

341 ratings
VFE Ancients - Vaults are Eternal
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
395.734 KB
May 23, 2022 @ 3:06am
Apr 8 @ 4:31am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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VFE Ancients - Vaults are Eternal

A modification to the Sealed Vault quests found by hacking the Ancient Broadcast Stations inside vaults added by the Vanilla Factions Expanded Ancients mod.

Rather than giving you 30 days or so to approach a vault sealed for countless years, you can now approach at your leisure. These quests no longer time out once found.

To prevent anyone else finding such data however, the Broadcast Stations now self destruct once hacked!

Known Issues
There have been reports of Broadcast Stations not appearing in vaults but so far I have been unable to repoduce this. This mod should only change the handling after the Broadcast Station is hacked, so I do not expect it to adjust their spawns.

There are no known compatibility issues.

Future Updates
There are currently no plans for future changes to the mod.

This mod has been created by me, SpaceMoth! Made after getting frustrated with being forced to loot vaults ASAP to avoid loosing the lead, that also resulted in colony wealth getting out of control.

This mod is available on GitHub[github.com] with the GNU GPL v3 License[choosealicense.com] so please feel free to take a look to help develop your own mods!

I will aim to update my mods within a couple weeks of any major update!
Please feel free to suggest ideas of additional mods. New mod creation can take some time but I am welcome to ideas. Please note my skills are in scripting and coding, and I have very little ability when it comes to art and assets.

ID: 2811663208 Mod ID: Spacemoth.VFEAEternalVaults
Reeva! Mar 7 @ 2:19pm 
Hard to say. If those extra layout variation mods tie in with the base quest to find a sealed vault, it should be compatible. If it's its own quest, it likely won't. This mod removes the timer on the specific quests you find to unlock more vaults, if it also works on quests added by other mods, I'd be mega surprised.

Worst case, it crashes your game, but corrupting a save file seems very unlikely, so you'll have to test it out. My guess, no it's not compatible, but both mods should still work as intended.
PringlesMachoMan Mar 5 @ 5:13pm 
Does anyone know if this is compatible with mods that add more layout variations of ancient vaults?
Reeva! Dec 6, 2023 @ 7:48am 
When you pick Cassandra, you're asking for death.
When you pick Randy, you're asking for death, but later, or sooner, he decides.

When you pick Phoebe, you're asking for 100 manhunting chinchillas with constant zzzts while your 3 protagonists hide in the fridge cuz some idiot left the front door open.

Yes. Give me the power armour mod. Give me the lightsabre. Give me the power to nuke my enemies.
Mr. Rottenson Jun 30, 2023 @ 7:13am 
@makoaluveaux Let's be honest: Rimworld vanilla is anything BUT a balanced experience, anyway
Dumb RNG for fights (I had pawns with 11 shooting and bolt actions lose to manhunting TURTLES)
Braindead AI (You can tell me a game is "balanced" if the entirety of its community revolves around the use of killboxes to survive the late game)
And a whole lot of things that can happen regardless of your capabilities of being prepared for them (hard to store up food when everything gets a blight, hunting becomes way too unreliable, thanks to the aforementioned RNG, a wild animal can happily hunt your cows while all your fight-capable pawns are in their beds to heal up from unnecessary wounds they ended up taking, because armor is ALSO RNG dependent! And so on...)

Rimworld is NOT a balanced game. There, I freaking said it!
Shadow Jun 18, 2023 @ 8:56pm 
Would be even more interesting, if they still had a timer, but turned into "looted" version after it expires rather than vanishing. And the looted ones were eternal.
No idea if it's possible though
UndefinedT Nov 24, 2022 @ 3:22am 
I literally searched for this mod before attempting to create it, thanks for reading my mind and putting in the work!
makoaluveaux Nov 19, 2022 @ 12:29am 
@Titan That is because the vanilla friendly folks are obsessed with the original balance of the game so it doesnt matter if it makes sense. If something changes the balance of the game EVEN SLIGHTLY its UnAcCePtaBle
Stim The One Sep 18, 2022 @ 7:28am 
Strangely, after adding this mod I have visited three looted vaults and all of them are missing their broadcast stations. I hoped to just get that so I can chill with the sealed vault on no timer, but seems that I am no longer getting the option of sealed ones.
Sarg Bjornson May 28, 2022 @ 11:09pm 
Bannerman May 28, 2022 @ 3:15pm 
@Scub I think he's talking about the vanilla genetic mod labs, not ancient vaults.