Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

39 ratings
Dragonfire (Complete)
Type: Game
Complexity: High Complexity
Number of Players: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Language: English
File Size
1.506 MB
Nov 8, 2019 @ 9:52pm
Jan 18, 2022 @ 11:31am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Dragonfire (Complete)

"While it is possible to play a single game, unrelated to any other game events past or future, it is the campaign for which these rules are designed." - Gary Gygax in the Preface to the original Dungeons & Dragons


Dragonfire is a cooperative deck builder that feels quite unique in what it sets out to do. Set in the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons fame, Dragonfire is not meant to just sit down and play once- rather, it emulates the feel of a long running RPG, with 2-6 players taking the roles of adventurers, delving into dungeons, exploring the Sword Coast, gaining experience, learning new skills, and finding magical items of great power to allow them to take on progressively harder challenges.

Be warned that this game is not for those who want an easy win- you're going to lose a lot. But even as you lose, you'll at least gain experience points to empower your characters and eventually bring you closer to your goal. It's an unforgiving game, but it's also a very rewarding game- while the first scenarios are fairly plain, as you advance through the campaign you'll see far more interesting and unique adventures which sometimes will play wildly different from one another, while following along a single connected narrative plot. Stick with it and you'll progress from barely being able to fend off goblins to being able to challenge mighty dragons and hordes of undead in true D&D fashion.

Dragonfire was officially cancelled in 2020; sadly, this means the story will never be finished. There was a third wave of expansions- including a single large expansion, three small expansions, a new character pack, and a solo play guide- that was never released; it's doubtful we'll ever actually see these materials, but it does seem they were pretty close to completion. As such, I'm considering this mod complete, though would happily add in the missing promo characters if someone could get me scans for such.


Included are the following parts of the campaign:
  • Dragonfire (Core game)
  • Shadows Over Dragonspear Castle adventure pack
  • Chaos in the Trollclaws adventure pack
  • Warlock's Crypt downloadable scenario
  • Sea of Swords adventure pack
  • Moonshae Storms campaign pack
  • Corruption in Calimshan adventure pack
  • Ravaging the Sword Coast adventure pack
  • Sword Mountains Crypt adventure pack

Also included are the following "side" expansions:
  • Wondrous Treasures item pack
  • Hidden Treasures item pack
  • Heroes of the Sword Coast character pack
  • Heroes of the Wild character pack
  • Two Promo Characters (Kobold Rogue/Assassin and Lizardfolk Ranger)

As of the time of posting, the game is complete minus promos. I will try to get new sets as they release and add them promptly, but cannot promise how quickly I will be able to manage such.

All in all, this comes to a total of:
  • 102 Character Sheets
  • 718 Cards
  • 358 Feature Stickers
  • 21 Scenarios
  • 59 Pages of Story


Dragonfire[] is created by Catalyst Game Labs,[] and is adapted from their earlier release Shadowrun: Crossfire.[] Dungeons & Dragons and the Forgotten Realms setting are property of Wizards of the Coast.[]

Thank you to Lily for their amazing Kraken Table mod.
Thank you to Dead Cat for thier Questionably Obtained Weapons.
Thank you to Eruyome for their background collection.
Thank you to the creators of the four different treasure chest mods.


No, there's not currently any way to get the Very Rare treasures without cheating. Yes, they've been there since the beginning with the core game and the item packs. Yes, it has all of us fans of the game scratching our heads, we have no idea why there was such ridiculous futureproofing. And since the game has now been cancelled, you'll just need to figure out a way to houserule them.
MarioFanaticXV  [author] Jan 16, 2023 @ 11:11pm 
Dumb people don't admit when they missed something obvious.
Apex Leggings Jan 16, 2023 @ 12:10am 
Oh thank you. I was just being dumb <3
MarioFanaticXV  [author] Jan 15, 2023 @ 9:47am 
Look at the bags by the treasure chests; they're divided by class.
Apex Leggings Jan 14, 2023 @ 11:34pm 
I am unable to find the character boards. Where are they?
MarioFanaticXV  [author] Mar 23, 2022 @ 5:54am 
Underneath the rulebooks are four treasure chests which have all the treasures from the base game, Wondrous Treasures, and Hidden Treasures already set inside; don't forget to shuffle them before you draw for the first time.

Treasures for each of the expansion adventures can be found in their respective bags.
yorthegoat Mar 23, 2022 @ 4:39am 
A group of my friends and I had a great time using this mod last night. However, we couldn't seem to find Common magic items. Are they combined into another deck or one of the bags on the play area?
MarioFanaticXV  [author] Mar 21, 2022 @ 4:17am 
If you lock the character board in-place (you shouldn't need to move it much after character creation anyways), you can then use the writing tool on it.
Burasuto Mar 12, 2022 @ 11:30pm 
Ah when I meant the info, just meant being able to write down the xp on the character board. As for the burying thing, it doesn't work on the mat for some reason but don't have trouble when I do it outside.
MarioFanaticXV  [author] Mar 12, 2022 @ 12:08am 
I'm not sure what information you want, but as for burying cards, you can actually do this in any TTS mod with a flat surface; while holding a single card, do NOT let go of the left mouse button, but starting holding the right mouse button at the same time. Then just slide it to the bottom of the deck and it should automatically move under it.
Burasuto Mar 11, 2022 @ 11:32pm 
Alright mod, wished that it was easier to write down the information and to bury the cards when needed