Ocen: 439
Vulpes - Adorable Foxes [1.5]
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Mod, 1.5
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22 lipca 2020 o 15:11
27 maja o 16:26
Listy zmian: 35 ( zobacz )

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Vulpes - Adorable Foxes [1.5]

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez Yanzihko
Mods by Yanzihko
Przedmioty: 14
legacy version if your old saves broke (core module is not required in that case) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12WZRI-st13WWS0qEP_ixxio_SJCphbLB?usp=sharing

Languages: English,Russian

Github Version[github.com]


Rimworld is an extremely cruel and harsh place. It also constantly mocks you) Is there really no place for the sweet and beautiful in it? Of course it is! However, this sweetness is often mixed with blood and meat. *INCREASING COUGH SOUNDS*

I present to you a new race - Vulpes. There's a note here by the way. Since Vulpes is a Latin name, it is used in the game in order not to use the wretched: Vulpe, vulpes, vulpian, etc.

-Modular body addons. Destruction of Eyes, Nose, Ears etc. will be visible

-Set of colors

-Unique names and backstories

-Biotech compatibility

-256x256 textures

-Incompatible with mods that overhaul pawn appearence

ShauaPuta - General help, patches
arachbob - General help, patches
ED monk - Grammar assistance

Thanks to everyone who supported me with $$$:
Matthew, GabeGames, that one who called you gay.


Tag section
Vulpes Fox Furry Race

Popularne dyskusje Zobacz wszystkie (2)
27 maja o 15:00
PRZYPIĘTE: Bug reports
18 stycznia 2021 o 16:09
PRZYPIĘTE: Patches/Translations
Komentarzy: 276
bubbli 1 godzinę temu 
Dude somehow thought he was being insulted by asking about a mod compat
Slimie 16 czerwca o 7:43 
I love this mod, but I do have two issues with it, though I understand one of them. One is the last names. I get that the vulpes are mass produced, but the names just being numbers feels very bad imo. But I get that, and its not a big deal or anything.

My second issue is that I think their research speed is far too high. I understand that they are fragile, but scanning for underground resources happens at like 1500% normal speed. I personally think this and their learning aptitude should be greatly nerfed. They already move fast, do well with plants and animals and have good social, some of these traits should be toned down. I tweaked the values a bit, and it feels better.

Otherwise, LOVE this mod. I've had this mod since like 1.3, so thank you for updating it!
Slimie 8 czerwca o 9:12 
Yessss, its updated thank you!!!
BadPsychoPanther 1 czerwca o 10:50 
@YT_lol some stupid ass drama of sweaty ass dudes
Skye Chambers 27 maja o 15:26 
For some reason, specifically the Vulpes mod seems to not be working in my game. I've disabled literally every single mod I have, except for the Vulpes mod and it's requirements, and yet the game results in errors whenever it tries to spawn a Vulpes pawn in
YT_lol 26 maja o 13:01 
As a furry, Thats what im asking myself @BadOmenPanther
BadPsychoPanther 24 maja o 19:56 
@TurtleShroom wth going on
TurtleShroom 24 maja o 9:49 

> " Incredible, I have never heard that joke before. Did you borrow a brain cell from another to rub that one up? "

Go back to Reddit and learn to laugh at yourself. Reddit Sass and bitter Reddit sarcasm is not for Valve forums. You fight people who don't even mind Furries as people, just don't like the aesthetics, as if they are personally after you (as your CE whining showed). Yeah, I like to mow down these suckers in "Rimworld". Learn to laugh instead of assuming that I can't tell reality from fiction.
TurtleShroom 24 maja o 9:46 
@Flare Fluffsune

Yeah, if I downloaded this, it'd be for a slave race and cooking them. Do you really think that means that I, or Kopyafm, want to cook and eat YOU or come after YOU in RL? Nonsense!

The dude asked if this Race and the Combat Extended Mod were compatible, and if they could use CE weapons without Patches. That's it.

You read into it; you got triggered because you imagined your Furry Persona roasted over a spit in "Rimworld". I am happy to oblige this in the game, but that's not what Kopyafm did.
You worked YOURSELF into a hissy fit, and no wonder the others here started mocking you. Are you that miserable that anyone cracking a joke about your hobby makes you that butt hurt?
ppastusz2 22 maja o 10:33 
overdefensive furries when someone asks a question (its clearly a sign of furry hate)