Airships: Conquer the Skies

Airships: Conquer the Skies

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Ophaniel, Throne of the Broken Feather
Type: Airships
Modding: Vanilla
Theme: Steampunk
File Size
340.493 KB
Feb 22, 2021 @ 9:32am
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Ophaniel, Throne of the Broken Feather

An entry for the third bi-annual Airships: Conquer the Skies beauty pageant!
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Ophaniel, Throne of the Broken Feather.

This gaudy abomination serves as the headquarters of the cult of the broken feather. It is a wandering reliquary housing the holiest of the holy : A bent plume rumored to have belonged to the last bird.

Fabrication or not, what is certain is that the cult will stop at nothing to stop anyone from getting to their treasure. The Ophaniel is always moving at ludicrous speeds throughout the world and nobody but members of the cult have ever managed to land on it. Catching up to a ship moving upwards of 180kp/h is hard enough, finding a ship that seemingly never stops moving at these speeds is another thing entirely. Members of the cult seem to always be able to find their way back to the craft, somehow, which suggests that there may be a pattern to the ship's movements.

An interesting tidbit: Eyewitnesses seem to never agree on the number of sails of the Ophaniel, which may suggest that the cult is always adding more to their ship as opportunities arise.