

173 ratings
Retain Leaders from Integrated Subjects & Pre-FTL Civilizations
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Jul 21, 2021 @ 7:05pm
Jun 28, 2023 @ 3:43am
27 Change Notes ( view )

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Retain Leaders from Integrated Subjects & Pre-FTL Civilizations

In 1 collection by corsairmarks
Corsair's Stellaris Mods
57 items
Have you ever wondered what happened to the former leaders of your subject after you integrated them? Or perhaps where that pre-FTL leader went after you annexed their planet? Wonder no more! With this mod you will be prompted to choose what to do with the now-unemployed leaders whenever you integrate a subject, conquer a pre-FTL planet, "allow" pre-FTLs to join you via covert infiltration, or convert then via a colossus weapon.

Rulers demoted for any reason such as being integrated or even losing an election benefit by gaining the same former ruler traits. They may not have won the hearts and minds of voters, but they still rose to the occasion and developed new skills. This will applies when being demoted from ruler for any reason, such as gameplay from another mod.

Regular (non-machine and non-hive) empires can retain leaders from an integrated Machine Intelligence subject if they have full AI rights. The leaders in a Machine Intelligence have enough capacity to act as independent agents, even if the rest of the Pops don't.

Scientists and Admirals are automatically assigned back to their per-integration roles, if they were commanding a science ship or fleet. Notably, if you play with "pause-on-event" the science vessels will then continue their assigned orders after the leader is reassigned for command.

A lot of code has gone into figuring out what leaders you can choose to keep based on what kind of country you are playing, what ethics it has, what kinds of assimilation or necrophage might be available. All of that boils down to an event screen that appears when you have integrated a subject or conquered a pre-FTL planet, or a second event when you have infiltrated a pre-FTL planet.

These event present you with a few choices about what you can do with the leaders from the now-defunct subject/pre-FTLs. It will show a few different options depending on what is available to you. For example, genocidal empires can only keep leaders that are of their own species and necrophage empires have the option to necrophage leaders. There's a special secret bonus for some kinds of leaders - see if you can figure out what it is.

This mod was designed to be played with the default restrictions on ascension paths - mainly that your empire would normally not have more than one assimilation type available to it. However, it is coded in such a way that if you have multiple assimilation types available, any of the "assimilate" button options invokes the same follow-up code. Each integrated leader (and their species) in a regular (non-machine, non-hive empires) are assigned the first assimilation type that they qualify for in this order: synthetic, then cybernetic, then psionic, then deassimilation. If you are using my machine deassimilation mod, that type is checked first (before synthetic assimilation).

Finally, this mod adds some special traits (and a special name affix) for demoted former rulers and heirs. Their names will be followed by brown text indicating that they are the "Former Ruler/Heir of the <Country Name>" and they will gain a special trait depending on their former empire and new leadership role.

Built for Stellaris version 3.8 "Gemini." Not compatible with achievements.

This mod is designed to understand the species types, ethics, civics, authorities, governments, and origins that are built-in to Stellaris. The features of this mod are implemented primarily through brand new events and scripting, meaning that it should not directly conflict with most other mods. However, you could end up with odd behavior if you play with mods that significantly alter the default gameplay - for example, adding a new homicidal species (without the mod providing an update to the is_homicidal trigger). Mods that add or modify civics should generally work but this mod may offer decisions that do not make the most sense for the role-play of new civics.

When to Install
This mod can be safely added to your savegame after the game has started. If you remove it, you will lose access to the custom "former ruler/heir" traits and the espionage bonus that is one of the choices upon successfully infiltrating pre-FTLs. Stellaris is fairly forgiving in situations like this - it's likely that error logs would be generated and the game would otherwise ignore the missing content. Back up your savegame before trying to remove a mod.

Required Dependency Mods
Leader Traits: All Eligible Species Traits ensures your leaders get all their species-based traits when being assimilated (such as Cybernetic, Psionic, or Erudite).

Recommended Companion Mods
  • Assimilate All the Pops allows empires to have multiple assimilation types, which enables this mod to apply all unlocked assimilation types simultaneously to your retained leaders
  • Deassimilate Machines allows non-hive, non-machine empires to "deassimilate" machine Pops into robots - specifically allows (with this mod) for machine deassimilation as a "leadership disposition" choice for integrated subjects (etc.) and the deassimilated leaders gain synth leader traits if you have the required technology
  • Pre-FTL Conquest & Infiltration: Enhanced improves the pre-existing infrastructure when you conquer or otherwise acquire a planet that had previously been pre-FTL; pairs well with this mod's bonus leaders from conquered (etc.) pre-FTLs
  • Special Leadership Privileges for Battle Thralls & Bio-Trophies - interacts with special leadership privileges: a) you will keep military leaders from species set to Battle Thralls but also Full Military Service, b) respects species flagged for allowing military leaders despite the empire being xenophobic and/or a necrophage, and c) allows Rogue Servitors to choose to retain organic leaders as Organic Advisors
  • Civic: Organic Zealots adds a new assimilation type to remove the Cybernetic species trait, which becomes an option when retaining leaders
  • corsairmarks's Leader Traits MOD Chinese patch by Hua Zhang - Chinese localisation
See Change Notes

Source Code
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HellPaul Apr 10 @ 2:39pm 
Is this mod still in development?
wagnerleung0079 Dec 2, 2023 @ 5:08am 
Does it run in 3.10.2?
corsairmarks  [author] Apr 25, 2023 @ 11:48pm 
With the upcoming new DLC "Galactic Paragons" as part of patch 3.8 "Gemini," I anticipate this mod will need significant adjustments.
Sel Und Irae Mar 20, 2023 @ 9:26pm 
Now, Just need a way to marry said leaders to ruler . .
So close to the final piece of the puzzle!

All seriousness, This mod is amazing wish it existed in vanilla.
corsairmarks  [author] Mar 13, 2023 @ 8:00pm 
Awesome! Glad you found it.

Beware, this mod is probably going to break once First Contact releases tomorrow. I am committed to updating all my mods, but this one I'm certain will be affected due to the scale of announced changes to primitives.
Dova Dude Mar 13, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
I didn't expect "get subject leaders as your leaders when integrated" to turn up anything, but this is perfect. Now i get to get optimus prime when i integrate the autobots!
corsairmarks  [author] Feb 19, 2023 @ 8:02pm 
@barricadedpurifier There is no way to "conquer" an enclave, so I left them out. I'm not sure I want to dive into adding an enclave conquest system, although it is an interesting mod idea.
barricadedpurifier Feb 19, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
What about admirals from mercenary enclaves and rulers of other enclaves? I think they deserve some love too.
Patient Dec 28, 2022 @ 12:52pm 
thank you!
corsairmarks  [author] Dec 28, 2022 @ 11:30am 
Up-to-date for 3.6 "Orion."