Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

3,972 ratings
Draconic Base
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: ServerContent
Addon Tags: Build, Fun
File Size
5.512 MB
Aug 28, 2019 @ 2:53am
May 23 @ 6:05am
158 Change Notes ( view )

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Draconic Base

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The Draconic Base is a development framework for the content creators of Garry's Mod. It includes many various things such as material proxies, extended player functionalities, a lightweight but versatile weapon base set, extensions to player customization within the game, and a small library of lua functions & systems meant to make otherwise complicated systems within the game easier to create.

The Draconic Base does not alter any pre-existing systems within Garry's Mod. This means it is entirely clean and leaves no dirty marks when installed to your game or server. The Draconic Base does not and will never alter stuff outside of its own code. In layman's terms, IT SHOULDN'T CONFLICT WITH ANYTHING.

Everything I do is free because I can find some fun in making it, or because it helps others make fun things. If you would like to help support me financially so that I may keep doing what I do, then please consider checking out my Patreon[] page. It is also tied in with my server community / servers which I host. I love doing what I do and I hope to be able to keep doing it for as long as I can.
The "Draconic Base" is a free-to-use addon. Please adhere to the Garry's Mod Steam Workshop Rules[]. This most notably includes "Do not reupload addons". Please do not reupload the Draconic Base. It is an actively-maintained project, and reuploads will create conflicts. It is a base for a reason.

A proper usage agreement can be found in the License file[] on the GitHub.

If you need immediate help with the Draconic Base (or any of my addons), or just want to know what I'm working on or etc, then consider joining my Discord[] server.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Mar 16 @ 12:31pm
i need help with creating a voiceset
Leeroy Jenkins 5 hours ago 
thank you!
Vuthakral  [author] 7 hours ago 
sv_drc_playerrep_disallow OR sv_drc_playerrep_tweakonly
Leeroy Jenkins 9 hours ago 
add option to disallow players on a server that arent a certain ULX rank from accessing the menu / using it to change their model? looking to use for darkrp but dont want players to be able to freely swap models
Khaiø 14 hours ago 
@Vuthakral That's fine.

Encountered this earlier, as well:
[Draconic Base] lua/weapons/draconic_battery_base.lua:82: attempt to call method 'GetActiveWeapon' (a nil value)
1. CanPrimaryAttack - lua/weapons/draconic_battery_base.lua:82
2. unknown - lua/weapons/draconic_base/sh_funcs.lua:284
dinogutt 14 hours ago 
Excuse me, I wanted to ask if there is a way to zoom out or otherwise modify the third person camera? M
Vuthakral  [author] 21 hours ago 
@Willing19 -- That's not how playermodel selection works at all, Draconic doesn't "enforce" anything. Are you sure you don't have the "enhanced playermodel selector" installed? It literally has an "enforce playermodel selection" setting.

@Khaio -- Like I said I can *try* to find a way to detect a model being used for autoicons but I can't promise I'll be able to fix it.
Willing19 May 23 @ 1:29am 
draconic forces me to not use my defualt playermodel even on different servers
someone had it in a server and i accidentally used it
Khaiø May 22 @ 9:45pm 
So my best bet is to uninstall whatever autoicon mod I have installed?
Vuthakral  [author] May 22 @ 8:33pm 
Autoicons moment. I can *try* to make it abort if it's on one, but autoicons is really annoying to work around. My experience with trying to make it work with other content and get any help from its developer is not exactly a good one.
Khaiø May 22 @ 4:21pm 
[Draconic Base] lua/matproxy/drc_matproxy.lua:2096: attempt to call method 'GetActiveWeapon' (a nil value)
1. DRCFunctionBind - lua/matproxy/drc_matproxy.lua:2096
2. bind - lua/matproxy/drc_matproxy.lua:2112
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/matproxy.lua:56
4. DrawModel - [C]:-1
5. unknown - lua/autorun/client/autoicon.lua:459
6. ProtectedCall - [C]:-1
7. render_context - lua/autorun/client/autoicon.lua:99
8. unknown - lua/autorun/client/autoicon.lua:735