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winterbraid's Planetary Clocks: Rewound!
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Jul 1, 2020 @ 10:11am
Aug 2, 2020 @ 11:25am
135 Change Notes ( view )

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winterbraid's Planetary Clocks: Rewound!

My first outdated/antique mod restoration project! Over on the Starbound forums, there is/was a mod by winterbraid that provided planetary clocks (found here []).

It came complete with:
1. A comprehensive alarm function that can activate the clock's wire node
2. Multiple color options using the paint tool
3. Multiple analog clock displays and 1 digital clock display
4. And, of course, the ability to display what time it was on whatever planet it was on

But it didn't work in modern Starbound because of various changes to the Starbound mod API that were made after that mod was created. So, since winterbraid had generously set the permissions for that mod such that others were allowed to change/modify the mod freely, I decided to update the mod so it could work in modern Starbound.

However, though I tried my best (I did manage to fix the clock displays on my own at least!), in the end most of the credit for this update/restoration mod should go to the far more experienced modder, C0bra5, who guided me through making a new GUI for the alarm system, fixed it so the analog clocks could be recolored, and helped me fix things I would have taken a lot longer to solve.

Please enjoy this wonderful, very useful mod! And, since I'm publishing this mod here and on the Starbound forums with the same permissions as the original, feel free to use this mod's code to make your own clocks too! Because clocks should be more than just decorative wall ornaments.

Edit: One final note, to change the colors of a clock, equip your paint tool and then interact with the clock like you were trying to set the alarm. Instead of opening the alarm GUI, the clock's colors will change.

Edit Edit: Final final note: all clocks are made at wiring stations using 1 AA battery, 1 silicon board, and 1 silver bar.

winterbraid of the Starbound Forums, for making the original Planetary Clocks Mod,
PenguinToast of the Starbound Forums, for making PenguinGUI which the Planetary Clocks mod used,
[Betabound] Silver Sokolova of Steam and the Starbound Discord, for providing a copy of the old Mod Unpacker used to unpack the now outdated .modpack filetype the original Planetary Clocks mod was saved as,
[Combinable Augments] C0bra5 of Steam and the Starbound Discord, for using this mod as a chance to teach me how GUIs for Starbound mods are made, teaching me how they work, and doing most of the difficult coding in the process,
and Bagheera Magaro AKA Dr. Ferrocene AKA Lost AKA myself, the writer of this description and original instigator of this restoration project.

P.S., the 135 change logs created during the creation of this mod are entirely my fault, not C0bra5's. Remember, you should keep your experimental mods in your Starbound mods folder instead of doing what I did and uploading every iteration to Steam, even if you keep the mod hidden until it's ready.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Jan 1, 2021 @ 3:45am
PINNED: Feature Requests
Bagheera Magaro
Aug 5, 2020 @ 8:44am
PINNED: Bug Reports
Bagheera Magaro
GarglingGlass Dec 16, 2023 @ 4:44am 
In case you're here in the comments to learn the current status, it's December 2023 and this mod still works like a charm on FU. I can't believe it's something I had to go outta my way to look up and isn't more popular.
Hyperdino Aug 25, 2020 @ 7:55am 
Thanks king have a good day <3
Bagheera Magaro  [author] Aug 24, 2020 @ 5:55pm 
Wow, I can't believe I forgot to put that in the description. The clocks are made at a wiring station using 1 AA battery, 1 silicon board, and 1 silver bar. I'll add that to the description now. Thanks for asking.
Hyperdino Aug 24, 2020 @ 5:04pm 
Oh! Thank you! Where do I craft these?
Hyperdino Aug 8, 2020 @ 5:27pm 
Bagheera Magaro  [author] Aug 5, 2020 @ 8:43am 
??? To my knowledge, currently, winterbraid's Planetary Clocks Mod from the Starbound Forums (which I assume to be the 'original planetary clocks' you're referring to, but if it isn't please correct me) absolutely doesn't work with modern Starbound due to extremely out of date code. This mod is a full replacement, and does not require having that mod installed.
Hyperdino Aug 5, 2020 @ 5:50am 
Is this an addon for the original planetary clocks or should I uninstall that one?
Zumoku Aug 4, 2020 @ 12:25pm 
thank you!
Bagheera Magaro  [author] Aug 3, 2020 @ 8:34pm 
Rarely used for objects, I mean.
Bagheera Magaro  [author] Aug 3, 2020 @ 8:34pm 
Yeah, it's apparently a kinda rarely used feature. What you need to do is equip the paint tool and interact with the clock (like you were trying to set the alarm) and that changes the colors. I should add that to the description, it's not obvious.