Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

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Brock Lesnar
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5 aug, 2022 @ 22:47
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Brock Lesnar

I 1 samling av TheAvenger3
TheAvenger3's Current Wrestlers A-L
751 artiklar
"The Beast Incarnate" Brock Lesnar has proved to be a major draw in anything he's ever done, including his time as a champion in WWE and UFC. Lesnar even drew attention during an unsuccessful run trying to make it in the NFL.

As a wrestler, Lesnar has won multiple world titles in WWE. While more recently wrestling a limited schedule, Lesnar has been no less dominant, taking anyone in his path to Suplex City.

Possibly even more impressive than his title wins and reigns, Lesnar handed The Undertaker his first loss at Wrestlemania, a fact his advocate Paul Heyman has brought up on numerous occasions.

As an MMA fighter, Lesnar quickly rose to the top in the UFC Heavyweight rankings, winning the Heavyweight Title early on in his MMA career before leaving the sport due to medical issues.

This edit uses 250 points and has four attires (wrestling only), moves, and logic.

Music: Brock_Lesnar.mp3