Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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Items (22)
Europa Expanded
Created by Stiopa866 Europa Expanded (formerly known as Missions Expanded!) , your go-to Vanilla Expansion & Enhancement mod. We have hundreds of mission trees, each with in-depth, historical, and immersive missio...
欧陆拓展的汉化补丁 需要同时订阅52汉化组的基础汉化以及Europa Expanded的本体 注意事项:请同时打开52汉化组的汉化补充包,有的任务树要求特殊王朝。 1.31.5中欧更新内容 1.31.5意大利更新内容 52论坛帖子 维基百科 云平台地址 当前进度:95%,...
Peace Treaties Expanded
Created by LimonenZitrone
Welcome to Peace Treaties Expanded This mod adds new peace treaties and Casus Bellis to add more variety to peace offers. Currently Added Currently Peace Treaties Expanded adds the following peace options. Some require a special CB or have minor requiremen...
Peace Treaties Expanded汉化
Created by VY
这是Peace Treaties Expanded\和平条约扩展的中文翻译,2024.5.12更新,适配1.37版本。 paratranz项目地址: 如果喜欢请给个赞和收藏,谢谢! 拓展模组大家庭 任务树拓展 政府改革拓展 附庸种类拓展 名胜古迹拓展、时代&辉煌点数拓展 贸易品拓展 趣味&事件拓展 神圣罗马帝国拓展 和平条约拓展 可成立国家拓展 以下为原mod描述的中文翻译。 欢迎来到和平条约扩展 这个模组增加了新的和平条约和宣战理由,以增...
Governments Expanded
Created by Jay DoubleU
Governments Expanded elaborates on the Government mechanic introduced in the Dharma Update 1.26. Offering more than 275 New Historically Accurate Government Reforms as well as over 100 original events, the mod aims at living up to and surpassing Paradox St...
Created by firefox
政府改革拓展 拓展模组大家庭 政府改革拓展 附庸种类拓展 欧陆拓展(原任务树拓展) 贸易品拓展 趣味&事件拓展 任务树拓展制作组制作的另一款MOD,着力于丰富P社于达摩DLC时推出的政府改革机制。该MOD为几乎所有国家打造了量身定做的特色改革,也为许多文化添加了泛用的新改革,同时引入了派系影响力机制。 因为是同一制作组制作,所以理所当然兼容:国家理念拓展(NIE),附庸类型拓展,贸易品拓展等模组。 汉化进度:完全汉化达成! 有兴趣加入汉化的可以加入云平台项目:
Subjects Expanded
Created by LimonenZitrone
Welcome to Subjects Expanded This mod adds new subject types and diplomatic actions related to them to add more variety and depth to the subject system. Currently Added Currently Subjects Expanded adds 41 new subject types: Protectorate Puppet State Domini...
Created by firefox
任务树拓展制作组制作的另一款MOD,着力于丰富附庸的形式以还原历史上多种多样的外交关系。 附庸领的名字没有汉化,并非是bug,因为其内容过多且没有翻译价值(全部都是国名adj+地区名,如French East Africa,法属东非),且不影响游玩,故暂时不予汉化。 有兴趣加入汉化的可以加入云平台项目: MOD目前添加的所有附庸形式名单:(内容不完善,详细的请参照游戏里的相关介绍) 保护国 傀儡国 自治领 完全自治领 罗马从属国(拜占庭/罗马...
Trade Goods Expanded 1.37.1
Created by MefedronLover Trade Goods Expanded is a mod that adds 63 new trade goods to the game. It also adds new mechanics, to make your interactions with trade goods more interesting. Compatible with: 1.37 Supported Language: English DLC: No need ...
Created by firefox
任务树拓展MOD组制作的一款MOD,专注于添加欧陆风云4中的贸易商品,并为拓展商品增加了对应的建筑和物价事件。 注意!:此MOD现在需要开局后先在决议界面选择贸易品配置决议,然后完成配置后才会开启 感谢以下汉化组名单 所有者(1) rap456 管理(2) Juzeliu(斯坎德培) mxancl(mxancl) 翻译(4) longyoujiuzhou(龙游) a231i01(李勋回来了) CSW1982 CNrocke(rocke)...
Flavour and Events Expanded
Created by Uber Flavour and Events Expanded Is a massive project from UberEpicZach and Friends, which aims expand your game by adding new flavourful events, from historical events, to heir education to generic random events, through the addit...
Formables Extended Welcome to Formables Extended! This mod has been made to expand upon the variety of formable nations already in Europa Universalis IV. Ranging from nations in the relatively recent past (from 1444) to uniting various people ...
Created by VY
这是拓展家族中的可成立国家扩展(Formables Expanded)和国家理念扩展(National Ideas Expanded)的简体中文汉化。 mod内容顾名思义。 已整合可成立国家拓展与国家理念拓展本体 不过如果可以还是希望订阅本体支持一下作者,本体地址: 可成立国家拓展(Formables Extended) 国家理念拓展(National )Ideas Expanded 拓展模组大家庭 任务树拓展 政府改革拓展 附庸种类拓展 贸易品拓展 趣味&事件拓展 神圣罗马帝国拓展 和平条约拓展 可成立国...
Holy Roman Empire Expanded
Created by LimonenZitrone
Information This mod is NOT Ironman compatible. Features Coronation to the emperor as long as the Protestant faith is not enabled, the ruler of the HRE is only King of the Romans (King of the HRE) after the election and has to be crowned by the pope to bec...
Holy Roman Empire Expanded汉化
Created by VY
这是神圣罗马帝国拓展的简体中文翻译,2024.6.5更新,适配1.37。 拓展模组大家庭 任务树拓展 政府改革拓展 附庸种类拓展 名胜古迹拓展、时代&辉煌点数拓展 贸易品拓展 趣味&事件拓展 神圣罗马帝国拓展 和平条约拓展 可成立国家拓展 paratranz项目地址: (欢迎加入进行校对) 有问题请及时在评论区反馈 以下为原mod描述的简体中文翻译: 特点 为皇帝加冕 只要不启用新教信仰,神圣罗马帝国的统治者在选举后只是罗马人的国王,必须由...
Ages and Splendor Expanded
Created by Melvasul Ages and Splendor Expanded is a mod that aims to enrich the games ages with new content both specific and generic to give a more engaging experience. A compatibility patch for Extended Timeline can be found here: https://ste...
Great Monuments Expanded
Created by Melvasul The mod massively expands upon the monument system. We do not edit any vanilla file. ~200 New Monuments If you are interest in a submod that enables all monuments for everyone you can find the...
Development Expanded
Created by Jay DoubleU
Welcome to the Development Expanded Public Release Development Expanded is a mod that aims to dynamically simulate the development of provinces. As people will abandon war torn lands for more fertile and secure areas. Prosperity and a lot of development on...
名胜古迹拓展/时代&辉煌点数的汉化补丁 需要同时订阅52汉化组的基础汉化以及Great Monuments Expanded或者Ages and Splendor Expanded 包含了其它mod的汉化:在右侧需要的物品栏里看 拓展模组大家庭 政府改革拓展 附庸种类拓展 贸易品拓展 附庸国拓展 趣味&事件拓展 神圣罗马帝国拓展 拓展&趣味MOD讨论群 ...
Advisor Types Expanded
Created by LimonenZitrone
Welcome to Advisor Types Expanded This mod adds new advisor types and events related to them to add more variety and depth to the advisor system. Currently Added Currently Advisor Types Expanded adds 74 new advisor types. The full list with the modifiers c...
National Ideas Extended This mod is intended to give unique national ideas to many nations throughout EU4 that seem to have only "filler" idea sets, or simply could use an actual set of unique national ideas based on the history surrounding the nat...
Mercenary Companies Expanded
Created by LordVarangian
Mercenary Companies Expanded is a mod that expands upon the feature of Mercenary Companies, adding a total of 50+ companies around the world!...