Space Engineers
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Instant Projector
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Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Production
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496.220 KB
14 май 2020 в 16:53
16 дек. 2023 в 20:02
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Instant Projector

This mod adds the ability for projector blocks to create projections instantly. The grid will spawn as if you welded each individual block of the projection and only after the build timer has elapsed. The projection must not be connected to the projector block grid, and the projection must have a significant amount of space around it. In survival, the projector must have enough components to weld the entire projection, and it will take the components from any or all inventories on the grid. The components must be available before the build timer can be started.

World Settings
Admins can configure world settings via the text hud api admin menu or the /ip command.
  • Block Build Time - Amount of seconds per block.
  • Component Cost Modifier - Modifies the amount of components required to build a projection.
  • Min Blocks - The minimum number of blocks that are required to build a projection.
  • Max Blocks - The maximum number of blocks allowed to build.
  • Power Modifier - Modifies the power required to increase the speed.
  • Subgrids - True if the mod will attempt to build subgrids for the console block.
  • Extra Component - An optional extra component required to build the projection.
  • Extra Component Cost - The number of extra components required per block.

Programmable Block API
These actions can be used on the projector:
  • BuildGrid - Attempt to spawn the projection.
  • CancelBuildGrid - Cancel the current pending spawn.
These properties can be accessed on the projector:
  • RequiredComponents - A list of components required to build the current projection.
  • GridTimerProjection - Amount of time the current projection would take.
  • GridTimerCurrent - The current value of the timer.
  • BuildState - The current projector state. In order from 0: Idle, Waiting, and Building

For feedback or issues, the best place to contact me is on discord:

Source Code

To support my work, you may use Paypal[]
161 коментара
foojak101 16 апр. в 11:35 
Love the mod. Just an idea what if you added the inventory of the blueprint to the materials list so that you can spawn fully loaded grids without being able to spam fee stuff into survival mode.
foojak101 16 апр. в 10:07 
Rouge Sable. use the projection to assembler mod it pairs very nicely
Rouge Sable 21 март в 5:39 
Do you know a way to send to production required components automatically?
avaness  [автор] 18 февр. в 4:52 
OGatoAJato 17 февр. в 11:47 
Will it weld custom blocks from mods?
Xero 25 ян. в 15:35 
This would have been useful YEARS ago... but useful on personal creative worlds to test.
Nova Astral 1 ян. в 19:01 
I don't suppose you'd be willing to add a button that allows the user to build as much of the ship as possible with the compnents they have? Or ignore certain components
(DANIEL) 8 дек. 2023 в 9:05 
Hello, would it be possible to use it to place the buildgrid command in a button panel, and the player who presses the button will spawn the grid in his name?
at the moment it comes out in the name of the owner of the projector or console block
avaness  [автор] 8 ноем. 2023 в 21:21 
You have to use a projector block that can display subgrids, like the console block.
FatEraser 8 ноем. 2023 в 10:15 
Is there any way to have this work with multigrid blueprints?