Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

Ei tarpeeksi arvosteluja
Niño Hamburguesa
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18.648 KB
31.1.2020 klo 13.35
3.2.2020 klo 18.47
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )
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Niño Hamburguesa

2 kokoelmassa, tekijä TheAvenger3
58 luomusta
TheAvenger3's Current Wrestlers M-Z
586 luomusta
Nino Hamburguesa is a charismatic wrestler who has wrestled mostly for AAA since his getting into wrestling full-time in 2012.

Still only 24 years old, Hamburguesa has plenty of He previously held the AAA World Mixed Tag Team titles (with Big Mami) for over two full years.

This edit uses 100 points and has four attires, moves, and logic.

Music: Nino_Hamburguesa.mp3
2 kommenttia
TheAvenger3  [tekijä] 3.2.2020 klo 17.23 
I’ll be able to fix him next time I’m in
GameCrasher 3.2.2020 klo 13.18 
Cool edit as everytime but you have misspelled the surname.
It's not HamburgEUsa => HamburgUEsa