the whole time I was traveling... o.o
Rebel Apr 15 @ 11:58am 
Is this mod suppost to change the Level generation so its easier to navigate through ? Or should it make the levels smaller ?
BrGuardian Apr 1 @ 7:04am 
So, what I'm supposed to expect, because I still got 3km maps early game
OniTJI Mar 20 @ 3:36pm 
I appreciate the response, thanks for the heads up.
_]|M|[_  [author] Mar 19 @ 4:28pm 
I don't know what else to tell you... The horizontal level size is the exact same as vanilla for almost all level types and I've done some more testing to confirm the mod is indeed working.

No mods whatsoever. Pure vanilla "coldcavernsadvanced":
Ranges from 1400m-1600m

DynamicEuropa + DynamicEuropa Default Level Size Patch "coldcavernsadvanced":
Ranges from 1800m-2400m

I've never gotten anything above a one time 2500m range.
The horizontal level width is exactly the same as vanilla. The slightly increased size travel distance is caused by obstacles on the way since the level is no longer just a straight line and instead often has multiple paths and islands in the way which you need to navigate around and thus the overall travel distance it indeed a bit larger, but making the level even smaller would completely ruin the biome changes of DE since the level generator already struggles squeezing it all into these smaller level sizes.
Rebel Mar 17 @ 7:31am 
They should seriously update this mod, And that frith's biomes one