Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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R-Tec is one of the leading interplanetary engineering companies. Its broad portfolio covers vehicles, plants, machine parts - and space crafts. R-Tecs space division produces both military and civilian space crafts, ranging from fighters to superdreadnaughts, from small personnel shuttles to mobile mining centers.
Items (10)
R-Tec Fast Attack Corvette "Wolf"
Created by Brenner
The "Wolf" corvette is a compact, agile warship featuring huge frontal firepower. A pack of Wolf corvettes can hunt down even the mightiest battleships, especially battleships relying on powerful but hard to aim grav guns. Its main weakness are enemy fight...
R-Tec "Space Train" - Modular Ship Concept
Created by Brenner
Marketed as "Space Train", this is R-Tecs solution for building modular cargo and passenger ships. The "Space Train" consists of separate "wagons", every one of them has a dedicated role, like cargo transport, transporting small ships or being a mobile pro...
R-Tec Assault Carrier "Walrus"
Created by Brenner
The walrus is often used for escort duty, either protecting transports or screening heavier, less agile warships. It can carry up to 4 light fighters, 2 mediums and 1 heavy fighter/bomber.It also carries one of R-Tecs "Greasemonkey" repair ships, which is ...
R-Tec Fighter Department
Created by Brenner
Note: the cockpits of the 2 larger fighters can only accessed via a hatch on top. Just follow the bacon .. I mean beacon. Butterknive SX 7 Planned as a tiny, cost effective and deadly fighter, the Butterknives design team only suceeded with the first two g...
R-Tec 2nd Generation Fighters
Created by Brenner
Note: new version is available at R-Tec Modular Fighters - Generation 3 With this new generation of R-Tec Fighters all reactors were ditched in favor of the new high energy batteries and their superior power to weight ratio. This comes at the price of a mu...
[obsolete & broken] R-Tec "MPAC" Prototype - Modular Piston Autofire Cannon
Created by Brenner
Obsolete / Not Working 2015-04-19: has stopped working at some point thanks to some changes to SE. Repair attempt was unsuccessful. Plus this gun was completly and utterly obsoleted by projector base grav guns anyway. Update 2014-08-06: torpedos are now im...
R-Tec Gladius Fighter
Created by Brenner
Another part of R-Tecs 2nd Generation Fighters. With this new generation of R-Tec Fighters all reactors were ditched in favor of the new high energy batteries and their superior power to weight ratio. The gladius also features a more streamlined cockpit as...
R-Tec Modular Fighters - Generation 3
Created by Brenner
A series of 3 fighters, all can use modular equipment. Also, 2 fighters can merge with each other and form a super fighter that can be controlled by a single pilot. Description Generation 3 of R-Tecs fighter product group is more about evolution than revol...
Scarab Missile Boat
Created by Brenner
The "Scarab" Missile Boat is a low priced, large grid ship that is only slightly larger than a default rescue ship. With a weight of just above 600.000 kg and a block number below 500, its is both affordable in survival and very performance friendly. It is...
R-Tec Scorpion Artillery Corvette
Created by Brenner
My entry for iN5URG3NT "Killer Vanilla Challenge Three" challenge. The goal was building a ship with only player made weapons, under 3000 tons, that is able to destroy a certain heavily armored space station. My approach is using a simple projector based g...