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Eccentric Tech - Foxy's Armory [Legacy]
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
591.858 KB
2019 年 8 月 7 日 下午 3:21
2020 年 8 月 25 日 上午 10:15
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Eccentric Tech - Foxy's Armory [Legacy]

在 Aelanna 的 1 個收藏中
The Eccentric's Angels [1.0]
121 個項目

This is an outdated version for Rimworld 1.0-1.2. Please check out Eccentric Tech - Foxy's Armory 2.0 for Rimworld 1.3!


Updated for Combat Extended 2.0!

Foxy's Armory has been updated for CE 2.0 (official manifest version for Rimworld 1.1! This mod is now also natively compatible with Combat Extended, which means that you no longer need a separate patch; it should self-patch so long as it is loaded after CE in your mod order.

In addition, Foxy's also been busy in her workshop, and has new and deadly toys to play with.

New Weapons:
  • CGL1 Charged Grenade Launcher - Utilizing technology derived from the same electrothermal ignition plasma charges that Eccentric charge rifles operate on, the CGL1 automatic grenade launcher fires powerful rounds with tandem conventional and plasma warheads.
  • CAW5 Charged Assault Weapon - The CAW5 is a single-use disposable launcher that fires a single powerful plasma-charged rocket that is longer ranged, more accurate, and more powerful than conventional explosive rocket launchers, but has a smaller blast radius and is far more expensive to produce.


This mod adds the following research and craftable weapons:

  • Eccentric Charged Shot (prereq: Charged Shot)
  • Miniaturized Charged Shot (prereq: Charged Shot)
  • Charged Launchers (prereq: Eccentric Charged Shot, Basic Launchers with CE)

  • E15 Charge Rifle - A slightly heavier but more accurate modification of the classic R-15 charge rifle.
  • E9C Charge Carbine - A short-barreled variant of the E15 that trades accuracy and range for faster draw speed and lighter weight.
  • E16 Precision Charge Rifle - A long-ranged and powerful but heavy and slow-firing charge rifle that fills the designated marksman/sniper role.
  • E18 Designated Marksman Rifle - Longer ranged than the E15 but faster-firing than the E16, the E18 DMR bridges the gap between the two and provides effective fire support for Eccentric staff fighting over open ground.
  • L20C Charge Light Machine Gun - A heavy, belt-fed squad support weapon with a high rate of fire.
  • P12 Charge Personal Defense Weapon - An ultra-compact submachine gun firing a miniaturized charge round. It is short-ranged and lightweight, but capable of automatic fire.
  • S8 Charge Pistol - A service pistol that fires miniaturized charge rounds, it provides more power and accuracy than a standard autopistol.
  • M3 Rosethorn - Sleek and deadly, this silver-inlaid plasteel blade is the standard-issue combat and utility knife of the Eccentric's Angels.

Combat Extended

Combat Extended is a mod that completely overhauls and changes the way firearms, melee, and injuries are simulated by Rimworld. I highly recommend it if you prefer a more brutal and realistic Rimworld experience! Foxy's Armory is natively compatible with Combat Extended and will self-patch so long as it is loaded after CE!

Combat Extended adds more depth to the included weapons:

  • E15 Charge Rifle - Very slightly heavier and bulkier than the R-15, but has higher sight efficiency.
  • E9C Charge Carbine - Slightly shorter range, but lighter, less bulky, and faster to aim than the R-15.
  • E16 Precision Charge Rifle - A sniper rifle firing powerful 8x35mm charged cartridges.
  • E18 Designated Marksman Rifle - A designated marksman rifle that also fires the 8x35mm charged cartridge, the E18 is a semi-automatic middle ground between the fully automatic E15 and the longer-ranged but slower-firing E16.
  • L20C Charge Light Machine Gun - A belt-fed LMG firing 8x35mm charged cartridges. Capable of area suppression.
  • CGL1 Charged Grenade Launcher - The CGL1 fires 44x52mm charged grenades, which have a higher muzzle velocity, improved accuracy, longer range, and higher blast damage compared to conventional launcher grenades, but have a smaller blast radius and less fragmentation. 44x52mm grenades can be crafted with either high-explosive or EMP warheads.
  • CAW5 Charged Assault Weapon - The CAW5 is a single-use, disposable launcher that fires a powerful high-explosive dual-purpose warhead with high accuracy and long range. It has a small blast radius and less fragmentation compared to conventional anti-tank weapons, but has extremely high direct blast damage that is capable of obliterating armored vehicles and punching straight through walls.

  • P12 Charge Personal Defense Weapon - A lightweight and compact SMG firing miniaturized 6x18mm charge rounds. It is less powerful than the standard 6x24mm, but is a great backup weapon for support personnel.
  • S8 Charge Pistol - A service pistol that fires 6x18mm charge rounds. Somewhat heavier than other sidearms, but packs a decent punch.
  • M3 Rosethorn - Engravings may offer no tactical advantage, but think of the style! A lightweight combat knife that can only be crafted from plasteel.



I mostly created this mod for my own use, but made it available on Workshop in case anyone else would be interested!

The vanilla statistics for Foxy's Armory were derived from Rimsenal - Enhanced Vanilla Pack by rooki12k. The Combat Extended statistics for Foxy's Armory were derived from Combat Extended Guns by N7Huntsman.

If you're interested, you can check out The Eccentric's Angels comic series on Reddit!
121 則留言
Adrian.Lindgren 5 月 4 日 下午 12:25 
where e621 charge rifle
Kaedys 2021 年 7 月 31 日 上午 3:12 
For reference, in my own personal local balance patch for the weapon (this was in the context of running the numbers on weapons across the game and across all of the mods I use, and applying a balance/tuning patch for my local gameplay), I'm running with the following numbers. They leave it still being unquestionably superior at short range, but the Charge Rifle starts beating it at about 10 cells, and the assault rifle at about 12-13, giving it much better overall balance.

Damage: 4 (from 13)
Burst Count: 6 (from 5)
Burst ticks: 5 (from 9)
Accuracy: 92% / 60% / 20% / 18% (from 90/70/50/30)
Warmup: 42 ticks (0.7s) (from 30/0.5s)
Cooldown: 54 ticks (0.9s) (from 72/1.2s)

Same chart, with the addition of the above-stated version to the plot: https://i.imgur.com/dBzMb2f.png

I can also shoot you a copy of the sheet I wrote for this plotting, if you'd like.
Kaedys 2021 年 7 月 31 日 上午 3:00 
Love the artwork, and the spectrum of weapons (not many mods make the distinction between all 3 of a rifle, a carbine, and a PWD, as well as having two distinct variants of longer-range high-accuracy weapons). One thing I had noticed, when I was adding them to a local spreadsheet I use to plot and compare weapon damage profiles at various ranges, is that because the P12 PWD uses the same EccentricLightCharge projectile def as the pistol, but fires it with a 5-burst count and at a blistering total fire cycle length of only 138 ticks (2.3s, compared to 204 ticks/3.4s for a Charge Rifle), along with exemplary short-range accuracy, its DPS is actually off-the-charts overtuned. https://i.imgur.com/IWzjVvv.png May have been fixed in 2.0 already, but thought I'd mention it just in case.
Aelanna  [作者] 2021 年 7 月 20 日 上午 11:33 
Please check out Foxy's Armory 2.0 for Rimworld 1.3 here:


Foxy's Armory 2.0 will also require Eccentric Tech - Core:

McFunk 2021 年 7 月 18 日 上午 9:21 
Hey Aelanna, really like this mod! The weapon models are some of the most detailed weapon models on the workshop! Wanted to ask if you plan at some point to update this mod to 1.3? (P.S love your comics!)
Natalie6 2021 年 7 月 7 日 上午 10:28 
I know you've been missing for a while, but any chance we'll see this updated to 1.3?
Eqz 2021 年 3 月 9 日 下午 2:52 
It looks like some CE stats here may be outdated, compared to CE Guns.
Like L20C having 75 range, which is more, than range of standard L-20 of only 62 tiles.
Medievalman 2021 年 2 月 7 日 下午 3:49 
Disregard previous comment. Seems Vanilla Expanded Framework was the culprit, but a hotfix for it fixed the issue.
Medievalman 2021 年 2 月 7 日 下午 2:39 
Ran into an interesting issue. When using Combat Extended and Vanilla Expanded Framework together, Foxy guns will disappear if a pawn drops one. This doesn't occur if either mod is active by itself, only when used together. Odd thing is that this issue is only happening to these guns, not any other modded guns.

Not sure if this is an issue with this mod's CE patch or an issue with the other mods, but I thought I should mention it. In dev mode, it throws an error whenever a Foxy weapon is picked up and dropped while both mods are active.

Bolt-action Jack 2020 年 10 月 17 日 下午 5:44 
The P12 PDW & S8 pistol are two handed for some reason, and can't be used with a shield.

I just modify them myself, but in case that wasn't intentional, I wanted to bring it to your attention.