Arma 3
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics
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96.396 KB
Oct 12, 2019 @ 1:10pm
Oct 16, 2019 @ 2:15pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Disables right-click zoom on CUP and vanilla weapons when aiming down. Does not affect standard view, free-look and vehicle weapons - you will be able to zoom in and out when using these. Magnifying scopes also retain their magnification.

It makes gameplay more interesting by making firefights last longer and be more challenging in a non-annoying way.

Grab your Internet friends, fire up some Dynamics Recon Ops mission, give the mod a shot and see how you like it.

Locality: client-side
Loicense: MIT m8
Source: Ironsight[]
BI Forums: Ironsight topic[]

Effect on other mods
It is possible that weapons from mods other than CUP will be affected by this mod. However, the mod will have no effect on non-CUP/vanilla scopes.

Buzzil (aka 10Dozen) for the idea.
ruPal's DisableZoom mod[] was used as a reference with some parts used in Ironsight directly.

Dunecat  [author] May 17, 2023 @ 3:02pm 
Hey folks!

Unfortunately I don't have the time to maintain this mod at the moment (a story as old as time, I know). I may get back to it eventually but not really sure when if at all.

I suggest you to take a look at the source, maybe it'll help you to implement the features you want in a more reasonable time. You should be able to build the mod right away by running buildscripts/build.ps1 PowerShell script. Just make sure to configure your user's "AddonBuilder" and "PrivateBikey" environment variables, the former should contain the path to the Addon Builder executable from Arma 3 Tools, where the latter should contain path to your private Bikey file.

Hope this helps.
dan May 16, 2023 @ 9:26pm 
Could you make a version for SOG?
ПЬЯНЫЙ Apr 9, 2023 @ 4:18am 
Hi. Sorry about the English. The mod does not work with the entire list of weapons from CUP. Will there be a fix?
STyx2909 Nov 5, 2022 @ 12:21pm 
Thank you for replying!
Dunecat  [author] Nov 5, 2022 @ 12:14pm 
@STyx2909 Unlikely as you can't really disable the right mouse button. What this mod actually does (or did, as I believe it's now quite outdated) is editing configuration files of each CUP weapon, setting the ADS zoom to the same value as normal view (so the game still zooms you in when you press RMB - it's just that the zoomed view is edited to be identical to the normal one).

Depending on what are you trying to achieve there might be a way but I'm guessing that it would a cumbersome one.
STyx2909 Nov 5, 2022 @ 11:45am 
@Dunecat would you be able to create a script that does deactivate right button zoom, but when aiming with a weapon? Quite the opposite of what you did. 8-P
Woldemar Aug 5, 2020 @ 4:11am 
@Dunecat maybe it is problem on my side, but there is no effect for CUP AK looks like on screenshots.
Dunecat  [author] Aug 4, 2020 @ 1:36pm 
@Woldemar Not at this time unfortunately. Is there something that's broken/missing?
Woldemar Aug 3, 2020 @ 10:31pm 
Hello, any plans to update this mod?
Dunecat  [author] Jul 15, 2020 @ 7:52am 
@ShermanatorYT Check out ruPal's DisableZoom mod that is linked in the description, it handles RHS specifically. I believe the version is a bit outdated however, so the newer RHS guns and vehicles probably won't have the zoom disabled.