Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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IRWIN Heavy Industries

IRWIN Heavy Industries - The name you think of when you want a down-to-earth, pilot-friendly spacecraft you can understand and excel in.
Spacecraft produced by I.H.I. are all tested in accordance with very strict and extensive quality standards; to ensure they protect you to the absolute limit of their technology.
Although there has always been high tension between the Laputans and their ELECTROLIFT organisation; for example their rumoured "Volucite" technology which has never been released - Rest easy knowing they won't simply be taking a walk in the park trying to terminate these machines. We do our absolute very best to offer ships that can stand a fighting chance, even when the odds are stacked against them.
Items (4)
[IHI] Ctenotus class fighter
Created by Sandst4rm Ctenotus fighters are the most popular warfare unit of the generation I shared-system small grid units produced by I.H.I. - A cheap and lightly armed combat craft; purchased by many organisations without the material a...
[IHI] Aethesia class scanner
Created by Sandst4rm Developed for work alongside 'Lampro' miners for deep ore detection, as well as long range signals when operating away from a mining command vessel. Aethesia scanner vessels are capable of greatly increased organic/raw...
[IHI] Lampropholis class miner
Created by Sandst4rm Lampropholis miners might have a name that's hard to fit; but rest assured the spacecraft itself is perfectly capable of deep-deposit extraction with minimal hull-to-stone contact. The 'Lampro' as it has come to be kno...
[IHI] Egernia class artillery fighter
Created by Sandst4rm Egernia artillery fighters were built off of the heavy-duty utility hull of the Aethesia and Lampro: As a direct response toward the Electrolift 'Mozzie' artillery fighter. The large anti-capital cannons mounted on the...
Linked collections (2)
In 2 collections by Sandst4rm
Electrolift Calibrated Systems Laputa
11 items
Turanz-Laputa Cold War Extended Universe
13 items