238 คะแนน
SS Researchable Stat Upgrades (Reupload)
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
330.390 KB
24 มี.ค. 2020 @ 11: 28am
3 ส.ค. 2020 @ 1: 00pm
8 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

SS Researchable Stat Upgrades (Reupload)


Steam-upload of firefoxpdms mod

This mod will not be further updated as the original author is no longer active and neither is firefoxpdm. I tried fixing the mod for 1.3 but failed.
Please use the SS Researchable Stat Upgrades for 1.3 version instead


Adds stat upgrades that can be researched.

Mining: Improves mining speed. Included Pneumatic Picks research back from Alpha 12 for nostalgia.
Growing: Improves harvest speed and harvest success chance.
Building: Improves construction speed and construct success chance.
Animals: Improves animal gather speed and animal gather chance.
Productivity: Improves move speed and global work speed. Also a repeatable research at the end of the tree
Combat: (courtesy of Swenzi) Improves various stats in combat. (Daniel_USA you were just a bit too late :P)
Medical research: (Courtesy of KingSihv) Improves medical operation speed, quality and success chance.

Nutrient Resynthesis: Nutrient paste dispenser uses 33% less resources. 1000 research points. Also back from Alpha 12
Gun turret cooldown: Gun turrets fire shots in bursts of 4 instead of 3. Also back from Alpha 12
Nutrient flavoring: (name from rageage001) reduces mood debuff of eating mutrient paste meal from -4 to -2.
Psychology: (Courtesy of KingSihv) Prisoner recruit chance increased by 15%
Scanner Efficiency: (Courtesy of KingSihv) long-range mineral scanner takes 50% less time to detect new resource but can appear over wider area
Meat Cut Charts: (Courtesy of KingSihv) more meat yield per animal

Does this require a new save/colony/world/game/map/thing/stuff/computer/universe to use? No
Can I suggest something? You see the empty spaces in the research tree? Fill them. (Yes)
I've found a bug, what do I do? Tell me how you got to the bug, post a screenshot, and backup your save file because I might ask for it
Do you have the stats in detail? Get the mod, you don't need to do anything, just enter the research screen. If I put it here it might not be up-to-date
My items keep truncating, and it's really annoying what do I do? Right now the solution is to put Researchable Stat Upgrades higher up in the modlist (Thanks Hinanawi-sama). If that doesnt work join in the bug discussions!

Just a few tips on how to make ideas:
1. Does this really work as a research? Maybe your idea is better to be a special item or a special building, instead of a stat upgrade.
2. Think up of an ideal cost/tech level of your research
3. Think up of a nice name!
4. Where would it go in the research tree?
5. That tree is getting rather full, which means short but sweet researches probably have a higher chance of getting in!

GitHub repo: https://github.com/spdskatr/ResearchableStatUpgrades