Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

3,330 ratings
Parking Lot Snapping
File Size
95.232 KB
Sep 5, 2021 @ 1:06pm
Jun 12, 2023 @ 7:13am
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Parking Lot Snapping

In 1 collection by [SSU]yenyang
Parking Lot Snapping Compatible Assets
23 items

Step 1:

Watch the video above. Also available on Youtube.

Step 2:

Read this description:
Parking Lot Snapping swaps the default AI for the Parking Space Assets (abbreviated PSA) created by others with a custom built AI. The new AI allows for PSAs to snap directly onto Parking Lot Road (abbreviated PLR) networks without anarchy. Once the first PSA is placed and if the PLR is straight the AI will lock on to it and you can immediately build the next PSA adjacent to the last one. If the lock is disengaged you can relock onto a previously placed PSAs (with the custom AI) by hovering over the center of the previously placed parking lot asset while holding a customizable key. Note that the center of a PSA with one row of parking spaces is in the middle of the row, while the center of a PSA with two rows of parking is in the middle of the drive aisle. There is a customizable keyboard shortcut to disengaging the lock and another customizable keyboard shortcut for reengaging the lock back onto the previously locked location. There is a customizable keyboard shortcut that allows you to undo previously built PSAs but it only works while you are currently placing PSAs that way if another mod uses that shortcut they won’t conflict.

With Parking Lot Roads - 16m Parking Lot Parking Lot Snapping will snap to either side since I had trouble identifying with code which side was for parking and which was the drive aisle. For now, just put the cursor closer to the correct side and it works as intended.

Lastly, the AI provides some quality of life improvements such as: PSAs are not affected by flooding, do not collapse due to flooding, do not create snow on snowfall maps, there is no prompt when using the vanilla bulldozer, and the option to not transfer electricity.

Step 3:
If you are not subscribed to Parking Lot Roads, go subscribe. I have created a Collection with all the compatible PLRs and PSAs but I don’t recommend subscribing to them all. Figure out which ones you like and only subscribe to those.

Step 4:
If you are not subscribed to Harmony, go subscribe. That mod provides access to Harmony tools and is required to use this mod.

Step 5:
Subscribe to this mod and activate it in game. Enjoy!

Step 6:
If you like the mod, then come back and give it a thumbs up rating!

If you don’t make sure to press “Delete Parking Lot Snapping Assets” in the options, while in game. Note that there is no prompt or undo. They will all be gone after you press the button. You can then safely unsubscribe.

Additional Information
There is a guide for Parking Lot Snapping Advanced Options which covers custom PLS configurations.

Parking Garage Roads and raisable parking lots were added in V1.5. Currently in V1.5 you cannot stack multiple layers of road networks and expect PLS to snap to the correct layer. You may build multiple layers one at a time and then stack them using Move It! mod. This should overall be a big improvement for Parking Garages from before, but there is still room for improvement. Unfortunately what I come up with wasn't up to my standards for this mod, and didn't get released.

Special Thanks:

Badi_Dea and other creators for creating Parking Lot Roads and similar assets.

Superpancho helped get this mod from my hard drive onto yours. He built the undo function, the customizable keyboard shortcuts, and helped motivate me to continue working on this project. Superpancho is an experienced programmer, and a new Modder.

This mod uses Harmony by pardeike, and Harmony is required to use this mod.

Github Repository[]
Popular Discussions View All (3)
May 13, 2023 @ 10:22am
PLS Bug Report Discussion
Jan 25, 2024 @ 12:33pm
Error messages after the game loads.
Mar 16, 2023 @ 10:16am
Have problems
patrioticparadox Feb 10 @ 8:50am 
Works fine. Does NOT need an update.
Onyx Feb 9 @ 11:15pm 
This still works kind of I guess, It's slow and bit weird in the loading section. I would say IT NEEDS AN UPDATE! FYI Cities Skylines Community, Remember to ALWAYS put in the comments ( help and let people know ) of your favorite mods to say it still works, and make sure to push for updates from the creators! Keep Cities Skylines 1 great!
danielj Feb 6 @ 12:39pm 
Today it stop working and are missing in my city, Loading Screen Mod
can't find them :(

16m Poorly Maintained Service
40m Poorly Maintained Parking
16m Poorly Maintained Parking
58m Poorly Maintained Parking
22m Poorly Maintained Parking
[SSU]yenyang  [author] Aug 25, 2024 @ 4:11pm 
@Svis Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.
Svis Aug 24, 2024 @ 1:17pm 
Here to reinstate my love for this mod, seems like nothing, but is a huge time saver and allows perfect alignment in big parking lots !
Madisonian Jul 20, 2024 @ 9:50pm 
I made a one way version and a reversible direction version of the 16m parking lot road if you feel inclined to include them.
CocoRawr Jun 17, 2024 @ 11:41am 
How come the mod is not showing up on my CS1 when i load the game? Is there anyway to fix it?
the harmony 2 is also causing error when i load up as well
[SSU]yenyang  [author] Nov 15, 2023 @ 3:36pm 
@rodjulazadeh9 The parking lots are separate asset subscriptions.
rodjulazadeh9 Nov 15, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
This mod not working for anyone else? I only get the one way 60/90 degree parking, not the other roads or sizes. Any suggestions?
SKY Oct 5, 2023 @ 11:44pm 
ohh nice ! thank you sir