Dota 2
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Items (8)
Horns of Blight
Created by Yi
The beautiful horns of the succubus. Worn proud by the queen herself....
runed scythe of the phantom
Created by joy_gang
runed, razor-sharp, extremely dangerous animation:
Ancient Observatory
Created by peacemagic
This is a Cheomseongdae that was built to observe sky in 600 a.d shinra era -한국의 건축물 첨성대를 모티브로 한 와드 입니다....
Mask of Fury
Created by bounchfx
Head item for the Barathrum's Fury set...
Pudge: The Warmonger set (LoadingScreen)
Created by Logane
Pudge: Loading screen for the Warmonger set...
Animation Loading Screen TI4
Created by loser
If you like, do not forget to vote for Custom Animation Background in Main Menu HOW TO INSTALL? КАК УСТАНОВИТЬ? Единственное,что удалось сделать на данный момент,это установить вместо стандартного интро Valve.Загрузочный экран Dota2 все еще не может быть а...
Aeyuth's Reliquiae (Sven Set Loading Screen)
Created by Meat4every1
The product of Sven's triumph over the living blasphemy Aeyuth; an equally heinous artifact. here's the loading screen if you want a DESKTOP BG ;D Post grad Bs/Ms in digital media. i have been working on this set for months and i a...
Linked collections (2)
The Fox Spirits
Contains 2 items