Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx

819 평점
Half-Life: Incursion
즐겨찾기 해제
Addon Type: Maps
Difficulty: Hardcore
태그: Alyx Addon
파일 크기
1.639 GB
2022년 7월 28일 오전 6시 47분
1개의 변경 사항 ( 보기 )

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Half-Life: Incursion



Gameplay Premise
When Alyx Vance is caught on the wrong side of the Quarantine Zone, she has only her wits, guns, and Russell to help her get back to City 17. But it won't be easy: the Combine have her trapped at one of their checkpoints, and she'll need to manage her resources and use clever tactics to escape...or stick around for some target practice.

There are plenty of resources scattered around the area, be it resin, ammo, health, or weapons caches. If you look hard enough, you may find some well-hidden resources that could give you a leg-up in your fight.

Fortunately there's a Combine fabricator located nearby. Use it to your advantage if you can catch a break. Go from only carrying Russell's old pistol to wielding a fully kitted-out arsenal of your choosing.

You will inevitably run low on resources from time to time, but there are plenty of opportunities for improvisation.

This will be a challenging fight. The odds are against you and you've been backed into a corner. Use your experience from the campaign to get an edge over the Combine.


Gameplay Features
  • An hour-long campaign with non-linear objectives; choose your upgrade and weapon progression route.
  • An open arena with randomized enemy spawns locations, signified by an alarm and a Combine forcefield.
  • Randomized ammo and resin spawns to vary each playthrough.
  • Deployable tripmines; place them strategically to improve your chances.
  • A high fidelity environment to fight in, meant to emulate the quality of the main campagin.
Incursion Devs님이 먼저 게시:
We felt the campaign was a bit lacking in challenge as it is very friendly to new VR users. Consequently this is a challenging level for experienced Half-Life: Alyx players. It is not advised to play on 'Hard' mode for your first playthrough.
Additionally - This mod may not be compatible with some others, we recommend you disable all subscribed addons before launching Incursion.

Special Thanks
인기 토론 모두 보기(7)
2023년 1월 31일 오전 6시 44분
Update: I opened it!!!! How do you Open that door with the light switch next to it?
2024년 1월 23일 오전 3시 38분
Will this be compatible with no VR mod by SoMNst?
2023년 1월 31일 오전 6시 41분
"Lite" Version to improve performance?
댓글 128
Fleumou 2024년 5월 13일 오전 7시 59분 
Un de mes mods préférés. C'est comme si j'avais fait une méga partie de Laser Game ou de Paint Ball avec des amis, alors que j'ai pas d'amis ! Et rien de flippant (j'en peux plus des trucs flippants dans Alyx).
RUSTY 2024년 5월 12일 오전 11시 14분 
wow, that was so cool! Thank you!
-Dark Striker- 2024년 5월 1일 오전 10시 51분 
j ai des crash aleatoire sur cette extension dommage car le mod est mortel
just a random idiot 2024년 3월 3일 오전 2시 10분 
i really hope there is no headcrabs in here
MedicBucky 2024년 2월 8일 오전 4시 23분 
WHOA. That was a blast.
Okay so when does part 2 come out. lol.
Well done!!

And something remarkable happened here. STABLE. quick load times. and did i mention no crashes. no lags. no remade assets. no "missing next map" error.
sergiy.vakulenko 2024년 1월 1일 오후 2시 01분 
What intense sweaty fight, uh. Barely managed to finish this map.
Marasmusine 2023년 10월 16일 오전 5시 38분 
That was great! You're not kidding about hard mode, which is what I normally play on. Stepped down to Normal and just scraped through. This is 360-degree combat and you have to keep your wits about you. Joey Bracken's VO was excellent as always.:CapitalDome:
Der Dachboden 2023년 10월 11일 오후 4시 17분 
this remains the single best map on the workshop. The difficulty is just right, the visuals are beautiful, the voice acting is great, and the writing is on point. Seriously, this is the only map I have played so far that actually makes manages to match Russel's dialogue from the base game. You can tell that his lines were written by somebody who actually knows how to write, it's amazing what a difference that can make.
Skummeh 2023년 10월 3일 오후 12시 56분 
Congrats, Nate! You made two of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had in HLA. Now go make Half-Life 3 :)
dogbite 2023년 10월 3일 오전 11시 30분 
Congrats to you Mr Grove for your being scooped up by Valve. Well deserved