Dota 2
493 ratings
Gentleman's Wear
On a deep dark night, with the howling cry of wolves echoing over the rooftops, the Butcher sits at his empty table overcome with melancholy. His thoughts are back on his childhood when he used to dine on steak with a silver knife and fork in a tailored suit. Now he has nothing, none of the villagers buy from his shop anymore, not since the accident... The Butcher curses his fate, stands up, claps on his hat and grabs his tools as he heads to the door. He's out for meat and he's going carve it out of anyone.
Items (6)
The Gentleman's Hat
Created by Donut
To others he still looks like an abomination but in pudges mind he looks charming... so the meat might not run away....
Elegant Pair Of Braces
Created by Donut
With the right pair of suspenders even a corpulent man can look like a sir....
Graceful Glove
Created by Donut
To protect Pudges beautiful fingers......
Gold Chain
Created by Donut
Its okey to farm......
Golden Hook
Created by Donut
For those special moments when a Hook changes the game......
Straight Razor
Created by Donut
Scharp and looking good... do you need more?...