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Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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27/nov./2022 às 13:11
11 de abr. às 17:04
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This mod removes the skill cap of 20, making it possible to scale way higher.

It requires Harmony to do all of its things, but who doesn't have it nowadays.

Of course, I've been heavily inspired of Ducks' Insane Skills while creating this, and the lack of a 1.4 update pushed me to learn Transpiling and do my own little version of it, so feel free to check out his mod as well (which does kinda the same so clearly not compatible)

By default, most stats are going to be made useless by caps. You can use the Un-Limited mod by Alexis Grimm to make everything work better

You have different settings you can use to decide if you want to have a max level, if you want to allow prices to be abused, mute notifications, etc... (Don't forget to restart the game to apply)

If you need to change how levels are learned, you can use Mad Skills as the Endless Growth mod will not reimplement what that mod is doing.

Although there is no theoretical limit, my lazyness made me make everything scale up to 100.

Level 100 requires 650K XP to reach from level 99 so it should be fine to assume no one will ever reach it.

Bills' max level is set to 100 by default, unless you have a pawn that has a skill level above level 80, in which case it is set to that level + 20 (Can be set by a setting). If a bill is set to max level, it will be scaled up everytime the max is raised to make sure you don't have to micromanage them. If a max level is selected, then that will be the max for bills instead (min of 20).

For now, this mod is very limited, I mostly ended up correcting bugs I found while testing and doing what I saw as important, but the future is bright. I do intend to make it better to scale your characters above certain skill levels. If you have any ideas, hit me with a comment, it'll certainly help if people spot where the scaling breaks or isn't enough to be useful.

For the sake of simplicity, I removed the hard limit on Quality, which means you can now get Legendary items, and Masterwork items should be more frequent (as I've made Legendary be the one to follow the old Masterwork rules in place). The curves were all custom mades using my own little hands, so if you feel like it's a bit too OP, feel free to comment about it, I'm all about feedback.

The curve on Quality is mostly vanilla before level 20, and then it goes:
20 - 4.2
30 - 5.0
40 - 5.7
50 - 6.0
100 - 10.0

In vanilla, when you roll a 5 (max level of masterwork without inspiration), you still can get rolled down since it will do another GaussianRandom on it half of the time (Rand.Value < 0.5) which will again get Clamped to 5 afterwards. I changed it so that it only does it on a value of 6, and clamping to 6, meaning you an get Legendaries without inspiration and masterwork are a bit more frequent.

All of this means level 20 is mostly excellent, 30 is mostly masterwork and 50 is mostly legendary.

I haven't done enough in depth testing to my liking (especially since it's my first mod using Harmony Transpilers), but I feel like releasing this will most likely help me iron out the details, so feel free to complain if something breaks.

This mod is compatible with Vanilla Traits Expanded's Perfectionist trait (you can create legendaries with it).

Russian translation by LeonusDH [github.com]

Github link [github.com]
Discussões populares Ver todos (3)
28 de jan. às 15:52
AFIXADO: Bug Reports
29 de abr. às 14:34
AFIXADO: Ideas & Suggestions
10/jan./2023 às 4:55
Mod compatibility
213 comentário(s)
Drudicta 5 de jun. às 17:54 
I'd also love a patch for Vanilla Skills Expanded, but also won't be upset if it doesn't come.
Arcanical 30 de mai. às 18:35 
Doesn't work with Vanilla Skills Expanded, ie the expertise the mod adds - normal skills works just as they should, but all expertise is capped at 20, with it rolling over from needing 33k to 36k xp and back again.

A patch that made it work with that would be really, really cool and much appreciated, as well as Unreasonable Expertise, though I think just patching VSE would make that work as well (it adds more expertise, slightly OP but kinda on theme).

Love the mod, thanks for all the work you've done to make it work!
GULÉ🏠 29 de mai. às 12:54 
Okay I tried to remove all other mods and just use this, it still gives me the 180lvl limit. So.. It's maybe this mod?
GULÉ🏠 29 de mai. às 11:54 
Okay after removing this mod, it still says 180lvl limit. I don't get it.
But it's not this mods fault :O
GULÉ🏠 29 de mai. às 11:45 
I'm having this issue, where I have haxed out pawns:
"Cannot butcher creature: Above allowed skill 180"?


After a lot of testing, i'm fairly sure it's this mod? Can't see what else it could be :O
ark 28 de mai. às 18:37 
@Theo3211 nothing is ever compatible with CE, just use a different combat mod
Sir Parker I 24 de mai. às 8:51 
Im sure i missed something but my pawn skills dont go past 20,
Theo3211 16 de mai. às 13:55 
Will it be compatible with the next CE update ?
giimer 4 de mai. às 1:29 
2ZeroNoPocky Yes, it's possible. It will take more training or more neurotrainers, but bad genetics poses no barrier.
The Dutchman 3 de mai. às 19:40 