

258 ratings
RimRaces - Cruttun Race
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
1.140 MB
Jan 17, 2022 @ 7:09am
Jun 2, 2024 @ 8:39am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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RimRaces - Cruttun Race


Adds the race of Cruttuns. Aliens who often live in tribal groups, and are more hostile towards others, while still being open to negotiations. They tend to be skilled craftsmen and make good workers. Due to their looks they are often discriminated and tend not to be trusted by others.

Cruttun Race Stats (compared to humans):
  • MarketValue: 1500
  • RoyalFavorValue: 2
  • NegotiationAbility: 0.7
  • TradePriceImprovement: 0.7
  • SocialImpact: 0.7
  • EatingSpeed: 0.8
  • MiningSpeed: 1.3
  • SmoothingSpeed: 1.3
  • ConstructionSpeed: 1.3
  • GeneralLaborSpeed: 1.3
  • SmeltingSpeed: 1.3
Additional Changes and Addons:
  • They come with their own tribal faction entirely consisting of Cruttuns. They can also be spotted in other factions. For example as mercenary gunners.

  • Besides factions you can also find them in-between your colonists, as wanderers, space refugees or slaves.

  • The mod also includes custom player factions if you want a new colony or tribe with only Cruttuns and don't want to reroll colonists.
    (you need to select this faction in the scenario editor)

  • If you use the Facial Animations mod a compatibility patch has been made by OdysseyLotus: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2863351007&searchtext=

Code done by: ILuvSilicon
Art done by: DanDman68

You can find him and me at the official Rimworld Mod Market discord server, where you can commission art, writing, code, or entire mods.
If you want to give feedback or talk about the mod, you can visit the official Humanoid Alien Races discord.

Is this compatible with CE or other mods?
Yes, this mod is compatible with CE but there were no specific compatibilities made for other mods otherwise.

Is this mod safe to add into an existing playthrough?
It should not break anything, but you won't get the faction unless you use a mod that allows you to add factions mid-game. (like Faction Control)

Will there be a biotech version with its own genes?
No, for two reasons. First is that they are aliens, not xenos. Second is that i don't own the biotech dlc and can't make it.
ILuvSilicon  [author] Jun 2, 2024 @ 8:42am 
Mod's been updated to hopefully fix the fully healed bug.
Jet May 25, 2024 @ 2:43am 
i love that you made them aliens! ever since the kijin went the way of xenotypes i was worried others would decide to do so too, but you are keeping the tradition alive. You are doing your part!
Tropigo Apr 29, 2024 @ 3:06pm 
thank you!
ILuvSilicon  [author] Apr 29, 2024 @ 1:21pm 
Updated to 1.5. Didn't test it much, so be sure to report any errors you find.
Tropigo Apr 24, 2024 @ 3:01pm 
update ?
Teax Apr 20, 2024 @ 1:35pm 
Thanks for the clearance and there is no need to be sorry, no disappointment happend :)
Im fully understand your reasoning and get it.
Im fine with your races and like them the way they are :)

Sure it would be fun to tinker with some genes with those races and create some interessing hybrids but hey, it is what it is :)
Enough other stuff to tinker with.

Im happy your mods will get updates for 1.5 and i can continue playing with those races again :)
Until then, there is enough other new stuff in this dlc to explore and keep me busy.
Thanks for you response and have a great day :)

Best regards
ILuvSilicon  [author] Apr 20, 2024 @ 12:50pm 
To your first question - You are correct, the term xeno does in fact mean alien - I will fix this error in the description to refer specifically to xenohumans.

To answer your second question - No

The issue is I no longer play RimWorld. I only upkeep my personal mods out of respect for the subscribers, and bcs I care about my mods. (I will update the races to 1.5 when i find time.)

To clear up more of my reasoning:
Biotech works on the principle of changing human pawns with texture additions. This makes it difficult to turn my races into xenohumans, because they have unique heads and features (they were not designed to be modelled from humans). I am sure there are clever ways to go around this, but it goes against what the original intention since, once again, these races are meant to be aliens from outer space, not a biologically modified human.

Sorry to disappoint.
Teax Apr 20, 2024 @ 4:24am 
Greetings my friend, i like your race mods and in your FAQ you got 2 reasons for not making a biotech version. First of all, aliens are xenos :) xeno is just the greek workd for alien :)
Second one is you dont own the biotech dlc, here is my question, would you make a biotech version if you got your hands on biotech? :)

Best regards
ILuvSilicon  [author] Sep 28, 2023 @ 9:54am 
It shouldn't cause any major errors other than faction bases and pawns disappearing.

However, please let me know what errors in particular you are experiencing. It could be an oversight on my end or an incompatibility with another mod on yours.
TurtleShroom Sep 27, 2023 @ 7:30pm 
What errors is it causing?