Dota 2
649 ratings
Summer Solstice Collection
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Items (20)
"Once a ferocious predator residing in the wailing mountains, Snaptrap earned his name from an unfortunate incident that cost him his jaw, and nearly his life. Thanks to a friendly hunter and blacksmith who found him in his injured state, Snapjaw was given...
Ward Of Eternal Incadescence
"Lit aeons ago, this magical ward has brought the power light to areas of darkness for countless years. Many warriors have reported it's presence on the battlefield, it's mysterious presence the source of many legends."
Eul's Scepter Of The Magus
Created by bounchfx
"Eul's Scepter Of The Magus is enchanted with a mysterious, divine force that imbues it's wearer with the ability to disrupt it's foes with violent gusts of wind" This item is...
Aged Spirit Of Tide
Created by bounchfx
In the spirit of rivalry, Kunkka crafted an ornate bottle of the strongest spirits to celebrate every victory against his antagonistic foe, Leviathan the Tidehunter. "I'll drink to that!"
Defiled Stinger
Created by bounchfx
"Of all the venomous ends that can be met on the dunes of the Scintillant Waste, none are as feared as those of the Defiled Stinger, renown for it's putrefying venom that lays victims to waste in the blink of an eye."
HUD - Brewery
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
"A barrel of laughs! The Brewery HUD is inspired by the exploits of Brewmaster and company. Aged in an ancient cask, this particular Order of Oyo brew is complex in it's flavor, but goes down smoothly." This item is part of the Summer Solstice spring colle...
Khopesh Dagger Offhand
Created by bounchfx
"Crafted by a secret order of smiths dedicated to the art of assassination, these Khopesh daggers were specifically crafted for approaching a prey from behind and tearing their throats out. Not for the faint of heart."
Khopesh Dagger
Created by bounchfx
"Crafted by a secret order of smiths dedicated to the art of assassination, these Khopesh daggers were specifically crafted for approaching a prey from behind and tearing their throats out. Not for the faint of heart."
Heretic Enclave
"This cabal of heretics was sent to the gallows and the stake to answer accusations of heresy and witchcraft. Their angry, restless spirits join Krobelus the Death Prophet as part of her cause."
Claw Of Forneus
Created by bounchfx
"The Claw of Forneus serves no master, but coexists with any host willing to endure it's corrupting effects in exchange for unspeakable power. Lion wears this demonic armament proudly, using it as a tool on his quest to raze the lands of anyone foolish eno...
Fat Boy Missile
Created by bounchfx
From Aurel's diary: "Prototype #894: The Fatboy Missile, an even larger payload homing missile with a penchant for turning any enemy in it's sight into a smouldering crater. Treants be damned!"
Monument Of Nishai
Created by bounchfx
"From the same cave in which Raigor Stonehoof was once born a formidable weapon appeared, bearing the semblance of the mountain spirit that resides over rock. Let it be known that any foe unfortunate enough to find himself in the direction of this monolith...
Scrapper's Helm
Created by bounchfx
"Fancy a scrap? This distinct helm for Rattletrap was expertly engineered to terrorize foes with it's gaze of malicious intent. Best used in close quarters situations." Super Special Thanks to Hawf for FLEX portrait animation support! https://dl.dropboxuse...
Rigwarl's Spiny Demeanor
Created by bounchfx
"Covered in the same viscuous snot that Rigwarld regularly covers his opponents in, these quills will leave you with a nasty cold that's hard to shake." This item is part of t...
Tentacles Of Nether Reach
"Reaching out from a realm of unspeakable madness, these otherworldly appendages punish anyone who dares use magic in their vicinity." This item is part of the Summer Solstice...
Thunder Rogue's Braid
Created by bounchfx
"As an offering for putting an end to Raijin's rampage through their lands, the survivors of the great catacylsm gifted Thunderkeg with an ancient headpiece encrusted with rubies. Not the type of person to turn down gifts, the ever jovial Storm Spirit wear...
Gown of the Blazen Mistress
Created by bounchfx
"Shimmering with flickering embers that dance within the enchanted medallions on this gown, this item is able to withstand the fiery heat of Lina's blazing soul." Concept by Multitud3
Flail Of The Drunken Cask
Created by bounchfx
"Whenever the offer of drink fails to settle a misunderstanding, Brewmaster offers his opponents option 2: A heady hit of his Oyo cask, once used to age the finest of spirits." 3D Model & Texture by Bel
Demonic Menpo
Created by bounchfx
"Gifted to Gondar by his benefactor, Soruq the Hunter..The Demonic Menpo is a fearsome mask crafted to strike fear into the heart of enemies. It's twisted countenance was created after the likeness of mythical demons from the far east." https://dl.dropboxu...
Burning Spirit
Created by bounchfx
"Donning this mask allows Yurnero the Juggernaut to manifest the intensity of his fiery resolve. Keep your distance or you might get singed."
Linked collections (1)
Red Moon Workshop
Contains 128 items
In 1 collection by Rigman, King of Silver 👑
Red Moon Workshop
128 items