Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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【危险开关】War Sport LVOA-C Silenced Tactical with AN/PEQ-2&EoTech553 Replaces M16 战争运动战术版LVOA-C 替换 M16
说明 · 【危险开关】War Sport LVOA-C Silenced Tactical with AN/PEQ-2&EoTech553 Replaces M16 战争运动战术版LVOA-C 替换 M16 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:麻辣香锅 · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined · 原MOD (Original Model) 截图 https://steamuserimag...
【初音ミク】RE8 Village Rheinmetall MK13 Mod 0 BTV-EL Flashbang (Pipe Bomb)
说明 · 【初音ミク】RE8 Village Rheinmetall MK13 Mod 0 BTV-EL Flashbang (Pipe Bomb) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:8sianDude & empty · New skin:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimage...
【少女前线】HK416 SMG (Girls' Frontline HK416 SMG)
Creato da 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了uzi(replace uzi) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) 没有原版smg持枪mod(No original mod ) Pid=88648986、85167857、90214963、88685098 更新说明 21/6/12 强迫症犯了,所以稍微修改了点(Obsessive-compulsive disorder, so I modified it slightly ) 原Uzi持枪动作手感挺好的啊,为什么...
【Soul Worker】武士刀 Katana
说明 · 【Soul Worker】武士刀 Katana · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 13549838990 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1817743455766722863/FF03CFD831D356D9F942D38C568744B05FAF434F...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
Creato da Beau
替换了坦克扔的石头,可以搭配没有修改坦克石头的MOD使用 快递小哥的皮肤也做出来了,有兴趣可以看看,技术有限做的比较粗糙 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2569729847 ...
准心+速度表 防冲突整合
Creato da Upupu
多特、击杀回血、排行榜、物资标记、倒地被控提示、自杀等等 LinGe VScripts
Creato da 思雨
这个 MOD 是以下几个 MOD 的整合版。最初下面这几个 MOD 是打包在一起发布在这里的,现在拆开了方便只需要其中一部分功能的玩家使用。 Base 基础库 HUD排行榜、伤害击杀统计、友伤提示 多特控制:调整特感数量、刷新频率、生成种类 标记物资、队友倒地与被控等状态提示 自杀指令 !zs 击杀回血 有任何问题可以阅读详细说明 功能演示视频 GitHub Gitee BUG反馈:cueion@163.com...
Creato da Kurisu
使用卢本伟语音替换了Jockey的全部语音 v2版本更新调整了部分语音、音量,净化音源 出场:卢本伟准备就绪!、卢本伟牛逼听见没有! 骑人:卢本伟牛逼xN、得得得得得—— 闲置:我TM要上天变TM太极金仙! ——等等语音,等你订阅 视频预览:www.bilibili.com/video/bv1AK4y1Y7tb 与本小姐制作的其他语音包配合使用更有乐趣(滑稽) 经测试无爆音无BUG,如发现问题可以回复反馈,谢谢支持!...
原神 刻晴燃烧瓶替换燃烧瓶 keqing molotov replace molotov
Creato da Orange Cat
星空背景,涩气版刻晴替换原版燃烧瓶,带夜光。 刻师傅,来一碗牛杂!(狗头) ...
Creato da 叫我MAX
这个逼https://steamcommunity.com/id/mominchong/ 中摇摆阳的"哼,滚!"毒很深,让我帮忙整的个推人音效,没做空推,音效只有"滚"没有"哼",还是那样,有啥意见可以在留言板提出来,谢谢老板...
孙笑川Charger语音 v2
Creato da Kurisu
使用游戏主播孙笑川的语音替换了Charger的语音 v2版替换了一部分语音 出场:你好小可爱!要吃饭的嘛~ 攻击:#$@%#!%!(天皇母语) 闲置:你的态度能不能好一点噢!你吼辣么大声干什么嘛? 死亡:哎哎!!赶尽杀绝是吧?!干什么呀! ——等等语音 与本小姐制作的其他语音包配合使用更有乐趣(滑稽) 经测试无爆音BUG,如发现问题可以回复反馈,谢谢大家的支持!...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
Creato da PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
Creato da Azhe
对原版进行了简单的汉化 也修复了原版的一个小BUG 游戏内菜单拓展 可以在游戏内暂停菜单内进行各种调节: 准星颜色与透明度或粗细的调节, 动态与静态准星切换 网络状态显示的模式以及位置,字体大小的调整 可以调节游戏声音和背景音乐的大小 调节亮度 开关字幕说明 开关游戏提示 调节手臂长度 接武器皮肤MOD定制 联系方式见个人资料 原版名称:Urik InGame Menu Supplement for Mutation Mod version 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/s...
滑天下之大稽 #Replace Fryingpan
Creato da 花枝丸
Duang!吔我一记滑稽锅啦你! 非常感谢每位点赞和订阅的朋友^。^...
"マジやばくね"pickup sound
Creato da Sakura Azusa
マジやばくね! マジやばくね! マジやばくね! マジやばくね Modified item pickup. Kanna's "Oh, that's wicked!" terrible-.- 修改物品捡起声音 出自小林家的龙女仆,康纳 亲手从b站原视频截的声音 对声音进行了一些变速但应该无伤大雅(应该 感觉对大佬的作品不太满意所以又做了一个(no...
Additional Weapon Performance Overhaul (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
This add-on will significantly boost and change your L4D2 experience by increasing your reserve ammunition to 900 for SMGs, 120 for Pump Shotguns, 750 for Rifles, 400 for Sniper Rifles, 300 for the Hunting Rifle, 180 for Automatic Shotguns, 90 for the Gren...
Admin Menu JianTiZhongWen
Creato da QuoDB
Admin System
Creato da Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
AK-47 Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 232 (58) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 150 (50) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.1105 (0.13) Magazine: 50 (40)...
Auto Bhop
Creato da 星魂桑丶
The script comes from the network and is made by okcf Any mode is supported. Please be sure to subscribe to the essential items Add function You can turn off autobhop manually Press y to enter! Bhop in the chat box There will be a prompt or It is on by def...
Auto Shotgun Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 92 (23) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.1275 (0.15) Magazine: 12 (10)...
AWP Burning and AW50
Creato da NEO
AWP Burning and AW50 AWP Burning replace the AWP The original model here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2192963353 Instantly kill Common and Uncommon Infected Instantly kill Special Infected (except Charger, Witch, Tank) Deals x4 d...
Bill The Division (Beret)
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
Boomer Juice (Boomer Bile)
Creato da Majro
"Christ, there's a Boomer around here." -Bill Here's just the thing if you need more "boomer" in your Boomer Bile: Monster Zero Ultra! I mean, what else did you think was sloshing around in that big Boomer body? This addon is kind of a continuation of my E...
Candy Cane (Crowbar)
Creato da Yog
A Candy Cane! No wait, two actually - there's a version for the Frying Pan Here! I recommend using the Frying Pan version since the sound files for it are longer and you can hear better Strelok's work :) On the Crowbar the original sounds are shorter so i ...
Charger's rainbow
Creato da fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Check-point-arrow And Tankwall(Dynamic,luminous)
Creato da 徒手开根号
Luminous arrow, fragile wall visible This is a gift for those cute blind players who love to 'add campaign maps' Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop htt...
Chrome Shotgun Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 124 (31) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.425 (0.5) Magazine: 10 (8)...
Coach The Division (Hat)
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
COD IW Magazine drop sound
Creato da scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png This mod changes 3 audio files that are used for magazine drop on the floor sound during reload in some COD IW weapon mods. Use it only if you are playing with COD IW weapon mods from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare collection...
COD:GHOSTS Fabarm FP6(Chrome Shotgun)
Creato da Cele
Its been long time since my previous release,some people concerned me stopped the steps of the series of CODG weapons,dont worry,i didnt quit,just some problems about the sounds.Now i will present u a shotgun named Fabarm FP6 from COD:G Replace Chrome Shot...
Creato da Cele
Today i will bring u a new release with first try on particle effects,this gun is a really cool and powerful thing but it may not give u a good performance in game due to its huge scope,i tested myself,indeed. Replacing Hunting Rifle HUD icon: http://steam...
COD:GHOSTS MK14 EBR(Military Sniper)
Creato da Cele
Another long break since previous Ghosts weapon,today i will show u the MK14 EBR,i didnt use its original scope due to the exported LOD,it kinda sucks,and GM6 scope for instead Replace Military Sniper HUD icon: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedet...
Creato da Cele
As i concerned,and of coz u,its time for a grenade launcher add-on for GHSOTS weapon collection,but the L4D2 logic isnt compatible with this model,so i wrote a script to give it 6 rounds capacity to kill zombies,which is compatible with solo or host game p...
Creato da Cele
Yeah,for a long time waiting,ive picked up an old project,aslo one u may requested most and expected most,the MTS-255 revolver shotgun from COD:G which replaces the M4 Super 90/Auto shotgun in L4D2,since this game doesnt fit some magzine reloading shotguns...
Creato da Cele
Maybe this is the last slot for Ghosts weapons,As u know,apart from the hidden ones,all of the regular guns have been replaced,as for the SPAS slot,theres no more shell-by-shell reloading semi-automatic or automatic shotgun in Ghosts game,therefore i dont ...
Combat Rifle Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 176 (44) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 150 (50) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.0595 (0.07) Magazine: 75 (60)...
Combat Shotgun Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 112 (28) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.1275 (0.15) Magazine: 15 (10)...
Compact Slim HUD [ALT]
Creato da NeShî
A fusion between Freshboy5000's Slim Hud and Kimono's Clear HUD. This is the alternative version of Compact Slim HUD. This version brings the default position of inventory, and it works with any damage indicator and crosshair. Thank you for download! Credi...
Ellis The Division
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
EMC Ballistic [Pistols]
Creato da scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/7S0I1ov.png Replaces Pistols with EMC from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. https://i.imgur.com/YYAdjuf.png EMC is a semi-auto pistol. Reliably delivers consistent stopping power. Design is based on the Spr...
Escape from Tarkov: Tactical MK18 MOD 0 (Black)SG552 version
Creato da Denny凯妈
EFT MK18 MOD 0:D Replaces cs:s SG552 替换SG552突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - MK18 models/textures MzK - Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games - Audio Olegarh- Ripping Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing Some people want this....
Extra Slots
Creato da Roderick
An add-on weapon script that will offer the player to have more than five (5) inventory slots? This way player will be able to carry twice more items without dropping anything. Think of it as a survivor carrying a backpack. ++ Select Ammo Packs / Defib ++ ...
FHR-40 [Silenced Smg]
Creato da scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/XTIwdvQ.png Replaces Silenced SMG with FHR-40 from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. The FHR-40 is a Kendall Ballistics bullpup submachine gun. It is reminiscent of the P90 in previous games. Offsets modest ...
Fire Axe - Golden Phoenix [V2]
Creato da Kanade
Fire Axe Golden Phoenix / Glorious Phoenix V2 After the release of the Marie Rose Battlesuit Golden Phoenix reskin, we decided to improved the first FireAxe Golden Phoenix for she can get her own melee weapons for fight zombies! Also, this new Axe is Glowi...
Francis The Division
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
Graffiti Chinese Edition
Creato da 客家蝠婆
This Mod will make the wall text changed to Chinese. P.S, not including art graffiti. Thanks Despair and Amie help, And Gung Zi Ming to provide translation for reference....
Grenade Launcher Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 1600 (400) Kill Radius: 540 (180) Stumble Radius: 750 (250) Cycle Time: 0.425 (0.5) Magazine: 6 (1)...
HK416 (Spray Pack)
Creato da Papas
¡WARNING! R18 / NSFW ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (not the gun XD) includes gifs c: Material: Girls Frontline Character: HK416 ENG: To use any sprays from this collection in versus/scavenge mode: 1- Join a ver...
Hunter's rainbow
Creato da fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
infected damage display
Creato da 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Killing Floor 2 Healer
Creato da Lt. Rocky
Fresh from the English bowels of the Briarverse, its the Horzine Healer mechanism, the #1 remedy for all things painful be it chainsaw, flamethrower, screaming or German Sausage man. Oh no, a monster with half a cinder-block for a head just punched all the...
Killing Floor 2 KF-Bar
Creato da Lt. Rocky
Nothing beats the hobo life, stabbin' folks with my hobo knife. Field-tested by Tweety Stallone himself, its the KBAR of Killing Floor 2, the knife of the Commando class, dubbed the "KF-Bar". For when you want to ditch the guns to go truly commando to the ...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Creato da Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
Louis The Division
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
M16 Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 132 (33) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 150 (50) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.074375 (0.0875) Magazine: NO CHANGE...
Magnum Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 320 (80) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 150 (50) Range: 10500 (3500) Cycle Time: 0.255 (0.3) Magazine: 12 (8)...
MP5 Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 80 (20) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 7500 (2500) Cycle Time: 0.06375 (0.075) Magazine: 60 (50)...
Nick The Division
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Creato da 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
Payday Ammobag
Creato da мяFunreal
This is the original ammobag from Payday: The Heist, it replaces the pile of ammo you'd usually have. I ripped the model and reskinned it all by myself this is a must for every payday fan ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except unde...
Pistol Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 144 (36) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 120 (30) Range: 7500 (2500) Cycle Time: 0.1275 (0.15) Magazine: 20 (15)...
RE8 Village Antiseptic Disinfectant Solution (Pills)
Creato da 8sianDude
A bottled medical liquid found throughout a Romanian Village and Castle in Resident Evil 8 Village is the antiseptic disinfectant solution, known as the "First Aid Med" in-game. It can also be crafted in RE8 when the appropriate materials are gathered. Ant...
RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline)
Creato da 8sianDude
A standard issue first aid device provided to Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) soldiers by Blue Umbrella in Resident Evil 8 Village is a sci-fi style medical injector, known simply as "Med Injector" in-game. The rogue Hound Wolf Squad also ...
Remove Explosion Flash
Creato da Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Remove Weapons Muzzle / 移除枪口焰烟
Creato da dat
Remove weapons muzzle/spark/smoke effects 去除枪口火焰/火星/烟雾 It will conflict with EVERY mods that modify weapon_fx.pcf, including but not limited to other laser/tracer/muzzle/explore effect mod 会于任何修改了weapon_fx.pcf的mod冲突,包括但不限于其他的激光/弹道/枪口焰/爆炸特效mod...
Rochelle The Division
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
SG 552 Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 132 (33) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 150 (50) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.070125 (0.0825) Magazine: NO CHANGE...
Silenced SMG Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 100 (25) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 6600 (2200) Cycle Time: 0.053125 (0.0625) Magazine: 60 (50)...
Singuard Arms AR-15 Grimlock Reborn (Replaces M16A2)
Creato da Raizen
The Grimlock AR-15 dubbed the Tactical Nightmare inspired by F1 Firearms skeletonized AR's Attachments on the weapon - Reddot Sight - Lvoa Handguard - Tactical Flashlight / Lasersight - Tactical Foregrip To fix the sound issue if present, type this on cons...
SMG Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 80 (20) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 7500 (2500) Cycle Time: 0.053125 (0.0625) Magazine: 60 (50)...
Sniper Rifle Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 360 (90) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 150 (50) Range: 24576 (8192) Cycle Time: 0.2125 (0.25) Magazine: 40 (30)...
Pump Shotgun Upgrade (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
Damage: 100 (25) Penetration Number: 6 (2) Penetration Power: 90 (30) Range: 9000 (3000) Cycle Time: 0.425 (0.5) Magazine: 12 (8)...
Creato da Zaeryn
Replaces the SPAS-12 shotgun with Pete's model on arby26's SPAS reanimation. Credits: Pete - model, textures (gun) Snark - model (rack/shells) Giz, Stoke, Vertthrasher - textures (rack/shells) Kimono - model, textures (flashlight) DMG - model edits (flashl...
Stronger Flashlight (GLOBAL EDITION) 2.0
Creato da H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// Unfortunately the (GLOBAL FUNCTION) doesn't work on "Campaign" mode you have to play on "Realism" in order for it to work for everyone This ONLY works on "Local Servers or Singleplayer" The HOST MUST have this ...
The Division Dark Zone Bag V2 (Medkit)
Creato da scream
The Dark Zone is a walled-off quarantine zone in the middle of Manhattan, with the goal to stop the contagion of the once as flu suspected virus. Contaminated items you have found in the Dark Zone cannot be used before they are carried out by extraction at...
The Particles Manifest
Creato da Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
Titanfall 2 - Volt (MP5)
Creato da Twilight Sparkle
Not much to say about this one except that this is pretty much the same from the other release except this will now replace the ("MP5"), same as explained on the other release it comes with its original animations and sounds, mostly for people's choice jus...
Volk Goliath Ballistic [AK-47]
Creato da scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/xr4UMxh.png Replaces AK-47 with Volk Goliath from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. https://i.imgur.com/YYAdjuf.png Volk Goliath is an epic version of the Volk. It is a full-auto assault rifle that looks lik...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Creato da xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Zoey The Division
Creato da scream
When we were activated, we knew the situation was bad. Worse than anyone knew. We're an elite, highly-skilled group of embedded agents. They only call us when everything else has failed. We have no rules. We have no limits. Our job is to protect what remai...
ZombieTools Bone Machete
Creato da Yog
Here's the second blade i make from ZombieTools. This time it's the turn of the Bone Machete. Not much more to say, the thing speaks for itself. :) A huge thanks to the guys at ZombieTools for letting me make this mod! If you like it, don't forget to rate....
[Advanced Bot AI] 更多生还者AI功能
Creato da LGPLv3
各种奇怪的功能 1. Bot的战斗方式有整体的提升,提升清特感和清小僵尸能力(优化一部分被包围后处理小僵尸能力)。 2. 更快的救人速度。 3. Bot能够丢一部分的投掷物。 4. Bot能够使用除颤器。 5. Bot能够使用弹药升级包。 6. 手持投掷物右键Bot可以交换Bot身上的投掷物。 7. 如果玩家没药没包的时候,Bot还会主动把自己的资源递给玩家,不管是药,包,或是投掷物。 8. 避免一些Bot踩痰救人的情况。 9. 更快的反应速度。 10. 玩家死了之后又没有包,Bot就会plan b(会自己...
[Support] Checkpoint Heal
Creato da MANACAT
This script was created for survivors who entered the checkpoint with low HP. I don't want to struggle from beginning with low HP in current round because I arrived at the checkpoint with low HP in previous round, but I don't want to die and respawn with 5...
Tracers - Random
Creato da Urik
Originally requested by Kevin Alasco. Random color tracers. For those who might be inclined to complain it doesn't work - please kindly check that's you're subscribed to Particles Manifest first, and also check your addons menu for conflicts. The conflicti...
Weapon Performance Overhaul (Insane)
Creato da AxeKiller6277
This add-on completely changes ALL weapons in game by: -quadrupling (4x) the damage of all weapons -tripling (3x) the range, penetration power and number -increasing the magazine capacity -increasing the rate of fire by 15% If you want this to work online,...
FN SCAR-17 Tactical (COD MW 2019)
Creato da Dark Star
FN SCAR-17 from Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Credits and thanks to Ludex for porting this model and letting me use it for a tactical revision. It will now include his shaders for this version. Replaces AK47 Map: Fairfield Terror https://i.imgur.com/ifF...
LVOA-C Kawakaze - Interlude Monochrome
Creato da YukiZ
EN: “Yep. It’s easier to fight in lightweight equipment. Commander, you have my gratitudeーー ‘cute’?.. T-that’s… Thanks…" Yeah the third workshop item and the first ever skin mod I tried to make Some story if you want to hear: Kawakaze is my favorite charac...
MP5 Swordfish (Mac 10) (RCS)
Creato da HK G41
World War Z MP5 Swordfish replacing mac 10 slot animation by me model by saber interactive sound by warface Patche skin by M82A1闇冥...
Counter-Striker NEXON Zombies(Online) Chainsaw 反恐精英Online 生命收割者 替换 电锯
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
Description(简介): This is one of the famous annual artifact primary in csol 老款电锯 Replaces chainsaw 替换电锯 Include(包含): V&W model,sounds,origin anims,hud icon V和W模,音效,原动作,hud小图标 Credits: model&texture&animations&sounds - NEXON Me - Animation Rig, file editing,...
Deployable Ammo Pack
Creato da Rectus
A carryable pack that deploys into an ammo pile. Uses the secondary weapon slot. The ammo pack uses assets included with the game for an unreleased item. Does not work without the Custom Weapon Base. Console command: give custom_ammo_pack...
Custom Weapon Base
Creato da Rectus
Enables custom scripted weapons to be used in the Official Campaigns. The server/host needs to have this installed along with the weapon mods. Incompatible with other mods that modify the system scripts. Used only for the following mods: https://i.imgur.co...
M72 LAW Rocket Launcher (Custom Weapon)
Creato da Rectus
Adds the M72 LAW single shot anti-tank rocket launcher to all the official campaigns. The LAW spawns in the same place as melee weapons and takes up the secondary weapon slot. Note: This is a custom scripted weapon that doesn't replace any of the stock wea...
Makeshift Flamethrower
Creato da Rectus
An improvised flamethrower built out of hardware store supplies. Adds a new flamethrower weapon to all official campaigns. The flamethrower spawns in the same places as melee weapons do. Note: The server or hosting player needs to have the mod for it to wo...
[Sentry Turret] XM215 Area Denial Device
Creato da Rectus
Some kind of military prototype weapon? A round sentry turret equipped with a short range 12 gauge shotgun. The turret rotates itself to track enemies, often propelling it into the air. Notes This is a custom weapon that does not replace any of the stock w...
AWM Improved / HQ Model
Creato da Querentin
Credits: Luchador - AWM New World Interactive - Flashlight Cele - Animations Querentin - Animation edits, lens texture, flashlight texture Make sure to override game's AA settings with your video card software because in-game AA leaves all the geometric ed...
Creato da 花の韵❄
没想到这都能动态 有机会就搞个双动态 有一点没对准不影响 https://i.ibb.co/1LQ3Kjm/image.gif 注意: 为让各位可搭配其他HUD本mod用了itempickup.res导向 所以您不可以和速度表或其他使用了该res的mod一起使用 如需与其他HUD一起用请尝试复制itempickup的参数至hudlayout.res后删除itempickup这里就不说怎么弄了自行各大搜索引擎 11/27 白边不那么明显 部分调整 再次校正 ...
Remington 870-PumpShotgun
Creato da Lt. Rocky
I did not expect that TPS to get so popular. Here I had thought I was in an utter rust with how poorly my Painkiller Francis, Fireaxe Fix and both VP70's had performed, when all it took was a shotgun mod I had put in limbo for several months to convince me...
Beretta 92 "Samurai Edge" Wesker Style - IIpon's M9 Overly Cool Pistol Animations
Creato da Eldritcian
Wesker's handgun is the most heavily modified Samurai Edge. Having designed most of the modifications himself, Wesker's Samurai Edge has the lower frame and takedown lever replaced with Inox (stainless steel) parts, in addition to a skeleton hammer and Bri...
Counter-Striker NEXON Zombies(Online) Master Combat Knife 反恐精英Online 灭灵军刺·锯刃 替换 小刀
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
Description(简介): This is the most classic dagger in csol 老款匕首 Replaces Knife 替换小刀 Include(包含): V&W model,sounds,origin anims,hud icon V和W模,音效,原动作,hud小图标 Credits: model&texture&animations&sounds - NEXON Me - Animation Rig, file editing, compiling and decomp...
[Destiny2] Hawkmoon
Replace - Magnum(DesertEagle Model - Bungie Motivation By <桃乐丝>...
Custom Contagion Remington 870 Tactical with Red Dot (Chrome Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
A custom modified Remington 870 Tactical from a zombie FPS game Contagion. A popular American 12 gauge pump action shotgun that is heavily modified with a rail system, equipped with a shell rack, a reflex red dot sight and a surefire-style flashlight. Orig...
[Boomer Sound Mod]Lowsing Boomer Noise Fixed version
Creato da WillSawJason
Replaces most of the Boomer's sounds with the voice from Lowsing! 用刘醒的音源替换了大部分Boomer的音频! Say goodbye to the NOISE!!!! This is Noise Fixed version,enjoy it! The original version because the audio file error does not only lead to sonic boom, some audio in th...
Creato da Anti_Air_Banana
“啊?喜欢玩陪你玩啊?玩一百哈!” ------非凡·屎の妖精·梁 Feature: --替换了部分Spitter的音效 警戒:刘醒! 攻击(吐痰):我要艹你啊,肛到我听到为止 游荡:到外面玩跑步,玩一百哈,啊?喜欢玩陪你玩啊,大声肛,对不起非凡哥,警署有规定,下属不啵上司嘴,etc. 受伤:啊?,刘醒,艹你啊 死亡:我要艹你啊,肛到我听到为止 PS.非凡哥的素(wo)材(te)不(bie)多(lan),所以重复利用了不少。部分音效可能会有异响,还请见谅Orz。 如果喜欢这个MOD,不妨看看我之前做的新日暮...
Helltaker Tank Theme & Dark Carnival Concert
Creato da ◊ knp ◊
Tank Theme for Left 4 Dead 2. It changes original theme to Mittsies - Vitality. Enjoy. Upd 1.0 - Also this addon changes music for Dark Carnival concert (and tanks). midnightride changed to: Mittsies - Vitality (VIP Edit) onebadman changed to: SayMaxWell -...
Kriss Vector replace Smg Uzi
Creato da Tiến ~Kriegs~
Replaces the Smg Uzi with the new Kriss Vector. Iron sight yes can you use it? no Optic scope yes can you use it? of course, no angled foregrip yes suppressor yes does it work? i dont know accually a metal frame for hand protection? yes white and gray colo...
Typhoon F12
Creato da Denny凯妈
F12 Replaces SPAS 替换SPAS霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Blackwood Games/Crytek GmbH/Mail.Ru - Models/textures Denny凯妈/Navaro/zmg - Audio Odeca3D - Anpeq15 model/textures YuRaNnNzZZ - Materials/Ported to Gmod cele - animations Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Animati...
CSO X12 SPas-12 v1
Creato da 多乐美
replacing the Spas-12 ...
Kel-Tec KSG
Creato da Lt. Rocky
At this particular moment in time I don't believe I have a healthier or more deeply-felt respect for any object in the universe than this here shotgun. This is TehSnake and Mr. Brightside's Insurgency KSG, re-targeted unto L4D2. This is John Wick's shotgun...
【原神/Genshin】刻晴·星月流转 Keqing In Mona's Outfit Replaces Ellis(非官方)
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) · 注:该模型为非官方模型,是使用官方模型拼凑缝合的二创作品 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 观海子 神帝宇 微波叮桃子(MMD改模) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 仓鼠箘 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bo...
Titanfall2 Alternator Animated Skin Skadi
Creato da HK560
说明 Readme 泰坦陨落2转换者冲锋枪 明日方舟浊心斯卡蒂动态皮肤 Titanfall2 Alternator Animated Skin Skadi 本动态皮肤为 "Titanfall2 -Alternator" 的reskin ,一同订阅了该作品才能使皮肤生效。 Replace MP5 也是之前给泰坦陨落2做的一个皮肤,稍微改了改移植到l4d2这边,希望大家喜欢 接下来应该还会继续移植几个皮肤过来,如果感兴趣可以来B站关注我 B站预览视频 有任何问题请留言 comment if you have a...
Titanfall2 CAR Animated Skin
Creato da HK560
说明 Readme 明日方舟浊心斯卡蒂动态皮肤 Titanfall2 CAR Skadi Animated Skin 本动态皮肤为 "Titanfall2 - C.A.R SMG" 的reskin ,一同订阅了该作品才能使皮肤生效。 Replace Silenced SMG 给泰坦陨落2的CAR做的一个动态皮肤,本来是用在泰坦陨落2上面的,然后试着移植到l4d2这边来,不过得阉割不少东西缩减分辨率,效果还行吧。 Bili预览视频 这是我第一个L4D2的MOD 也是第一个创意工坊作品,希望大家喜欢。 有任何问...
CQS48 Bulldog (Combat Shotgun)
Creato da Adorabirb!
"The CQS48 Bulldog, otherwise known as the CQS-48 Combat Shotgun, is a type of human shotgun manufactured by Misriah Armory in Eos Chasma. The CQS48 Bulldog is a pump-action combat shotgun which fires 12-gauge shells from a 10-round rotary magazine. The ro...
朱雀院椿 替换Coach
Creato da 绫地宁宁
Unpack this model from COM3D2 The model is provided by the government, and the modes extraction and face pinching data are made by myself Thank the Creative Workshop author @?? for transferring this model to L4D2 This mod was successfully made on August 12...
MWR M4A1 M203(M16)
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR M4A1 M203 with MWR Animations!:D Replaces Rifle/M16 替换M16A2突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Activision - M4A1 M203 models/textures/Animations Denny凯妈/Activision/zmg- Audio griggs - Ripping Odeca3D - Anpeq15 model/textures Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animati...
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB ...
Pop cat | Medkit
Creato da BongoRaccoon32
I DID NOT MAKE THE MODEL. I JUST PORTED IT TO L4D2, CREATOR OF THE MODEL CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2669411529 "After all this time, I was finally able to make a Medkit mod. It might be nothing huge but it's a...
[Blue Archive]Sorasaki Hina FAL replace AK47(Glow)
Creato da _LvZ1
这是我第二次做皮肤,练手作品,看起来感觉还可以就上传了,希望各位能给点意见。 这次加了夜光,看起来效果可能比上次好些。 素材来自网络,侵删 替换AK47 Replace AK47 配色和方面参考了hina那把mg42 Orignal Mod : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790302508 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=27903...
[CODM]AN94 joint Girls Frontline (Replace AK47)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODM Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODM Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB" ...
BlueArchive Loading Background
Creato da 花の韵❄
ブルーアーカイブ 过关加载背景: 30张CG:1080 部分调整 透明计分板 加载图标 https://i.ibb.co/kH96p0t/logo.png 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 透明计分板流程: 1.工坊搜:20hud 随便进个 看描述的cfg写入教程 完成之后 vpk从workshop移到addons 重启 取消订阅 防止再次下载 ★ 2.游戏内切换比例(订阅试用); 16:9➜16:10➜16:9(反之10➜9) 偏移需来回切换一次 每次重启游戏都需要切换 确定久用推荐第一...
Malyuk 7.62x39 (AK47) Suzakuin Momiji vinyl
Creato da Hikari Fatalis
"Ukranian bullpup chassis for AKM and AK-74 rifles." - Original Author --------------------------- Credits: Models/textures: Bcaaamino (also seen in H3VR) ( https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/maluk-reupload-for-download-991c029ae1ef47e2b1518285bfcfb670 ) link...
[Blue Archive]Shirasu Azusa GalilACE replace M16 (Glow)
Creato da _LvZ1
VANITAS VANITATUM.ET OMNIA VANITAS. Vanity of Vanities, all is vanity.. 这次搞了梓! 当初第一次在游戏里看到梓就感觉她跟别人画风都不一样.... 感谢一下Nstreys和他的伙伴做了这把,说实话咖喱ACE是我最喜欢的枪之一。 Thanks to Nstrey and his friends made this one of my favorite gun。 原mod地址: https://steamcommunity.com/share...
Titanfall2 R201 Dark Matter Animated Skin
Creato da HK560
Readme Titanfall2 R201 Dark Matter Animated Skin Need to subscribe “Titanfall 2 - R-201 Carbine” Replace M16 comment if you have any question 皮肤定制可以通过b站私信联系我 Bilibili preview video 关于转载或使用 禁止CSGO社区服移植使用该皮肤 (除EXG社区) 其他移植转载请先联系我 皮肤作者SkinAuther HK560 原作品Credi...
TTI Benelli M4 Super 90 (Auto Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
"May I suggest the Benelli M4? Custom bolt carrier release and charging handle. Textured grips, should your hands get... wet. An Italian classic." - The Sommelier. A highly modified Benelli M4 shotgun, as featured in John WIck Chapter 2. Modelled completel...
Arknights - Mulberry AK-12 Skin(AK-47) Glow 明日方舟 - 桑葚 AK-12皮肤 替换AK-47 夜光
Creato da SHArknight
护目镜......好,戴好了,准备要上了! -------------------------------------- 原模传送门:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=556271167 侵权删除 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this addon Credits: Killing Floor 2 - Model; Animations; Original Textures; A...
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚S890替换一代连喷(replace M1014)[animated skin]
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚S890替换一代连喷 Credits: Saber interactive - Models,Texture,sound HK G41 -Animations M82A1闇冥 - Materials,compile 2.0 修改了持枪视角 3.0 修复低头抬头换弹穿模 ...
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚M1911替换手枪(replace pistol)[animated skin]
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚M1911替换手枪 Credits: Infinity Ward - Models,Texture,sound PYgame.D.Cthulhu -Animations M82A1闇冥 - Materials,compile 2.0 修复枪声 fix gunfire ...
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚MW1911替换沙鹰(replace deagle)[animated skin]
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚MW1911替换沙鹰 Credits: Infinity Ward - Models,Texture,sound PYgame.D.Cthulhu -Animations M82A1闇冥 - Materials,compile 4.0 压缩了体积 Compressed size...
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB ...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact3】「次生银翼」时装 夜漫未央 Bronya Zaychik Cheongsam Replaces Rochelle
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 神帝宇(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Thumbnail (封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bones(飘动骨骼) · Glowing ef...
【Blue Archive】Otose Kotama Glock 19 Replaces pistol
Creato da Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
bluearchive Takanashi Hoshino shotgun replace chrome shotgun
bluearchive Takanashi Hoshino shotgun replace chrome shotgun The model comes from official extraction The front row thanks hxd for the small human skeleton + model The model includes V W mode luminous RNG https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/18098909...
【原神】消音版M1911—刻晴(替换马格南手枪)/ 【genshin impact】silence m1911—KeQing(replace magnum)
Creato da 洛兮
替换马格南手枪,replace the Magnum 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1729927281445422466/813D8AEB10FC5D0A9274FAFF88419FC4CD7BD162/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letter...
Neon Black & Cyan Skin Gauss Sabot
Creato da [SAKU]
This is a reskin of original Gauss Rifle ported by Cele, originally replaced AWP, swapped to replace Military Sniper Rifle/G3 by AvengedDeathAlert. Includes: Neon/glowing effect New reload and firing sounds Replaces Military Sniper Rifle/G3 New HUD icon Cr...
COD:IW Volk Corruption爆裂光束 (AK-47)
Creato da R-melancholyfox
COD13 volk变种“腐化”爆裂光束动态皮肤(夜光) 替换AK47 让大佬帮忙修改了原mod的手电筒和激光位置使其不违和 (第一次制作动态贴图,能力有限,有瑕疵,请大家多多体谅) 原mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1415353224 origin model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1415353224 我的B站主页:https://...
Team Secret M762(AK47)
Creato da 桃乐丝啊
【Rainbow six Siege】 替换游戏里的AK Replace AK in the game 创意来源R6 Creative source R6 几乎全部都是自己手画的,可能和原版有差别,求生引擎太拉了,做不到游戏里的那种效果 Hand drawn by yourself may be different from the original, which can't achieve the effect in the game. 原mod|origin model 【Rainbow six Sie...
【Rainbow six Siege】M762
Creato da Animal33
;D 第二个制作求生2的武器动画,两天爆肝制作,也是希望大家能多多支持 感谢神秘人模型提供 非常感谢凯妈QC和音效制作!神秘人的协助还有谈笑的动作指导非常感谢! 喜欢的可以点个赞和收藏哦 武器替换AK47,也是祝大家玩的开心:D 敬请期待下次的更新动作和其余作品 有问题的话也是可以在评论区里回复给我,我能修的就尽量修复(寄) 浏览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1MS4y1375b The second one is to make the weapon animat...
[Destiny2] Ace of Spades
Replace - Magnum(Desert Eagle) and sound and icon this weapon is from <Destiny/Destiny2> Model - <Bungie> Motivation By <桃乐丝>...
skull5 ( reload fix )
Creato da 多乐美
replace the g3 ...
Apex Havoc white-gray skin SG552 mod (No script)
Replace SG552. Including customized animation, sounds, but no script. I saw the problem that the weapon will shake in a strange way (more like glitch or something lol) when firing. Therefore, I subscribed anthor fix mod but soon found it can't accept the w...
【原神/Genshin】甘雨 Ganyu Replaces Louis
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 观海子(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Glowing God Eye(夜光神之眼) · Jiggle Bone...
Genshin Impact Shen He Replaces Zoey 原神 申鹤 替换 佐伊
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Shen He.It replaces Zoey in game. 原神申鹤替换游戏内佐伊 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我...
Tactical AK-12 Clean by JAX
Creato da Denny凯妈
Happy New Year!!! Replaces AK47/AKM 替换AK47步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: New World Interactive - Foregrip Model/Textures MAIBATSU - AK-12 Model/Textures Denny凯妈/Navaro/zmg - Audio Odeca3D - Anpeq15 model/textures G4M3 0V3R- Kobra Mr. Brightside - Animatio...
【Blue Archive】明里 (アカリ)主题 HK-416 (Replaces M16)
说明 · 【Blue Archive】明里 (アカリ)主题 HK-416 (Replaces M16) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:HK G41 · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1834656103911473695/178AB1B36646181250865204752230EC...
MHI Type 77 Assault Rifle replace AK-47
Creato da Tiến ~Kriegs~
Funny story, my friend commisson this mod and just right after im 80% done the mod he got family issue and smash his pc for no reason :|, anyways enjoy this mod Glow texture Yes Beefy Sound Yes Item/survivor interaction animation No Forward and backward mo...
QBZ-191 Tactical (For AK47)
Creato da 繁华梦境
爷又更了,这次是战术配件版的QBZ191,替换掉AK47。 动作又有所优化(怎么感觉使味越来越重了),音效也由咸鱼重制,现在音效比之前的顺耳了许多。 总之,再次谢谢大佬们的订阅和指导。 如果有啥建议不妨评论区留言。 欢迎大家订阅!!~~ 也请大家关注下各位大佬~~ Enjoy it~~ ┌──────────MOD制作人员───────────┐ Models:Chopin.WU FReeZeICE Textures:Chopin.WU Animations:繁华梦境(me) Sounds:咸鱼音乐收发室 ...
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Material: MxDlZnB ...
Mozambique Loona Reskin
Creato da Vilinsecto
In other mod posted on the Workshop, some user asked if I could make the other Apex shotguns. Well, this is another reskin with the colors of Loona, Helluva Boss. In this case it is for the Mozambique Auto from Apex Legends, that replace the AutoShotgun. T...
[碧蓝航线] PKM 埃吉尔 (AK47)
Creato da Azhe
埃吉尔 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ If you like, please give a positive rating. I'll be happy to see it, which can motivate me to do better. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1B3411L7k...
幸存者强化 Survivor Strengthen
Creato da WH_Muato
强化内容2.0: 1.打包满血,100血 2.快速打包,倒油,给可乐,救人,拉人,3秒 3.倒地爬行 4.重生满血,100血 5.增加倒地拉起的血量,80血,倒地次数,4次 6.吃药满血,掉血时间减少 7.一代火神固定机枪冷却时间10秒,过热时间30秒 8.更改受伤血量,10血 9.肾上腺素持续时间,30秒,增加使用后的移动速度,使用增加血量,50血 10.推人次数,20次,推人间隔减少 11.近战武器速度略微提升 12.装备镭射后精准度提升50% 可搭配备弹MOD:https://steamcommuni...
【原神】COD MW2019 Kilo141—神里绫华(M16) / 【Genshin Impact】COD MW2019 Kilo 141—Kamisato Ayaka(M16)
Creato da 洛兮
替换M16A2突击步枪 ,replace M16A2 rifle 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2574862184 origin model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257486...
Creato da 老瑞瑞
描述:替换木喷的皮肤-明日方舟W的动态+夜光 展示:>>B站视频展示(点击)<< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/07/47fVe81WvM3aKZU.gif 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/07/Cp87LuzFdJjGXTt.gif https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/07/m4T1gsVAoJynGrZ.gif mod的制作过程,参考过>>桃乐丝啊大大<<和>>十年公交男大大<<的mod,感谢他们!! 挣扎了好几天,终于摸出来...
The Original L4D Survivors
Creato da Splinks2
After many years of being lost in the Archives and serval thinking they truely were gone forever. The crew have once again shown that nobody on this team shall ever be Left 4 Dead. They're Finally Here People!!! Special Thanks: The L4D2 community: for givi...
MK18 MOD1(SG552)
Creato da Cele
Well for a long time being i didnt release sth,maybe people have forgotten me already?this time i will present u a modified AR15,as it replaces the hidden rifle SG552,and i re-rigged broke's anim once again,hope u enjoy it,also some notice:to enable hidden...
RE8 Village Degtyaryov PKM (M60)
Creato da 8sianDude
A cutscene exclusive machine gun used by Hound Wolf operator Lobo during the raid mission on a Romanian Village in Resident Evil 8 Village is the Degtyaryov PKM, known as the "PT Machine Gun" in-game. Attachments: The PKM is modified with a picatinny rail ...
Sudden Attack 2 AK-47(AK-47)
Creato da ThedonPNW
涅盘重生's Sudden Attack 2 AK-47 mod with a sound file removed. Will use vanilla firing sound. (All credit for this lovely mod goes to its original author: 涅盘重生. Many users, myself included, were experiencing a static sound after firing. I simply removed the s...
"Big Glock"
Creato da Denny凯妈
It's bigger than you think....... Replaces Magnum/Deagle 替换马格南手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - Glock models/textures Hyper/Ryan Cameron - Original idea Nopeful - Animations Denny凯妈/New World Interactive/zmg - Audio Thanez - laser model/t...
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR USP.45:D Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - USP.45 models/textures Denny凯妈/Active Vision - Audio arby26 - Original Compile/Animations arby26 - Animations griggs - Ripping zmg - Special help(thanks!) Denny凯妈 - Compile ...
Glock 19 (9mm Pistols)
Creato da 8sianDude
I like Glock brand pistols, especially the Glock 19. But what disappoints me is that when I tried searching for a pair of Glock 19 mods on the L4D2 workshop, only a converted fully automatic Glock 19 showed up. Since nobody wants to convert them back to se...
Gilboa Snake DBR Alternative (SG552)
Creato da Cele
This is a alt version of Gilboa Snake DBR magnifier flipped up,choose which one you like...
My Custom M4TECH Cyberpunk Assault Rilfe Original Mod By MXCF Custom Textures Sounds And Scripts Created By HYPERDRIVE Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
Infinite Warfare - KBS Longbow
Creato da Du008
Welcome! I'm Du008 one of the author of the Overwatch D.Va Voice Pack for Rochelle. This is my Infinite Warfare KBS Longbow weapon addon for l4d2. First of all this was made for personal use, but i thought maybe some of you might enjoy it, so here it is. I...
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR M9:D Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - M9 models/textures Denny凯妈/Active Vision - Audio New World Interactive - flashlight Lt. Rocky - Original compile Cele/Strifer - animations zmg - Special help/Fixing griggs - Rip...
Kobracon (Upgraded) (Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon)
Creato da Wyrm
Description: As Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Data Console say: "You know that burning sensation you sometimes get when you go to the bathroom? Now imagine that happening? right through your skull. That?s what happens when you put this rifle in the hands of a re...
Suppressed M13 firing Sound (Silenced SMG)
Creato da Uif Qpps Tbq
Replaces the Silenced SMG's firing sound with that of the Suppressed M13 from Modern warfare 2019. Didn't come out as clear as I wanted it to, so it's a little underwhelming...
Denny's John Wick Kel-Tec KSG For Pump Shotgun With Default Sounds
Creato da Equinox
Replaces the pump shotgun with the John Wick's KSG with default sounds. Original mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1838479135&searchtext=ksg Credits: Overkill - KSG model/textures Denny凯妈/Overkill - Audio Lt. Rocky - Original Comp...
RE8 Village SIG Sauer MCX Virtus SBR with Romeo Optic (Desert Rifle)
Creato da 8sianDude
A version without the Juliet 4x magnifier and vertical foregrip. A carbine used by Hound Wolf operators during the raid on the Winters' Romanian residence in Resident Evil 8 Village is the SIG Sauer MCX Virtus SBR, known as the "WCX" in-game. The MCX is al...
S890 (m1014 replacer)
Creato da HK G41
WWZ Combat Shotgun (S890) replacement for m1014 auto shotgun, is Remington Model 1100 mix with M4 Super 90 parts and suppressor/silencer animation by me model by saber interactive sound by saber interactive, far cry Miku skin by Beau WHITE HEART skin by S-...
Cyberpunk 2077 - TDS - pumpshotgun
Creato da Ramm.asmiette
Do not upload any of my mods before asking, ty. I hope you guys appreciate the work on the details and the originality of this mod ! Tsunami Defense Systems just manufactured a new electric shotgun ! 3D Model + Textures + skinning and compiling made by me ...
RE8 Village Colt M45A1 CQBP (Magnum)
Creato da 8sianDude
A cutscene exclusive handgun used by Hound Wolf operator Umber Eyes in Resident Evil 8 Village is a Colt M45A1 Close Quarter Battle Pistol (CQBP), known as the "MA51 GQ Custom" in-game. Attachments: The M45A1 is fitted with a SureFire x300 flashlight and a...
[Ironsight]Turquois M4ACC-M(M16A2)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Turquois M4ACC-M(M16A2) mesh:ironsight sound:ironsight materials:ironsight animations:fanmeng ...
COD MW : RE ak47 nightvision cam [realtime]
Creato da Ramm.asmiette
Published an alternative version of my cod MW remastered ak47 with scope and night vision cam Original noscope no cam version : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2014680048 I REMOVED the 3 different reload so now your friends no longer...
RE8 Village CZ 2075 RAMI (9mm Pistols)
Creato da 8sianDude
A compact 9mm pistol given to Ethan Winters by an unnamed Romanian farmer in Resident Evil 8 Village is the CZ 2075 RAMI with a few custom/hybrid parts, known as "LEMI" in-game. By default, it comes with cloth wrapped around the pistol grip and an extended...
P.S.S.10 (SPAS replacement)
Creato da HK G41
P.S.S.10 competition shotgun for SPAS 12 slot animation: me model: warface sound: warface and counter strike Genshin Yan Fei skin by 洛兮 FGO Baobhan Sith skin by 小白酱 在白给前不小心 Honkai skin by 老瑞瑞 BEATLESS skin by M82A1闇冥...
Hammer 棒槌 铬(Chrome)
Creato da 仓鼠箘
A Chrome skin Hammer from Crysis2 Replaces the Desert Eagle. Based on @Rinduty 's Hammer_Crysis2 from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=653351945&searchtext=hammer Credits: Rinduty/Crytek GmBH: Model Mundfish: Author Arby26: Animation ...
Cyberpunk 2077 - TDS - pumpshotgun sounds
Creato da Ramm.asmiette
Custom sounds for my cyberpunk 2077 pumpshotgun mod. Change the sound of the deploy pumpshotgun, so any mod that use this sound will change too and will be red in your addon list ( but still work)....
UMP45 Silenced Girls Frontline UMP45 replace Silenced SMG
Creato da Tiến ~Kriegs~
This is my second mod that i made, hope you guy enjoyed it. UMP45 silenced with Girls Fontline UMP45 skin texture replace the silenced smg or Mac-10 Model and textures are from the original mod, i just add in the silencer, the flashlight handle and the sco...
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR M82A1:D Replaces sniper rifle/G3 替换狙击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - M82A1 models/textures/Animations Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward - Audio Rex The Impaler - Original Compile/Animations Yogensia - flashlight model/textures griggs - ripping Denn...
Creato da Denny凯妈
She arrived too late ;) Replaces AK47/AKM 替换AK47步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Activision - SIG MCX models/textures Denny凯妈/Activision - Audio Lt. Rocky - Original Compile/Animations Battlestate Games/MaxPresi - BRAVO4 cele - Animations RedRogueXIII - Mag...
Back 4 Blood Desert Eagle
Creato da BlindTwig
Guys is this L4D3? The game journalists told me it was! This took a long time to finish. This is the Desert Eagle from Back 4 Blood's alpha. Took me quite a while to get working thanks to UE4's weird way of doing some things, but it was worth it. Why isn't...
Dual Desert Eagles
Creato da ihcorochris
It's whoop-ass time! DESCRIPTION This was based on a really old GameMaps mod from back in 2012, though it had its downsides such as reduced model quality and the animations are that of pre-TLS era. So what I did was try and recreate the whole thing from sc...
PD2 HK417
Creato da Denny凯妈
I'm late... Replaces Hunting Rifle 替换木质猎枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Overkill Software - Models/textures/audio Denny凯妈/Overkill Software - Audio cele - Original Compile/Animations/Bullet model/textures ImBrokeRU/cele - Animations Active Vision - Scope an...
MWR Ranger
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR Ranger with MWR Animations:D Replaces PumpShotgun 替换木质霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - Ranger models/textures/Animations Denny凯妈/Active Vision/zmg- Audio Yogensia - Flashlight model/textures griggs - Ripping Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animat...
【雪霁梅香】Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 F1 Firearms AR15 Tactical 使命召唤:现代战争 AR15 竞赛型
说明 · 【雪霁梅香】Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 F1 Firearms AR15 Tactical 使命召唤:现代战争 AR15 竞赛型 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:麻辣香锅 · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/17310530396973634...
UKNOUT's Benelli M1014 - BREACHER [ SPAS-12 ]
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace SPAS-12... This just Simple Hex Edit.. Nothing much... Credits : - Original compiler, Animation - UKNOUT - Me - Simple Edit/Hex Here the Original Source : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1443113479 Requested By Swan The Fox™...
H&K MP5SD Black (Replaces H&K MP5)
Creato da Raizen
SWAT issue MP5SD plus no muzzleflash for extra stealth To fix the sound issue if present, type this on console snd_rebuildaudiocache Suggested fov:65 "cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 65" Models: Activision/Raven Sounds: Infinity Ward Animations/Compile: HalfLifeZm...
Insurgency M92FS & M93R
Creato da Denny凯妈
How have you been? Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: New World Interactive - M9 models/textures Navaro - Audio New World Interactive - flashlight Noob2 - M93R Raffica MzK - animations Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing I did...
RE8 Village Remington 870 Custom with Tactical Stock (Chrome Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
A shotgun found in one of the abandoned houses in a Romanian Village in Resident Evil 8 Village is a custom modified Remington 870, known as "W870 TAC" in-game. How in the world did some Romanian villager that still lives in a wooden house acquire such biz...
H&K MP5A3 RAS Suppressed with Aimpoint (CS:S MP5)
Creato da 8sianDude
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with a SEF trigger group, modified with Knight's Armament Company Rail Attachment System (RAS) Handguard, Aimpoint CompM4 and a GEMTECH suppressor. This is my poor attempt at replicating the same modified MP5A3 used by Alejandro in Sic...
Escape from Tarkov: Tactical SIG MCX
Creato da Denny凯妈
It's finally here! Replaces AK47/AKM 替换AK47步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - SIG MCX models/textures Crank07- Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games/zmg - Audio Olegarh - Ripping Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing Animation is r...
碧蓝航线Azur Lane加载+主界面替换
Creato da 在下白毛控
Loading interface Picture replacement 2020.10.12 updata 二刺螈の浓度大大提升了 ...
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace CSS SG552... ... Credits : - Models:Activision/Raven - Sounds:Magmacow - Texture/Materials:HalfLifeZm - Animations/Compile:Halflifezm - Recompile. Fix and Edit : Me and Eddy Note : The Original Model was removed long time ago . this is reupload and...
MWR Saiga-12
Creato da Denny凯妈
Please forgive me for the rough editing of the animation!😂 Replaces SPAS/Tactical autoshotgun 替换SPAS连发霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - Saiga-12 models/textures/animations Denny凯妈/Active Vision - Audio Arima - Original Compile/Animations Ode...
Honkai Impact Durandal Immortal Star Anchor Replaces Ellis 崩坏3 幽兰戴尔 不灭星锚 替换 艾利斯
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Durandal Immortal Star Anchor.it replaces Ellis in game. 崩坏3幽兰戴尔不灭星锚替换游戏内艾利斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Ellis 替换 Ellis ----------------------------Then/补充------...
MWR W1200
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR W1200:D Replaces Chrome Shotgun 替换铁质霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - W1200 models/textures Denny凯妈/Active Vision - Audio Lt. Rocky - Original Compile/Animations Tripwire/Killing Floor 2 - Animations Yogensia - Flashlight model/textures ...
replace the bileBomb I love this model, so I made it a game Part of the map of the model is glowing Animation: original animation (Cannot be used with other bileBoom's animation mod) Forgive me for my poor English~ 替换游戏内道具 胆汁的模型 贴图部分带夜光 风格有点像全境封锁 动作是官方原版动作...
RE3 Remake Beretta 92FS Custom "Samurai Edge" [Jill's Model] (9mm Pistols)
Creato da 8sianDude
Somewhat of an alternative to my previous RE2 Remake Samurai Edge handguns. Jill Valentine's custom issued S.T.A.R.S. handgun in Resident Evil 3 Remake is a highly modified Beretta 92FS named the "Samurai Edge". The Samurai Edge can be unlocked in the Poin...
AN-94 MOD 0 (hunting rifle replacer)
Creato da HK G41
AN94 MOD 0, equipped with 1p29 Russian optic is a copy of Trilux/SUIT scope. original manufacture by Izhmash which is now combined with Izmekh into JSC Kalashnikov. hyper burst feature is used to divide 30-round magazine into 15 shots, do not ask for other...
Scorpion EVO3 Tactical with Aimpot and Forgrip 蝎式EVO3战术冲锋枪
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
Description(简介): Scorpion EVO3 is an new sub-machine gun upcome in 2010,looks quite like g36.The source files are still in the vpk,you still can extract it and modify it if you can 10年新出台的冲锋枪,外观和g36特别像。源文件依然在vpk里面,如果你有任何改进方案可以做修改 Replaces MAC10(silenced sm...
COD:MW Desert Eagle
Creato da Denny凯妈
Here it comes at last!!:D Replaces Magnum/Deagle 替换马格南手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - COD:MW Desert Eagle models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward - Audio Viper - Ripping/textures Frezixx/Rymd - Original Compile/Animations Denny凯妈/zmg - ...
MAC-10 | Disco Tech
Creato da Yarou
Disco Tech skin from CS:GO edited to fit with the Silenced SMG. (used Alex_D_Vasilkov's neon rider as a reference) Compatible with reanimations. Pre-TLS animations were used in the screenshots....
[Tank Music]DMC5 Silver Bullet (Devil Trigger Remix) w/Vocals V2
Creato da InfinityS-iwnl-
Replace the tank music (tank.wav only) with Devil May Cry 5 - Silver Bullet (Devil Trigger Remix) w/Vocals Part of the video 0:54.650 - 1:47.650 Normal Tank Music - V1 Version Here Finale Tank Music - V1 Version Here Finale Tank Music - V2 Version Here...
FA:S KAC SR-25 Suppressed (Military Sniper)
Creato da 8sianDude
Just a version with a suppressor. Unsuppressed version here. Knight's Armament Company Stoner Rifle-25 designated marksman rifle, fitted with a Leupold Mk.4 telescopic sight, Magpul MOE stock, Harris Bipod, KAC Suppressor, extended charging handle latch an...
MK-14 EBR Tech
Creato da 仓鼠箘
This is a super-awesome MK-14 EBR Tech, i remade it, replace G3. Original author has deleted this awesome MOD for unknown reason, it's from COD Online, and it's Pink. If there's anyone know who is the author, please contact me to sign his name, If author i...
Pepsi Launcher 百事可乐发射器
Creato da PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Pepsi Launcher= =百事可乐发射器= For Grenade Launcher 替换榴弹发射器 内含: V模,W模,音效 Feature: V model W model Sounds Common Version 原版 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017385967&searchtext= 可接单进行榴弹定制,请加好友私聊 DICE - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - A...
RE8 Village Mini Draco Custom AK Carbine Suppressed (AK47)
Creato da 8sianDude
A suppressed AK style carbine used by 3 Hound Wolf operators in Resident Evil 8 Village is a highly customised Mini Draco, with the receiver of an AKM, allowing the carbine to fire in full-auto. It is known as the "Dragoon" in-game and the firearm was also...
MWR M1014
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR M1014 Shotgun:D Replaces auto Shotgun 替换全自动霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - M1014 models/textures/animations Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward - Audio Rex The Impaler - Original Compile/Animations Yogensia - flashlight model/textures Alex_D_Vasilko...
M570 (Chrome shotgun)
Creato da HK G41
Mossberg 500, Remington 870 hybrid, World War Z (2019VG) M500 (i call it M570). it replace chrome shotgun, and uses mix of support and dominant hand competition reload. animation by me model by saber interactive sound by saber interactive, warface 'So a de...
RE3 Remake Benelli M4 Super 90 "hybrid" with Fixed Wooden Stock (Combat Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
A 12 gauge shotgun found in a railway office caged cabinet in Resident Evil 3 Remake is the Benelli M3 Super 90 (known as the "M3" in-game). Upgrading the M3 with a "Semi-Auto Barrel" unrealistically turns the M3 into some cursed mishmash hybrid Benelli M4...
RE8 Village SIG Sauer MCX Virtus SBR with Foregrip, Romeo and Juliet Optic (CS:S SG552)
Creato da 8sianDude
A carbine used by Hound Wolf operators during the raid on the Winters' Romanian residence in Resident Evil 8 Village is the SIG Sauer MCX Virtus SBR, known as the "WCX" in-game. The MCX is also unlockable in the point shop after completing the game at leas...
My Custom HYPERDRIVE REAVER ! Includes Custom Textures And Sound Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
EFT M4A1 Suppressed (M16) - Deep Black
Creato da JHY
(Im not the original author. I just retouched the textures and reduced the file size with permission.) Escape From Tarkov's M4A1S upgraded with some attachments. It looks more similar to the MK18 than the M4A1. Replaces the M16(Assault Rifle). **The color ...
Gilboa Snake DBR (SG552)
Creato da Cele
This a double barreled FAT rifle,double shells ejection.scripts may make it have double damage,this addon doesn't include any script Credits: Gilboa Snake DBR: Crytek kyiv Eotech and Magnifier: NWI Sound: Nightmare Mutant Animation: Cele See Alt Ver. Thank...
RE8 Village Izmash Saiga-12 with Kobra Optic (Combat Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
An automatic shotgun sold by the Duke in Resident Evil 8 Village is an Izmash Saiga-12, known as "SYG-12" in-game. Since the default Saiga doesn't come with any ironsight whatsoever, I've decided to leave the "upgradeable" Kobra optic on there. Attachments...
CS Style HD D.Eagle
Creato da Cele
Animations were imitations,sound original Desert Eagle: Silvertm Sound: Valve Animation: Cele Thanks for Slyfe's video preview...
Creato da Denny凯妈
MWR M16A4:D Replaces Desert Rifle/SCAR 替换SCAR三连发步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - M16A4 models/textures Denny凯妈/Active Vision- Audio Arima - Original Compile/Animations Yogensia - Flashlight model/textures Hyper/Unknown - Animations griggs - ...
SIG MCX Spear (AK47) (Black)
Creato da Death Angel
Replaces the AK47 with the MCX Spear. The next generation squad weapon (NGSW) program by the United States Military started in in 2017. The rifle component of the program (NGSW-R) called for an intermediate 6.8mm caliber round capable of defeating Level IV...
RE3 Remake Benelli M4 Super 90 "hybrid" (Auto Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
A 12 gauge shotgun found in a railway office caged cabinet in Resident Evil 3 Remake is the Benelli M3 Super 90 (known as the "M3" in-game). Upgrading the M3 with a "Tactical Stock" and a "Semi-Auto Barrel" unrealistically turns the M3 into some cursed mis...
Escape from Tarkov: SA-58 FAL
Creato da Denny凯妈
EFT SA58:D Replaces AK47/AKM 替换AK47步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - SA58 models/textures New World Interactive - flashlight/Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games - Audio Lt. Rocky - Original Compile/Animations Yogensia - Flashlight model/...
RE8 Village Beretta 92FS Custom "Samurai Edge" [AW Model-01] (Magnum)
Creato da 8sianDude
A pre-order exclusive handgun in Resident Evil 8 Village is a highly customised Beretta 92FS known as the "Samurei Edge - AW Model-01" in-game. This is a re-used asset from RE7 Biohazard. A semi-automatic Beretta handgun originally designed by the Kendo br...
RE8 Village TTI Glock 17 Combat Master (9mm Pistols)
Creato da 8sianDude
A cutscene exclusive sidearm used by Hound Wolf operators during their recon and raid mission on a Romanian Village in Resident Evil 8 Village is the Taren Tactical Innovations (TTI) Glock 17 Gen 3 Combat Master, known as the "GL7" in-game. Attachments: Th...
Titanfall 2 - B3 Wingman Elite
Creato da Twilight Sparkle
So continuing with the pistol types i now bring you the B3 Wingman Elite, so this one will replace, again, the ("Magnum or Desert Eagle") and it comes with its original animations and sounds. So yeah not much to say as usual other than i hope you guys like...
Halo M319 Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher)
Creato da Adorabirb!
"The M319 Individual Grenade Launcher, more formally known as the Individual Grenade Launcher, Caliber 40mm, M319, is a single-shot, break-action explosives launcher produced by Misriah Armory and used by the United Nations Space Command, specifically the ...
RE8 Village Machete (Machete)
Creato da 8sianDude
A cutscene only weapon used by a Romanian village farmer in Resident Evil 8 Village is a homemade machete. The blade is coated in rust, and wolf fur strapped with leather acting as a handle guard. Leather can also be seen strapped around the handle as a ma...
【碧蓝航线】吾妻 IJN Azuma RK-62 M1 (M16)
说明 · 【碧蓝航线】吾妻 IJN Azuma RK-62 M1 (M16) · 是定制单,包含夜光 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) BiliBili 视频预览 借物表 · Original Model:Tööttieläin · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1638738640750835593/7FFAA0859DDE71...
My Customized Triple Take Apex! Includes Custom Textures Sounds And Script Replaces The Scout Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<< ...
[CSGO] Desert Eagle | Printstream
Creato da 深月
As you can see, we restored the pearlescent effect as much as possible. Don't forget to rate it and add it to your favourite if you like. Have fun! Original texture: JTPNZ Model/Animation/Sound: Twilight Sparkle Effect: 松果...
【危险开关】Krieg 747 SchallDämpfer (AK-47)
说明 · 【危险开关】Krieg 747 SchallDämpfer (AK-47) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:177vi · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined" · 原MOD (Original Model) 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1800856363666122667/A907C90F62BAEE028...
Apex Legends - Triple Take
Creato da Twilight Sparkle
And so continuing with the sniper types after the release of Mirage i bring you the Triple Take, this one will replace the Scout sniper rifle as it comes with its original animations and sounds as well as i added some physics to the jiggly part on the fron...
Triple Take Loona Reskin
Creato da Vilinsecto
This is another reskin made at the request of Corvus (a Mexican streamer, CORVUSxHOPPS, a great specialist in weapons and mods) for the weapon set that he wants to create with the colors of one of the characters he uses, Loona, from Helluva Boss. In this c...
Vtuber 壱百満天原サロメ Hyakumantenbara Salome (Rochelle)
Vtuber 壱百満天原サロメ ですわ~ 替换黑妹 Vtuber Hyakumantenbara Salome replaces the rochelle 模型/Model ですわ~:りぼん 编译/Compile ですわ~:Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) ...
Creato da 馒头
当代神秘组织在继承传统精神过程中的得意力作。在反抗压迫中,逐步形成了建立新世界的救世理念。 馒头出品,这回是有动作的哦 有问题可以留言...
M4 replaces M16
M4 replaces M16 When I was browsing the model website, I found a group of models that looked very good, so I made a mod I don't know which game it is. If you know, you can tell me The following is the model group diagram https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
Science fiction AK replaces AK
Science fiction AK replaces AK Thank you for your help and support When wandering, I saw a group of models, so I made one I don't know which game it is. Let's talk about it The following is the model group diagram https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc...
MWR M4A1(M16)
Creato da Animal33
替换M16A2突击步枪 Credits: Denny凯妈 封面制作,QC编写,音效制作 zmg W模简化,燃烧弹音效,修复抛壳问题等 Animal33 动画制作 Dr. Gordon Freeman, Ph.D 模型授权 模型来自: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/786380826231792899/8046BDC07709B491306C88B895DDBBAAE72458C1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=...
Old Man Ak47
Creato da Oguzhan
-Replaces ak47 ✅ Animations Valve ✅ 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐬&𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 p3dm WipleGames Inc., ✅Sound ...
Creato da MxDlZnB
AK47 TRANSPARENT Model: CFHD Sound effects: CFHD Animation: CFHD Texture: CFHD Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB —————————————————————— The internal structure can move Replace item_loop with inspect when you find new gun, this mod view play anim "...
Creato da 柳德米拉
不可以涩涩哦! 这个也是萝莉的喷水(放尿)时刻哦 共10张,尽情享用罢! 喜欢的话点个赞吧,新人制作者,想上五星✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿ ...
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZn !!!THIS MOD HAVE SCRIPTS WITCH MADE M60 RELOAD !!! ...
Escape from Tarkov: Tactical MK18 MOD 0 (Tan)
Creato da Denny凯妈
EFT MK18 MOD 0:D Replaces Rifle/M16 替换M16A2突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - MK18 models/textures MzK - Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games - Audio Olegarh- Ripping Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing 回归仨作!:D Animations shou...
[Destiny2] Dead Man's Tale
Motivation By <FaneStar> Replace - Pump Shotgun/Hunting Rifle/Chrome Shotgun and sound and icon AND HERE IS THE >Chrome Shotgun Version< 还有 >Pump Shotgun Version< 还有 >Spas Shotgun Version< this gun is from <Destiny2> and f**k you bungie!!! Model - <Bungie>...
Cheyenne Tactical Intervention Custom (Replaces AWP)
Creato da Raizen
A Customized Swat issue Tactical Intervention Attachments on the weapon - Variable zoom scope with bubble level and speed lever - Side mounted laser sight / flashlight To fix the sound issue if present, type this on console snd_rebuildaudiocache Suggested ...
少女前线主题SIG MCX 替换AK47 (Grils Frontline's style SIG MCX replace AK47)
Creato da HCのYUDA
我不是警察而是小偷,小偷是以偷窃为生的,哪怕少女之心也一样。 或许,扑克是骗人的,但是,看玩扑克的人,喜欢被人骗。 Replaces AK47 替换AK47步枪 描述:塑料质感极强的皮肤,灵感来源cod和激浪,还有逛街看到小孩子玩的水枪(笑) 总体来说做的一般没有过多的渐变啥的,一直在找灵感,希望你们能够喜欢。 同时感谢凯妈大佬的授权。 声明: 模型源自:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1965981647 model deriv...
Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX L6 (Magnum)
Creato da 8sianDude
Nothing too special, just a Deagle with a bunch of Picatinny rails and holes in the frame that can probably trigger some trypophobia. Magnum Research Inc. Desert Eagle Mark XIX L6 Lightweight. It comes in a stainless steel finish, and fitted with rubber gr...
RGB MAC-10 Disco Tech (Glow)
Creato da 十年公交男
RGB MAC-10 Disco Tech (Glow) Included: Materials. Replace SMG (Silenced SMG) Description: Now I think the original SMG action is good, so I modified the effect. Inspired from: MAC-10 | Disco Tech ,Added normal and glow, RGB at the same time. Statement: Tex...
没有喜欢的mod就自己做一个( 依然是我最爱的江風,加上珠光和其他贴花 只有少量的夜光 (我还加上了小心心枪口火焰 yue) 原mod链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=236561361 希望你也能喜欢 ...
幸存者提升 Survivor promotion
Creato da 寂寞de残影
别人的幸存者太强了,我就做了个合适一点的 1、快速打包、救人、电人 2、倒地爬行 3、打包、嗑药满血、打针半血 4、瘸腿血量改为20,倒地后扶起虚血改为80 5、关闭友伤 新增加友伤版本 幸存者提升-- ...
【原神】雷电将军 梦想一心 太刀 RaidenShogun Musou Isshin(Katana)
说明 · 【原神】雷电将军 梦想一心 太刀 RaidenShogun Musou Isshin(Katana) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Models : miHoyo · Compile:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined、麻辣香锅 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/18380354123...
MW2019: Grau 5.56
Creato da mav
This modular 5.56 weapon platform is lightweight and maneuverable, with exceptional range. Precision engineering and world class after-market barrels give this weapon extreme potential. The Grau equipped with a Cronen 4x. Features fully fixed and accurate ...
RE8 Village Izmash Saiga-12 with Drum Mag and Kobra Optic (Auto Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
An automatic shotgun sold by the Duke in Resident Evil 8 Village is an Izmash Saiga-12, known as "SYG-12" in-game. Attachments: The Saiga-12 is modified with a custom picatinny rail handguard, Kobra EKP-8M-PP Gen 3 optic sight, TangoDown stubby vertical fo...
W&B Thomnal cal(ak47)
Creato da ZMing
替换了AK47,这是我的第三个模型MOD,希望你能喜欢。 切枪/换弹可动的枪械细节,荧光贴图,动态贴图,能往里塞的都往里塞爆! 如果你喜欢这个MOD或者对这个MOD有什么意见,欢迎在下方评论区和我激情互动。:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replaced AK47, this is my third model MOD, I ho...
KAC SR-25 Silenced[Military Sniper]+smaller muzzle fire
说明 · KAC SR-25 Silenced+smaller muzzle fire · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:Denny凯妈 、洛洛无霍 · Upload:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 请参考原MOD 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
Honkai Impact Elysia Maid Replaces Zoey 崩坏3 爱莉希雅 女仆装 替换 佐伊
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Elysia.It replaces Zoey in game. 崩坏3爱莉希雅女仆装替换游戏内佐伊 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你...
【崩坏3rd】布洛妮娅 次生银翼 替换 Rochelle (R-18)
Replaces Rochelle 说明 · 【崩坏3rd】布洛妮娅 次生银翼 替换 Rochelle (R-18) · 仅较小程度修改了贴图(去除胖次,添加啤),别TM再问改哪了OK吗 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:麻辣香锅 · New skin:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢)就请点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
天闹黑卡板载! 替换尸潮吼声
Creato da Eeeechø
这可太生草了 创意工坊有人做过这个mod但是不够大声 所以我就去网上找了板载的音频素材自己做了一个 演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nq4y1x7cU/ 最近有人做了鬼子的mod,顺手加上直接梦回1945 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2799139418 XD...
Honkai Impact Bronya Zaychik Secondary Silver Wings Replaces Rochelle 崩坏3 布洛妮娅 次生银翼 替换 罗雪儿
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s the newest ver. Bronya Zaychik.It replaces Rochelle in game. 布洛妮娅扎伊切克 次生...
[CODOL]AAC Honey Badger (M16)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB ...
[Asoul] 向晚Ava Dual SMG
Replace - Silenced SMG...
【碧蓝航线】齐柏林 RE8 Village Izmash Saiga-12 with Drum Mag and Kobra Optic (Auto Shotgun)
说明 · 【碧蓝航线】齐柏林 RE8 Village Izmash Saiga-12 with Drum Mag and Kobra Optic (Auto Shotgun) · 是定制单,包含夜光 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) BiliBili 视频预览 h1]借物表 · Original Model:8sianDude · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.a...
[东百往事系列]小亮 替换 Jockey 语音
Creato da Nagasaki Soyorin
东百往事第三章 沈阳烩面 Jockey:艹,走!忽略~ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ 替换原 Jockey 的所有语音 Jockey:团长嗷!你不带你那三个狗队友来教区了吗?我们就烩烩你。 演示视频(附整活dlc): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k3411p7JB 出现时:来小亮给大家整个活! 闲置:打人不打脸,骂人不骂妈 狗徒弟来沈阳了吗 艹 走 忽略 ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ 头套给你薅一地 套人:草 走 忽略忽略忽略忽略忽略忽略 发现生还者:过来!头套给你薅一地!干你就完了 死亡...
HECKLER & KOCH MP5K-A1 Custom (Replaces CSS MP5)
Creato da Raizen
A Customized Swat issue MP5K-A1 equipped with suppressor, disabled the muzzleflashes for extra stealth To fix the sound issue if present, type this on console snd_rebuildaudiocache Suggested Fov: 65 "cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 65" Models and Sounds: Activisio...
[Honkai Impact] Elysia Replaces Zoey 崩坏3 爱莉希雅 替换 佐伊
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Elysia.It replaces Zoey in game. 崩坏3爱莉希雅替换游戏内佐伊 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Zoey 替换 Zoey ----------------------------Then/补充---------------------------- New char...
[M2033] VSV - scope (sg552)
Creato da L0qi
Replaces SG 552 Working scope, less punch and reload animation that wasn't just lazily stretched to match the new length. Features: Model Textures Animations Sounds HUD icon Reskin compatibility Credits 4A Games - model, textures, audio L0qi - ripping, ani...
MW2019 Ram-7 Tendo Arisu (animated and glow)
Creato da _LvZ1
嘿嘿,爱丽丝,小小的,软软的,香香的,嘿嘿,嘿嘿嘿。 TendoArisu from Blue Archive 请教了一下大佬后终于学会了怎么搞动态贴图,火速整了一把试试水。 第一次尝试做动态皮,也没有整很复杂的那种,以后可能会有吧。 最近请教n宝了一下怎么搬gmod的武器,以后可能会试试搬运杀地板2的医疗兵武器HMT系列 替换m16/replace m16 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2810712717 Or...
Cry of Fear Syringe[Adrenaline]
Creato da ThunderKiss65
Time to do drugs kids. Its usually not a good idea to pick up uncapped needles off the ground and jab yourself especially ones that already have blood on them, i think the survivors have a problem. Includes: -cof anims -w_models Credits: -Team Psykskallar:...
Apex Legends - Item Pack
Creato da Twilight Sparkle
As an oops that i forgt to release this i come to you presenting this, yeah, anyways, i dont have much to say other than so this is these are some of the items from Apex, these items will replace the following, the smol Shield Battery will replace the Pain...
BF1 Adrenaline 战地1肾上腺素注射剂
Creato da PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=BF1 Adrenaline= =战地1肾上腺素注射剂= For Adrenaline 替换肾上腺素注射剂 内含: V模,W模 Feature: V model W model DICE - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - Animations,Rigging,Compile https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/769490335300431058/9147406CA6A97EA9EC92B11A20C1F6ABA58F...
Creato da ₦st₹eyട
ВСС - Винтовка Снайперская Специальная под 9x39 патрон Заменяет слот под G3 Credits BattleStateGames - original model & textures Activision & Infinity Ward - original animations & models & textures Viper's team - porting animations & models & sounds and co...
[CODOL]FAMAS GLOCK18 Modification kits (replace SCAR)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODOL Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODOL Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB ...
印花集风格转换者冲锋枪 APEX Alternator - printstream
Creato da SLEEP
替换MP5 这是我第一次尝试做mod,心血来潮了属于是,希望大家能喜欢(ノ ̄▽ ̄) 原模型与动作移植:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900579495 贴图与灵感来源:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2782958110 ...
Creato da ₦st₹eyട
ВСС под слот Охотничьей винтовки Специально по запросу Реализован без дополнительных анимаций при взаймодействии с окружением - т.к. слот этот в плане реализации - дерьмище, скрывать не буду, он меня как в начале изучения моддинга раздражал, так и сейчас п...
【接头霸王】女仆系列替换一代生还 Maid replaces L4D1 Suvivor
Creato da 阿梓
简介/introduction 之前在阿b那里刷到了这种女仆换头的视频,感觉还可以,比较对我的口味。就给移植进来玩玩。 创作者 / Creator Models/模型出处: miHoyo/神帝宇/观海子/幻の羽/弎/Splinter VGUI/VGUI: 阡陌菌/不正经的小星星./Slyvia/Koki cover/封面:阡陌菌/不正经的小星星./Slyvia/Koki Compile/移植: Hehuan(me) 包含内容/Includs models | 模型 jiggle bones | 飘动骨骼 V...
Cele's H&K MP7 Improved with Reflex sight
Creato da S0kk0
Replaces silenced SMG with Cele's H&K MP7 Silenced. Has custom firing sound. No HUD icon, no scripts. Added Walther reflex sight, folded iron sights; Removed camera shake from all animations; Matched all animations lenght with vanilla ones; Decreased mater...
Creato da MxDlZnB
M4A1TECH-CUSTOM(M16A2) sound\animation\mesh\texture:codol ...
[CODOL]ACR-Nuke(replace M16A2)
Creato da MxDlZnB
ACR-Nuke(replace M16A2) mesh\sound\animations\materials:codol...
Pack of Arms V.14 ✰✰✰✰✰
Creato da GS Mod In Play
🥉Do you want me to make more mods for you? then donate steam points to me so I can continue to post more mods by clicking on the Reward option above. 🥉Você quer que eu faça mais mods para você? então me faça doação de pontos steam para que eu possa continu...
Pubg M416 (HK416) with Eotech&Triangular grip&suppressor(Codol m4tech anims)
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
This time is M416 from Pubg (HK416) with several attachments replaces default m16a2.It uses codol's m4tech anims,which are vey cool animations. M416 model - 焦糖圆滚滚 https://www.cgmodel.com/model-193532.html Original mod - MxDlZnB https://steamcommunity.com/s...
Creato da MxDlZnB
80,000 faces 156 bones Cool special effects Hard core action All you want is here...
Creato da MxDlZnB
m16a2-police mesh\texture\animations\sound:codol !!!!!!!!!!!!Please note for epilepsy patients: this mod has the special effect of alternating red and blue flashes!!!!!!...
John Wick's Coharie Arms CA-415
Creato da Lt. Rocky
The John Wick brand of sofas are the many piles of henchmen he's murdered wrapped in a plastic bag and sculpted into the shape of something one can sit on. Its like recycling, but with more Europeans. And now you too can join in on the Supply & Demand with...
Titanfall - R-101C Carbine
Creato da Twilight Sparkle
So after i saw Titanfall and play some of it, thought it was a good game, good that it was on the Source Engine for the better port and content, so anyway, i was thinking that it would be a good idea doing the Carbine from and put it on L4D2 to see how it ...
Creato da MxDlZnB
FATE-GALAXY(M16) Fantasy visual experience 4K normal map Dynamic maps Do not try low configuration ...
MW2 ACR[M16]
Creato da ThunderKiss65
RAMIREZ, TAKE OUT THAT TANK WITH THIS BAG OF M&Ms RAMIREZ, SING HELLO MY LADY BACKWARDS RAMIREZ, AIM DOWN YER SIGHTS Oh and here's the mw2 acr on its own animations. Includes: -mw2 animations -new acr model -firing and reloading sounds -w_models Credits: *...
战双:帕弥什♪ HK416—蒲牢♪(M16) GRAY RAVEN:PUNISHING—PuLao♪
替换M16 ,replace m16 新手做的MOD。有什么做的不好的请见谅 蒲牢新衣服太可爱辣,搓一个 虽然是新人作品,但转载之前要说一声哦(也没人会转你吧) 未经允许不可转载到其他地方 Original mod author:Danny凯妈 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2777680850 origin model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetail...
SLR Rifleworks AR-15 M4 COD Fire SOUND Suppressor [RNG Magazines] (M16)
Creato da XXX GO
这个MOD是一个更换了开火音效的版本,除此之外其他的部分均与原版MOD完全一致。 武器开火音效来自COD的M4A1消音器版音效,也许你会喜欢这个版本的音效。 谢谢,祝你玩得开心。 原版MOD链接:“https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2601643710” This weapon mod only changes the sound effect, and other parts are consistent with the ori...
Creato da Denny凯妈
MP5K PDW!;D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces cs:s MP5 替换MP5冲锋枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: World of guns: gun disassembly - MP5K models/textures ConteAlfonsoII - Ripping New World Interactive/=.KoG.= kiraTonic - Audio Yogensia - flashlight model/te...
Escape from Tarkov: Custom AR-15
Creato da Denny凯妈
AR-15:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces cs:s SG552 替换SG552突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - AR-15 models/textures mav/ThomasCat - Original Compile/Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games/zmg - Audio Yogensia - flashlight model/text...
Insurgency Custom M4A1
Creato da Denny凯妈
M4A1:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces Rifle/M16 替换M16A2突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: New World Interactive/tigg/shortez/Brain Collector - M4A1 models/textures mav/ThomasCat - Original Compile/Animations zmg/New World Interactive/=.KoG.= kiraTo...
Creato da Sakura泪樱
replace SG552 with noctilucence 替换开镜步枪 含夜光 手感凑合 使用碧蓝航线埃吉尔皮肤 拿在手上会发现有一块脚歪了,其实是那里有个鼓包,透视后就歪了,正面看和换弹时是没问题的 无R18,单纯皮肤太色...
Escape from Tarkov: Custom AR-15
Creato da Denny凯妈
Just replace the pistolgrip color http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces cs:s SG552 替换SG552突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - AR-15 models/textures mav/ThomasCat - Original Compile/Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games/zmg - Audio Yogens...
AK-104 (ak47 replacer)
Creato da HK G41
World War Z ARK-103 replacement for AK47 slot. AK-104 is carbine of AK-103, this design is combined handling upgrade path and damage/accuracy with final silencer upgrade. original elcan spectre has been added as textures are now fix animation by me model b...
RU-556 Assault Rifle
Creato da Lt. Rocky
Possibly the last joint project between Jimmakos and myself; Jim's gotta move on with things, sadly. But never let it be said he's the kind of person to disappear silently. This is ImBrokeRU, Antivirus_404 and BuLL5H1T's RU 556 rifle, replacing the M16 rif...
Mk18 for M16
Creato da xxxxxx
贴图没有分割,文件有点大,可能有一些废弃的贴图,请见谅 The textures are not divided, the file is a bit large, there may be some discarded textures, please forgive me 2k优化 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2824020639 素材: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fil...
[Black Ops 3]MX Garand Reanimation
Creato da 苦黄瓜
这是使命召唤:黑色行动3里的MX加兰德,使用我自制的动画,替换原版的木狙(猎枪) This is MX Garand from COD:BO3,with my reanimation,replace for the Hunting Rifle 原模型链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=755008678 Original model link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fil...
【原神】莫娜 AK-104 // 【Genshin impact】 Mona AK-104
Creato da 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了AK(replace AK ) 拥有动态外壳发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 原MOD 关于 本mod禁止贩卖,禁止CSGO社区服移植使用。 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1885334288474559218/026F04C7AAB0446A3BE9CD090C00DAE680A9BC26/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imco...
Creato da Animal33
替换SMG冲锋枪 Credits: Denny凯妈 封面制作,QC编写,音效制作,HUD制作 Animal33 动画制作,W模制作 CindyQwQ 模型提供 参考 波兹·马龙 Post Malone 的ins图片制作动画 ...
[Black Ops3] Scythe
replace M60 nothing to say but please look the video Model And Animation is from: > Black Ops 3 - Specialist Weapons< the Creater just forgive me。so never mind the video now tag: minigun,m134,machine gun,black ops3,call of duty12...
MW19 CX-9 Supressed-八重神子(动态+夜光)
Creato da 老瑞瑞
MW19 CX-9 Supressed-八重神子(动态+夜光)替换 消音冲锋枪 展示:>B站视频展示(点击跳转)<< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/22/kE8XbAqztCY9SDO.gif 替换Uzi版本(点击图片跳转):https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1877453210648152217/FE38DFE9EFA5E9479F7B8C8A0298FBB072C7A6A6/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&i...
Arknights - Shining ACR skin replace SG552 glow 明日方舟 - 闪灵 ACR替换SG552 夜光
Creato da SHArknight
不要再回到战场上了,这里没有救赎。 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2326502898 原图 画师:-秩序菜机- 侵删 Credits: Scope Reflection - Mr.Brightside Sounds - Leon ACOG model&texture - Roman Prusakevich ACOG Lens texture - thanz HellSpike - ANPEQ2 Model El M...
My Customized 1980s Mastiff Chrome Shotgun! Wouldn't It Be Nice To Travel Back In Time To Miami 1984 This Gun Turns Doors Into Splinters And Zombies Into Porridge! Includes Custom Textures Sound And Script...
Creato da 仓田真白
otto 经典语录 队友呢队友呢 救一下啊 举个例子打警报车 c2m2的旋转木马会触发...
Creato da Tyrant
R18 of spray×16 (゚∀゚)【pic】 Happy new year!!!...
[+18] TABLET Medkit YourWaifu "Movie" 9 [Animated]
Creato da N.KATA
Sooo... ooo you need a good reason to help your friends? No? Now you have one....
RNG Autoshotgun
Creato da Dr. Tobias
I added two variants to Lt. Rocky's Edgestylez' Defense 590 shotgun on Arby's shotgun animations I removed the alternate gun firing sounds 66% tactical black 33% grey gunmetal + wood Original mod https://www.gamemaps.com/details/12256 ...
UnforgottenDay Campaign
Creato da DespaKD
Read comment: This is my first campaign. This map have 2 chapters: chapter 1 it's a bit short and chapter 2 is longer. Hope you enjoy this campaign and have fun!...
[AK-47] BEASTARS Legosi Skin For PD2 AK17 [NEW UPDATE]
Creato da Legoshi
Something I want to tell 啥也不说,先逼逼几句 我吐啦 每次更新模组还要重写简介 2021/3/21 NEW UPDATE 2021 3 21日更新 It’s really about to squeeze me out. I stay in class at six in the morning until ten in the evening. After I go home and finish my homework, I will step up to take up th...
AK47 sound revamped
Creato da dog
I MAKE MUSIC TOO! CHECK OUT MY SOUNDCLOUD --- Mr.England hello, welcome. I have revamped the og Ak47 sound to sound more realistic, I added a single compresser and put eq on it to give it more bass. I added more grit to the gun and made it louder so you ha...
RE3 Remake HOT DOGGER (Machete)
Creato da 8sianDude
The "HOT DOGGER" in Resident Evil 3 Remake is an Umbrella developed anti-bioweapon knife featuring a heated blade. The weapon can only be obtained in the Point Shop after completing the game. "As its name implies, this Umbrella-developed anti-bioweapon kni...
Pistol Replace AA-12 shotgun(手枪替换AA-12)
Creato da 月悠红茶
【说明】这个是AA-12霰弹枪MOD,它替换手枪,这个MOD拥有枪械数据修改,它把手枪数据改成了AA-12霰弹枪的数据 This is the MOD that modifies the AA-12.It replaces the pistol,This mod has the gun data modification, it changes the pistol data to AA-12 shotgun data 【演示视频】B站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1c...
UMP-9 replace Uzi SMG
Creato da Caoch
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png Replaces Uzi SMG,includes sounds. Mod by By depriv3Đ,原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1165048866 原本这个Mod的枪声打击感很差,感觉很没劲,也很不合适。 所以我修改了这个Mod的枪声,使它的声音更符合这把枪的外型,从而优化了手感,感觉更有力量 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/R...
[原神] 刻晴 AK47 Insurgency FAL
Creato da Azhe
替换AK47 Replace AK47 拥有夜光效果 With luminous effect 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UU4y1a7iD 替换30发连狙版本: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2416261535 Replace military sniper edition: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetail...
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 F1 Firearms Skeletonized M4A1 使命召唤:现代战争 AR15 竞赛型
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
Description(简述): This is a hollowed receiver ar15 from call of duty mw2019,it's a competition design of its trigger,receiver,bolt,charging handle,etc. 镂空机匣的AR15,看着和束线带非常像 因为都用了LVOA-C的护木,镂空机匣和直扳机等设计属于竞赛步枪的设计 Replaces M16 替换M16 Include(包含): V&W model,sounds,...
Yu Gi Oh--Wrath Of God--tank BGM
Creato da 步柔云
Wrath Of God...
Mutated crustacean [charger]
Creato da Ramm.asmiette
Do not upload any of my mods before asking, ty. A unique model for the charger ! I mixed my own parts with some of the mirelurk from fallout 4 Modeling + texturing + skinning & compiling ..etc by me Feel free to make a custom sound pack for him ( no versus...
John Carpenter's The Shape Hunts Allyson for tank music
Creato da Cooli-oh
Replaces the short and long tank themes with John Carpenter's The Shape Hunts Allyson, the original and an extended version. The tank metal theme (that plays in The Last Stand campaign) remains the same. Worked surprisingly well, so I thought i'd upload th...
【明日方舟】覆潮之下 主题 安全屋加载背景 Chapter Loading Background
说明 · 共计8张图片(There are 8 pictures in total) · 图像分辨率为 1920*1080 ,但原图质量不错,所以无伤大雅 · 图片来自明日方舟官方和BliBili UP主“REDのORGE” · 祝使用愉快 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
【R18】Spray (Azur Lane theme)
Creato da Tyrant
Stadia spray III Hope you enjoy it! =w=...
Creato da Eeeechø
ypa! 演示视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fM4y1u7pv 逛创意工坊的时候发现好像没人做过把乌拉替换尸潮吼声的mod, 然后就心血来潮自己搓了一个 enjoy XD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 天闹黑卡板载!替换尸潮吼声 https://steamcommunity.com/shar...
Cele's Cobalt Kinetics EDGE Rifle w/o HUD
Creato da Pansafurija
Removed HUD. All credits go to Cele....
RU556 (Desert Rifle)
Creato da Macrowolf
CodeName: RU556 Texture #2 with different firing sounds. CREDITS ImBrokeRU: Model Bull5h1t: Textures ImBrokeRU; Cele: Animations Odec3D: AN/PEQ 15 model Navaro: Handling sounds MrFunreal: Firing sounds ...
【原神】 单手剑-笛剑(替换砍刀)/ 【Genshin Impact】单手剑-笛剑(replace machete)
Creato da 洛兮
替换近战开山刀,replace the machete 细剑的锈迹下透露出原本华丽的装饰,挥舞时轻若无物。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含: Texture贴图,法线贴图,高光贴图 做的不好,还请见谅...
【崩坏3rd】后崩坏书 雷电芽衣 武士刀 Katana
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】后崩坏书 雷电芽衣 武士刀 Katana · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Models:神帝宇 · Original Model:Lt. Rocky 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1768206244076762773/1DEB77CF6A4B03322F582BC0...
Cheyenne Tactical Intervention Custom Silenced (Replaces AWP)
Creato da Raizen
Custom Intervention with tactical equipment recommended for stealth / solo missions Attachments on the weapon - Variable zoom scope with bubble level and speed lever - Side mounted laser sight / flashlight - Tactical Suppressor To fix the sound issue if pr...
[Golfclub] Jetstream Sam's Muramasa Katana / HUD Icon
Creato da OmarconH
// This was a request, hope you like it // HUD Icon: - For the "Sam's Muramasa Katana" from the author ☆麻辣香锅☆....
aug para but is girls' frontline and low cost (ellis)
yes this time is good i guess fun and i don`t know why i make GFL i actually don't like play GFL too tired gmod version https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2849109839...
【原神/Genshin】通用材质 Shared Materials
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
原神人物近战等通用材质 ...
【原神】刻晴弹道和弹痕(KeQingBullet marks and ballistics)
Creato da 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了弹痕和弹道(replace Bullet marks and ballistics ) 拥有全夜光( With full night light) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous )...
剑崎的 way! 替换砍刀的声音 (replace machete sound)
Creato da Nagasaki Soyorin
用 假面骑士剑 (Kamen rider blade) 中剑崎攻击时常常喊的 way! 替换 砍刀 的声音 (replace machete sound) ...
Survivors strengthen
Creato da 塞布丽娜
increase ammo Friendly Fire-0 Drug Restore health:first aid kit100,pain pills80,adrenaline60,adrenaline run speed 300. material density up survivor max incapacitated count-3 survivor incapacitated revive health 50 survivor limp health 30 ...
说明 ·【最后治疗】MAC-10 · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Models:Valve · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1834655158091493334/8B38F4D667010D8815CEC83B677BA5BAE14AA...
使命召唤ol ak117熔岩替换m16
Creato da 郝哥
在gmod里找的资源,动作有点少只能用看枪的动作来替换推人的动作了。 gmod作者地址https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2720331757 1 月 21 日更新内容 增加了新的推人动作 看枪动作转移到了,伸手动作...
[holo sight & suppressed] Titan fall Hemlok [for AK47]
Hemlok suppresed origin was for desert rifle, since you want ak version, here it is. origin link: Click me: Titan fall Hemlok cridits: TTF2 - hemlok model Game banana - silencer zaq1234sd - animation and other stuf...
Genshin Impact Keqing Opulent Splendor Replaces Ellis 原神 刻晴「霓裾翩跹」替换 艾丽斯
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Keqing Opulent Splendor.It replaces Ellis in game. 原神刻晴「霓裾翩跹」替换游戏内艾丽斯 喜欢...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Drakon Weapon Sounds (Hunting Rifle)
Creato da garette
Replaces the Hunting Rifle's weapon sounds with the Drakon's weapon sounds...
【原神】Bed (床)
替换了游戏中的床,改为原神 Replaced the bed in the game...
DOOM Super Shotgun
Creato da AvengedDeathAlert
Replaces the Pump-Shotgun For the sake of online compatibility, it's reloading animations are twice the speed. Credits: Original: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858272541 Bethesda - Model, Sounds, Textures Matsilagi - Ripping 1955 - ...
【原神】刻晴勃朗宁M1935手枪(夜光) 【Genshin Impact】Keqing_Browning Hi-Power pistolet(Glow)
Creato da Chocoo
变革的时机已经到来,维持了千年的秩序即将被改写。这历史性的时刻,你愿意与我一起见证吗? 刻晴 勃朗宁M1935手枪,替换官方小双持手枪,替换了模型,动作及音效,增加夜光 原mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1725677958 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Insurgency: Sandstorm M16A2
Creato da Denny凯妈
M16A2!!:D Replaces Desert Rifle/SCAR 替换SCAR三连发步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: New World Interactive - M16A2 Model/Textures/Audio/Animations New World Interactive/Yogensia - Flashlight model/textures katka - Ripping/Animations Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/fixing/A...
My Customized Demented Are Go Vending Machine! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Customized Hallows Eve Spass Shotgun! Includes Material Models Textures Script And Sound (((NOTE: Not Compatible With My Other Mastiff Shotguns))) HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Original Mod Created By Twilight Sparkle Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Halloween Version Of The Volk Goliath Balistic ! Includes Custom Textures Sound And Script! I Know Halloween Is Still A Few Months Away But I got Excited And Could not Wait So Heres HYPERDRIVE HALLOWEEN VOLK GOLIATH! Enjoy! And HAPPY HALLOWS EVE Created...
My Customized RetroWave Maverick A2! Includes Custom Textures Sounds And Scripts! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Customized Retro Wave Mastiff! Made As A Request For A Friend Note: This Mod Is Not Compatible With My Retro Wave Mastiff Chrome Shotgun)))) Includes Custom Textures Sounds And Script Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Customized Retro Wave Coca Cola Machine Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Custom HYPERDRIVE HAVOC Replaces The SG552 Original Mod Created By Twilight Sparkle Reskined By HYPERDRIVE Custom Script Textures And Sounds Made By HYPERDRIVE Includes Custom Textures Sound And Script ! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Custom HYPERDRIVE TACTICAL A.J.M-9 Includes Custom Sound And Script! Original Mod Created By Wyrm Reskinded By HYPERDRIVE Custom Script Made By HYPERDRIVE Custom Sound Made By HYPERDRIVE Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
My Custom HYPERDRIVE Mastiff ! Original Mod Created By Joey Jioh Includes Custom Sound And Script! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
Better Weapons
Creato da fiftysdeath
**FOR USE WITH SINGLE PLAYER ONLY/LOCAL SERVER HOSTING** Just a simple set of scripts that changes the weapon data for each firearm in the game. Changes can be found below: PISTOL CHANGES: --------------- penetration number: 2 -> 3 penetration power: 30 ->...
刻晴Toz-87 [shotgun_spas]
Creato da Beau
替换了二代连喷 为什么不做一代的,首先我个人喜欢用二代连喷,其次一代连喷好的MOD已经很多,二代的就很少。 试着做了个发光版,用的猎枪的图,刚开始学做皮肤,技术太渣 推荐手臂长度60-80 模型来源:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=229450339&searchtext=toz87 注意:原版大老婆是替换一代连喷的,和一代的toz87MOD一起用会冲突 ...
刻晴G41 [Hunting Rifle]
Creato da Beau
替换了猎枪 第一次尝试做皮肤 技术有限,暂时没做发光版 原MOD地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611147972&searchtext=g41 ...
Hentai Anime Smoker Music smoker????
Creato da Energy
I replaced the smoker music when we caught by smoker with hentai moaning. ?????????smoker????????...
[League Of Legend]DarkStar Thresh 死兆星-锤石
Creato da Maryland BB-46
Replace Smoker -FP arm I will add something more soon Models:Riot Games Special thanks: 我江带头冲锋 DANIAO 敏酱~ ClearSkyC 御琪幽然 If you like this mod, please click the like button If you find bug ,please describe in Discussion Board,so I can fix it,Thx Hope you en...
【BEATLESS】MP7替换Uzi(replace Uzi)[animated skin]
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】MP7替换Uzi Credits: Hyper - Model Yogensia - Flashlight model & textures M82A1闇冥 - Textures Re-Compile Tu stultus es - Compile IIopn - Animation ...
Siberian Husky “ほんとうに” Push sound
Creato da Azhe
This is the funny sound made by a friend of mine when we were playing L4D2 together.I'm going to laugh so hard. XD His name is “Wolf king Husky",He's really funny,I think you should all listen to his voice I want him to join the contributors of this mod, h...
[SunXiaochuan]push hit sound
replace push voice to sound of SunXiaochuan....
原神刻晴坦克主题曲 Keqing Tank Theme
【介绍】这个是原神相关的MOD,用阿晴的主题曲代替坦克BGM,素材来源于米哈游出品的原神IP系列作品。 This is the MOD that replaces common tank theme with Keqing Tank Theme for L4D2. The material comes from the IP of Genshin Impact produced by MIHOYO. Only refined background music was used in this MOD. ...
【BEATLESS】M870替换木喷(replace pumpshot)
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】M870替换木喷 Credits: models&sound: Valve materials: M82A1闇冥 ...
【BEATLESS】M570替换铁喷(replace Chrome shotgun)
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】M570替换铁喷 Credits: animation: HK G41 model: saber interactive sound: saber interactive, warface materials: M82A1闇冥 ...
【BEATLESS】P.S.S.10替换二代连喷(replace SPAS)
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】P.S.S.10替换二代连喷 Credits: animation: HK G41 model: warface sound: warface and counter strike animation fix&materials: M82A1闇冥 修复内容:缩短切枪时间,优化开火动画,调整视角,优化换弹,推击 ...
Apex Flatline VK47 Heat Sink
Creato da HK560
Apex Flatline VK47 Heat Sink Replaced AK47 Actually this should be my first weapon mod. So there may be some problems that I didn't find, please leave a comment if you find it. IMPORTANT : It doesn't use the original animation from apex legends, because I ...
Creato da 偷一麻袋鸭鸭
1代自动 伤害150 弹丸15 电锯 伤害200 榴弹 伤害3000 弹夹6 木狙 伤害200 弹丸5 鸟狙 伤害700 弹丸10 垂直弹道 小手枪 伤害100 弹丸3 马格南 伤害500 弹丸5 弹夹10 木喷 伤害80 弹丸12 弹夹6 范围大 M16 伤害100 弹丸2 AK 伤害100 弹丸2 弹夹50 scar 伤害120 弹丸3 弹夹90 M60 伤害200 弹丸3 弹夹200 Sg552 伤害100 弹丸2 铁喷 伤害80 弹丸12 弹夹12 弹道缩小 2代自动 伤害150 弹丸15 乌兹 伤...
Creato da 馒头
枪神纪 刀锋 王女艾琳 replance Rochelle
模型来自腾讯游戏《枪神纪》 好歹以前也是枪神纪的铁粉,偶然看见有枪神纪的模型就直接就做成mod了。 遗憾的是因为模型面数比较低,如果用原模型做手模,效果惨不忍睹。 我就用了3d定制女仆另外做一个手模了。 已经尽量接近了。 希望大家希望这个mod...
【崩坏三】CODMW Mac-10—薪炎之律者(替换mac10 smg)/ 【Honkai Impact 3】MAC-10—Kiana(replace mac-10)
Creato da 洛兮
替换mac-10消音冲锋枪 ,replace mac-10 smg 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);夜光贴图; 更新:替换为消音枪声,不刺耳,将手电筒绑带隐藏,整体外观稍微协调 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2795248662 origin model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2795248...
SMG (MAC-10) 猫羽雫 重置版(发光)replace smg(MAC-10)glow
这个订阅比uzi少就很离谱,难道是预览图拍难看了?重拍一下 贴图立绘来自: 立绘1立绘2立绘3 预览视频 演示视频里smg持枪动作来自:Silenced SMG - L4D1 SMG Animations 强烈推荐smg动作:mac-10 on arby26 Animations 【动作重置】 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1897723398551527430/33E8F950AE6B238765800147677510DB6953B3...
EFT Mp7 Suppressed (Mac-10) - Upgraded
Creato da The Law
Escape From Tarkov's Mp7 submachine gun suppressed and with a few attachments (ported from GMod to L4D2 by yours truly with proper authorization by its original authors). It will replace the Mac-10 "Silenced SMG" on Cele's Mp7 animations. *I highly recomme...
Escape from Tarkov: Tactical MP7A1 Suppressed RNG
Creato da Denny凯妈
EFT MP7. Replaces Silenced SMG/MAC 替换消音冲锋枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Battlestate Games - MP7 models/textures Mr. Brightside- Animations Denny凯妈/Battlestate Games/zmg - Audio Lewd SCP-1471-A - Ripping Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/animation editing/fixing There ...
Voult Bay's Custom Honey Badger For Silenced SMG
Creato da Equinox
Replacrs silenced smg AKA the MAC-10 with Voult Bay's Custom Honey Badger. Original mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1338067066&searchtext=honey+badger Credits: HyperMetal - Weapon model, textures and animations NightmareMutant -...
RE8 Village B&T USW-A1 Custom (Suppressed SMG)
Creato da 8sianDude
A 9mm semi-automatic handgun used by Hound Wolf Squad (HWS) Captain Chris Redfield in Resident Evil 8 Village is a highly modified Brügger & Thomet USW-A1, known as "USM-AI" in-game. Modifications: The USW-A1 comes with a two-tone coyote tan finish, modifi...
Hyper's HK MP7 with Unfolded iron sights&Eotech sight&an/peq-15
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
The Heckler & Koch MP7 (Maschinenpistole 7) is a personal defence weapon (PDW) chambered for the HK 4.6×30mm armor-piercing cartridge designed by German defense manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It was designed together with the new cartridge to meet NATO requi...
Creato da 咲花
原本想整套动作移植过来的,无奈csgo的骨骼文件超过了求生的骨骼限制100%甚至90%,只好阉割了 (而且因为之前小垃姬是先做成幸存者才做到csgo,所以骨骼会被原生骨骼影响 作者:邪神_Karasu_ 咲花SakiHana...
Suzakuin Tsubaki replace Ellis
Creato da Artillery Rain
Some time ago , my friend saw a Suzakuin Momiji mod by Chinese . It looks tasteless , so he requested me to find and mod Suzakuin Tsubaki . And here she is . There is no need for introduction . Google her , there is only 1 result . Credit : CRYSTALiA : ori...
【Honkai Impact 3/崩坏3rd】德丽莎阿波卡利斯Theresa Apocalypse替换ellis
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 脸部素材by:pl筱米 模型编辑:神帝宇 绑骨:流歌Ruka 飘动骨骼、vrd编写:流歌Ruka 表情制作:流歌Ruka 贴图优化:流歌Ruka 模型部分版权所属miHoYo 转载请附上这个mod的链接、借物表以及我的id 预览视频 目前没有写vrd 也莫得表情 有机会吧 反正 也许哪一天突然更新 不得不说官方模型游戏里看着挺好求生里就拉了 手里还有个mmd的模型 如果觉得不太行我找个机会做个mmd版本 22.6.10 21:36 修复了裙子飘动方向错误的问题 悲报:vrd尝试写了但是寄了...
崩坏3♪ MAC10—爱莉希雅♪(MAC10) Honkai3—Elysia♪
替换SMG ,replace SMG 新手做的MOD。有什么做的不好的请见谅 主要是爱莉希雅的枪皮都没人做,只好自己动手了 这是我老婆!反对无效,诶嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 虽然是新人作品,但转载之前要说一声哦 未经允许不可转载到其他地方 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2795248662 origin model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=279...
Creato da 鹌鹑型ick
日野森雫,人物来自手游世界计划多彩舞台,替换nick 之前的那个2x卡就不太好看,一直想新做一个。雫姐这身就非常飒,真不错。 -Credits: Model: AichiCH / Sega Craft egg Base bone: JosueMMD Bone renamer: JosueMMD Eye Morph : Harry Morph renamer: Sunny Files: Project Sekai Ai Spa / Toon: Aichi CH Physics: Aichi CH Retext...
CSO2 M4A1 Monster
Creato da Costxav
Replaces the M16 with the M4A1 Monster from CSO2 Fix of this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1983683649...
明日方舟 二周年主题曲替换witch音乐
Creato da PAFF
明日方舟二周年主题曲 Under Tides 替换了witch所有的BGM 未替换witch本体声音 *文件音量很高,拆包的话注意音量...
Infinite Warfare - HVR
Creato da Du008
Welcome! I'm Du008 one of the author of the Overwatch D.Va Voice Pack for Rochelle. This is my Infinite Warfare HVR weapon addon for l4d2. First of all this was made for personal use, but i thought maybe some of you might enjoy it, so here it is. It's repl...
Hi-Power M60 (Reloadable) [OP Version]
Creato da Hami
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Reload the M60 BEFORE it reaches 0 bullets, it'll be thrown away if you waste all of it, therefore cancelling the use of the reloadable function.) The M60's longevity is more preserved than ever! Not only can it reload with 800 bullets in ...
Improved SG552 Script
Creato da ✿ CinnamonToast
This script is designed around expert difficulty, i highly suggest that you play it on any difficulty above normal. Things that the script modifies Damage - 358 Range - 6000 CycleTime- 0.0780 Clip Size - 60 PenetrationNumLayers - 7 PenetrationPower - 80 An...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Creato da Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
[Ironsight]Turquois M4ACC-M(RNG)(M16A2)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Turquois M4ACC-M(M16A2) mesh:ironsight sound:ironsight materials:ironsight animations:fanmeng...
【原神/Genshin】刻晴/KEQING replace Zoey
Creato da Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 素材:mihoyo 制作不易,喜欢请点个赞 DD闲聊群:697196002 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
3x ammunition
Creato da Dove It
steam显示讨论区不可用,回复不了任何信息 English: Change the amount of reserve ammunition in the game to 3 times the original amount,Effective in campaign and realistic mode,There is no implicit modification of the game data, feel free to subscribe。 中文: 更改战役模式和写实模式中的后备弹夹数为3...
【BEATLESS】Vector替换Mac-10(replace slienced smg)[animated skin]
Creato da M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】Vector替换Mac-10消音冲锋枪 Credits The Division - Models, textures and sounds Models and Textures ripping - scream Sounds editing - scream Animations - Cele Material and fix - M82A1闇冥 ...
Creato da 霖铃
Sorry, my English is not good. In short, it was a home run.(Melee weapon)...
Fire Melee MOD(Damage Fixed) 火焰近战武器
Creato da 御坂18520
A very cool MOD that will lit up every infected you hit using melee(all available)! The melee damage reduction problem is fixed in this MOD, that means now you can kill the special infecteds within 1 or 2(charger) hits, while litting them on fire at the sa...
COD:MW M9A3(Fixed)
Creato da Denny凯妈
M9A3:D Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - COD:MW M9A3 models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations mav/ThomasCat - Original Compile/Animations Denny凯妈/zmg - ...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 比尔 Hela replace bill
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 弗朗西斯 Hela replace francis
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 黑妹 Hela replace Rochelle
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 教练 Hela replace coach
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 路易斯 Hela replace louis
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 埃利斯 Hela replace ellis
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 尼克 Hela replace nick
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
【深空之眼/代号:弥弥尔】海拉 替换 佐伊 Hela replace zoey
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型来源:子车未名 模型版权所属深空之眼 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动:流歌Ruka 第一人称手模制作:流歌Ruka(感谢丿轩辕丨灬大佬在手模制作时提供的帮助) 视频预览 转载请附上借物表,这个mod的链接和我的id...
Replace loading screen with Keqing picture
Creato da Susie
A replacement of Background when loading to next chapter (Things like avatar of characters or loading icon are not included in this mod, those are mods that I'm using) Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85499466 Keqing from Genshin Impact...
Sprays Cosmos HD
Creato da Аntiхrist
Sprays Cosmos HD...
【赛马娘】小栗帽MP5A5 // Oguri Cap MP5A5
Creato da 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了uzi(replace uzi ) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 拥有动态外壳发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 原MOD Pid=95020220 关于 本mod禁止贩卖,禁止CSGO社区服移植使用。 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1879706163949167412/F19E4EEF43A3A1B90016CCA3B0AC8492583ABA75/?imw=50...
【原神/Genshin Impact】净水之荧 替换 埃利斯 Lumine Replace Ellis
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型来源:https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/UlRILLiJaNLy 模型小改:微波叮桃子(Tenki、克罗艾) 改模所用主体素材版权所属:miHoYo 其余模型素材来自:TDA/流云景/神帝宇/观海 2024.3.25更新:重做了第一人称 第三人称...
【原神/Genshin Impact】净水之荧 替换 黑妹 Lumine Replace Rochelle
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型来源:https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/UlRILLiJaNLy 模型小改:微波叮桃子(Tenki、克罗艾) 改模所用主体素材版权所属:miHoYo 其余模型素材来自:TDA/流云景/神帝宇/观海 2024.3.25更新:重做了第一人称 第三人称...
【原神/Genshin Impact】净水之荧 替换 教练 Lumine Replace Coach
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型来源:https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/UlRILLiJaNLy 模型小改:微波叮桃子(Tenki、克罗艾) 改模所用主体素材版权所属:miHoYo 其余模型素材来自:TDA/流云景/神帝宇/观海 2024.3.25更新:重做了第一人称 第三人称...
Nick Watch Dogs (Aiden Outfit)
includes: jiggle bones fp arms no bile textures to prevent crashes DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION I'm open to commissions for survivor mods or model swap https://i.imgur.com/F5PyEEv.jpg Dont forget to like, favorite and share https://...
Ellis - Neon Slasher
Creato da
Comes with: -Firstperson Viewmodel -Compatible With Head Re-Skins -Vomit Texture -Glowing Textures -JiggleBones -Facial Anim Credits: Dead By Daylight - Outfit Model. Zombie Panic Source - Holster. Powergon(me) - Porting,Editing,Rigging etc....
My Custom HYPERDRIVE RETRO 1984 A.J.M-9! Includes Custom Sound And Script! Original Mod Created By Lt. Rocky Reskinded By HYPERDRIVE Custom Sound Made By HYPERDRIVE Custom Script Made By HYPERDRIVE Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<< click link to watch video ...
2050 (Incomplete)
Creato da Qdude
Please read this whole bold paragraph, reading a portion of it will not provide enough information. I'm no longer continuing with this campaign. My idea for the campaign has grown beyond what I wanted on it's initial beta release. For example, I wanted a c...
Original Outfit Nepgear
Creato da Capella
Replace Zoey, and I've fixed some bug...
Chrome shotgun Black&Gold Skin
Creato da 卡卡™
This is my first time to make a skin mod It has fluorescent effect and some flaws Hope you guys enjoy it! I will go ahead and do it. 这是我第一次做的皮肤类MOD 具有夜光效果也颇有瑕疵 希望你们喜欢! 我会继续坚持下去的 ...
My Customized Mozombique Auto Shotgun! Includes Custom Textures Sounds And Script! Created By >>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<<...
New Sound
replaces all sounds of l4d2 All actions create sound: footstep, helicopter, planes, train, shove, metal, glass,........ not include sound weapons, SI, CI..........
Neptune (English Voice Pack)
Creato da Cool629
This is a Voice Mod for Neptune from The Neptinia Series of Games. it uses lines from multiple games that makes it kinda special in a way. made for Ellis cause most mods make him Neptune....
【碧蓝航线】黛朵 沙漠之鹰 // 【Azur lane】Dido Desert Eagle
Creato da 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了马格南(replace Magnum) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 拥有外壳动态发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 原MOD 关于 本mod禁止贩卖,禁止CSGO社区服移植使用。 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1879706163953685339/AF60586B7F63721AD592173A9AC436F924FC7455/?imw=5000&imh=5000...
【BEATLESS】Hailstorm替换Deagle(replace magnum)[animated skin]
Creato da M82A1闇冥
Hailstorm替换马格南 Credits: models, animations sounds by Activision | Infinity Ward model, textures animations ripped - DTZPorter rigged&animations - scream sounds - scream materials - M82A1闇冥 ...
【莉可丽丝】 锦木千束 沙漠之鹰 // 【Lycoris Recoil】 Nishikigi Chisato Desert Eagle
Creato da 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了马格南(replace Magnum) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 原MOD Pid=99529776 关于 本mod禁止贩卖,禁止CSGO社区服移植使用。 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1928120942308206394/D6183F1C2825ADB18CFD690B822D553F2F61B241/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imc...
【NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE】主播女孩重度依赖 糖糖&超天酱 SMG 【RNG】
Creato da Nagasaki Soyorin
小天使请安! 以后可能不写发病文了,反正我整个人做mod都麻了啥都不想干 替换原版的 消音冲锋枪 Mac-10 replace silenced smg Mac-10 俩个人物一起用 这枪上那两条杠的uv很怪,想把uv直接挪进去,但还是不行 预览视频 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1762577353460476524/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit...
【NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE】主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱 马格南
Creato da Nagasaki Soyorin
小天使请安! 自己以前做的 枪身的立绘没画全漏了点,自己也懒得重新画上去了 替换原版的马格南手枪 沙漠之鹰 replace magnum 也就换弹时能看( 预览视频 原版MOD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2458535730 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1853810757765423944/BBF7E77F41EFCFCAF6F2E855ADDC486CF...
Creato da Walker12490_2
【CSGO】印花集沙漠之鹰【机瞄版】(夜光) 【CSGO】Printstream Desert Eagle [Mechanical Sight Version] (Glow)
Creato da Chocoo
【CSGO】印花集沙漠之鹰【机瞄版】(夜光) 将马格南替换为印花集沙漠之鹰(夜光) 更换了武器模型,枪械音效,开火动作 【CSGO】Printstream Desert Eagle (Glow) Replace magnum with printstream Desert Eagle(Glow) Replaced weapon model, sound effect,Shoot action. ---------------------------------------------------------...
Creato da 蒜蓉炒面
对比前作修改了死亡音效为 你干嘛 哈哈 修改了骑乘音乐网易云 【你干嘛~~~】 老早就想改了,后续还会出其他抽象mod...
【Azur lane】IJN Shinano AKM
Creato da Sa-Daniels
Replace the AK47 Original mod author:mav Original mod link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2804316665 某个分流脑瘫差不多得了,以为自己加个发光就当作自己做的东西了?况且那封面做的什么鸡巴玩意 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1920239390273353728/BED14B10CA7C9C6F3289E87...
increased ammunition
Creato da misora
It helps you to play some custom campaigns more comfortable. This mod only works on local server. smg 650->800 shotgun 72->90 autoshotgun 90->120 assaultrifle 360->480 huntingrifle 150->180 sniperrifle 180->210 2023/6/4 update: Removed M60 and grenadelaunc...
我的世界经验爆头音效/Minecraft bottle o' Enchanting headshot sound effect
Creato da 喷饭星风夜
我的世界EXP爆头音效,就是“叮”的一声,感觉挺不错的 内含音效 声音来自Minecraft 请订阅所需MOD,否则无法生效 -------------------------------------------------------------- Minecraft headshot effect. include sound. sound from Minecraft. Please subscribe to the required mod,or it can't take effect....
Murasama Particles (READ DESC.)
Creato da Kur0して
Jetstream Sam's Murasama particles. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ONLY FOR MODDERS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You do not need to subscribe to this anymore to have the particles on my murasama mod. It is already included in it. The particle effect name is murasama_redsaber2. Yo...
The Ultimate Murasama Mod (with particles)
Creato da Kur0して
A combination of mods for the most epic Murasama mod! This mod NEEDS 20Cat's Particle Manifest and +Ultra Particle: Texture files in order to work. You can install +Ultra Particle: Weapon effects if you want but it isn't required and it won't break anythin...
csol 【歼星】 十字弩 替换 军用狙击枪military sniper
Creato da SG-Cary
替换军用狙击枪,移植csol动作和声音 你问我自瞄哪去了? 开个陀螺不就好了嘛 转起来:o :o :o 优点:手感好 缺点:挡视野 推荐fov:75 有空把奇幻乐园那把阉割弩改成30连,那个不挡视野 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will b...
TOZ-66 (Spas) YYB式◆初音未来◇
Creato da ༾༒空༒༿
Sawn-off TOZ-66 shotgun replaces Spas 12. Got the idea for this one from comment I read. I was tempted to call it "Super Shotgun", but in the end decided against it. ---------------------------- Includes: - Viewmodel - Worldmodel - Custom first-person anim...
Remington 870 Police Magnum (Wooden Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
Remington Model 870 Police Magnum classic variant, modified with modern parts featuring a Mesa Tactical SureShell 4 round rack, SureFure Dedicated Shotgun Forend and Tritium H3 front sight. Modelled from scratch by yours truly. A variant of the Remington 8...
阿姆斯特朗议员Tank/SenatorArmstrong replace Tank
Creato da ERROR
自制模组,替换特殊感染者坦克 纳米机器,幸存者 别惹我这个感染者 尼克,就算你把全地图的所有医疗包都找来,也没有机会去用 模型和贴图:Rig:Pack3Dmodels@LeoFeroz Model:Platinum Games,Kojima Productions 编译:ERROR(我) 目前只替换了第三人称模型,一代和二代是普通胳膊壮,牺牲章节的车厢中是纳米机器版本 第一人称手臂模型或许会在晚些时候更新 A Mod made by me,replace special infected Tank. Nan...
【明日方舟/Arknights】W 土制炸弹 pipe bomb
Creato da Nagasaki Soyorin
只要全部干掉就完事了吧?别想那么简单?那真麻烦啊...... 之前一直做超天酱我想你们应该也看腻了,干脆试着做下舟好了。 替换了贴图和声音(replace basetexture and sound) 滴答声:三技能爆炸倒数时的声音 爆炸是原皮的语音,飞机导弹的爆炸是恍惚皮肤的语音 录语音时我无意间发现这两个皮肤的语音是独立的( 制作风格参考自(劣质的模仿):假的蛋糕蛋糕 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614208609 Or...
〖幻塔手游〗克劳迪娅替换Coach 虽然幻塔这个手游的质量真的是一言难尽,不过克劳迪娅……并没有击中我的好球区,制作这个角色的mod纯粹只是因为没人做过…… 模型来自: 》》》模型提供:幻塔手游 》》》模型调整、绑定:大狗头orz 》》》最终解释权归属:幻塔手游 如有侵权请联系我删除。 在使用过程中出现问题可以在下面留言,我看到后会尽力解决。 ...
Dame~替换推的声音 B面版本
Creato da 42Hitchhiker_AID
用哒咩替换了推的声音 Da me da ne~ 海猫能V我50源石奖励我吗 A面和B面不能同时用哦(* ̄3 ̄)╭ A面:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2838118497 喜欢就点个赞吧\( ̄︶ ̄*\)) 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vV4y1777m...
Dame~替换推的声音 A面版本
Creato da 42Hitchhiker_AID
用哒咩替换了推的声音 Da me da ne~ 海猫能V我50源石奖励我吗 A面和B面不能同时用哦(* ̄3 ̄)╭ B面:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2838120052 喜欢就点个赞吧(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vV4y1777m...
P.S.S.10 (SPAS replacement)-Δ(动态+夜光)
Creato da 老瑞瑞
P.S.S.10-Δ(动态+夜光)替换 SPAS 12 挺喜欢Δ的,和之前的做的那个手枪(BV1MY411u7Mq)搭配使用感觉不错! 过程中没想到出现好几次无心插柳柳成荫的情况,2333 展示:>B站视频展示(点击跳转)<< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/18/g6oOIeMjd3sWZpH.gif 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/18/Hq796ZXCdwBPbMc.gif 原mod:>>HK G41<<(点击图片跳转)https://steam...
Metal Gear Rising musicpack for L4D2
Creato da Big Boss
"Played college ball, ya know." Replaces buncha music with the tracks from MGR. Witch music replaced with - "A Stranger I Remain" Tank music replaced with - "Rules Of Nature" Escape music replaced with - "The Stains of Time" Finale tank music replaced with...
COD:MW Tactical Black SIG MCX(Fixed)
Creato da Denny凯妈
MCX:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces cs:s SG552 替换SG552突击步枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - COD:MW MCX models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg/Activision - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations ...
【世界计划】宵崎奏(Yoisaki Kanade) COD:MW Black MCX (Replaces M16A2)
说明 · 【世界计划】宵崎奏(Yoisaki Kanade) COD:MW Black MCX (Replaces M16A2) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) · 凯妈YYDS!还有,这玩意就只是个枪皮,建议还是去支持凯妈的原版OK一点 · 还有,创意工坊是分享创意,靠一份热爱撑起来的社区,希望某些盗MOD的和内卷MOD瞧不起人的傻逼掂量一下自己脑仁重量,不要跟个傻狗一样乱咬人,别怪我说话难听,望周知 借物表 · Original Model:Denny凯妈、zmg、70R3H · New sk...
SPEC Ops - Desert Eagle
Creato da Dark Star
I'm starting a new series to fill out a few weapons that don't have many options for that tactical stealth-ops design I'm looking for. I've made one to start out with the Deagle. The Holosight was mispositioned on purpose for the look. The main Desert Eagl...
MW19 : JAK 12G
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace Autoshotgun... ... Credits : - Activision & Infinity Ward - original animations & model & textures & sounds - Viper's team - porting animations & model & sounds & textures and compile to Gmod - Me, Eddy - Recompile, Edit - Nstreys - Original Compil...
[Lycoris Recoil]Chisato Nishikigi Replace Zoey 锦木千束 替换佐伊
Creato da Hesh233
锦木千束替换Zoey Chisato Nishikigi Replace Zoey 包含/Features -飘动骨骼/JiggleBone -zoey动作/Zoey's animation -表情/flex -第一人称手臂/FPS arm -UI Mod源于/Mod from 8sianDude 感谢大佬授权 制作/Credits: - Chisato model by:TararaTarako - Backpack model by: coffee ice, mesh and textures edit...
[Lycoris Recoil]Takina Inoue Replace Bill 井之上泷奈 替换比尔
Creato da Hesh233
井之上泷奈替换Bill Takina Inoue Replace Bill 包含/Features -飘动骨骼/JiggleBone -zoey动作/Zoey's animation -表情/flex -第一人称手臂/FPS arm -UI Mod源于/Mod from 8sianDude 感谢大佬授权 制作/Credits: - Chisato model by:TararaTarako - Backpack model by: coffee ice, mesh and textures edited b...
L4D2 Real Life icon
Creato da Shion
Nick: ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠛⠛⠋⠉⠈⠉⠉⠉⠉⠛⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⢏⣴⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣟⣾⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢢⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠀⡴⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠟⠻⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠶⢴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣁⡀⠀⠀⢰⢠⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⣴⣶⣿⡄⣿ ⣿⡋...
[COD:MW2019] Supressed SIG MCX Sounds
Creato da Salieri
First of all I want to give my thanks to the modders of this gun for giving their time and effort to provide us a Call of Duty gun addons in Left4Dead. Thank you so much! This replaces the original SIG MCX sound into a SUPRESSED VERSION OF SIG MCX from Cal...
Arknights: Sora (Swimsuit) [Nick] [V5] [DL for ALL Survivors]
Creato da Kokkorylien
Credits: 製作者/Modeller - Sour暄 Original Model Distribution - www🐟aplaybox🐟com/details/model/7NqcqJZYrd9I 画师/イラスト/Illust - 幻象黑兔 Copyright - 「Arknights」 Compiler - Kokkorylien (bilibili UID: 2100612) Content: character model (W_model). arm model (V_model). an...
白洲 アズサ | AK47 - 鳖载着理发店 の 步枪AK47 | Luminous
Creato da Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 别在这里发癫 / 白洲 アズサ | replace the AK47 | Luminous 鳖载着理发店 / 白洲梓 | 替换 步枪AK47 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.ne...
Girls Frontline HK416 Star Cocoon Replac Bill // 少女前线 HK416 星之茧 替换 比尔
Creato da ༾༒空༒༿
少女前线 HK416 星之茧 替换 比尔 Girls Frontline HK416 Star Cocoon Replac Bill ------------------------------------- 特点: HUD 飘动骨骼 第一人称手臂 自定义比例/高度 头发、翅膀、乳房摇晃的骨头 ------------------------------------- 欣赏并给予5分评价 :D Enjoy and rate 5 ^^ :D ...
Cheems | Katana - 谢谢你,Cheems の 武士刀
Creato da Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 《 Thank you, cheems 》| Cheems replace the Katana | Luminous 《 谢 谢 你,Cheems 》 | Cheems - 武士 替换 武士刀 | 夜光 https://st...
Honkai Impact 3 Bronya - Breaking and entering the lurid rabbit Replace the silenced submachine gun
Honkai Impact 3 Bronya - Breaking and entering the lurid rabbit Replace the silenced submachine gun It was a failed test MOD, I was gonna try multiple muzzle fires, but I don't know why it didn't work. And then you take the leftovers and you make them like...
〖契约之吻 Engage Kiss〗木更 / Kisara 替换 Louis 〖エンゲージ・キス〗キサラ 替换 Louis 木更是签订了契约进行恶魔退治的恶魔少女。以契约者记忆为代价来释放力量,释放的力量强弱由夺取的记忆量决定。 《契约之吻》作为新时代得媚宅作品天花板,以一己之力把“媚宅”文化提高到了一个全新的高度。我仅代表个人强烈建议把“名作之壁”得称号授予《契约之吻》, 以及《石蒜反冲》。 如有侵权请联系我删除。 由于原模型质量有待改进,使用本mod在游戏中可能会出现一些问题。我已经尽力了,所以短期内应...
【崩坏3/Honkai impact】人之律者 Elysia Herrscher mode Replaces Zoey
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): 神帝宇 (移植到MMD) · run animation(跑步动作) - ZGabriel · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 神帝宇 The bone "matrix" will work like the last preview picture if l4d2 support 255 bones...
RE7 Biohazard SGR-12 "Thor's Hammer" [AW Model-02] (Combat Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
An automatic shotgun used by Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) operators in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Not a Hero DLC is a fictional modified SGR-12, known as "Thor's Hammer - AW Model-02" in-game. It is equipped with a reflex sight by defaul...
Vanishing ragdolls
Creato da n64controller
Same as low violence, but fire is visible on burning infected. Will conflict with some other mods that use scripts. Should work on dedicated servers perfectly fine. For official dedicated servers you might have to load into your local/listen server first f...
AA-12 style script for l4d1autoshot(32roundver)
Creato da SUPURli
only script PelletScatter down VerticalPunch down Reload faster PenetrationNumLayers 5 Bullets 15 clip_size 32 AMMO_TYPE_MINIGUN...
AA-12 style script for l4d2autoshot[spas](32roundver)
Creato da SUPURli
only script PelletScatter down VerticalPunch down Reload faster PenetrationNumLayers 5 Bullets 15 clip_size 32 AMMO_TYPE_MINIGUN...
Creato da 叫我MAX
朋友让做的一个简单替换音效,想了想还是做了吧,因为sabi喜欢听sabi(bushi) ↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ ↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ ↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ ↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑...
Maverick's Hotshot Welder elite skin [M16]
Creato da Oguzhan
Replaces m16 Animations Inter Insurgency M4A1 no sound 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐬&𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft ...
Blood C - Destiny (Replace Tank music)
Creato da Anjaras
- Reemplaza la música del Tank de L4D1 y L4D2 por la música de Blood C "Destiny". * Bitrate ajustado para evitar distorsiones de audio * Volumen original aumentado un 200% para que se escuche alto * Efecto de desvanecimiento al final para que no suene brus...
·模型:https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/3521047 ·第一人称手摸做得不行也没加裙子vrd,懒得搞了 ...
Doom Eternal Super Shotgun
Creato da faidao
Replace pumpshotgun Inclde: - Viewmodel - Worldmodel - Custom first-person animations - Sounds (Models and audio are extracted from doom eternal) Does not include: -Self-luminous or RNG materials -HUD image -Script Push action replaced by blood punch actio...
Akame Ga Kill! - Akame x Esdeath (Replace Tank music)
Creato da Anjaras
- Reemplaza la música del Tank de L4D1 y L4D2 por la música de Akame Ga Kill! "Akame x Esdeath". * Bitrate ajustado para evitar distorsiones de audio * Volumen original aumentado un 200% para que se escuche alto * Efecto de desvanecimiento al final para qu...
Insurgency: Sandstorm AKM「Printstream Imitation」
Creato da Kokkorylien
Original Mods: Insurgency: Sandstorm AKM Credits: New World Interactive - AKM Model/Textures/Audio/Animations New World Interactive/Yogensia - Flashlight model/textures katka - Original Compile/Ripping/Textures/Animations mav - run&idle&helping hand&item A...
Punishing: Gray Raven: Pulao, Ornate Bell [Zoey & Other Survivors]
Creato da Kokkorylien
Credits Modeller - 战双帕弥什/1010浣 Original Model Distribution - www🌈aplaybox🌈com/details/model/PD0En5qfNra2 Copyright - 「Punishing: Gray Raven」 Compiler - Kokkorylien (bilibili UID: 2100612) Content: character model. arm model. flex animation / facial express...
E-11 Blaster Rifle Replace Military sniper
COMMISSIONS OPEN FEATURES -4k textures -codmw animations -custom sounds -world model CREDITS -mav animations DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION https://i.imgur.com/F5PyEEv.jpg Dont forget to like, favorite and share https://i.imgur.com/fQ...
聖園 ミカ | Uzi - 圣园未花 の Uzi冲锋枪 | Luminous
Creato da Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Mika / 聖園 ミカ | replace the UZI | Luminous Mika / 圣园未花 | 替换 UZI冲锋枪 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc...
碧蓝档案 泳装白洲梓 替换 黑妹 Rochelle Blue Archive
快来这理发店! 本次mod我又是修了好久,我现在就要开始发癫了。 包含 飘动骨骼 人物表情 手臂vrd 模型来源:恋活提取 如果觉得作品侵犯了原作权益,请联系我,我会及时删除。 本mod为了能够把模型塞进求生,进行了大幅度调整,视觉上会有一些瑕疵,还请谅解。 祝使用愉快,本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 给孩子留个赞吧QAQ 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eW...
崩坏3爱莉希雅语音包替换黑妹Rochelle(Elysia's sound from Honkai impact 3rd replaces Rochelle's)
Creato da KearDawn
嗨!想我了吗?无论何时何地,爱莉希雅都会回应你的期待♪ 这是中配语音包(Chinese Ver.) 本语音包会把二代的黑妹罗雪儿(Rochelle)的语音替换成崩坏三的爱莉希雅的语音(大概一半人律一半妖精小姐吧) 有一说一,爱莉的语音感觉没有之前希儿和猫猫的好做。因为爱莉实在太强了,她要是本人来到了L4D2的世界,不得直接把这些丧尸溜着玩 因此关于爱莉吃瘪的语音(残血)很难找 还有一些别的语音也是 所以这次有些情况的语音很固定,只有一种 不过好的就是,这次我会拆包啦!有些特别的语音我终于不用跑去游戏里录了。...
2023 1 5 完全重置版 碧蓝档案 天童爱丽丝 替换eills Blue Archive
天童爱丽丝替换eills,之前有老哥说这样就能凑齐二代ba人物了,嘛,那个评论支持率还挺高的,所以我就做了这个eills版本。 我才不会告诉你我做这个mod是因为我看了爱丽丝的本子 太瑟琴了heiheiheihei 包括 vrd骨骼 飘动骨骼 ui 人物模型 手模 本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.788.0.0 欢迎关注 弗朗西斯版本:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filed...
Arknights - Irene RE8 SGR-12 skin (auto shotgun) glow 明日方舟 - 艾丽妮 SGR-12皮肤 替换一代连喷 夜光
Creato da SHArknight
我的灯将净化邪恶! 我的剑将劈开海潮! 我的眼将找出真相! 我的心会作出判决。 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2510910208 Original Mod - 8sianDude 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace XM1014 model,animation,sounds 小鸟新的手炮(bushi) 需要微调手臂长度才能达到截图效果 本来是打算等艾丽妮出皮了再做的。。。 出皮了到时候直接用这个另改一...
COD:MW Vector SD Black
Creato da Denny凯妈
Vector:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces Silenced SMG/MAC10 替换消音冲锋枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - Vector models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures ma...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Creato da Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
MW2019 P90-Silenced (Replace Silenced-SMG/Mac-10)
Creato da Tiến ~Kriegs~
Replaces the default Valve Silenced-SMG with the MW 2019 P90-Silenced using MW 2019 Animation set ported by viper and his team. Story time -Almost thought my apple snail died, end of story. Sound Yes Am i really that dump? Yes Am i that dumb to make the ma...
Wooden Pump Shotgun「Printstream Imitation」
Creato da Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Pump Shotgun. Can be used with sound mod and animation mod. Default animation: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1815536420209752968/F9F376A61B8EFB04CF22DEED2C0E824A6A3472AA/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy...
Chrome Shotgun「Printstream Imitation」
Creato da Kokkorylien
Notice: Only replaces the material of Chrome Shotgun. Can be used with sound mod and animation mod. Default animation: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1817787491017698131/68CF9EF59138CAB4A75DE150F1E20CB0744DC4B6/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impoli...
COD:MW Origin-12 SD Black
Creato da Denny凯妈
Origin-12:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces AWP 替换AWP狙击枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward/Activision - Origin-12 models/textures/Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures mav - run&idle Animations Denny凯妈...
COD:MW Origin-12 SD Black script
Creato da Denny凯妈
This is a script from zmg:D Only available in single player mode....
B4B: Ammo crate
Creato da Oguzhan
Back 4 Blood Replaces Ammo Credits 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐬&𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 Turtle Rock Studios Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment ...
SCAR338 for military sniper
Replace military sniper It doesn't have a firing sound since I realize some people doesn't like silenced firing sound, which this gun should be. you can subscribe other firing sound as you want. by the way, this model is huge, so huge that I have to compli...
Mebius🐍 black pantyhose uniform replace Zoey
Creato da ༾༒空༒༿
Mebius 🐍 Black pantyhose uniform replace Zoey Features: HUD fluttering bones first person arm Custom scale/height Hair, wings, breasts shaking bones Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) Enjoy and rate 5 :D...
Initial equipment modification(初始装备修改)
Creato da 寒枫Feng
Is it reasonable that there is only one initial pistol in the new chapter after each rescue? This is not reasonable. How can we survive without some good equipment? Fully armed, M16, dagger, soil bomb, first aid kit and adrenaline are all equipped. This is...
机动战队-胧 替换 佐伊 / ironsaga-Oboro(Zoey)
Creato da 泽雨胧夜
机动战队-胧 替换 佐伊 this mod replace Zoey this character comes from mobile games ———————————— 关于该MOD: 该模型属于 : 机动战队手游官方 制作者 : 一夜回到解放前 大家好,在两年前我曾委托先生,将机动战队的角色斯洛卡伊和胧的模型分别制作成人物MOD分享在创意工坊 两个模型分别替换了四个游戏人物,如有兴趣请查看下方链接 而胧替换佐伊的文件则未发布,仅由我自己保留使用。之后有一段时间没玩了,最近想起来找到了VPK文件,故上传...
碧蓝档案 Blue Archive 春原瞬 幼瞬 替换 coach 教练
碧蓝档案的幼瞬,登场。替换coach mod内容 包含 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 模型来自恋活提取,恋活人物卡作者为:夜夜 已取得授权 手模重置,小瑕疵还望忽视。 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VP4y1d7iF?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=03c973b51fb9c267f6adcb6181af2ccf ...
Creato da 寒枫Feng
因为录屏提取出来的音频有BUG,语速会加快几倍,一直没有解决办法,直到今天... 粉色妖精小姐♪的“打不着哦”替换推人音效。 在游戏外听着就是纯粹的原声,不知道为什么游戏里面就有点变音了...不过问题不大。 无法使用请先检查冲突,谢谢。有什么建议也可以私聊或者留言提出。 音源是中文,所以没有英文简介...
Remington 870 Police Magnum (Chrome Shotgun)
Creato da 8sianDude
Remington Model 870 Police Magnum synthetic variant, equipped with an elastic shell holder, SureFure Dedicated Shotgun Forend and Tritium H3 front sight. Modelled from scratch by yours truly. A variant of the Remington 870 family of 12 gauge shotgun, the P...
Blue archives Seal Painting
Blue archives Seal Painting This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1836930328230758418/A073C5ADF21ED6F7C44396019EBF2F29308B470A/?imw=5000&imh=5000...
MAC-10 | Kriss Vector The Division - Emergency Procedure
Creato da Kokkorylien
One of the skin of MAC-10 | Kriss Vector The Division "Emergency Procedure" Series. Suitable for many urgent work items, including the treatment of infection. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1830174836223430320/BDFF34EB1D476CB9B8D26F0838A9087081...
【MAC-10】Suppressed Vector Fixed - Test Skin
Creato da Kokkorylien
Note: This mod only contains textures and needs to be used with the specified weapon mod: 【MAC-10】Suppressed Vector Fixed Replaces MAC-10 / Silenced SMG Please let me know if there are any bugs with missing textures. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/...
【 Blue File 】Miyu in place of Nick
Creato da 咲花
https://space.bilibili.com/1506632487?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 B site point attention dot 3 connect TwT I had enough likes so I did it and uploaded it to the workshop as agreed If there is any problem, please talk to Sakishu. (Whether you fix it or not is ...
COD:MW Deagle SD Black
Creato da Denny凯妈
Deagle:D http://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Replaces Magnum/Deagle 替换马格南手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Infinity Ward - Deagle models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Infinity Ward/zmg - Audio Viper - Original Compile/Ripping/textures/Animations 70R3H - Textures mav - r...
M4A1 URG-I (M16)
Creato da GroveZ
An URG-I is an AR15 complete upper assembly available through Geissele Automatics and it’s also the latest evolution of the M4. The URG-I (Upper Receiver Group, Improved) resulted from a USASOC contract project (United States Army Special Operations Comman...
[CODM]Girl's Frontline ICR-1 - Gilded 少女前线 HK416 蓝色咆哮 REPLACE M16
Creato da Rayzon
- Replaces the M16A2 替换m16a2 ----------------------------------------------- - Animations : Recording - Animation fix : YJB - Models/Textures :Call of duty Moblie - sound fix and comopie: me --------------------------------------------------------- 手游的模型,贴...
《绝区零》可琳·威克斯 替换 弗朗嘻嘻
Creato da Rayzon
《Zenless Zone Zero》Corin Wickes replace Francis 模型来源/技术支持:mihoyo/利刃于心 mod包含:表情, vrd,light模,飘动,不太明显的pp摇,以及。。以及胸部的。。摇晃吧,嗯。。 -------------------------------------------------- 这个mod什么都好,就是裙子穿模实在是令人汗颜。。 做裙子vrd的时候,我是崩溃的,前前后后折腾了好几个小时。 因为我无论怎么旋转它的裙子骨骼,大腿依然会穿模,而且穿...
Blue archives Head Shot Special effects
Blue archives Head Shot Special effects【爆头特效】 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Cure the Pedophilia. One Bullet At A Time The icon of the head popping special effect has a luminous eff...
[Dynamic] Huntsman Knife Data Stream Replace Machete
Creato da 夜空☆Twinkle
我不想做封面啊啊啊啊啊( 简介 【动态】猎杀者匕首-数据流 替换 砍刀 Huntsman Knife Data Stream Replace Machete) 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials 源:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1701742726 侵权删 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
[COD:MW2019] Minigun Sound
Creato da Salieri
This replaces the default m60 firing sound into MINIGUN from COD:MW2019 Original Gun Addon: MW19 Minigun https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2811664894 Wallpaper Used in this addon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo52mfTiiRI&t=84s Audio...
Creato da LING
去除绝大部分的武器枪口火焰及黑色烟雾 Remove most of the gun muzzle flame and smoke ...
碧蓝档案 天童爱丽丝 完全重置版 替换比尔 bill
今天心血来潮把mod重置了一次 本次更新带来的是 拥有裙子和各方面更好的贴图 人物拥有表情 终于给爱丽丝穿上了胖次 拥有防止下蹲裙子穿模的vrd骨骼 更新了头像 我能不能对着爱丽丝发电阿,这种角色最棒了!!! 希望你喜欢我的mod。你的支持就是咱最大的动力了。 ...
CODM 唐刀-白月魁
Creato da
九天阊阖开宫殿,万国衣冠拜冕旒。 游戏臆造刀非史实 ...
CSOL金红双蝎 印花集【Printstream Imitation】
Creato da 偷跑仙人
replacing the pistol 替换小手枪 原武器链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2310450243 额......这是我第一次做mod 不会做 贴图有点粗糙 请各位大佬轻点骂 虽然粗糙 但是好炫好好看 我好喜欢 印花集yyds() 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nv4y1i74F/...
Selesita替换帽子【有外套版】/Selesita Replace Ellis[Outer Version]
Credits: 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 人物HUD/Vgui:三三风 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones (她的前发不会穿过额头/Her front hair will not swing through her head) 表情/Expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should be function after resta...
COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo
Creato da BaiF*ckmouse
P890 akimbo from Modern Warfare 2022. I have got to delete tactical device of left pistol because of the limit of meshes. :( Appreciate for help and technical guide from@dest1yo If there is any BUG,leave a comment and I will try to fix it ASAP. Hope you gu...
新宝島 replace l4d1&l4d2 unalive music
Creato da AlexZZ
music:サカナクション - 新宝島...
KF2 Doomstick (SPAS)
Creato da AvengedDeathAlert
More boom, more doom. Features - Hud Icon - Custom sound Credits - Tripwire Interactive: Killing Floor 2 - Sirgibsalot: Gmod Model - mav, ThomasCat: Animation ...
Creato da Kamome
Mika mp5sd (replace mp5) 碧蓝档案 圣园未花 MP5SD 替换 MP5 外观贴图,夜光贴图(还是5%的亮度,不瞎眼),正对太阳可能比较亮(白粉系皮肤通病了) 声音修改为csgo的mp5,删除了原作者的高光贴图,代码采用了洛兮老师常用的代码 删除了原作者内置的mp5脚本 封面作者:井上たくや 用户ID:99697 插画ID:96852262 握把插画作者:鬼针草 用户ID:6049901 插画ID:100715289 Original mod link:https://steamcom...
【原神】MK110—纳西妲(military sniper) /【Genshin Impact】 WWZ MK110—Nahida(military sniper)
Creato da 洛兮
替换军事30发连狙,replacemilitary sniper 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap),夜光效果,镜片反射 MK110 原版 我的Bilibili主页: https://space.bilibili.com/247187251 如果你喜欢我的作品,请点赞,收藏,关注;谢谢! f you like my works, please like, collect and pay attention to me; thank you 渲染图: https://st...
【原神】COD MW:2019 MK14 SD 纳西妲 替换 木狙
Creato da FenLan.
替换 木狙(Hunting Rifle) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 凯妈 制作的 COD MW:2019 MK14 SD Black 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2913426030 ——我的梦中总会出现一个花盆,每次浇水施肥就会长出相同的花。对于完全确定的收获,你还能享受养花的过程吗?呵呵,对我来说,至少每次开花之后飞过的蝴蝶,都有不一样的颜色,有时候还会有蜜蜂呢。...
[COD:MW II] Chimera Superheat
Creato da Oguzhan
COD MW II 2.0 Replaces M16 https://i.imgur.com/oXA9O9B.png https://i.imgur.com/dHQwPnO.png Anim:ThomasCat&Mav Activision Treyarch, Raven Software, Beenox ...
夹心糖专属武器 M4A1-嘉然 模组
Creato da
模型来自 生死狙击2 替换 m16步枪 ...
RE8 Samurai Edge武士之刃 印花集【Printstream Imitation】
Creato da 偷跑仙人
Replacing Magnum Pistol Original weapon link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532124673 Second piece! I've been thinking for a long time about how to match colors. It's hard for me to match colors. () I don't have the technical abili...
Aether Gazer: Osiris「Crow Feather」[Rochelle] [DL for ALL Survivors]
Creato da Kokkorylien
Basic Content ● Character models (including light models of Zoey and Francis, model of Bill in c6m3) ● Arm model ● VGUI Model Details ● Anime outline effect ● Anime rendering effect ● False eye tracking ● Jigglebone (with angle restrictions to prevent obvi...
Saiga " I have Recoil "
Creato da Eiกุ้ง
The Saiga-12 (/saɪɡə) is a shotgun available in a wide range of configurations, patterned after the Kalashnikov series of rifles and named after the Saiga antelope native to Russia. Like the Kalashnikov rifle variants, it is a rotating bolt, long-stroke ga...
Creato da 秋善冬華
每次添加链接就被隐藏,抱歉啊大伙这是补最后一次了 ...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】星野主题一代连喷M1014(无珠光版)
//上个发布的有人反应日光下是紫皮,没有图片也不是很清楚,也有可能不是很喜欢珠光效果所以上传这个版本 替换原版M1014材质 珠光版:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2923799298 Replaces textures ONLY ...
【印花集】印花集 UZI Printstream
Creato da Nagasaki Soyorin
有生之年懒狗又做枪皮了 大家好啊,我是炎乐,今天来点大家想看的枪皮 帅啊,很帅啊(赞赏) 印花集的珠光效果已经添加了,效果图我就不重新截了,毕竟我是个大懒狗,大家懂的都懂 替换原版的UZI(只替换贴图,动作只是为了演示效果) 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U34y1f79c/ 效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2026091658534118598/1085FD1007330576AD1C61428A...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
(R18)ursica喷漆第1期(ursica sprays1)
Creato da 米卡
足控警告,共8张喷漆,画师:ursica 懒得打码了,从八张里找个不漏的当封面好了 ps:其实有几十张差分,不过我捡变化大的做成喷漆了 该画师图片较多,要分几期,每一期干脆只做一个角色好了...
Elysia (Spray Pack)
Creato da Papas
¡WARNING! R18 / NSFW ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Source: Honkai Impact Character: Elysia If you want to use any spray from this pack in versus/scavenge mode: 1- Join a versus/scavenge mode 2- Use the graffiti...
Creato da DIO·不懒惰
我不知道我是谁,我也不知道我在哪,我只知道我要大开杀戒! I don't know who I am, and I don't know where I am. I just know I'm going to kill! 所有官方武器修改为变态版,不改主弹夹容量无限是最后的仁慈 单人模式及作为房主的本地服务器生效,可以用来做成就,进别人的房要关掉并重启游戏,不然会被后坐力猛拉,自己开房要打防冲突代码, 背背背起了行囊~~~~~~~~~~~...
标记物资、队友被控与倒地等状态提示 Hint
Creato da 思雨
简述 这个 MOD 主要有两个功能: 1. 自动玩家状态提示:玩家在倒地、黑白、被控的时候,队友的画面里会出现相应提示。提示文字可以在配置文件中修改。 2. 玩家主动发出标记:可以用来标记物资、空地位置、特感等。 玩家想要主动发出标记需要事先配置,有两种方案: 1. 玩家自己绑定按键到 +alt1。以绑定 g 键为例,在控制台输入:bind g +alt1,然后就可以用 g 键来标记了。若要解除按键绑定,则输入:unbind g 2. 房主服务端安装 辅助插件。安装之后所有人就都可以直接用 z 键人物语音菜...
5x ammunition
Creato da Yurizono
只在本地服务器(local server)有效 服务器放入addons文件中也可生效 已经测试过了,所有武器备弹都是原来的五倍(m60额外多加了子弹) 武器备弹超过1024时会显示错误,但是备弹数量是没问题的,放心使用 冲锋枪 3250(拿到手里显示178发)1024x3+178=3250 单喷 360 步枪 1800(拿到手里显示776发)1024+776=1800 连喷 450 猎枪 750 狙击枪 900 m60 900 (弹夹打完前记得换弹,不然会消失) 榴弹 150 基本上所有三方的图子弹都够用,...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 P890 SD 露西亚/露娜 替换 小手枪
Creato da FenLan.
替换 小手枪 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 BaiF*ckmouse 制作的 COD:MW2022 P890 Akimbo 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918905505 ——新年新气象,春节的第一天,露娜和露西亚给大家拜年啦,祝指挥官们新春快乐! 感谢过去一年的陪伴,希望在崭新的一年里,能继续陪伴大家走过更长的旅途,开启更多精彩的篇章! 效果图: https://steamuserimages-...
HexToMax's Customizable HP Regen Script
Creato da Hex To Max
This mod makes survivor's HP regenerate on a certain condition which you can edit to your taste - You can set specific options like HP threshold, interval, regen value or type. - You can set a variety of condtions like when on fire, standing still or seize...
Barrett .50 M82[Hunting Rifle]
Creato da ThunderKiss65
This is basically just a black version of my gold barrett, this is for people who want a more realistic version of the same mod. I might make this for the military sniper because it would match more. Includes: -new black texture -w_models -working animatio...
Block sound
Creato da Kamome
The eagle...
Blue Archive Live2D Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Sunaookami Shiroko (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 120. Dive into Summer by Mitsukiyo Sorai Saki (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 165. Up to 21°C by Nor Tsukiyuki Miyako (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 09. Midsummer Cat by Mitsukiyo Kasumizawa Miyu...
生盐诺亚 替换 帽子/noah replace eills
Creato da 艾米诺阿斯
蔚蓝档案 生盐诺亚 替换 帽子 国急服叫乃爱来着 Noah from blue archive replace eills 卑卑卑卑卑卑起了行囊~! 虽然还没抽到但是在C103里已经见过几面力 Model production: Tarara Tarako © Tarara Tarako 2022 ...
【Blue Archive】Tank Music - 碧蓝档案/Blue Archive .Theme 165 夏の特殊作戦!替换坦克音乐
【Blue Archive】Theme 165 夏の特殊作戦!~RABBIT小隊と消えたエビの謎~PV曲 替换TANK音乐 因为TANK音响只能播放一分钟左右,所以我把音频稍微调整了一些。 ps:救援克的BGM会稍长一些...
Creato da
该mod把一部分音乐替换为了《Cytus》和《Deemo》以及《兰空VOEZ》里的音乐。 被特感控制或攻击时的音乐。 进入安全屋时的音乐。 战役通关时的音乐。 死亡时的音乐。 Charger --- Green Eyes - Persona Smoker --- AREA184-Platinum Mix - -Persona Spitter --- AREA184-Platinum Mix - -Persona Jockey --- GATORIX - NeLiME/PRESTi Hunter --- Fo...
Galaxy brain meme Replace boomer puke music
When you be puking and think how to active later: 当你被喷时思考接下来如何操作: ...
Javelin (Azur Lane) - MAC-10 2.0 (w strap) (QUERENTIN's animations)
Creato da Jared
PLEASE SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL MODDER!! ORIGINAL MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1341097962 MOD OWNER: https://steamcommunity.com/id/querentin Character: Javelin Game From: Azur Lane Weapon textured on: MAC-10 2.0 (w strap) (QUEREN...
Creato da Sat ᗜ˰ᗜ
COD:MW2022 CROWNEN SQUALL 印花集(AK47) 无夜光珠光 感谢33佬的授权 原mod地址https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3093606569 喜欢的话就点个赞吧 B站演示视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1N642137D4/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=e49b26ed36da0f2a4179e0ad935265d3 ...
Modern Warfare 2022 - Invisible Full Moon
Creato da NizcKM
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NizcKM42/workshop_image/main/COD19/Overview.png Invisible Full Moon is a doujin music track from the Touhou Project. Artist Demonstar has created this emotionally rich and deep weapon blueprint for TAQ-56, using soft tones...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】丹花伊吹 主题 COD:MW22 TAQ-56
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】丹花伊吹 主题 COD:MW22 TAQ-56 替换 M16 Replace M16 https://s2.loli.net/2024/02/04/G4NDMlEwCeSZvpk.jpg 感谢@Fenlan大佬授权的枪模~此MOD原模型为非公开模型。 原mod地址: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920869025&searchtext=TAQ 格黑娜学生会“万魔殿”的一员。 不论是外貌还...
MW22 : LACHMANN 556 - M16
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace M16... This is edited animal33's lachmann 556... - REPLACE M16... - NO RNG RELOAD... - HUD ICON - ORIGINAL SOUND - FIXED RELOAD TIME Credits : - Animal33 - original compiler - lynx eichel - recompile, fix, edit - activision - models, sound, animati...
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace AK47... This is edited Animal33's TR-76 Geist.. - NO RNG RELOAD - FIXED RELOAD TIME - still original Credits : - Animal33 - orignal compiler, animation - activision - models, sound, animation - Lynx Eichel - recompile, fix, edit ...
COD:MW2023 Renetti-Jak Ferocity carbine kit
Creato da BaiF*ckmouse
Renetti with Jak Ferocity carbine kit from MW2023 replaces Silenced SMG(MAC10) Thanks to Crodycep and Greyhound developed by @Scobalula and maintained by@dest1yo enjoy ...
mw22 lockwood mk2【法芙娜主题】
感谢她来自闇冥 冥佬的枪模授权! 替换二代连喷,是一个手感非常棒的mod! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144383191 这次带来的是来自四叶草剧场的jiojio龙 如同她的名号“贪欲之龙”那样,法芙娜从不克制自己的欲望。她很贪吃,尤其喜欢精致的点心,会因为食物问题闹脾气,也会因为食物轻易消气,就像个馋嘴的小孩子——唯一的问题是,这个任性的“小孩子”拥有过于强大的力量。 可以的话点个赞吧,我会很开心的! 展示...
AAC HoneyBadger
Creato da 深情阿耀
AAC HoneyBadger rifle, replacing m16....
Replaced the push sound with Pain battle voice
Creato da 寻航小队
It's going to be on You can't escape...
TTi STI Combat Master 2011 初音未来(替换小手枪)
Creato da AJO
第三把枪皮,这次自学了描边,感觉上还算可以 仿制于B站一位UP的玩具枪 感谢—MHOUND 这位大佬的授权,十分感谢!!! 原枪模链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2990456286&tscn=1706274498 感谢在描边上给予我技术帮助的,闇_桜 大佬,Forget_淡忘 大佬以及帮我弄好艺术字体的爱吃软糖的萌小粥-_- 十分感谢!!!! B站链接: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV...
MK17 SSR(Replace Rifle SCAR)
替换SCAR(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:Denny凯妈&zmg 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2995448706&search Replace Rifle SCAR I have the original author‘s permission have fun Original Author:Denny凯妈&zmg Original Links:https://steamcommu...
Arknights Goldenglow QSZ-92(Pistol)
Creato da 42Hitchhiker_AID
跳下满载向日葵的小船,躲进花蔓的影子里摇摇荡荡。西瓜、软饮、阳光与海浪都冰镇得刚刚好,少女的夏日就该如此惬意。 替换了小手枪 Replace Pistol 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:Denny/zmg/JulietAlphaXray/繁华梦境 Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:Denny/zmg/JulietAlphaXray/繁华梦境 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://...
MW23 Lockwood 680
Creato da M82A1闇冥
replace pumpshot ...
MW23 Lockwood 680 毁约者
Creato da M82A1闇冥
replace chrome shotgun ...
Creato da 鬼方恂
模型来源https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/4301152��無料】1301Tactical ショットガン/Eye of Horus 动作来源mav‘s MW2019: SPAS-12 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636150277 希望大家喜欢 ...
reupload hakua rochelle
Creato da 艾Bladie艾
unknow author Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might o...
玛雅 赛博兔女郎 (替换nick或全生还者) Maya Cyberpunk bunny girl (replace nick or all survivor)
Creato da Fruit milk
其他人物的替换在这里Replacements for other characters are here. 玛雅赛博兔女郎其他7人 maya Cyber bunny girl 7 others Cyberpunk bunny girl replace Nick! 感谢 拉我请出示健康码 的帮助大量减少了动画帧! 来自玛雅的赛博兔女郎装. 特性 动态变色全身呼吸灯(建议全黑环境看) 机械改造义体 嘿嘿。。半透蕾丝 已知问题:尽管权重已经刷的很好,但由于蕾丝和身体分开,所以偶尔出现一些皮肤穿出蕾丝的现象。 模型...
桔梗 电子荧光科技装 Kikyo Tech suit (replace coach or all survivors)
Creato da Fruit milk
其他人物的替换在这里Replacements for other characters are here. Kikyo Tech suit 另外7人包 Other 7-player version 来自桔梗的潮流科技装,替换coach 特性 全身科幻故障风格夜光。 全动态HUD。 来自《死亡搁浅》的地形扫描仪odradek,带动画。 关于摩尔纹:你可能会在中远距离发现角色服装身上的摩尔纹,这是高密度法线纹理造成的,odradek没有很灵动的动画,因为能分配的骨骼太少,无法制作更灵动的动画。 模型作者:ぽんで...
RoN SR-16 Tactical
Creato da KJ
Replaces M16 Models, materials: Void Interactive Animations: BaiF*ckmouse Rigging, sound/material mixing: KJ Ready Or Not ...
Blue Archive theme 164
Creato da Felt
replaces Tank theme with ost 164 from Blue Archive because it's dope! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goS8fzIV38A...
[Blue Archive]蔚蓝档案 Hello to halo(Replace escape music/替换逃脱音乐)
Creato da Hoshino
Replace escape music/替换逃脱音乐 感觉这首歌放在结尾好有感觉...
M3 Grease Gun Modified (MP5)
Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Features: - Replaces MP5 - Custom sounds included - No flashlight included Credits: - Model, texture: Sledgehammer Games - Animation: New World Interactive Porte...
MW22 TTI MPX?Replace MP5?print stream 印花集mod
Creato da 南烛_wri
感谢 @逝去的十月 大佬的授权 原mod链接https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3049035777 来自疾速追杀的ttimpx+自己贴的印花集替换mp5 喜欢的话点个赞再走吧qwq 下一把打算贴点别的印花集贴腻了,要换换口味才行...
Creato da Oguzhan
COD:MW II Replaces Adrenaline https://i.imgur.com/oXA9O9B.png https://i.imgur.com/dHQwPnO.png Anim&Sound:Mav Models:Port Stefano Activision Treyarch, Raven Software, Beenox ...
Creato da 青山因雪白头
替换弗朗西斯 (replace Francis) 佐伊动作 (Zoey animation) 飘动骨骼 (jiggle bones):头发、耳朵、尾巴 表情 (expression):闭眼、张嘴、笑、怒等 含夜光 (Luminous) 弄了裙子vrd,效果一般 好久没更新了(都快忘记怎么做mod了),趁着快过年做了一个,谢谢大家喜欢我做的mod 我也就是做自己觉得好看的mod,没找到喜欢的就没怎么做了,嘿嘿 最后祝大家新年快乐,感谢支持 ...
Chrome Shotgun [VD Project]
自发光 加了法线 And? 自己2天半照着教程搞的,存在一些问题,主要是想自己做来玩玩XD ...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】正义实现委员会部员【Insurgency M92FS & M93R】手枪
Creato da 野生带鱼
原模型为【Denny凯妈】的【Insurgency M92FS & M93R】,非常感谢凯妈的授权! 原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2212864128 原mod演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Df4y1Q7nu ——战局对我们的学生太不利了! ——我的学生们坚持不住了! ——我的杂鱼酱遭受了巨大的损失! ——我的杂鱼酱损失惨重! ——我得重新集结部队! 你的小僵尸源源...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】春原 心奈/春原 瞬/龙华 妃咲 山海经三合一消防斧(RNG)
Creato da 野生带鱼
原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=789393714 非常感谢【Yog】大佬的授权! 更适合山海经sensei体质的消防斧!结合了心奈、幼瞬和妃咲三位学生,我们山海经也要有自己的圣三一 替换消防斧,该mod具有夜光和法线贴图,一共有三种风格的贴图,因此加入了RNG效果,贴图会在每关结算后随机切换一种 如果你想要使用单独版本的贴图,请前往演示视频评论区下载网盘链接分享的文件,解压后在“武器”文件夹中获取自己想要的贴图版本...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】爱清枫香 小刀 重制版(RNG)
Creato da 野生带鱼
非常感谢【Hex To Max】大佬的授权!原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2840726599 新年要有新气象,那么我就使枫香小刀焕然新生吧!爱清枫香小刀重制版,采用了全新的模型,包含随机触发的检视动作 替换小刀,该mod具有夜光和动态描边,部分材质具有流动材质的效果 同时,该mod拥有原版枫香和正月枫香两种版本的贴图,加入了RNG效果,贴图会在每关结算后随机切换一种 演示视频:https://www.bilibi...
崩坏 星穹铁道音乐替换战役通关音乐----Honkai: Star Rail replaces Battle Victory Music
Creato da 舰式猫猫糕
崩坏 星穹铁道音乐《使一颗心免于哀伤》替换战役通关音乐 如果此音乐对于您而言非常的合适你或者是刚好合适你的话,可以请您给这位卑微的作者一个五星评价或一个赞或是一个奖励吗QWQ?您的一个五星评价一个赞或是一个奖励都是对我最大的鼓励与支持 ps:在官方的音频文件中,战役结束的结算音乐有2.55秒的时间,可是从音乐的开始到停结束却只有1.20秒的时间,但是在一些结算动画较长的第三方地图中您却可以听到完整的音乐,同理这首《使一颗心免于哀伤》我将它的音乐时长剪辑到了3.00秒,在官方战役中您可能听不到完整的音乐,但是...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】阿罗娜 主题 COD:MW2022 Fennec 45 Suppressed
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】阿罗娜 主题 COD:MW2022 Fennec 45 Suppressed 替换 MAC10 Repalce MAC10 https://s2.loli.net/2024/02/10/PAD7B8GusaJlhtQ.jpg 感谢工坊作者@BaiF*ckmouse 授权的枪模,工坊地址: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3030546646 你好老师,又见面了呢! 老师,还记得刚上线的那一天吗...
Creato da Satøki
READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE USE! AK-74 The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года or "Kalashnikov automatic rifle model 1974") is a 5.45mm assault rifle developed in the early 1970s in the Soviet Union. It was developed from the earlier AKM ...
Touhou Galaxy Project - Aiko Manju Package
Creato da Mastodonmk2
"4 Piece Manju for everyone." - Gamalatican Advertisement https://i.imgur.com/UZwpr0H.png https://i.imgur.com/EZpNuQW.png Since Aiko Manju is made by one person which is Rio herself. A Midgaran company has offer her to sell her secret formula to the compan...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 Signal.50 露西亚 替换 30发军用连狙
Creato da FenLan.
替换 30发军用连狙 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 Signal.50 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144362397&searchtext= ——龙行踏绛气,虎腾佑岁祯。她风驰在颓垣荒土,奔行于山阜之巅。鳞甲双刃铩火扬焰,鱼龙拖尾雨布云兴。龙是掩蔽是幻化、是隐喻、是漠然,唯独袍角烙刻的印痕,是皎炎无法吞噬的本真,封印着她不会轻易诉言的决意。 效果图:...
UZI [VD Project]
VD——Virtual Demon·Project VD是自己画的人设恶魔少女哦~ ———————————— 增加法线; 增加夜光; ———————————— 2024.2.11.S 增加珠光; 更改夜光; ———————————— ...
Mac-10 [VD Project]
VD——Virtual Demon·Project VD是自己画的人设恶魔少女哦~ ———————————— 增加法线; 增加珠光; 增加夜光; ———————————— ...
【赛马娘/Umamusume】菱钻奇宝 主题定制 COD:MW23 RAM7
Creato da 香風 智乃
【赛马娘/Umamusume】菱钻奇宝 主题定制 COD:MW23 RAM7 替换 M16 Replace M16 https://s2.loli.net/2024/02/07/QgEHJjKMrNo74Ap.jpg 此MOD为联合定制mod,原MOD模型由冥佬定制制作,老板授权本人贴皮并进行发布,在这里请大家感谢原作者的无私分享 也感谢老板能给我这次机会为赛马娘贴一次皮 此MOD为定制MOD,模型所有权为老板及冥佬所有,禁止非授权的情况下反编译此mod进行二次创作,谢谢。 自我介绍 那个,我是菱钻奇宝。怎...
[Blue Archive] Hoshino Atsui Sounds for Molotov and Gas Can
Creato da Hayase Yuuka
Ugoitenai no ni atsui yo~... This addon adds Hoshino's atsui noises on idle sound (fire_idle_loop_1.wav) and fire sounds of Molotov and Gas Can. (fire_loop_1.wav and fire_loop_fadeout_1.wav) Let me know if there's something wrong....
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace SG552... The original mod was removed. Made By 仓鼠球 . i only fixed n edited it. - FIXED RELOAD TIME - FIXED WALKING, INSPECT, anything inside the QC - FIXED and edited Flashlight, Laser position - FIXED Empty bullet chasing - LITE TEXTURE - NO SUPPR...
Coach - Sapphy VRC Booth (Remastered)
Creato da JulesWBSB
Reduced Clothes 6 RNG Variations Original Model by Voidcat from BOOTH.PM...
HArms CQR 十字神明 (替换SCAR)
Creato da AJO
这个月新的枪皮,按照计划打算是做8个,我目前只做了5个,不知道能不能在2月份到来前弄完,我尽量 原枪模: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2090436652 感谢ClearSkyC这位大佬的授权,十分感谢!!!修改 B站链接: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pe411Y7cJ/?vd_source=aeb44e073b1bedf0ce4fa95e6f72e03b#reply204640047...
[碧蓝档案][Blue Archive] 盒装杂鱼弹药堆
仲正一花和杂鱼酱替换弹药堆 安守实梨和劳务部替换弹药罐 自己捏的两盒小玩意 怕穿模所以缩小了点 嫌小请反馈 到时候再放大点 祝游戏愉快~ ...
〖 使命召唤20 / COD2023 〗侦察型无畏装甲 (Francis)
〖 使命召唤20 / COD2023 〗侦察型无畏装甲替换Francis。 模型提取自cod20,连杀奖励之一“侦察型无畏装甲”。 别问我为什么面罩是不透明的,我也想知道为什么导出的模型面罩是不透明的。 模型与原模型有一定修改。 主要是删除了一个很丑的防毒面具。 注意,本mod目前只是半成品。 目前已更新第三人称模型,第一人称模型,vrd和飘动。 hrd会在近期完善。 如有侵权请联系我删除。 在使用过程中出现问题可以在下面留言,我看到后会尽力解决 或者可以进群找我:808178387 ...
R18喷漆 3
Creato da PAFF
共15张图 5张视距渐变 5张精品R18 5张全年龄...
【VII:GREED / 七宗罪:贪婪】COD:MW2022 AK47 经典尊爵 替换 AK47
Creato da FenLan.
替换 AK47 复刻:COD19【七宗罪:贪婪】系列皮肤:经典尊爵(自制) Replica: COD19【VII:GREED】Series Skin: Classic Noble(Self-control) 包括:基础外观贴图,法线贴图 来自 Animal33 制作的 AK47 原武器链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3037710708 Animal33 / zmg :Compile / Audio / Texture ed...
【赛马娘】爱丽数码TTI 格洛克17(夜光)替换 小手枪/Umamusume Agnes Digital TTI Glock 17 Deplace pisitols(glow)
Creato da KS_Azusa
替换小手枪(Deplace pistols) 不刺眼的夜光(glow) 注:替换枪声,模型和贴图 原mod来自 8sianDude: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2498178927 the origin mod from 8sianDude: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2498178927 试了下这种简洁可爱风的贴发,一周肝两个皮确实挺能打发...
Girls Frontline SHATTERED CONNEXION: Connexion End music
Creato da ~&南宫唯&~
From Girls Frontline Shattered Connexion...
[Blue Archive]Loading icon
Creato da AKA
Blue Archive 聖園 ミカ misono mika Loading icon...
Amaterasu (Black Flames)
Creato da Barnie Sandlers
Inspired by this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1402603712 Replaces the regular colored fire in L4D2 with the black, inextinguishable flames from hell created by those with the Mangekyō Sharingan from Naruto. Now replaces even ...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact3】德尔塔 DeltaΔ Replaces Bill
Creato da ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 神帝宇(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Thumbnail (封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bones(飘动骨骼) · Flex anima...
R18的声音替换拍棒声(R18 sound replace piepe bomb sound)
Creato da 叫我MAX
用sinisitar里女主的声音替换了土质炸弹的滴答声和爆炸声,可能听起来比较鬼畜但是我个人觉得效果不错,如果有什么意见的话可以在留言板里提出来,谢谢老板。 附:如果想把这个mod和自己用的改了模型的拍棒mod缝合在一起的话可以加我企鹅细🔒 Using the voice of the character in Sinisitar replace clicks and explosions,If you have any comments, please let me know in the message...
TTI Glock17(Replace 9mm Pistols)
Creato da 逝去的十月
替换9mm初始手枪 塔兰战术版Glock17 这次带来的是塔兰战术旗下的Glock17,依旧是《疾速追杀》里出现过的枪支,电影里黑叔叔说敌人提升了护甲,9mm的杀伤力就显得力不从心了,于是推荐了蝮蛇,不过丝毫不影响Glock强大的吸引力,玩的开心! 动画移植自:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2945264396。感谢BaiF*ckmouse的贡献! 如果你想使用本款MOD进行二创,或是使用本款MOD的模型,无需请示,只需标注来源...
Creato da 姬野永远
本MOD为百可花主题的替换止疼药贴图 预览图P2、P3、P4为reborn动作(有检视和推动作) reborn动作原版作者Arima已下架 故获取reborn动作版请前往爱发电搜索:姬野永远 或点击作者头像进入个人资料点击爱发电链接进入 在最新动态获取【免费】 ...
Creato da 銅蒼
原作者:ludexus_chr.mdl 原版武器:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1959743765 貌似会和一些手电筒的mod有冲突。 ...
【甘城なつき】Nacho Neko WSP-9 / 甘城WSP-9
Creato da Sa-Daniels
Replace the UZI Original mod author: M82A1闇冥 Original mod link: MW23 WSP-9 Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deriative works from contents of this addon without permission. Reuploading any parts of the addon is a direct violation...
初音ミク(神っぽいな )替换smg/replace smg
Creato da ❀白楠D❀
替换消音冲锋枪,呼吸描边(描边无自发光)+夜光 原作者:Denny凯妈/zmg 原模型创意工坊链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3050597484 萌新折腾两三天导出来的第一个枪皮,虽然很多瑕疵,但希望你能喜欢(后续也许会优化(大概不会有)) ※※ 请勿二次上传到其他公开场所 ※※ 视频演示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV186421M7Jm/?vd_source=5f79187016d3...
?????????????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ???...
Creato da KJ
Replace M16 Models, materials, sounds: Akinaro, Blender, Infinity Ward, Battlestate Games Animations: Animal33 Porting, rigging, material handling, sound mixing\bullet casing: KJ enjoy :) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2488871493279341353/A0808...
Royal Fortune (Azur Lane) - M1014 Improved / HQ Model
Creato da Jared
PLEASE SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL MODDER!! ORIGINAL MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1446766961 MOD OWNER: https://steamcommunity.com/id/querentin Character: Royal Fortune Game From: Azur Lane Weapon textured on: M1014 Improved / HQ Mo...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】月雪宫子 HQ MAC-10 With MW Animations
Creato da 野生带鱼
“这里是RABBIT 1,即刻开始作战” 我并非是模型作者,我的操作仅限于为原模型重新绘制贴图或进行小的修改,还请各位给予所有模组作者应有的尊重哦 非常感谢【thatrtxdude】的授权! 原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2795248662 Originall mod Credits mav - Animation Porting, Sound Porting, Compiling H3VR - Uzi Mode...
Heckler & Koch MP7 (SMG\Uzi)
Creato da KJ
Replace SMG Model: Rico Peters Sounds: Battlestate games Sound Ripping: TheLaw Animations: M82A1闇冥 Porting, rigging, material handling, sound mixing\bullet casing: KJ enjoy :) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2488871493278622816/EA9224C5E91F8BFF3...
Heckler & Koch MP7 Silenced (Mac-10\Silenced SMG)
Creato da KJ
Replace Silenced SMG Model: Rico Peters Sounds: Battlestate games Sound Ripping: TheLaw Animations: M82A1闇冥 Porting, rigging, material handling, sound mixing\bullet casing: KJ enjoy :) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2488871493278622179/6F1E5B9E...
[Blue Archiver]霞沢美游(垃姬兔)替换Scout(鸟狙)
这是可爱的小美游替换游戏中的鸟狙Scout 有了一点点夜光,手电也不会跟着小人晃来晃去 把第三人称枪械怼在地上的问题修复了 推荐手臂长度70+ cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor ...
Blue Archive Live2D Problem Solver 68 New Year ver. Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Rikuhachima Aru (New Year ver.) with OST 97. Blue New Year Onikata Kayoko (New Year ver.) with OST 67. someday, sometime by KARUT Asagi Mutsuki (New Year ver.) with OST 97. Blue New Year Igusa Haruka (New Year ver.) with OST 3...
Blue Archive Live2D Prefect Team Alt. ver. Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Sorasaki Hina (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 21. Midnight Trip by Nor Sorasaki Hina (Dress ver.) with OST 199 by Mitsukiyo Amau Ako (Dress ver.) with OST 103. Poppin' Memories by KARUT Shiromi Iori (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 86. Summe...
Blue Archive Live2D Problem Solver 68 Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Rikuhachima Aru with OST 38. Guruguru Usagi by Mitsukiyo Onikata Kayoko with OST 37. Aira by Mitsukiyo Asagi Mutsuki with OST 28. Plug and Play by KARUT Igusa Haruka with OST 43. KIRISAME by Nor All the Live2D is in 4K 60FPS. ...
Blue Archive Live2D Cleaning & Clearing Bunny Suit ver. Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Mikamo Neru (Bunny Girl ver.) with OST 53. Future Lab by Nor Kakudate Karin (Bunny Girl ver.) with OST 94. Bunny Bunny Carrot Carrot Murokasa Akane (Bunny Girl ver.) with OST 37. Aira by Mitsukiyo Ichinose Asuna (Bunny Girl ve...
蔚蓝档案 小涂真纪 渐变喷漆 (兄弟你好香0Blue archive maki painting
蔚蓝档案 小涂真纪 渐变喷漆 Blue archive maki painting...
Blue Archive Live2D Game Development Department Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Hanaoka Yuzu with OST 50. Hue by KARUT Tendou Alice with OST 67. someday, sometime by KARUT Saiba Midori with OST 36. Koi is Love by Mitsukiyo Saiba Momoi with OST 54. After The Beep by Nor Hanaoka Yuzu (Maid ver.) with OST 38...
Blue Archive Live2D Arius Branch School Memorial Lobby Main Menu
Creato da act01
This Mod includes (In order): Joumae Saori with OST 105. Alkaline Tears by Mitsukiyo Hakari Atsuko with OST 21. Midnight Trip by Nor Imashino Misaki with OST 105. Alkaline Tears by Mitsukiyo Tsuchinaga Hiyori with OOST 38. Guruguru Usagi by Mitsukiyo All t...
AR-15 Tactical
Creato da KJ
Replace M16 Models, materials: Dragovich, Infinity Ward Sounds: Battlestate games Animations: Crank07 Porting, rigging, material handling, sound mixing\bullet casing: KJ enjoy:) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2488871493278902160/AF8D1DD95EF34DA...
Q Honey Badger
Creato da KJ
Models, Materials: SeveN, Blender, Infinity Ward Sounds: Battlestate games Animations: Animal33 Porting, rigging, material handling, sound mixing\bullet casing: KJ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2488871493298374093/7241FC541D291CAA49FB392E65ECF...
Q Honey Badger (SMG)
Creato da KJ
SMG/Uzi version Silencer still intact because Honey Badger has built in suppressor ...
M870 富春山居图 Fuchun mountain 替换/Replace Chrome Shotgun
对雷明顿870霰弹枪进行了修改,添加了富春山居图主题的贴图。 替换Chrome Shotgun 镀铬霰弹枪(铁喷) (自学做的的换贴图枪皮,可能会有很多问题,请通知我,我会尽可能修正) 原模型地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523362361 如有侵权,联系删除 Modifications have been made to the Remington 870 Tactical Improved, adding a tex...
[NIKKE] Privaty: Unkind Maid shotgun sounds for autoshotgun
Creato da ZeroRofl
Privaty: Unkind Maid shotgun sounds from Goddes of Victory NIKKE replace those of the autoshotgun. All sounds properly applied. Note: Shotgun sound recorded in the viewer in NIKKE includes a hitsound from the target, so i had to use other methods to get th...
【Vtuber】Minato Aqua Sidewinder / 凑阿库娅响尾蛇
Creato da Sa-Daniels
按道理本不该更新工坊的直到工坊义父的那直立牲口论发布: 不知道啥情况的看看这专栏: 共建和谐游戏社区生态——基于极端创作者事例的剖析与广泛倡议 Reaplce the Scar Original mod author: M82A1闇冥 Original mod link: MW23 Sidewinder Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deriative works from contents of this addo...
[COD:BOCW]FFAR AUTO TOON (Anime Skater) (Replace Scar)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODBOCW Sound effects: CODBOCW Animation: CODBOCW Texture: CODBOCW Material: MxDlZnB Thanks Dest1yo(fnsi),BaiFvckmouZ,闇冥M82A1 ...
MW2 .50GS on MW2019
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace Desert Eagle Credits: Models,Materials,Sound - Activision/Infinity Ward Sound port/mix - XEN65 Original Compile, Chill and Port to L4D2 - ₦streyℨ Porting to source engine - Stefano Animation: Infinity Ward Animation Port: mav, ThomasCat Commissione...
War Sport LVOA CarbineM(雪狐桑主题-小鹿乱撞)
感谢Lt. Rocky大佬的枪模授权 相比原版我多加了个消音器并且删掉了枪口火花和闪光 音效也替换成了消音版本 没整那么多花里胡哨的装饰,我比较喜欢简洁一点的 原mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1818567125&tscn=1707769374 消音器与枪声来源:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2139155702 新的一年大家也要快快乐乐呀 ...
Payday 2: North Star
Creato da Darkel
Replaces Hunting Rifle https://i.imgur.com/TAmn9SI.gif Features: World model. Custom sounds. VGUI icon. Credit; Models&Textures: Overkill Software Scope Quality: Rayne Sounds: Partisan Laser: Viper Animations: M82A1?? Me: Compile for L4D2. ...
崩坏 星穹铁道点唱机——Honkai: Star Railjukebox
Creato da 舰式猫猫糕
我选择了崩坏 星穹铁道的几首官方音乐以及一首同人歌曲来替换求生之路的原版点唱机音乐祝您使用愉快,替换音乐如下: Jake Miller,HOYO-MiX《不眠之夜》(英文版)替换all_i_want_for_xmas hanser《越权访问》替换badman Jonathan Steingard,HOYO-MiX《野火》替换midnightride HOYO-MiX《使一颗心免于哀伤》替换portal_still_alive Anthiny Lynch,HOYO-MiX《踏上征途》替换re_your_bra...
Arisu爱丽丝 Steyr AUG A3 M1
Creato da 教士
2024.2.16 Steyr AUG A3 M1 爱丽丝贴皮 此mod包含: 基础贴图 法线贴图 不刺眼夜光 原mod链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3126392160 演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tj421X7gQ ...
[Blue Archive]蔚蓝档案Party Time(Replace passing level sound/更换通关音乐)
Creato da Hoshino
Replace passing level sound/更换通关音乐...
Gotoubun No Hanayome Theme concert
Creato da Sonicmania4745YT
Remplaza la musica del concierto de los midnight riders ...
Creato da 只是地狱吖
新春快乐! MOD特性: 物理飘动 完整表情 2K纹理 手模 风格化UI 模型描边 动漫渲染 法线贴图 法线 手腕/脚腕VRD 自发光 ======= Enjoy! ======= 模型-少女前线2:追放 移植-地狱酱 编译-地狱酱 ======= B站宣传视频:BV1xt421p7Vv ======= 如有bug可向我反馈:B站メジロ_McQueen(UID:454130937) 八人包:1kXBM5ZcFasWmdf-NftxPaQ?pwd=1ugf (度)提取码:1ugf i06iC1nqubli(蓝...
花园serena COD:MW防暴盾(夜光)
Creato da 大奈龙一只
Replace the riotshield Original Mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2643458683&searchtext=MW2019+Riot+Shield Original Mod Author:Alex_D #NoWar & mav 免责说明:我仅对近战进行贴皮,涉及模型的一切东西均不是我参与制作 这个防暴盾自带插件,不需要额外订阅插件,就可以在地图中使用 使用须知:请一定一定要花一秒钟时间点一下作...
Muse Dash Style TransitionPage Marija_Sister 仿喵斯快跑过关界面-修女玛莉嘉
Creato da 渔鱼的禹
此Mod调整了进入安全屋后的过关界面样式 -将加载中的背景图替换为Muse Dash中的修女玛莉嘉 -过关结算信息去除,只剩下tips,加载图标和背景图 -对抗模式下仍然保留比分信息 背景图作者个人主页:https://twitter.com/cjsdh1000...
Boros Theme Remasted for Tank (Simpsonill)
Creato da Alutard
Replaces the tank's music with a remaster of Boros' theme by Simpsonill...
Grenade launcher with rocket launcher sound(dooom enternal)
Creato da Fulandre
only the sound,not the gun. fire sound with the rocket launcher fire sound explode sound witih the rocket launcher explode sound from Doom Enternal...
Genshin Impact Cooler 原神冷冻柜
Creato da 夜良Zl
替换了冷冻柜贴图,一共11张图片轮流切换 Replaced freezer decals,11 images rotating ...
Creato da 冻雨
这是我学习之后做的第一个枪皮,希望大家喜欢�?没有做夜光,因为还不会,之后学会之后会更新夜光版�? 2024.3.14 更新了夜光(我是鸽子),vmt参数一堆看得我头皮发麻 ...
流萤codmw2022 kastov762 tactical替换ak47
感谢bai佬的武器模型 已经跟作者打招呼了 这是原mod链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2999333956 该武器为老板定制 但是公开 谢谢老板 也谢谢大家...
COD:MW23 ANIMS HK416 (MW23动作版HK416)
Creato da 香風 智乃
COD:MW23 ANIMS HK416 替换 M16 Repalce M16 https://s2.loli.net/2024/02/22/AlqJYiWEQ7tXCru.jpg 动作来源:animal33 感谢33佬的动作授权! 模型来源:Denny凯妈 感谢凯妈的模型授权! 原mod模型地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818118879 本人套动作的初尝试,个人意义上的首个自制mod,重制了V模和W模,并且套了我个人...
【CYBER RIOT / 赛博躁动】COD:MW2022 PP19 SD 点燃未来 替换 MAC-10
Creato da FenLan.
替换 MAC-10 复刻:COD19【赛博躁动】系列皮肤:点燃未来 Replica: COD19【CYBER RIOT】Series Skin: Lgnite The Future 包括:基础外观贴图,法线贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 Minibak 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144359358&searchtext= M82A1闇冥 :Compile / Aud...
COD16 AK replace (AK)
Creato da Happy happy happy!
替换 AK。replace AK 感谢老板 无名的定制免费发布! Thank you for the anonymous customization and free release, boss! MOD制作者:Animal33 MOD Producer: Animal33 封面:Happy happy happy! Cover:Happy happy happy! 我只是代发工坊 I'm just a delivery workshop 请为我发的作品进行评分,后面会继续发无名老板的定制作品. Pleas...
CM3D2 SWAT girl Sara replace Rochelle military army police tactical style
Creato da 文杰
模型出自游戏CUSTOM MAID 3D2《カスタムメイド3D 2》 CUSTOM MAID 3D2◇SWAT风格角色 替换 罗雪儿 「CUSTOM MAID 3D2」 character : SWAT girl replaces rochelle —————————————————————————— 此mod包括: · zoey的动作 · 头发 · 表情 · 第一人称手臂 —————————————————————————— This mod includes: · ZOEY animation · Ph...
CM3D2 SWAT girl Sara replace louis military army police tactical style
Creato da 文杰
CUSTOM MAID 3D2◇SWAT风格角色 替换 路易斯 「CUSTOM MAID 3D2」 character : SWAT girl replaces louis —————————————————————————— 此mod包括: · zoey的动作 · 头发 · 表情 · 第一人称手臂 —————————————————————————— This mod includes: · ZOEY animation · Physical simulation of hair · Expression...
Rytec AMR/XM109 Showcase From COD:MW 2019 使命召唤:现代战争2019 瑞泰克反器材步枪 荣耀徽章
Creato da PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Rytec AMR/XM109 Showcase From COD:MW 2019= =使命召唤:现代战争2019 瑞泰克反器材步枪 荣耀徽章= For hunting rifle 替换木狙 内含: V模,W模,音效 Feature: V model W model Sounds Original version 原版 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2281102754 Infinity Ward - Models,Textu...
AS50 (hunting rifle)
Creato da 多乐美
replacing the hunting rifle ...
[CSO] SVD ex
Creato da LE37
replace Hunting Rifle and sounds...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Arichive】春原心奈 小人枪 替换SCAR
Creato da 野生带鱼
”不要叫我小心奈!要叫心奈教官!“ 教学视频《小春都看得懂的小人枪Mod制作全流程(零基础)》:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wU421f7Xt 本mod是我耗时2天根据教程纯自学完成的产物,由于毫无基础且带病身体情况不佳,有一些大胆的想法没有实现,制作水平堪忧还请各位见谅 本mod换弹音效来源mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1890718968 此外,本mod所有的贴图、音效、模型和...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]砂狼黑子小人枪
Creato da 六道花凛
 学生们..就拜托你了..   碧蓝档案开服时冲着花凛入坑,然而认真开始玩这游戏是最终章出来的时候,为了最终章一口气把vol1到vol4的剧情看完了,后面看完最终章看得眼湿湿,所以第一把小人枪就选了黑子。  本MOD替换M4/M16 模型资源:碧蓝档案/Blue Archive游戏文件提取 由于黑子没有语音,所以只能套用白子的语音 本人制作水平堪忧,如有BUG请留言 以上,祝你游戏愉快 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mF4m1L7km/ 2024.3.4:修复...
CS:GO AWP | Gungnir with 4 Crowns
Creato da paf
Artwork. Born for position one. Born for the touch. Dedicated to every 1st shotgun player. ------------------------------------------ Replaces: • The Chrome Shotgun Includes: • Original Model • Original Animations • Original Textures • Original Normal map ...
[COD:BOCW]XM4 Western-Wall-II (M16A2)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODBOCW Sound effects: CODBOCW Animation: CODBOCW Texture: CODBOCW Material: MxDlZnB ...
vrc 青柠 兔子魔法师 替换 教练 Vrc lime rabbit mage Replace Coach
谁不喜欢可爱的兔子小姐呢? 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 更优秀的局部夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布 —————————————— 由于求...
Ready ro Not SA-58 蓝调少女 / Ready ro Not SA-58 Blues Girl
Creato da 洛兮
替换 AK47突击步枪,replace ak47 原模型(origin model):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3164689029 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),夜光效果 如果你喜欢这个作品,请点赞,收藏;谢谢! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/5963399401529988248/35E099C91560EFCEB920894A50106C5D7BF85...
[SSJJ2]M4A1 Super Power Pink
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: SSJJ2 Sound effects: SSJJ2 Animation: FanMeng Texture: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB carbon: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3008469459...
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: SSJJ2 Sound effects: SSJJ2 Animation: FanMeng Texture: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB pink: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3022063975 ...
Blue Archive - Sakurako - Rochelle
Creato da Polandick
Blue Archive Sakurako replace Rochelle 碧蓝档案 櫻子 代替 Rochelle Model by ちくわエグゼ(@chikuwa_exe) twitter - https://twitter.com/chikuwa_exe nicovideo - 80824146 Support the original author Model nicovideo - td91270 Features - Facial expression - Jiggle bones - VGUI...
Black Ops3 M16A1 Reanimation C-clamp(Replace M16)
Creato da 逝去的十月
替换M16 M16A1 来自使命召唤:黑色行动3的模型,原型为越南战争时期的经典步枪M16A1。 感谢“A苦黄瓜A”提供的优质动画以及Denny凯妈从BO3中提取的模型! 如果你想使用本款MOD进行二创,或是使用本款MOD的模型,无需请示,只需标注来源即可! Replace M16 M16A1 The model from Call of Duty: Black Operation 3 is based on the classic rifle M16A1 from the Vietnam War era....
COD: MW X16 Glock Blue Carbon Fixed version
Creato da 辰星落日
origin author:Oguzhan https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861624108 fix the No World-Model problem hope you like it! ENJOY! ...
Aether Gazer: Skadi, Cleaving Waves (Swimsuit) V3 [Francis]
Creato da XARK
This is Aether Gazer skadi (Swimsuit) mod ported for Francis. For more information, verify the description of the original mod....
【战双帕弥什】布偶熊·觅语 替换francis
Creato da 冇van题
模型:战双帕弥什/白泽 ...
Arknights Mizuki TTI 2011 (Magnum)
Creato da 42Hitchhiker_AID
进化的后裔从泰拉潮水中升起,破开云霄,去往无际星海。此刻,世间再无苦难,只余下新生的喜悦。 替换了马格南/沙鹰 Replace Magnum 替换了模型,材质,声音,感谢原作者:Animal33/BaiF*ckmouse/M82A1闇冥丶 Replaced the model, material, sound, thanks to the original author:Animal33/BaiF*ckmouse/M82A1闇冥 原MOD地址/The original MOD https://steamus...
MWR Heckler&Koch G3 (replace G3/连狙)
Creato da 鬼方恂
替换连狙 感谢凯妈授权的G3A3动作和工程文件 原mod链接https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2915983750 模型移植自gmod模组,https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2192968238 做的不是很好,希望大家喜欢。 如果你喜欢这个MOD然后想进行二次创作的话,请随意(不过最好在你的简介底下备注MOD来源和该MOD的创意工坊链接) 玩得开心。 rep...
COMM: AR-57 [Louis]
AR-57 from Girls Frontline as Louis ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Louis Survivor Model - Viewmodel Hands - Jiggle Bones - VGUI Materials ___________________________________________________ Model and all rights ...
【蔚蓝档案&Blue Archive】白洲 梓 HK416
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案&Blue Archive】白洲 梓 HK416 替换 M16 Replace M16 答应给大家做的白洲梓贴皮,抱歉因病鸽了这么久 这个也是匆匆赶出来的,预览图就不做了,希望大家喜欢~ ...
【蔚蓝档案&Blue Archive】早濑优香 主题 COD:MW CX9 EVO3
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案&Blue Archive】早濑优香 主题 COD:MW CX9 EVO3 替换 UZI Replace UZI 感谢冥佬的授权!也是远古授权了 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3115194339 这是一个存货,作为我病时拖更的补偿吧,希望大家喜欢~ ...
玛雅黑曜石 Replace 佐伊
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Zoey. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧ Credits: ♡平板笨蛋会魔法♡ For the original upload (I asked permission from ♡平板笨蛋会魔法♡ to convert her to...
塞莱斯蒂娅·埃利亚 Replace 佐伊
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Zoey. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧ Credits: 秋善冬華 For the original upload (I asked 秋善冬華 for permission to translate and revise this...
Ken Block's Mustang GT - Racecar
Creato da мяFunreal
This mod replaces Jimmy Gibbs' racecar for Ken Block's Mustang GT. The model is taken from Need For Speed: No Limits, and the main texture was AI upscaled because it was really low quality. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the...
【少女前线&Girls Frontline】COD:MW22 BASP-小小的一步
Creato da 香風 智乃
【少女前线&Girls Frontline】COD:MW22 BASP-小小的一步 替换 MP5 Replace MP5 https://s2.loli.net/2024/03/03/xh2QJaEwdbZoHcT.jpg 感谢冥佬的枪模授权! 原地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144387594&searchtext=BAS-P 【 MP5】 无论什么地方都很渺小的我,也可以陪在您的身边吗? 少前MP5主题的BAS-P,...
莉米莉亚 Replace 佐伊
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Zoey. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 🌸 Credits: 花の韵...
BO3 ICR-1 Tactical(Rifle)
Creato da Rayzon
BO3 ICR-1 Tactical replase m16 个人找Denny凯妈定制的作品,模组从Gmod移植。 链接https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2926218872 ·模型和材质:Treyarch ·动画:Treyarch ·动画修改:Denny凯妈 ·封面:我 如果你喜欢这个MOD然后想进行二次创作的话,请标明原模组链接。 I look for Denny凯妈's custom work, and the mod is ...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]天童爱丽丝/凯伊 Counter-Strike 2 Desert Eagle on MW2022 Animations (渐变)
Creato da 野生带鱼
"消失的不会是勇者,而是灭世的道具" "请你不要和我道歉...我亲爱的...爱丽丝" 非常感谢的授权! 特别感谢和两位大佬的耐心指导,我得以实现该mod的渐变效果 原mod链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3043333613 原mod并不包含音效,所以我加入了CS2的音效(原汁原味了属于是) Credits: Valve - Model and textures/模型和贴图 Activision - Animations/...
Remington RSASS R11 (Military Sniper)
Creato da Axeno
The Remington Semi Automatic Sniper System is the culmination of a joint effort between Remington Arms and JP Enterprises to develop a highly accurate and superbly built rapid firing sniper rifle. This weapon delivers sub-MOA accuracy out to 800 meters and...
AS Val Osa (SG552)
Creato da Axeno
The AS "Val", (Russian: АС «Вал»; Автома́т Специа́льный, romanized: Avtomát Spetsiálny «Val», lit. 'Special Automatic' «Shaft»), (GRAU index 6P30) is a special assault rifle designed by TSNIITOCHMASH in late 1980s as a specialised weapon for Spetsnaz force...
Default Weapons HD Remastered 1.3
Creato da ClipoDEL
The modification improves the textures of standard weapons, adding new reflection effects, normal maps and detailed textures. Compatible with other weapon animations and sounds. Version with L4D1 animations https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetail...
Serious Sam 4 Rage Serum -- Adrenaline Syringe
Creato da Vanyarin
Current Mod Version: v1_0 Replaces: Adrenaline Syringe / Shot This mod has "Mod a mod" support! The following mod replaces the default Adrenaline item with the aforementioned gadget from Serious Sam 4, using the stock animations with an added twist. This i...
CDL King M4 (M16)
Creato da KJ
Shader Detail must be set to at least High in Options>Video>Advanced Settings for the gold textures to show Animations: M82A1闇冥 Ripping, material handling: KJ Call Of Duty Modern Warfare II 2022 Championship League MLG Gold Diamond ...
莎莎 Replace 罗谢尔
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Rochelle. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 🌸 Credits:...
Zenitco AKM (AK47)
Creato da Axeno
The AKM (Russian: Автомат Калашникова модернизированный, Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniuy, lit. "Automatic Kalashnikov Modernized") is an improved version of the AK-47 introduced by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1959. The AKM is the most ubiquitous AK vari...
席勒斯提亚 黑曜石 Replace 佐伊
https://i.imgur.com/kuZUozI.png 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— https://i.imgur.com/kBHJvmQ.gif ————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Zoey. —————————————————————————————————...
美云 机能风 替换 佐伊 Vrc Meiyun LyraZERO Replace Zoey
诈尸一下 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布 —————————————— 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号74037...
HK MP5 Swordfish (MP5)
Creato da Axeno
The MP5 (Maschinenpistole 5, lit. "submachine gun 5") is a highly-successful German submachine gun manufactured by Heckler & Koch since 1966. The MP5 is a scaled down version of the G3 rifle, chambered in 9×19mm Parabellum. It retains the basic principles ...
MW2 M4A1 M203
Creato da Dazzle_白麒麟
替换游戏内 这是我还原 使命召唤6 现代战争2 里面的 【团队合作】剧情里面的 M4A1 M203 原本激光指示器也是能找到合适的 可惜贴图太屎了 就找了个 比较还原的来替换了, 以下是贡献者名单: Dazzle_白麒麟 Denny凯妈 以下是渲染图和预览图 Replace in-game This is my restoration of the plot in Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2 M4A1 M203 The original laser pointer can...
【碧蓝档案】Nico替换黑妹/[Blue archive] Nico Replace Rochelle
Credits: 模型提供/Moded provider:晓在努力不发电(BUID:1266194255) 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should be function after restart your game,if you just subsc...
碧蓝档案动态背景 (Blue Archive Backgrounds)
Creato da 秋善冬華
" 使用方法:1、订阅后使用GCFScape解包vpk文件(位置:steam/steamapps/common/Left 4 Dead2/left4dead2/addons/workshop) 2、解包后把文件覆盖进游戏文件夹(steam/steamapps/common/Left 4 Dead2/left4dead2/media)" 视频太大了上传不了 所以工坊这边订阅只有一周年的pv 链接:h删除ttps:/pan.baidu.com/s/17ePSsHONEwP6-b5XRrmtBw?pwd=2ck...
Creato da 老英雄
删除主界面图标,用于更好地观看自定义主界面视频 ...
[BlueArchive]HaloReach`s M6G - OnikataKayoko
This is my first time making weapon skins mod, Description: Replace the Deagle,include pearl luster and selfillum effects, Original author: Adorabirb!...
VRchat X L4D2 Lazuli -ラズリ replacement ellis
Creato da ATRIアトリ
VRchat X L4D2 Lazuli -ラズ�?replacement Ellis 基本 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 夜光/noctiluca 表情/facial expression vrd vgui 修了很久的手模哦~喜欢的话不妨点个赞吧^^ 1.1ver更新:模型缩放1.2倍,修复第三人称部分武器错位,修复手模闪烁问题 ...
【Blender】LX-3 katana 替换武士刀 [重制] (katana)
Creato da 洛兮
替换武士刀,replace katana 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normal map),全新动作 之前那个动作实在不行,所以由物业重新制作了一套动画! 动画演示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dN411E7wd 模型(model): 洛兮—blender自制 贴图(texture): 洛兮—substance painter自制 动作(animation): 物业——3D Max制作 https://steamuserimages-a.ak...
FN-15 SD (SG552)
Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Features: - Replaces SG552 - Custom sounds included - Flashlight included - 3 RNG reloads (only bolt pull reload works online) + 1 not empty reload + 2 emply rel...
MWA .50 Valkyrie
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Military Weapon Armament .50 Valkyrie was built as a respond to the military contract for the need of .50 AE in a portable lightweight package. For some reason it was never made to the trials and these were found few years later on vendor and gun shop. Luc...
M4A1 URG-I (SG552)
Creato da Axeno
The URG-I stands for Upper Receiver Group, Improved. It's a product of M4A1 improvement program developed by USASOC and the latest evolution of M4 rifle. URG-I doesn't buy any new guns, instead it includes a standard M4A1 upper receiver, a M-LOK handguard,...
「彻夜霓虹」Bo3 Kuda Mp5 replaces mp5
Creato da forget_danwang
已授权上传创意工坊,原模: https://b23.tv/qox7aL0 感谢 千叶澪音 的授权!感谢渊佬(闇_桜)修的uv!感谢康纳的部分动态贴图素材! 移植和二创请先与我商量~ 建议配合无袖角色使用 Original model: https://b23.tv/qox7aL0 Please discuss transplantation and secondary innovation with me first~ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2...
[BattleField 2042] M5A3 Epic Skin "Force Fusion" (Replace M16)
Creato da Fidgety212
战地2042 M5A3史诗皮肤“力量融合”替换M16步枪 尽量还原了2042的持枪视角 原mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3116878672 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19u4m1g7Tw/ I tried my best to recreate the gun holding perspective of the M5A3 in BF2042 Origin mod:ht...
[Blue Archive]Yutori Natsu replace Ellis
Creato da Elaina
Yutori Natsu replace Ellis 柚鸟夏替换Ellis model:模之屋/皆神kosame 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression VRD 使用zoey动作/Use the zoey action ...
M4A1配瞄准镜战双XXI号主题涂装(夜光) # M4A1 with Aimpoint Gray raven XXI Theme (Glow) 2.0
此mod替代SG552(?)依旧没变,只是更改了下其他动作 原贴图mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2765566431 原作者mod: https://steamcommunity.com/id/haoliu98 仅仅稍微改了下其他无伤大雅,看着玩吧...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2023 ACR 布丽姬特 替换 M16
Creato da FenLan.
替换 M16 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 由 Denny凯妈 修复W模型 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2023 ACR 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3103576340 ——“支援部队队长,布丽姬特向你报道!……开玩笑的。既然我们都那么熟了,就没必要端着这种架子了,是吧,指挥官?” 效果图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/245397...
Creato da Axeno
The FAMAS (French: Fusil d'Assaut Manufacture d'Armes St. Étienne, lit. "St. Étienne Arms Factory Assault Rifle") is a French assault rifle that was produced by GIAT Industries. The FAMAS is a part of the French FÉLIN (Fantassin à Équipement et Liaisons In...
Creato da Axeno
The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года, Avtomat Kalashnikova obraztsa 1974 goda, lit. "Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1974") is a Russian assault rifle. Essentially a rechambered AKM, it was designed to take the then-new 5.45x39 cartrid...
H&K 416 Tactical (M16)
Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Features: - Replaces M16 - Custom sounds included - Flashlight included - 2 RNG reloads (only empty reload works online) Credits: - Model, textures: I don't know...
M4 Carbine
Creato da KJ
Replace M16 Materials, Models, Sounds: Infinity Ward, Void Interactive Animations: M82A1闇冥 Porting, Rigging, Material Handling: KJ ...
H&K 416 SD Tactical (SG552)
Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Features: - Replaces SG552 - Custom sounds included - Flashlight included - 2 RNG reloads (only empty reload works online) Credits: - Model, textures: I don't kn...
CQC M4 SOPMOD (Silenced SMG)
Creato da KJ
Replace Mac-10 Materials Models: Hex, Infinity Ward Animations: Viper Rigging, material handling, mapping: KJ ...
Creato da 甘樂
原版mod链接;https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2928324394 这段时间因为各种原因(抽卡游戏抽的(´⌒`。)),没什么心情做各种事情了,有人催才糊弄的搞了一把ヽ(#`Д´)ノ,把原版的枪托给卸了,原版mod的配色,感觉也挺适合的就继承了(๑ºั╰︎╯︎ºั๑)。 ...
[MW] The Wages of Sin Blueprint M4A1
Creato da [SAKU]
MW The Wages of Sin Blueprint M4A1 replaces M16! I don't own the assets, i just modify them, all credits go to their respective authors This is a modification of Pathfinder_FUFU's CODMW2019 TWOS Blueprint M4A1 Changes i've made from original mod Changed ol...
MCX Shrike Remastered (M16)
Creato da Happy happy happy!
替换 M16。 感谢老板 Animal33的模型提供! 修改了和增加了配件,让他看起来更战术。 第二次创作:Happy happy happy! 模型和材质:MCX Happy 动画:Infinity Ward 封面:Hλ2αrΔ 音效:Animal33 该mod仅发布求生之路2创意工坊,任何人与服务器不得上传、转发、移植、贩卖、整合等操作及其它未告知作者的行为;同时,对我本人、模型制作者、模组制作者的阴阳怪气和直接攻击都会导致本mod的下架。 无论你是玩家还是作者,请尊重别人花费的钱财和作者付出的精力,祝...
umamusume Gold Ship La_mode_564 Skin Replace Rochelle
Creato da GEtFiRe
Replace Rochelle If you like it,please give a good review!...
COD:MW M249 Black (replace rifle M60)
替换M60(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:Denny凯妈&zmg 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2987782010 Replace Rifle M60 I have the original author‘s permission have fun Original Author:Denny凯妈&zmg Original Links:https://steamcommunity.com/...
KRISS Vector (MAC-10)
Creato da Axeno
The KRISS Vector is a series of weapons based upon the parent submachine gun design developed by the American company KRISS USA, formerly Transformational Defense Industries (TDI). They use an unconventional delayed blowback system combined with in-line de...
HK416A5-SMR(Replace M16)
Creato da 逝去的十月
替换M16 HK416A5-SMR https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2426949702253197308/99B8E1A8E68744A0778A0CA485EF46D0C1F2A0EA/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false 继上一次的URG-I AR-15,这次带来的是我个人心目中两大AR战术搭配的巅峰之作之一的另一作,HK416...
星极AK-Alfa (Scar) Astesia skin fo AK-Alfa
Astesia skin fo AK-Alfa(Scar) 明日方舟星极主题 AK-Alfa Replace Scar Anmation:Cele Model: Insurgency Sound: Insurgency Models fix,Animations fix,materials,compile - M82A1闇冥 New skin:SHArknight https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1782886496270727168/B3ED6D080...
COD:MW2022 AK-47
Creato da Animal33
AK-47. 替换 AK-47。 模型和材质:Infinity Ward 动画:Animal33 封面:Kuge 音效:ZMG/Animal33 协助:ZMG 标签:Infinity Ward;Call of Duty: MWII ...
COD:MW 旋风AK-47 印花集 (Replace AK-47)
重置版的旋风ak,贴了个印花集 感谢十月,凯妈,Animal33大佬们制作的mod 带珠光+夜光 不知道写什么了,那就祝大家新的一年顺顺利利 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3118522525 ...
EFT RD-704 (AK47)
Creato da YukiZ
American AK. "Rifle Dynamics 704 assault rifle 7.62x39mm, an improved version of the AK system manufactured by Rifle Dynamics. The main difference from the standard AK: the design of the front part shifts the center of gravity closer to the receiver, which...
明日方舟Weedy skin for AK47官方ak模型
Weedy skin for AK47官方ak模型 温蒂Arknights character:Weedy C4ord™ 由雷姆必拓与雷神工业联手制造的罗德岛纪念枪械破碎系列001款。采用全新的荧光材料,即便是夜晚,也能清晰地看到枪械的外壳纹路。 据说因为温蒂本人的强烈抗议,已被博士纳入收藏,只有少数幸运的人仍然持有。 仅替换了贴图 Only replaces Texture. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1630824055927865997/CE...
MW22 AKMSU Ultimate(Replace AK47)
Creato da 逝去的十月
替换AK-47 AKMSU 苏联老大哥的AKM突击步枪的紧凑型卡宾枪版本,AKMSNU,即AK M(现代化)S(折叠托)N(燕尾槽)U(短款),比较稀有,使用7.62×39mm步枪弹,注意不要和AKS-74U弄混淆了喔! 动画移植自老B灯猇麒的MOD:MW22 AK101,持枪动作为握住整个前握把,且带有MW22的检视动画。 如果你想使用本款MOD进行二创,或是使用本款MOD的模型,无需请示,只需标注来源即可! Replace AK-47 AKMSU The compact carbine version ...
MW22 AK74U QRF 印花集 Prinstream replace ak47
Creato da 南烛_wri
感谢Dazzle_白麒麟 的授权 原mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3024964416 感谢各位的支持新人第4个mod希望各位喜欢 不喜勿喷 喜欢的话点个赞再走吧qwq 替换ak47 replace ak47 8月27日 22:56小更新内容 夜光效果调整,适当降低了亮度 珠光效果调整,使珠光效果更明显...
AK-47 Resonant (HD Default)
Creato da AnkaThefool
原模组将对应配件添加在原版AK上,那我为什么不能自制材质让它看起来更像COD中的AK呢。 好钢用在刀刃上,因为是原版的AK所以并不会占用太多的游戏内资源。 使用的是COD中的相关武器动画并且增加了音频。 改出来给大伙玩玩,侵删 替换步枪 AK-47(无脚本)。 This is a mod to replace rifle ak-47/ak47/ak 47/阿卡四七(?). 原模:Default AK-47 Resonant https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fil...
[CSO] nata_knife
Creato da LE37
replace knife and sounds...
【印花集】csol联动电锯-生命收割者,带夜光效果。个人生日作品附加内容,当福利发放。 群聊时看到有群友想要印花集电锯,就自己加班加点动手做了一个送给大家玩。如果你喜欢我的MOD请为它点赞!评论!收藏!谢谢~ 图片画师P站:寻風解元 原MOD作者:recording 原MOD地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2649209240&searchtext=%E7%94%9F%E5%91%BD 效果展示: https://steam...
Reine [Zoey]
Creato da 花の韵❄
兰音-蝴蝶晚礼服 替换黑妹/Replaces Zory 除了基本的 还有大量穿模 第一人称视角做的非常不好 没有眼球追踪 没有表情 该有的都没有 模型版权&解释权所属:兰音工作室 26Fail 看重手模的建议别用 真的糟 本来不打算做的 但是... ...
HAMR-17 BASE (AK47 replacer) (KITS System)
Creato da HK G41
SCAR H, MK17, World War Z (2019VG) HAMR-17 Battle Rifle replacing AK47 slot. KITS versions of WWZ weapons was recorded to be significantly less popular than standalone versions, and is likely to be discontinued. You must download the BASE mod and at least ...
MW22 Zenitco AK-105 Final ver. (Replace AK-47)
Creato da 逝去的十月
这次是完全体的泽宁特AK105,在上一个版本的基础上进行了配件优化以及套用了新的动画,同时修改了视角,使其不那么挡视野。整把枪从护木到防尘盖,以及消音器、前握把、战术手电、弹匣、握把、枪托等配件均为泽宁特系列的配件。 动画移植自老b灯猇麒的MOD:MW22 AK101,持枪动作为握住整个前握把,且带有MW22的检视动画。模型源自GMOD泽宁特套件以及部分MW系列配件组装而成。 献给一切喜欢写实的朋友! This is the final form of the Zenit AK105, which has ...
COD:MW22 Kastov 762-Tokai Teio
Creato da 电竞渣渣辉
The original mod is BaiF*ckmouse COD MW22 SPEC OPS Kastov 762 Extended Mag Suppressed Tactical Build (AK47) Website address: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3033873227 Replace part of the texture on the basis of the original mod and ...
[碧蓝档案]圣园弥香印象流 MisonoMika STG44 替换ak47
Creato da Athanasia◑芙兰
STG44 圣园弥香印象流 MisonoMika 皮肤 替换ak47 萌新的第三个作品 包含夜光 原模型作者:Denny凯妈 原模型地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2781310498 我使用了很多画师的图 如果感到侵权请联系我我会删除 枪械演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1em4y157DA/ ===========================================...
COD MW22 SPEC OPS Kastov 762 Extended Mag Suppressed Tactical Build (AK47)
Creato da KJ
Original All credits to BaiF*ckmouse with permission to modify his mod I authorize permission to modify as long as you credit all authors involved...
AK117明日方舟澄闪渐变痛枪 replaces AK47
Creato da 超级小咪
replaces ak47 替换 ak 图片来自p 搜一下就看得见 主图是水蛇老师的澄闪 目前该武器有 -声音 -模型 -最低亮度的夜光 -法线 -描边 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal 如果喜欢就请点击订阅吧! If you like it, please click to subscribe! ...
MW23 JAK Outlaw BAS-B售后改件 法外狂徒
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
BAS-B lever action ver. from Modern Warfare III Replaces Scout sound and HUD is included. SpecialThanks to @BaiF*ckMouse,@Pathfinder_FuFu & @dest1yo ,I can't finish this work without their support ...
[REUPLOAD] Goddess Of Victory: NIKKE - Anis | Rochelle Survivor Replacement
Creato da Slipknot
Creato da Daring Tact
这次带来的是前段时间他优化和修复过的版本 经过朋友同意后发布,工作有点忙不会多补 原作者: Doki Doki&Venus Park 原作者B站id: Yamanin_Zephyr Uid:13258037 且用且珍惜,希望喜欢他的人可以去B站和Steam关注一下 ...
【双生视界】toz-87 菊理千姬(公式服)替换M1014
Creato da 风真彩羽
虽然这游戏停服了,但是也算是一种纪念吧。 还会再见吗?一切都结束了 感谢Lt. Rocky的授权,替换M1014(一代连喷) 原mod地址 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=229450339 模型有些地方做的不好,请见谅。 ...
【碧蓝航线/Azur Lane】 独角兽(Unicorn)主题 MW23 WSP-9
Creato da 凉介
原模型来自@她来自闇冥 感谢佬的授权! 原模型地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3161663723 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 用了三张图,如果图的画师不满我会立刻删除 -------------------------------------------------------------...
COD MW22 SPEC OPS Tactical TAQ-M Silenced - Black Scope (G3/Military sniper)
Creato da KJ
Models, materials, sounds: Infinity Ward Animations: M82A1闇冥 Porting, rigging, material handling: KJ ...
Creato da Dazzle_白麒麟
替换游戏内(AK47) 这是我自制动画的第二个作品,用的相对简约的搭配 基本上没有啥战术配件,个人爱好吧 以下是渲染图和预览图: Replace in-game (AK47) This is the second work of my self-made animation, with a relatively simple collocation There are basically no tactical accessories, and I love it Here are the renders ...
美云 机能风 替换 罗雪儿 Vrc Meiyun LyraZERO Replace Rochelle
只是颜色不一样(与蓝色版本公用了一部分贴图所以会显示冲突,实际上没影响)) 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布 ———...
【崩坏:星穹铁道】MW22 ISO Hemlock——花火 【Honkai: Star Rail】MW22 ISO Hemlock——Sparkle
Creato da 洛兮
替换 SG552突击步枪,replace SG552 原模型(origin model):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144347291 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),暂时未添加夜光效果。 如果你喜欢这个作品,请点赞,收藏;谢谢! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2431453587951377937/EABD4A78FFECE8810FB8E12CDA1C7...
芮伊奈奈mona - Vtuber(替换Nick)
Creato da 无头DD异闻录
使用B站VUP"芮伊奈奈mona"(https://space.bilibili.com/3494373937383474)的模型替换Nick。 这是本人第二个人物模组,定有许多不完善之处,还请各位可以多多谅解和指出。 本模组支持眼球追踪,感谢B站up主"Kokkorylien"(https://space.bilibili.com/2100612)的相关教程和帮助。 目前已知的问题: - 裙子非常容易穿模(因为原模型裙子比较长,这一点比较难解决) - 待补充 ...
[Blue Archive]Key replace Coach
Creato da Elaina
Key replace Coach 凯伊(ケイ key)替换Coach model:Koikatu/Rinyu Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作...
Creato da 曦月
每一次贴痛枪,贴的贴的就没灵感了,hhh~~~ 不过还好画完了,就我而言感觉还不错qwq 下一把就等到5月份吧,四月底考完试就有空贴了。 Every time I stick a pain gun, the ones I stick lose their inspiration But fortunately, I finished drawing it. As far as I'm concerned, it feels pretty good Let's wait until May for the n...
Creato da rdr_tg
Info: This is an imitation of the Printstream line for the weapon Auto Shotgun Benelli M4 Super 90, this was inspired by JTPNZ, creator of the Printstream in the game CS:GO. About: The texture is designed to approximate the Printstream style. Depending on ...
CODOL M4A1 Tech Killing Machine (SG552)
替换SG552步枪 没有RNG动画 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:Animal33/BaiFvckMouse\MxdlznB\M82A1闇冥 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2948125666 Replace Rifle SG552 NO RNG ANIMATIONS I have the original author‘s permission have fun Original Author:...
COD:MW Heckler & Koch HK433 SD Black (Replace Rifle SG552)
替换SG552(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:Denny凯妈&zmg 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860196906 Replace Rifle SG552 I have the original author‘s permission have fun Original Author:Denny凯妈&zmg Original Links:https://steamcommunity....
Kearsarge (Azur Lane) - MK20/M Mod 0 DMR
Creato da Jared
PLEASE SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL MODDER!! ORIGINAL MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=765625946 MOD OWNER: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LtRocky Character: Kearsarge Game From: Azur Lane Weapon textured on: MK20/M Mod 0 DMR...
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace M16 Credits: Denny凯妈: Sound zmg: W_models, Incendiary Sound, Repair shell ejection Dr. Gordon Freeman, Ph.D: Model Rip Nebberkadnezzar, ImBrokeRu: Animation Arby26: Animation Port Comfort: Commissioner SherlockHolmes9: Complier ...
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replacing SCAR Credits: Battlestate Games/Mr. Brightside/ImBrokeRu/Crash/Crash - Models/Textures Navaro - Audio Infinity Ward/Activision - Melee&Inspect Animations mav - run&idle Animations Denny凯妈/zmg - Compile/Audio/Texture editing akazie - Animation Com...
COD:MW Ak47 Cyclope
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace AK47 Credits: Model, Materials: Denny Animation: Arima (Fixes by ched saliva) Sound: Denny Comissioner: Comfort Complier: SherlockHolmes9 ...
COD:MW AK47 Cyclope M60
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace M60 Credits: Model, Materials: Denny Animation: Arima (Fixes by ched saliva) Sound: Denny Comissioner: Comfort Complier: SherlockHolmes9 ...
2025 SCAR-H
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace M16 Note: LET ME MAKE THIS CRYSTAL CLEAR. This WILL WORK ONLINE. It will NOT FLICKER the LIVING CRAP out of your SCAR. Why does this work online? WHY? Because it didn't uses a ---SCRIPT--- that makes it replace the Desert Rifle. So therefore, it WI...
赛博朋克2077 类星体 科幻风武器(mac-10)
Creato da
模型来着赛博朋克2077,名字叫类星体,在原游戏里也是一吧十分强力的武器。这次演示MOD我用的是CSGO的画面,不过都一样的,这个模型是自建模并不是游戏里提取出来的,所以弹夹缺了一些细节,所以我搞成了星河流动的效果,毕竟叫类星体嘛……… 演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1km4y1k7oT/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=3bcf6e4927be0d16986bada302549acf 替换mac-10 ...
COD MW:RE AK47-Crimson
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace AK47 Credits: Model, Texture: Activision, Infinity Ward Port: Animal33, YJB, MHOUND Animation: Arima (Fixes by chad saliva) Sound: XEN65 Commissioner: Comfort Complier: SherlockHolmes9 ...
Creato da Lynx Eichel
Replace Silenced SMG / MAC10... This is Edited Animal33's WSP-SWARM.. - Remove reddot sight - REMOVE RNG RELOAD - HUD ICON - LITE TEXTURE Credits : - Animal33 - original compiler, animation - Activision - sound, model, animation - Lynx Eichel - recompile, ...
COD:BOCW Type 56-2【印花集】
感谢逝去的十月,Animal33大佬们制作的优质mod 好久没贴印花集了,重新试着贴一下 带不刺眼夜光+珠光+描边,替换ak47 第一次见到这mod时非常喜欢,果断爆肝整出来了 原mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3195896193 喜欢的话点个赞吧,我会很开心的 展示图: https://s2.loli.net/2024/03/23/1mYCknLsdb2F4BU.jpg https://s2.loli.net/2024...
MWII MX GUARDIAN (hunting rifle)
Creato da Animal33
MX GUARDIAN. Replacement hunting rifle. Models and Materials:Infinity Ward Animations:Animal33 qc:Animal33 Tags:Infinity Ward;Call of Duty: MWII ...
COD:MW2023-Oromeo12_JAK (autoshotgun)
Creato da Animal33
Oromeo12_JAK. Replacement autoshotgun. Models and Materials:Infinity Ward Animations:Animal33 qc:Animal33 Tags:Infinity Ward;Call of Duty: MWIII ...
Creato da 沙克
替换尸潮音效 不会拆包,游戏内现录的..不过我感觉这效果还挺好的...
科比牢大曼巴out替换死亡音乐 ,卢本伟(玩泥马)替换团灭音乐
6月1号更新:添加了团灭音乐 卢本伟音效:诶嘿,就这样笑着玩,玩尼玛!!! 注意:曼巴out死亡音乐为单人死亡音乐,你单人模式下自杀游戏会直接判定为团灭(除非加了什么智能AImod),所以才听不到,多人游戏下有,而且我多次跟别人玩三方地图死亡的时候都有曼巴out的音乐,一二代都没问题,别人的视频演示也没问题!!! 视频链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17K421a7eD/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=dbb5f487457a46...
COD:BOCW Zenitsco AKS-105 Bullpup Off-white (Brand new) [Replace AK47]
描述 仿制COD19的灰白色迷彩,但是是崭新出厂(没有磨损什么的) 替换AK47(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:逝去的十月&M82A1闇冥,我 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3136078384 Replace Rifle AK47 Replica of 's off-white camo, but brand new from the factory (no wear and tear ...
Creato da Axeno
The AR-15 is an American gas-operated assault rifle produced by ArmaLite, and the basis for the AR-15 family of weapons. It is the basis for the M16 and M4 series of service rifles currently in use by the U.S. military and for many semi-automatic rifles cu...
COD 使命召唤 krig6冰龙(AK47)
Creato da 橙枫
cod的krig6 替换AK 第一人称模型 第三人称模型 夜光 开火的枪声 部分音效没做了,部分贴图丢失了几张,索性直接做成星空皮了 ...
[MW2019] Fennec: Royal Coffer (SMG)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: CODMW Sound effects: CODMW Animation: CODMW Texture: CODMW Material: MxDlZnB There are three submachine guns in this game: SMG, SILENCED_SMG and SMG_MP5, That is what you are talking about UZI, MAC-10 and MP5, It’s okay to write SMG, but I don’t qui...
[Blue Archive]Hoshino replace Ellis
Creato da Elaina
Hoshino replace Ellis model:Koikatu/ms/过载夜夜 Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作 The survivor portraits blinking animations....
AWM .338 (Scout)
Creato da Axeno
The AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a bolt-action sniper rifle designed and manufactured by the British company Accuracy International. It is a highly accurate and reliable rifle, known for its ability to function effectively in extreme weather conditions. ...
【碧蓝档案/blue archive】圣园未花游戏提示图标
Creato da DA*ZA
替换了游戏内的提示、警告的图标,截图仅展示部分内容 Replaced the prompts and warning icons in the game...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Archive】河和静子 主题 泵动式霰弹枪 改版
Creato da 野生带鱼
"百夜堂,出摊啦!" 既然已经做了铁喷,那木喷怎么不再来一把呢! 于是我选择了与蓝白色调相反的粉黑色调,而且老板娘的专武真的很像木喷啊!(不过好像原型不一样) 依然是感谢【苦黄瓜】大佬制作的优秀木喷模板! 同时感谢【小_毁】大佬给的樱花流光文件,我在其基础上小改了一下整合到该mod上。 该mod具有全夜光,法线贴图,动态描边和动态全息贴图,同时具有樱花表面流光效果。 此外该mod包含了第一人称的模型和动作。 替换游戏中的泵动式霰弹枪(木喷) 原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com...
【Honkai Impact 3/崩坏3rd】瑟莉姆「享乐狂宴·邀影」 替换 尼克 Thelema Replace Nick
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 by神帝宇 模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 路易斯版本(louis versions):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3223030738 仆从,敌手,甚至恐惧本身。 少女将所见一一支配,然后,重新教会世人,何为享乐。 “开宴之时已到。现在,只准你们举杯——称颂吾名!” ...
MWR Glock19 Roni carbine conversion kit [Off-white (Brand new)](Replace Rifle SG552)
描述 仿制COD19的灰白色迷彩,但是是崭新出厂(没有磨损什么的) 替换SG552(步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:逝去的十月&Denny凯妈,我 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3134770103 Replace Rifle SG552 Replica of 's off-white camo, but brand new from the factory (no wear and tea...
[APEX ]Mastiff React//敖犬进化皮 头号人物
Creato da stew
replace shotgun chrome//替换铁喷 original model&animation: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1909771215 Credits: model/anim - Respawn Entertainment //模型/动画-重生互娱 porting/rigging animations-Twilight Sparkle https://steamcommunity.com/id/twil...
[APEX ]Mastiff React//敖犬进化皮 小型聚会
Creato da stew
replace shotgun chrome//替换铁喷 original model&animation: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1909771215 Credits: model/anim - Respawn Entertainment //模型/动画-重生互娱 porting/rigging animations-Twilight Sparkle https://steamcommunity.com/id/twil...
COD:MW2022 TAQ-56"Kill Machine" 杀戮机器
Creato da Rayzon
最近在姨父那里学习开挖掘机,会停更很长时间。 不得不说,驾驭这种重型机器还是挺好玩的 有缘再见! 已获取初始作者许可。 模型来源:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3145622189 动画:BaiF*ckmouse/Infinity Ward 有几个rng换弹动作,具体多少我忘了... ...
Hanekawa Hasumi [Coach]
Creato da Jo
Thought you would never hear from again, huh? Sorry to dissapoint you but a cancer cell never dies too easily. https://i.imgur.com/vnbI66x.png Wingless Version https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3228055755 Gym Version https://steamcommu...
Hanekawa Hasumi [AI Voice]
Creato da Jo
Subscribe and Enjoy, No further instructions needed. Though every line was compressed to fit the game's default soundcache, So you may hear some voicelines suddenly cutoff. hanekawacoachvov2.7z (Install this, if you have a problem with it or just want to m...
Renetti JAK-Nightwish (瑞纳提JAK改件-夜愿) edition
Creato da 谶诗
Replace uzi. 替换UZI Yeah this is an oversized shxt actually,but I really like it. (这个大小其实我已经尽力去压缩了,再压贴图就糊了,不管怎么样,能用,我喜欢,就够了。) Original mod from BaiFvckmouz,thanks for his wonderful mod.I change it into UZI. 原mod来自白日鼠,原mod是替换mac-10的,我改成了UZI版本。 Contains glowi...
Peacekeeper - Lonestar / Old Blue Replaced wooden shotgun | Apex Legends
Creato da tonGreNto
this mod uses Rng, which means we have 2 skins and it will random changes in different campaign levels this mod may cause your old chrome shotgun sounds change (old chrome shotgun mods mean that the mod updated before l4d2 TLS updated) ,because chrome and ...
[APEX ] R301 - Amethyst apathy // 紫水晶
Creato da stew
replace m16 // 替换m16 original model&animation: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1890575440 Credits: model/anim - Respawn Entertainment //模型/动画-重生互娱 porting/rigging animations//移植/绑定 动画-Twilight Sparkle replace model/texture/fix animat...
Glock 18C (SMG)
Creato da Axeno
The Glock are a series of semi-automatic, polymer-framed striker-fired pistols. They are chambered in several calibers, and are designed and manufactured in Austria (with some manufacturing plants in USA as well). The GLOCK 18 (G18) is a full-size 9mm vari...
COD:MW22 AKMSU Ultimate
Creato da SherlockHolmes9™
Replace AK47 Credits: Model,Texture: Activision, Infinity Ward Porting: Dazzle_白麒麟, 逝去的十月 Animation: 苦黄瓜 Comissioner: ShoeMcFlex Thumbnail: foxguy2001 Complier: SherlockHolmes9 ...
MW23 MORS-恶魔の尖啸
Creato da 鬼方恂
原mod是冥佬的 MW23 MORS 替换awp 地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3212987914 感谢冥佬许可的贴皮和发布工坊授权。 萌新的粗制乱造,参考blue archive鬼方佳代子专武恶魔的咆哮配色,无夜光。 感觉参数调的不是很好,最近有点忙也没啥空慢慢试了,有啥问题发评论区我看有空了就调一下 希望大家喜欢 ...
Creato da 香風 智乃
MW23 SIG MCX SPEAR XM5 金色印花集 替换 M16 Repalce M16 感谢忘居居提供的珠光! 这枪不好痛,就贴了个印花。 6个月没贴过印花了 ...
MW23 KV Broadside JAK Conversion Kit—JAWBREAKER
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BOoOB33/JWK/main/MWIII%20LOGO.png KV Broadside JAK Conversion Kit—JAWBREAKER From MW23 replace AK 模型材质:Sledgehammer Games,Activision 动画:Sledgehammer Games,Activision 封面:花鳥玲愛 QC:花鳥玲愛 音效:花鳥玲愛 ...
AAC Honey Badger Tactical (Silenced SMG)
Creato da KJ
Models, Materials: Infinity Ward Animations: BaiF*ckmouse Rigging, animation fix, sound mixing\bullet casing: KJ ...
MW2023:Bruen MK9 JAK Shadow Titan .300BLK Conversion Kit (Replace Rifle M60)
替换M60机枪 没有RNG动画 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:花鳥玲愛 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3217338300 Replace Rifle M60 NO RNG ANIMATIONS I have the original author‘s permission have fun Original Author:花鳥玲愛 Original Links:https://steamcomm...
Creato da 香風 智乃
COD:MW23 SIG MCX SPEAR XM5 替换 M16A2 Repalce M16A2 https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/14/OFR253DrM1GtPed.jpg 感谢@Fidgety212的动画授权! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3184835929 感谢@白麒麟的模型授权! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fil...
MK11 Mod 0 (Military Sniper)
Creato da Axeno
The MK11 Mod 0 is navy codename of KAC SR25 rifle, an advanced sniper rifle/precision rifle developed by Stoner Arms and produced by Knight's Armament Company. It's a lightweight, magazine-fed, gas operated, air-cooled, shoulder-fired weapon chambered in 7...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】COD:MW23 Rival-9 (MP5)
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】COD:MW23 Rival-9 (MP5) 替换 MP5 Repalce MP5 https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/13/bjHvMTz9AJQmkwe.jpg 原MOD模型出自冥佬制作的MW23 Rival-9 原地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3115194339 动画出自白麒麟制作的MW22 UMP9 原地址:https://steamcommunity.c...
COD:MW2022 MX-Guardian(Silenced) Replace Shotgun SPAS-12
COD:MW2022 MX-Guardian(Silenced) Replace Shotgun SPAS-12. 替换 SPAS-12 霰弹枪。 快速换弹只在单人模式&本地服务器上工作!进入多人服务器会出现意想不到的换弹效果(怎么说呢,就是看起来......很滑稽?) ·模型和材质:Infinity Ward ·动画,音效:Animal33 ·协助:我 ·单主:犯病失效保险 如果你喜欢这个MOD然后想进行二次创作的话,请随意(不过最好在你的简介底下备注MOD来源和该MOD的创意工坊链接)。 玩得开心。 (...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】月雪宫子(泳装)COD:MW2023 FJX HORUS-SD (Silenced SMG)
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】月雪宫子(泳装)COD:MW2023 FJX HORUS-SD (Silenced SMG) 替换 MAC10/消音冲锋枪 Replace MAC10/Silenced SMG https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/10/MxBEVnW8tbjZAwy.jpg 感谢33佬的授权! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3212905812 感谢@Forget_淡忘 忘...
Steyr AUGA3 (SCAR)
Creato da Axeno
The Steyr AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr, lit. "army universal rifle") is an Austrian family of gas-operated, select-fire and bullpup weapons which fire from a closed bolt produced by Steyr Arms since 1978. The AUG has been adopted by the Austrian Armed Force...
MW23 MORS 星澜替换awp( replace awp)
Creato da forget_danwang
感谢冥佬授权!感谢起名大师小毁起的名! 原模作者: https://steamcommunity.com/id/All_calm 原模: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3212987914&searchtext= 编译过来动作全烂,持枪视角的话你们下个esc扩展菜单吧,或者控制台。没法整花活就这样吧(趴) author: https://steamcommunity.com/id/All_calm Original model:...
MK17 SSR [Off-white (Brand new)] (Replace Rfile SCAR)
描述 仿制COD19的灰白色迷彩,但是是崭新出厂(没有磨损什么的) 替换SCAR(三连发步枪) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:Denny凯妈,我 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3148504285 Replace Rifle SCAR Replica of 's off-white camo, but brand new from the factory (no wear and tear or ...
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
AW's Railgun. from Modern Warfare III Replaces AWP sound and HUD is included. model & texture:Activision/Sledge hammer Animation edit/Rig/Porting:me sound:Activision/Sledge hammer 个人链接 https://space.bilibili.com/1696434?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 SpecialThan...
【碧蓝档案/blue archive】圣园未花计时器(timer)
Creato da DA*ZA
记录你在本局游戏中游玩的时间,没什么实际作用,就是为了好看 图片微透明,会与其它HUD中自带的计时器冲突 https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/07/6DR1Vw4OCQrNnkW.png https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/07/d4qDuHo3Sie2Csv.png 可能会因为使用不同的HUD而改变位置,例: https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/07/2aQb45MIU6dDTqP.png 如果你不介意的话,可以搭配我修改的HUD进行使用...
Miku Rabbit loading_background
Creato da 陈伍子汐
Miku Rabbit loading_background 兔子洞安全屋加载背景 作者bilibili主页:https://space.bilibili.com/85330010 原作者:channel 链接:https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kw7D7Il13_k?feature=share ...
Creato da 只是地狱吖
咚!啪!喝! 你问这是什么动静?当然是绛雨在进行演出彩排啦! 作战中,绛雨是可靠的战术人形;舞台上,她也是炒热气氛的一把好手。行动力超强的她总能用出乎意料的举动给演出增添乐趣,虽然偶尔会惹出小乱子,但在她高涨的热情面前,所有困难都会迎刃而解。 那么,热闹的演出即将开场,准备好迎接绛雨的登场吧! 【主要特性】 + 自发光/ Self-luminescent <电铺版> + 静态表情/ Static expression (需要/ Requires KSEP) + 支持附加材质进行自定义视觉效果/ Custom...
MW22;M16 M13B [尸骸天堂]
Creato da Aurora
替换m16 原作者:M82A1闇冥 感谢其模型授权 原模型链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144344762 又去学习了些东西 尝试了一下写实风,感觉还不错 希望你能够喜欢 未经允许不得转载二创...
Creato da M82A1闇冥
Rail gun MORS replace AWP ...
Creato da 电佬
改的很丝滑了,就是因为大小限制,红色转到黄色那边被迫吞了几帧(没办法,要么降低分辨率,要么少几帧,只好选择后者了),粗看无差别。帧数变高了,另外异常发光的地方也进行了改进。 The updates were seamless, but due to size constraints, the transition from red to yellow forced a few frames to be swallowed (either I had to reduce the resolution or l...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】天童爱丽丝(女仆) MW22 TAQ-V 762
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】天童爱丽丝(女仆) MW22 TAQ-V 762 替换 M16 Replace M16 https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/05/TPp27s1SGQlUNb5.jpg 感谢麒麟佬的授权! 原MOD地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3199503169 像素印花集限时回归咯~ 我想整点电玩风格,枪整体就是一个游戏机(快没电咯,所以没有夜光),希望能整个别具一格的mod ...
【Edited Ver】舞夜Maya Siromori混搭风 替换Francis
https://i.imgur.com/Cd0lQPs.png https://i.imgur.com/kuZUozI.png https://i.imgur.com/baw32J2.gif https://i.imgur.com/nz4RFXN.gif 🌸 怪异克服下江小春 For the original upload. I have requested permission from to modify this model, and I sincerely thank @怪异克服下江小春 for a...
Creato da 繁华梦境
M4A1 Center MASS from MWR. If you're tired of MW2019 animations, why don't you try more traditional COD animations? I personally modified some of the animations to give them a better feel. I hope you like it. credits: Models:MWR Textures:MWR Animations:MWR...
[COD MWIII]M13C (SMG) No Silencer
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: Call of Duty Sound effects: Call of Duty Animation: Call of Duty Texture: Call of Duty Material: MxDlZnB ...
【L4D2/Blue Archive】栗村 爱莉 (乐队)The Glock Carbine
Creato da 香風 智乃
【L4D2/Blue Archive】栗村 爱莉 (乐队)The Glock Carbine 替换 UZI Replace UZI https://s2.loli.net/2024/04/28/KMFcPTeC9In7Vpm.jpg 原mod来自凯妈制作的 Bocchi The Glock Carbine 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3173174572 本mod由@Forget_淡忘 与@小_毁 共同制作,我负...
Creato da SWISS ROLL
2024/5/15修复表情 2024/5/15Fix emoticons 如果你想关闭外套以及开起静态表情请订阅必须物品 If you want to close your coat and turn on static emoticons, please subscribe to the required items bilibili有视频展示BV1eT421X7oy...
Creato da 猫饼
少女前线2:追放维普蕾替换教练,有不足之处请见谅,如有版权问题请私信我下架 模型来源:模之屋 模型制作:少女前线2:追放官方;模型版权所属少女前线2:追放,包含了,表情,飘骨,部分vrd,无眼球追踪,使用zoey的骨骼和动作 ps:修改了身高,渲染参数不变 ...
【ANIME SUPER / 超级动漫】COD:MW2023 M93R Sakura Dream 替换 小手枪(Pistol)
Creato da FenLan.
替换 小手枪(Pistol) 复刻:COD16【超级动漫】系列皮肤:樱花夢 Replica: COD16【ANIME SUPER】Series Skin: Sakura Dream 包括:基础外观贴图 来自 Animal33 制作的 COD:MW2023 RENETTI M9 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3083046086 Animal33 :Compile / Audio / Texture editing /...
MW23 MCW 6.8 (Desert Rifle)
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BOoOB33/JWK/main/MWIII%20LOGO.png MCW 6.8 DMR From MW23 replace Desert Rifle (SCAR) model&texture:Sledgehammer Games,Activision animation:Sledgehammer Games,Activision front:花鳥玲愛 QC:花鳥玲愛 sound:花鳥玲愛 ...
HK USP Match (Pistols)
Creato da Axeno
The Heckler & Koch USP (German: Universelle Selbstladepistole, lit. "Universal self-loading pistol") is a German pistol developed by Heckler & Koch to replace the P7 pistols. The USP is the current sidearm of the German Bundswehr, where it is known as the ...
(Blue Archive)Saiba Momoi shove sound fx
Creato da
What is Momoi saying?!?!?! ...
【榴弹音效】电棍otto 哇袄!!替换榴弹爆炸音效
Creato da 帅 大陈子 帅
你说的对,但是 哇袄!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
[Paladins] Lex's Magnums (Pistols)
Creato da 🍂Kojiro🍂
Lex's Magnums from paladins replaces Dual Pistols includes : -view model -world model -sounds -HUD icon -Glow on crystal -RNG skins (Default , Alt , Mastery , Freedom ) SYS RNG parameter Open up your console by pressing "~" key (you can access this by enab...
原神【等级不是问题】MK14 EBR
Creato da Dazzle_白麒麟
替换游戏内(AK47)做了检视动画移植,动画衔接的勉强可以吧~ ....懒得介绍了大家都应该看过或者了解了 //修复换弹爆音BUG 模型链接 以下是渲染图和预览图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2505766312224798482/A37A05F93605139144D263BEAC6CEB50B853729D/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letter...
Skeletonized AR15 Match (SG552) - Compressed Edition
Creato da Dokun
Done by Request. Compressed Weapon for Axeno's Skeletonized AR15 Match (SG552): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3230181238 Credits: Me - Compressing BaiF*ckmouse - Model, Texture, and Animation from HK G41 - Model, Texture, and Sound...
Skeletonized AR15 Match (SG552)
Creato da Axeno
The AR-15 is an American gas-operated assault rifle produced by ArmaLite, and the basis for the AR-15 family of weapons. It is the basis for the M16 and M4 series of service rifles currently in use by the U.S. military and for many semi-automatic rifles cu...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】白洲 梓(泳装) MW ACR CN Cod Online
Creato da 野生带鱼
"A brevis paradisum(一个小小的天堂)" 在海边闪耀的小梓,亦如废墟中重生的花朵一般。 即使万事皆徒劳,也不应该放弃努力。。。和小梓一起闪耀在这末世中吧! 本mod包含全夜光,法线贴图,部分流光效果,呼吸描边以及动态全息贴图,替换游戏中的M16突击步枪 本mod使用了夜光蒙版做夜光,请将游戏设置中的“SHADER细节”调整至高或以上,否则会出现亮度过高的情况 借物 感谢【Dazzle_白麒麟】麒麟佬的模型! 原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedf...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】才羽 桃井 消防斧/才羽 绿 平底锅 重制版
Creato da 野生带鱼
"你我姐妹齐上,焉有一合之将(bushi)" 这是我处女作的重制版,以我现在的贴图风格进行了重新绘制 本mod包含全夜光,法线贴图以及全新的第一人称动作,替换了游戏中的消防斧和平底锅 借物 本mod装载了全新的动作模组: 消防斧动作链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2843114079 平底锅动作链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28463598...
甘城なつき / Nachoneko MW19 AKM replace AK47 with ADS++
Creato da NachoNeko
原模型 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3214998331&searchtext=ads%2B%2B 感谢模型作者Dazzle_白麒麟 的授权 修改了贴图与枪声 枪声来源 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2263281785&searchtext=ak%E6%9E%AA%E5%A3%B0 顺带一提此枪装有最新的ADS++机瞄 按鼠标中键即可实现瞄准! ...
Tactical Kikyo Replace Rochelle
Creato da 抹茶芝士
When battling zombies, make sure to prepare your battle equipment. Replace Rochelle Tactical Series Third Work Preview Update: Fixed an issue where characters would die instantly on certain maps in a local server....
Creato da ೄ೨嫣渺南音
看遍了整个创意工坊,维尔薇少之甚少。我上架一个 ...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】浅黄 睦月(礼服) 主题 COD:MW23 MCW 6.8
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】浅黄 睦月(礼服) 主题 COD:MW23 MCW 6.8 替换 SCAR Repalce SCAR https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/05/SncI2BrGlLAERzP.jpg 感谢原作者 @继牙・双针乱舞 的枪模授权! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236365036&searchtext= 感谢忘居居 @Forget_淡忘 帮忙制作的描边! 今晚...
EFT-Dragunov SVDS suppressor 德拉贡诺夫 Replace Military rifle
Creato da 遊流おうれい
Escape from Tarkov SVDS suppressor versions 替换 军用连狙 Military rifle. Weapon model:Battlestate Games Animation texture:COD16 MW Infinity Ward SVDS(Снайперская Винтовка Драгунова Складная,简称:СВДС):SVD的空降/突击兵版本,于1980年代开发. 其开发主要目的是给予伞兵以及BMP1装甲车内的随同步兵提供必要的狙击与精确打...
Ebony & Ivory
Creato da Jo
Just my shameless edit of AvengedDeathAlert's mod. Notable Changes: - I always felt that the single pistol anims looks godawful with the way its handled with both hands, so i decided to personally decapitate the offending arm and made it one handed instead...
MW22 AR-15 Designated Marksman Rifle Style [Off-white (Brand new)](Replace military sniper)
描述 仿制COD19的灰白色迷彩,但是是崭新出厂(没有磨损什么的) 替换30连(军用连狙) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 玩得开心 原作者:逝去的十月&Denny凯妈,我 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140860553 Replace Sniper Military Replica of 's off-white camo, but brand new from the factory (no wear and...
[碧蓝档案/Blue Archive]夜樱绮罗罗小人枪-SG552
Creato da 六道花凛
怎么了老师? 怎么扭扭捏捏的?再这么耗下去, 休息时间就要结束了哦! 圣娅:会实装的! 本MOD替换SG552 模型资源:碧蓝档案/Blue Archive游戏文件提取 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pZ421j7D7/ 2024.5.12:调整了检视时的小人角度 ...
[COD MWIII]BAL27 (Replace UZI_SIlencer) [JAK Frameless Sight Version]
替换UZI(微冲) 此MOD已经获得原作者的授权 与原MOD相比,这把枪去除了机械瞄具,增加了一个JAK无框瞄具。 玩得开心 原作者: MxDlZnB 原MOD链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3242169958 Replace UZI I have the original author‘s permission Compared to the original mod, this gun removes the mech...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】柚鸟夏 (乐队)MW23 ISO45
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】柚鸟夏 (乐队)MW23 ISO45 替换 MAC10 Repalce MAC10 https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/09/q62bFZtfcweQWsG.jpg 首先感谢冥佬的授权哟~ 原MOD地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144360510 在原版的基础上增改了配件,同时感谢Fidgety212修改的持枪动画! 感谢忘居居制作非常好看的描边以及流光! 正在为...
MW23 BP50 JAK Conversion Kit REVENGER 9MM (UZI)
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BOoOB33/JWK/main/MWIII%20LOGO.png BP50 JAK Conversion Kit REVENGER 9MM From MW23 replace UZI (SMG) model&texture:Sledgehammer Games,Activision animation:Sledgehammer Games,Activision front:花鳥玲愛 QC:花鳥玲愛 sound:花鳥玲愛 ...
MW23 BP50 JAK Conversion Kit Silencer Compressor (MAC10)
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BOoOB33/JWK/main/MWIII%20LOGO.png BP50 JAK Conversion Kit From MW23 replace MAC10 (SMG Silencer) model&texture:Sledgehammer Games,Activision animation:Sledgehammer Games,Activision front:花鳥玲愛 QC:花鳥玲愛 sound:花鳥玲愛 ...
【战双帕米什】HK416 蓝色咆哮 丽芙
Creato da 西南老表
该mod替换M16的材质贴图 丽芙是我在战双帕米什里非常喜欢的一位角色 非常感谢MHOUND大佬的授权 原mod链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2891789258 ...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】朝颜花江 专武 Happy Smile
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】朝颜花江 专武 Happy Smile 替换 M16 Repalce M16 https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/15/8KlaUdeXWfMqVGt.jpg 感谢@Animal33 提供的动作! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3116271843&searchtext=SG552 感谢夜姐姐修复的动作与互转!还有忘居居帮忙描的边~ 凑一个大小护士的CP专武...
Creato da 宫园薰
碧蓝档案玲纱小人枪替换一代连喷Autoshotgun ...
Creato da 宫园薰
碧蓝档案玲纱小人枪替换铁喷ChromeShotgun ...
Creato da 宫园薰
碧蓝档案玲纱小人枪替换二代连喷spas12 ...
Creato da 宫园薰
碧蓝档案玲纱小人枪替换木喷Pumpshotgun ...
Creato da 痛苦女王
Replaces M60 池沼检视和池沼推击动作 图片中的手臂长度92 PS:由于原版枪声太吵耳朵所以换成了使命召唤:黑色行动3的死亡机器枪声 ...
CSO【黯影】Hecate Ⅱ替换AWP
Creato da 痛苦女王
Replaces AWP 池沼检视 图片中的手臂长度92 ...
Arknights Theresa Insurgency: Sandstorm M249(M60)
Creato da 42Hitchhiker_AID
生命在流逝。 她的耳边逐渐响起了来自远方的挽歌。 特蕾西娅自己的气息在逐渐微弱......但她也感受到了前所未有的轻松。 她尽力将阿米娅护在怀中,保护着。阿米娅的心跳令她安心。 "我......我有点累了,捧住那顶冠冕真的很累。 累了就得休息,对吧,阿米娅? 我曾想过...... 也许有天......我们会一起让这片大地上的每一个人,都能平静入梦。 虽然很遥远,但也许,你会替我看到那一天...... 阿米娅,当你醒来...... ......你就要继续前行。" 替换了M60机枪 Replace M60 替换...
FuwaMoco HK USP Match Skin
Creato da Speed Racer
https://i.imgur.com/K8V33yF.jpeg "BAU BAU!!!" THE TWIN DOGGO VTUBERS ARE HERE TO HELP YOU COMMIT EXTREME VIOLENCE IN THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! "I'm not a Chihuahua, I'm Fuwawa!" "And I'm not Fuwawa, I'm Mococo!" "And together we're..." "FUWAMOCO!!! BAU BAU ...
【Honkai Impact 3/崩坏3rd】月下初拥·予爱以心「此生相携」替换 教练 Theresa Apocalypse Replace Coach
Creato da 流歌Ruka
模型编辑:神帝宇 模型版权所属miHoYo 模型自身的飘动骨骼太多了 求生自身的飘动限制远远不够用 删掉头上的大头纱的话能稍微节省一点 看评论区反馈吧...
[APEX]印花集毒罐/caustic gas printstream (vomit jar)
Creato da Gooba
原mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1901336796 鏘鏘鏘!嶄新出廠!我的新作品,印花集毒罐! 此mod包含夜光、珠光以及動態描邊 之前貼了APEX的電弧星跟鋁熱劑,當時我就在想為什麼我沒看到毒罐的模型?所以當時我就沒有貼,前幾天我手癢把文件打開,發現模型就在那,我壓根沒發現,真是蠢啊,但凡我當時多確認一下也不會到現在才完成,唉 這樣APEX投擲物都湊齊一套了,好耶,喜歡的話就拿去玩吧,祝你玩得開心 b站視頻鏈接: ...
【Blue Archive】Misono Mika's Quis ut Deus as Submachine Gun [UZI]
Creato da Kozeki
Yeah, here you go! From now on, you can leave everything to me☆. - Misono Mika A submachine gun that Mika loves. An ordinary submachine gun made by Trinity, decorated with Mika's heart. Now it has a special appearance that shines like a star even in the da...
霓虹&战痕 【CODOL】印花集科技之光MaA1 Tech 替换M16 消音版本
个人觉得佬做的枪声太大了所以把原版枪声替换了过去,应该有人需要( 原mod链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3245615631 原mod链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3009172226 如有冒犯请联系我删除 b站:Cross_JK...
COD20 MW2023 BAL-27 [ZLR-ATLAS] Replace MAC-10
This was originally one of my toys and I ended up having to make it public for some reason. Hope you have fun with it. Replaces the MAC-10 Original Links: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3242169958 这本来是我的一个玩具,结果因为某些原因不得不将其公开。 希望你玩的开心...
双持幽灵行者 碧蓝档案 和纱 桔梗
Creato da 丢你蕾姆
替换武士刀 replace Katana 原幽灵行者 侵即下 :https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2905588095  假装贴个二次元  原双持动作自k切刀动作,增加粒子等等:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2765894537  偏写实风格版本  5.23增加手背甜甜圈 ...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】圣园未花 主题 生死狙击2 MK14EBR
Creato da 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】圣园未花 主题 生死狙击2 MK14EBR 替换 30连 Replace Sniper_Military https://s2.loli.net/2024/05/18/jyxzJVYwQatNs4D.jpg 感谢米修佬的枪模授权! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029181790 谢谢忘居居的描边和流光哟~ 图片素材来源于p站,我在逛p站的时候发现了这两张非常好看的mika图...
MW2019: AX-50 夜蝠 替换awp
Creato da 鬼方恂
第一次贴印花集,感谢 Entropy ManG0和偷跑仙人的印花素材与贴皮指导。 MW2019: AX-50 原mod链接 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2635869290 作者mav,ThomasCat 带有珠光 ax50图标 没有夜光 ...
Kanami M82 CalabiYau 谢幕曲(hunting_rifle)
Creato da 桃乐丝啊
模型:卡拉比丘 枪声/换弹声:卡拉比丘(自己游戏录的 降噪啥的全搞了) 动画:PYgame.D.Cthulhu(伊藤)/我(就加了个检视) 编译:我 M82在现实中为半自动的,所以求生我选择替换猎枪== 以后有机会再搞成栓狙 已经实战好几天了 基本是没啥问题了 如果有bug请反馈...
[Apex]Biwon Blade(Crypto Heirloom)
Creato da shu
Replace golf club. This is the remade version, which improves the inspect animation. Original Animation\Model: Respawn Entertainment Porting:shu...
Happy Chaos' Crescent Moon over Deagle
Creato da .:Addicted:.[DS]
Replaces the Desert Eagle with the Gunslinging broken messiah's weapon of choice. Uses custom model that I created myself as well as custom animations also created by me. I tried to make the model and animations to be as accurate to how the goofy ahh revol...
Creato da 花鳥玲愛
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BOoOB33/JWK/main/MWIII%20LOGO.png MW23 AMR9 JAK ATLAS From MW23 replace SMG(UZI) model&texture:Sledgehammer Games,Activision animation:Sledgehammer Games,Activision front:花鳥玲愛 QC:花鳥玲愛 sound:花鳥玲愛 ...
Razzle and Dazzle (Pistols)
Creato da scalie twink
"Razzle, Dazzle, I missed you girls..." yes this is straight up DmC's Ebony and Ivory but i like em on their own. this is an edit of an edit i like very much. the mod by Jo (https://steamcommunity.com/id/deephatred) because i like the animations: https://s...
QBZ-191-CQ (for m16)
Creato da Hailey
中国步枪QBZ-191,替换掉M16 2检视动作 2个切枪动作 5个换弹动作 如果有建议评论区留言 特别感谢: YL单纯梦魇 Animal33 给该MOD带出的贡献 枪械动作,换弹动作,等一切动画,以及枪械,未经作者授权禁止搬运 如发现搬运情况 将会追究责任 如果你喜欢这个MOD就请 点赞 收藏 订阅 ~ DE: Chinesisches Gewehr QBZ-191, das das M16 ersetzt 2 Überprüfung Aktion 2 Kanonenschnittmanöver 5 Mu...
(audio) Devil May Cry 5 soundtrack(idea- not finish)
Creato da .
little experiment whit zombat music is a intent hear bury the light as horde music all time REQUIRED ITEMS This item requires all of the following other items (soundscripts) soundtrack map files https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=306336...
MWII 克洛南烈风 巨蚺
Creato da 香風 智乃
MWII 克洛南烈风 巨蚺 替换 AK47 感谢原作者@遊流おうれい提供的动作 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039903976 感谢@Fidgety212修改的握持动作!辛苦啦! 我在此负责提供模型以及绘制贴图、材质 感谢炖菜佬的部分金属材质与烘焙贴图指点!没有他这个mod无法完成 第一次移植蓝图,金色还原得不够好,希望大家不要介意 玩得开心! ...
[Blue Archive]Tsukiyuki Miyako replace Zoey
Creato da Elaina
Tsukiyuki Miyako replace Zoey model:模之屋/Loyalists Jiggle bones/飘动骨骼 Expression/表情 VRD Use the zoey action/使用zoey动作 self-luminescent The survivor portraits blinking animations...
[CODMWII] Cronen Squall Death's Door(AK47)
Creato da MxDlZnB
Model: Call of Duty Sound effects: Call of Duty Animation: Call of Duty Texture: Call of Duty Material: MxDlZnB Red breathing light effect Texture baking technology Multiple animations randomly ...
MW23 BP50 煎熬
Creato da M82A1闇冥
FN F2000 Replace SG552 替换sg552 ...
COD:MW2022 RAPP H (M60)
Creato da Animal33
RAPP H. Attention! Attention! Attention! Attention!!。 QC's FPS and the official one are not matched, and if they are, it's a ghost animal, so I didn't get it, and specifically got a speed that's about right. More suitable for single-player game, multiplaye...
COD:MW2022 ISO Hemlock (M16)
Creato da Animal33
ISO Hemlock. Replacement M16. Models and Materials:Infinity Ward Animations:Animal33 qc:Animal33 Tags:Infinity Ward;Call of Duty: MWII ...
[Katana] Devil May Cry 5: Vergil's Yamato
Creato da Ænima²
The M O T I V A T I O N sword from DMC 5 Original src port by YongLi Rigged to animation by LE37, replacing the Katana Features: - Flowing energy effect - 3rd person scabbard attachment - Hud icon - Inspect animation (when look at items) - Custom sound - M...
【学园偶像大师】COD:MW2022 chimera 藤田琴音
Creato da 风真彩羽
感谢幽冥佬的授权 学马仕chimera 替换mp5 原mod已下架。作者爱发电有 ...
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мяFunreal's Armory.
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