Don't Starve

Don't Starve

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128.291 KB
Mar 9, 2014 @ 9:15am
Jun 10, 2014 @ 12:24am
25 Change Notes ( view )

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This mod adds The Medi-Gun, The Kritzkrieg, The Quick-Fix, The Beta Medi-Gun and Power-Up Canteens from Team Fortress 2. Each is intended to work as similar to their TF2 counterparts as possible(within reason) from The Medic's point of view. I increased the amount of time you'll stay ubered just because Don't Starve isn't as fast-paced as TF2. So if you think they are OP or create unbalanced gameplay then keep in mind, it was never intended to balance anything out in Don't Starve. And if it REALLY bugs you, then just don't use them.

How to use:
Craft it, equip it, then wait for your ubercharge to build. Once full, activate your ubercharge by right clicking your Medi-Gun/Kritzkrieg/Quick-Fix/Beta Medi-Gun in your armor slot. When the uber is depleted, watch it charge, again. It's just that easy!

Each medigun now doubles as a storage container. They are functionally similar to the standard backpack, except you can still keep them in your inventory when they're not equipped. This can be disabled at the top of modmain.lua by changing true to false.

The Medi-Gun:
While the Medi-Gun is equipped, you maintain a passive heal of 3 points of health a second. Ubercharge takes a little less than a minute and a half to build and, once activated, you remain invincible for roughly 16 seconds.

The Kritzkrieg:
Technically, the Kritzkrieg doesn't grant The Medic guaranteed critical hits when he uses his own uber in TF2, BUT I think we can overlook that little detail for now. While the Kritzkrieg is equipped, you maintain a passive heal of 3 points of health a second. Ubercharge takes roughly 75 seconds to build and, while activated, your equipped weapon does 300% damage. For example, if your spear regularly does 34 damage per hit then it will do 102, if your tentacle spike normally does 51 damage per hit then it will do 153, and so on, and so on.

The Quick-Fix:
While the Quick-Fix is equipped, you maintain a passive heal of 3 points of health a second. Ubercharge takes a little less than 60 seconds to build and, while the ubercharge is activated, two effects are applied. The first is the megaheal uber, which heals you for about 250 health points a second. The second effect is the overheal, which increases your total health points by 25%. The uber lasts for roughly 16 seconds and once it's depleted your overheal will slowly drop over time.

The Beta Medi-Gun
When TF2 was still in Beta, The Medi-Gun's uber would not only make you invincible but also grant guaranteed critical hits. The guaranteed critical hits aspect was removed just as TF2 was leaving Beta and was eventually turned into the Kritzkrieg and you know the rest from there. So, as you might have guessed, this medigun's uber will make you invincible AND give guaranteed critical hits. Since mediguns now double as backpacks, be sure your mediguns are empty when you craft this.

The Power-Up Canteens
There are two canteens, one canteen for an invulnerable uber and one for guaranteed critical hits. Each canteen is good for only one use and lasts half as long as a normal uber, 8 seconds. When the canteen is depleted, it's destroyed, so use them wisely.

Before anyone asks:
-No, giving a Medi-Gun to a pig will not cause them to follow you around, healing you the whole time. Yes, it would be cool but that would require a lot more work. If you want to code something like that then be my guest. Just give me credit if you use any of the stuff I made.
-Yes, these medi-guns were intended to be as compatible with other mods as possible. Meaning characters added from mods will receive their proper overheal amount, weapons added from other mods will receive their critical hit bonuses, and so on.
-Maybe I'll make The Vaccinator but I promise nothing. How it will function in DS is still up in the air.

Noteworthy Changes:
-Reworked the Kritzkrieg uber. It now functions much more efficiently.
-All mediguns now have proper map icons.
-Fixed mediguns emitting light in specific situations.
-Fixed mediguns graphically disappearing in specific situations.
-Overheal is now reduced when you're attacked and not ubered.
-Charlie can kill you again.
-Fixed one nasty little load bug involving torches and Willow's Lighter
-Made all mediguns double as backpacks. This can be disabled at the top of modmain.lua
-Added The Beta Medi-Gun
-Added Power-Up Canteens.
-Added The Kritzkrieg.

Known Issues:
-The Kritzkrieg: In TF2, normally only your weapon will change color during the Kritzkrieg uber but using the uber in this mod will cause your entire body to change color rather than just your weapon. I'm having a heck of a time trying to get ONLY the weapon to change color and, until I find a way to make that happen, your whole body will be affected. BUT this is a purely cosmetic flaw. UPDATE: After going through the forums, I came across a thread that said changing the color of ONLY the weapon could very well be impossible in Don't Starve. So it's possible this will never change. :/

In memory of Harold Ramis. (1944-2014)
A man who's imagination and creativity still continues to inspire people of all ages across the globe.
We love you, Harold.
404_coffee.exe Dec 18, 2022 @ 6:11pm 
always loved tf2 mods
Foie Gras Nov 16, 2020 @ 1:31am 
can you make this in dst version plssssss this is so damm good
haunted medic Oct 27, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
Chester as a Pokemon....hhmmmmm.
matthewkham Aug 19, 2020 @ 11:39am 
Foie Gras Jun 27, 2020 @ 3:10am 
we need it in dst pls
Hope#1243 May 6, 2019 @ 3:42am 
In my RoG world all mediguns are missing from the science tab, help 0-o
gunns22 Feb 2, 2019 @ 3:36pm 
Something for the next update, whenever it comes:

Maybe the Don't Starve version of the Vaccinator could work like this: The monsters have three primary types of attack that the Vaccinator can block: Energy (fire and things like the Clockwork Bishop's energy bolts), Bludgeon (things like Pig fists and the rams of the Clockwork Rook), and Piercing (things like Spider bites and Bee stings). Instead of doubling as a backpack (because how is Wilson going to fit a Spear, three sets of clothing, and a week's worth of food in that little canteen that goes on Medic's back?), the Vaccinator has a menu in the "backpack contents" section of the screen, where the user can choose which of the three Resistances he wishes to block.
funny Nov 24, 2018 @ 1:24pm 
Totalitarian Gangster State Sep 12, 2018 @ 4:00pm 
Why the backpack thing? Seems unnecessary and like too much.
🐭  [author] Apr 10, 2018 @ 6:06pm 
Yeah. You never noticed the striking resemblance between Egon Spengler and The Medic? They even gave him a glaringly obvious hat: