Not enough ratings
Items (76)
Enhanced Battle Camera
Created by Petellius This mod is designed to give you further control of the in-game camera, allowing you to get closer (or further away) to the battlefield. This will be perfect for those who want a more cinematic view of their handy work, or s...
The Gathering : Sandbox 2.3.55
Created by Inter-object 2.3.55 - Update for TUP update. New UI Why is my <The Gathering> mod series being attacked with 'negative ratings'? 2.3.50 - Log Viewer : Click 'Log' button after a command 2.3.40 - Help panel : help for 103 commands 2.3.31 ...
Respec Character Skills when they join you
Created by DrunkFlamingo
This is a simple mod. I got annoyed by recruiting characters and seeing that the AI spent all their skill points on weird skills. When you recruit a hero to your faction, their skill points will be reset so you can pick what you want to use them for. That'...
Reset skills
Created by Little Fighter
Function: Reset characters' skills when you start new campaign (new savefile required) Reset characters' skills when you recruit them Only available to player, but you can reset AI when they join you Available to those who just come to age I made an except...
【已支持1.7】Wonders of China 2.0 | 中国奇观 2.0.pack
Created by thak117
3.12更新: 应该没问题,有问题请反馈 感谢翠星大大的授权,我使用了部分地域收益调整mod中的部分效果,并挑选了一些有名的奇观地点进行了更新。 岠山 位于下邳 鄱阳湖 位于潘阳 圣姑庙 位于安平 岘山 位于襄阳 剑阁 位于巴西 阳平关 位于汉中 此外,所有关隘都添加了额外的效果 地域收益调整mod中的那些恶地效果还在考虑是否要添加,如果有人可以接受那些负面城市buff,我也可以考虑添加进来。 原mod地址
Big update! [Yellow Turban Overhaul] (old name: Catch 'Em All )
Introduction: Remove the captive and hire limitation between factions of different subculture: •Allow you to hire captive Yellow Turban generals when you are playing Han factions like Liu Bei or Nanman factions. •Vice versa, u can hire captive Han / Nanman...
【幸运三国/Lucky Three Kingdoms cn】装备道具抽奖系统/概率性抽取传奇装备
Created by tianti
本MOD基于国外大神atom的MOD “Draw Random Ancillaries” 制作 此版本为中文版 祝您游戏愉快! 英文版链接: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09/11更新(1.6.~) ◉...
Created by thak117
这个mod让玩家得到汉天子以后,可以真切感到收获而不是一块烫手山芋——虽然依然是块烫手山芋。 再取得汉天子后,派系资源的增长速度会加快,如: 董卓:威胁每回合+3,初始可以把减少速率控制在-1,且掉不下第二段,天子在手天下我有,守好你的长安。 曹操:信誉每回合+10,有了天子后,曹操可以更快地累积信誉,更快使用驱狼吞虎。 【注意:曹操相对于其他派系而言得到天子的机会更大,加上ai针对玩家,如果加成过高会被ai曹操恶心到,因此只加了10而不像其他派系那么高。】 袁绍:世系每回合+5 袁术:正统每回合+20 孙...
Created by TONIC
更新支持1.6。 修改差事回合数为999,不影响经验的获取,其他方面没有任何修改包括差事总数上限。 觉得差事时间太久的可以用25回合的mod:
交易领土 - Trade Regions - 功能解锁
Created by SK1Q84
說明 現在勢力之間可以交易派系除「都城所在地」之外的任意「非臨近」領土。 由派系直接控制的領土跨區域交易可以實現。如果你只有一座城池,且作為首都所在,在獲取新的郡縣并「遷都」前,此城不可交易,但周邊功能性領土仍可以交易。 ① 支持多國語言。 ② 與所有非同類效果的MOD兼容,兼容遊戲本體及DLC。應該不需要更新。 更多作者MOD请查看上方合集。 如果觉得MOD不错,欢迎点赞收藏,推荐给其他朋友。 我也会保持一如既往的精品制作。...
关隘太守位+1 / Pass give +1 governor
Created by Phantathos
★占领关隘即可获得+1太守位! ★ Capture the pass for your +1 governor! ★ 可独立加载 ★ 更专业的士兵:乱世群雄兼容MOD 点击此处查看我的所有MOD! _____________________________________________ * 我的MOD分为红绿蓝三种文字背景,蓝色可单独生效,红色必需在与全局调整MOD「更专业的士兵:乱世群雄」合用时生效,绿色则表示其内容已包含在「更专业的士兵:乱世群雄」中。...
三国人物羁绊(1.6DLC大更新) Hero_Bonds (1.6DLC Update)
Created by ALA
快去收集武将吧! 1.7DLC 说明:新DLC会更新一些武将,这会导致一些羁绊失效,目前没有时间更新,有空再说 2020.10.07 现在如果使用名将复兴 5.0 南蛮入侵,194开局可能会不触发羁绊,其他年份开局正常,这是脚本问题,我不会脚本,如果有人知道怎么解决,请告诉我。 2020.09.08 现在羁绊触发从第三回合开始,避免有些MOD的开局事件顶掉。 2020.09.04 添加了最新的孟获、祝融。添加了几个羁绊: 经世之才 —— 荀彧 荀攸 南蛮猛兽 —— 孟获 木鹿大王 南蛮恶兽 —— 孟获 兀突...
SFO: Three Dragons (SFO:三龍)
Created by Venris SFO: Three Dragons is a whole game mod that changes every aspect of the TW: 3K to be more interesting and challenging. We are a group of modders from many different Total War games and want to make Three Kingdoms even better...
NDF: Ability Overhaul [BETA 1]
Created by WillAitch
The shortest Adds a bunch of new abilities Reworks many existing abilities Unlocks all abilities right away and replaces the ability nodes. The short This is a wide scope ability focused mod with the intent of rebalancing and adding to the ability set of r...
Created by Kraze·
If you want the original English version please go to this: Havie Improved Skill Trees - Wu_Kingdaissance Add-on 此mod是Havie Improved Skill Trees - Wu_Kingdaissance Add-on的简体中文补丁 如果游玩该mod时你仍然需要更多技能点请订阅更多技能点(名将版大技能树专用) Mod介绍 Havie's拓展技能树可以号称是一个史诗级的武将mod。它包含了...
Created by Kraze·
If you want the original English version please go to this: Havie Improved Skill Tree 此mod是Havie Improved Skill Tree的简体中文补丁 繁體中文補丁請移步至 ____________________________________________________ Mod...
Havie Improved Skill Trees (1.7)
Created by Havie
You can ignore the launcher warnings about being up to date , and test yourself if its working before commenting. --Updated for GuanDu 1.7 DLC-- (Special thanks to captain nemo for doing 1.7 update) INTENDED FOR ROMANCE MODE ONLY Also recommended for start...
Created by NCIS_Sky
参考了ALA的月旦评( 已得到作者授权。)并进行了大幅度改造,照样是5回一次,由木木枭修改事件触发方式,现在起事件触发会流畅得多。...
Less EXP Required & More Skill Points(only for Havie's improved skill tree)
Created by Kraze·
此mod非通用mod!仅适用于拓展技能树(不包括名将复兴版!) This is not a mod for everyone!It's only apply for Havie's Improved Skill Tree —————————————————————————————— 由于Havie的技能树mod本体没有自带增加技能点的效果,此mod下调了升级所需的经验以及升级所提供的技能点。 Since Havie's original mod did not include 'lower the requ...
Created by Kraze·
If you want the original English version please go to this: Havie Search Assignment 此mod是Havie Search Assignment的简体中文补丁 繁體中文補丁請移步至 ____________________________________________________ Mod介绍 “...
Havie Search Assignment
Created by Havie
This mod adds a new assignment to the game that costs 100 gold to initiate When characters perform this event they have a chance at trigger a custom event. There are 10 events possible, Which can give: random ancillary money t3 weapon t3 armor t3 horse exp...
assignment limit
1.2.0 —————————————————————————————— only player...
Created by TONIC
更新日志请见“改动说明”。以后不会再此页额外说明。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Created by Geniux
进入游戏后,使用吕布派系,开局进去灭掉夏侯惇即可解锁。 可正常解锁98/99个成就,剩下一个成就可能有BUG,即使正常玩游戏达成这个解锁条件,也没解锁成功。...
Character Biographies - UPDATED - works with patch 1.7.0
Created by woodhawk109
What is this? Simply put, this mod adds in biographies for the characters in the game (the ones that are not randomly generated generics). You can now truly learn about the history and folk lore/legends of the Three Kingdoms as you play the game in an orga...
Division of Empire
Created by AlcoholV
Main Features The governors of the Han Empire will be independent after turn 8 (192 spring). Faction potential enhancement AI enhancement Strengthen diplomatic importance Update : Faction potential enhancement -Increased faction potential Variance -Randomi...
Han Character Hoarding Nerf
Created by Scicotheron
Overview: This mod removes the bonuses to character satisfaction and salary that the han empire get as well as enable spying on the han empire. This gives control of the player to find desirable characters in their court and remove them using spy actions a...
Useful Han Emperor - Better Bonus For Prime Minster 挟天子以令诸侯-更有用的汉帝
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod buffed the bonuses from prime minister of the Han empire by: +1 available administrator positions +1 available armies +6 morale +50% tribute in diplomacy +150 relation with Han Empire +15 relation with minor factions (factions at rank Noble or Sec...
(908自用)AI温酒斩弟弟_玩家黄昏 1.71
Created by 假面牛子超人
2021.6.28 修复了AI俘获几率不生效的词条问题 现在可以正确生效为 -900% 2021.6.27 1.71 更换了帅气的封面 修改AI俘获几率-100000%(可能有卵用也可能无卵用) 测试有效 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 经过我严谨的搬家测试 应该是不用再加强了 我已经放弃了我 被十八路黄巾诸侯围的他妈的水泄不通的9级北海 逃到夷州开荒去了 --...
AI Dishonour | AI 羞辱
Created by 外國人 Hoe ❄
Check the new mod! FPS Boost 帧率增加 +10%: AI now suffers dishonour when dishonouring an alliance, looting, threatening with empty words and when bankrupt. In other words, dishonour now applies...
abdication//退位让贤 1.7
Created by hidde
Think the current leader is too old to work? Should we give it to the young? Click "abdicate" on the portrait of the faction leader in the palace, and let your faction leader abdicate to the faction heir. Make sure your heir is over 18 before you abdicate....
摸金校尉典藏版 General Faqiu Zhonglang
Created by TeemoOO
【Introduction to MOD 使用说明】 1. Put the loading order of this MOD on the top, otherwise it may not take effect. 1,将本MOD加载顺序放在最上边,否则可能不生效。 2. Enter the palace-click on the avatar of the faction leader or family member: 2,进入宫廷-点击派系领袖或者家庭成员的头像: --Exploring the ...
Created by Ayo
更强的细作!获取更多的隐蔽点与情报网点数,更快的执行间谍行动,更有力的诋毁行动,不跑路不翻车。 可以在有需要的时候开启~ ----------------------------------------------- 20/01/2020 已更新!适用于1.4.0版本 01/11/2019 已更新!适用于1.3.0版本 09/08/2019 已更新!适用于1.2.0版本,以后可能会在新DLC八王之乱的基础上更新新内容。 08/07/2019 更新:现在无论间谍等级,都有更大的“行动视野”了!执行目标为人的行...
新AI 指挥官-让AI控制你的部队! 更新 1.6
Created by King of Wei
厌倦了伏击战中不能自动射击? 厌倦了微操控制一切? 辛苦了一天后只想享受观看战火燃烧? 这就是为你准备的mod!(与所有mod兼容) 默认指令(推荐根据喜好自定义,如上图所示): Shift + F9 - 让AI控制除将领外所有单位 Shift + F10 - 让AI控制所有没被选中的单位 Shift + 11 - 让AI控制所有被选中的单位 Shift + 12 – 取消AI控制 在战前部署阶段即可下令。 注意: 如果想接管部...
Release Captives and take weapons 释放俘虏并拿走武器
Created by Gold
Items should have never been part of bargain for life. 物品绝不应该成为终身讨价还价的一部分。 Compatible with almost everything. 与几乎所有东西兼容。...
Recruited unique character can use their special units
Created by Alex Zhao
Introduction: This mod allows most unique character can recruit their "original" faction's special units. If I play as Liu Bei and Xiahou Yuan in my function can still recruit Tiger and Leopard cavalry and Heavy Tiger and Leopard cavalry. This is done by a...
Unlock Nanman Technology 解锁互斥科技
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod allows you to research all mutually exclusive Nanman technologies (and two Han technologies). Compatible with everything, work for old saves.Also affect AI....
ui general select 武将过滤
Created by 牦牛叔叔
ui 武将过滤 为了武将数量过多的情况下便于操作 军队招募界面添加了根据武将的五行类别过滤的单选按钮,目前只能过滤金、木、水、火、土 20210418: 用图标代替文本,文本语言本地化很困难 20210420 增加右侧的武将过滤 ui general filter In order to facilitate the operation when there are too many generals The army recruitment interface has added a radio butt...
【士阶解锁丞相以及其他官职】更多的称帝后官职 More ministerial positions with empire .yellow turban.nanman
Created by 姬昂の牛头人
this is an ordinary mod with an official post modified, which is compatible with all mods without an official post modified After the title of emperor, the number of official posts was increased to several, and before the title of emperor, the class of sch...
Created by ❥大大的萌心
The Gathering : Core Object 1.2.2
Created by Inter-object
Modified the core object of the TW:TK script to make the game run more reliably 삼탈워 엔진의 코어 오브젝트를 개조하여 게임이 더 안정적으로 돌아갈 수 있도록합니다 修改了TW:TK脚本的核心对象,以使游戏运行更可靠 In TW:3K, events are like the heartbeat of a game. The core object is a...
Created by yinxwei
8-10级主城提供一个太守位。 3.20更新:已适配于1.5版本和新dlc 9.4更新: 适配南蛮dlc,删掉了10级主城提供差事的效果。 2021.5.1更新 无需开新档,如果有问题冲突欢迎在评论区指出,谢谢大家支持。 5级版本:
吞并附庸 mod — confederate your vassal
Created by Kaiser1234
现在你吞并你的附庸之后不会减少你的名望值,如果你确保附庸自治的话,还是会减少5点破坏自治协议的名望。 外交通牒也不会影响名望。 吞并之后仍然需要等3回合才能,继续吞并下一个附庸。 吞并附庸之后不会使其他附庸好感度降低。 吞并之后会略微改善被吞并君主和你派系君主的关系,并且不会导致出现派息仇怨。 新功能:意见不合(红叉)不会造成负面记忆影响人物关系。 Now you can confederate or annex your vassal without reducing your respect and r...
Reset wound
Created by Little Fighter
Function: When new turn start, replace characters' wound trait (Lame, One-eyed, Maimed) with 'Scarred' Xiahou dun will reserve "One-eyed" and change his special artwork. Only available to player, but you can reset AI when they join you "scarred" is the onl...
Created by Kraze·
If you want the original English version please go to this: Havie Encampment Fix ____________________________________________________ Mod介绍 扎营现在不仅可以提供一些补给(原功能),还可以略微增加一些补员速率(5%其实不止是“略微”了)(合情合理) 扎营不再显得那么鸡肋了。(马腾阵营不同,马腾阵营扎营会增加粮食产量) 欢迎下载使用。 ___________________...
Better Gate Pass 更好的关隘
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod buffed the gate pass by making them decrease enemy army's movement range and supplies in nearby own regions, increase garrison replenishment and stats, having better garrison units, garrison replenish faster and one administrator cap. Gate pass no...
Created by 玄胤愁
所有非正在单挑的目标都无法移动以及射击,并且无敌状态。进入伪观战模式,守城器材可以攻击但无法造成伤害。 使用方法:单挑进行时点一下技能,如果要取消效果就再点一下技能。...
Force Confederation & Vassal 击败合邦、附庸
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod added force confederation and vassal options for all factions. The confederation only works for the same cultural factions due to the game's limit. Compatible with most mods and saved games....
[WIP]随机开局 Randomized Start (Military Forces Position)
Created by 炮弹兔
随机放置所有初始部曲的地图位置,使得每一次新游戏都完全不一样,每次开新周目都不用面对一模一样的初始场景。 目前该MOD只会影响在野外的部曲,在据点的部曲不会影响。玩家和AI部曲都会有效。 randomized position for all military forces in wild (outside the settlement) in the initial map, in order to make campaign strategic situation different every new...
More Skill Points + Quicker Upgrade 更多的技能点+降低升级经验
Created by Alex Zhao
Experiences needed to level up are decreased by 1/3. Characters will also get 2 skill points at level 8 and 9, 10 skill points at level 10, so you can unlock all skills. Lu Bu start at level 9 in 194, so he won't be able to unlock all skills when playing i...
More Skill Points 更多的技能点
Created by Alex Zhao
Characters will get 2 skill points at level 8 and 9, 10 skill points at level 10, so you can unlock all skills. Lu Bu start at level 9 in 194, so he won't be able to unlock all skills when playing in 194 with this mod alone. You can either use sandbox mod ...
faster horse(updated for 1.7 patch)
Created by 陈_风暴烈酒
Increase all the cavalry move speed(elephants and tigers unchanged). Though not mentioned, CA officially increased mounted general`s speed once again in 1.6 patch, so I increased the cavalry speed to suit the change. Now the light/medium/heavy/cata/heavy c...
Increased Capture Chance 更高的俘虏几率
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod increases player's capture chance from battle outcomes by 20%. Required new campaign. You can use with this mod to prevent ai execute captured generals:
铸兵坊、甲匠坊、驯兽场更快产出装备/Faster Craftmen Settlement Production
Created by Meow
这个mod会将铸兵坊、甲匠坊和驯兽场产出武器、防具和马匹的速度增加50%左右,建筑等级越高产出速度越快。 This mod will increase the productivity of craftmen settlements by 50% when they produce weapons, armours and mounts. Higher the level of settlements, faster they will produce.
More Looted Equipment 更高的抢夺装备几率
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod increases the chance of get enemy characters’ equipment after victory. Also works for Ai, should be compatible with everything. Vanilla: Base chance: 0.01 Pyrrhic victory: 0.04 Close victory: 0.06 Decisive victory: 0.08 Heroic victory: 0.1 Mod: Ba...
Reduced Desire High Rank 降低渴求高位
Created by Alex Zhao
Reduced satisfaction penalty due to desire high rank bu 50%. Also affects AI....
汉帝国太守独立(经典版) /Independence of the Han governors
Created by Phantathos
★ 汉帝国太守独立(经典版) * 游戏开始后,汉帝国将逐渐分封所有的领土成为独立派系 * 游戏15回合后,皇帝将发布法令,将剩余汉帝国的领土与随机选择的势力合邦 * 新分封的势力只能从右下角的快捷外交菜单进行外交,这一问题将在合邦事件后恢复正常 * 新势力在原版环境下主动性较差,有需要的同学可以使用更专业的士兵:乱世群雄加强他们的主动性 * 不适用291年剧本 ★ 可独立加载 ★ 更专业的士兵:乱世群雄兼容MOD 点击此处查看我的所有MOD! ________________________________...
More Deployables 更多战场设施
Created by Alex Zhao
Increased stakes' number from 16 per group to 30,a single stake's hit points from 500 to 800(cause more damage before broken). Caltrops from 40 to 60, and decrease speed more. Character will provide one additional set of stakes when their water attribute r...
(已更新1.7.1版本) 战役世界地图及地名重置
Created by lizshaw
本模組將以簡體中文呈現,繁體中文版本請點擊以下鏈接。 This mod is displayed in Simplified Chinese, for English version, please click the following link.
【传奇三国mod】解除事件发生的限制 events unrestricted
Created by bakuman_tt
Remove some restrictions on the occurrence of events and increase the probability of occurrence of events This is used in conjunction with my event mod and should solve most of the jumpouts. When I tested myself, A round of events, a legendary trader event...
Created by StrelitziaR
传奇人物的命运,在你手中 Lengdarys' fate are in your hand. 本MOD中,你将在以下时间决定五位武将的命运: In this mod, you would allowed to decide whether 5 generals below will die or not. 孙坚,公元192年春(初平三年正月) Sun Jian, A.D.193 Sping 董卓,公元192年春(初平三年四月) Dong Zhuo, A.D.192 Spring 典韦,公元197年(建安二年...
Change Background Music to Dynasty Warriors 4 - 787 Channel
Created by 787channel
Change background music . Menu and some random battle music . Music List : 618626432 - Dynasty Warriors 3 OST - Arena (Extended) 660877194 - Yellow Storm - Dynasty Warriors 3 (Extended) 806262961 - Dynasty Warriors 5 OST - The Ancient Heroes 174439106 - Dy...
Campaign BGM Replace
Created by saihan93
ive been a fan for ROTK series from KO** and loved theirs BGM, regardless those series successed or not this mod replaces only vanilla campaign BGM, not battle BGM, with ROTK series' BGM. here playlist 1. 曹操のテーマ(조조의 테마 Cao Cao Theme) 2. 劉備のテーマ(유비의 테마 Liu B...
Recruited Character Can Use Original Units 招募人物原文化兵種
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod allows character in other culture's faction still can recruit their original culture's unit. For example Nanman character recruited by Han faction can still unlock all Nanman units including elephants for his own retinue. Units that Han and bandit...
Support Independence Fix
Created by IfThenOrElse
This mod gives vassals (who have at least 1 "Support Independence" agreement) a 5% chance per turn to declare independence Wait, was Support Independence broken? Technically, no. Support Independence does increase a chance of a vassal to declare independen...
1.7.2 BUG FIX
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod made by all the community fixed 124 bugs that CA will never fix. Please let we know if this mod has any problem, or there are bugs you think we might can fix. This mod doesn't require new campaign, and should be compatible with everything. TROM al...
【黑熊mod】为黄巾、贼徒、南蛮(new!) 派系 解锁幕府廷议系统
new!! 24/6/29更新: 现在也会为南蛮派系解锁幕府廷 介绍: 这是一个为所有贼徒与黄巾文化的派系解锁幕府廷议系统(开会)的mod 兼容性: 与任何其他修改了幕府廷议系统的mod都不兼容 例如:增加开会人数的mod 必须前置mod...
TheGathering : BattleBox 2.3.2
Created by Inter-object
Update Notes 2.3.0 UI change and totally redevelopment to pit UI XML style opened in TW:TK 1.7.0 2.2.3 2.2.3 - Now uses "View camera bookmark 10" shortcut key to open/close panel The UI creation method has changed in TW:TK 1.7.0. Problems are occurring for...
Created by TONIC
这个MOD加强了AI的进攻性;并使AI在一定程度上作弊。 本MOD与其他AI强化类MOD类似但专门针对 《解锁隐藏兵种》调配,会使游戏后期更加紧张刺激。 与其他类似MOD共用会导致失效。 AI作弊内容为: 增加25%的疲劳抗性 降低25%的技能冷却时间 增加25%的将领经验获取速率 降低苛求高位的惩罚 降低25%的将领工资 新招募部曲初始为3级。 维护费-10%。 This MOD strengthened the AI's offensive to a certain extent and make th...
无限制建筑序列 - Unrestricted Building Construction - 解锁
Created by SK1Q84
說明 目前可在單郡空地同時建造所有建築。 为适配所有DLC,去除了初版对于科技树等的解锁。 现在可以在单郡空地同时建造所有建筑。 前置科技仍受你科技研发阶段限制。 这样你可以自由搭配其它科技树解锁的MOD使用。 ① 支持多國語言。 ② 與所有非同類效果的MOD兼容,兼容遊戲本體及DLC。 更多作者MOD请查看上方合集。 如果觉得MOD不错,欢迎点赞收藏,推荐给其他朋友。 我也会保持一如既往的精品制作。...
더 결집 : UI 1.3.22
Created by Inter-object
Character Browser, Biographies, Reset skills, Trait add/remove, Governor slots 장수 검색, 열전 보기, 부상 치료, 스킬 리셋, 트레잇 추가/제거, 태수 슬롯 등 패널 조정 人物搜索,传记,治愈伤口,重置技能,“添加/替换”特性UI,“府署/太守”面板 Update Notes 1.3.2 - The WuXing 300 table is removed. Now only diplays WuXing 200~30...
部队维护费-30% ai和玩家都生效 maintain cost-30% ai and player
本mod基于crius大佬发布的招募费和维护费-50%的基础上修改来的 我只是新手不知道怎样看ai是否有生效希望有大佬能帮忙测试一下 如有侵权请告知删除...
1.7 部曲维护费-30% 新开当,只对玩家生效...
Created by ALA
Improved Campaign Map Performance
Created by Levie
What does this mod do? This mod smooths out campaign map performance by reducing application errors and file query times. This is especially noticeable when moving over Nanman lands. What is causing the stutter? Special thanks to Spartan VI and HuntingDog ...