Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

347 ratings
Journal "La Democratie" HQ [Paris]
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6.381 MB
Feb 5, 2019 @ 11:07am
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Journal "La Democratie" HQ [Paris]

In 1 collection by Gèze
French Architecture
205 items

This building is located at 32 Boulevard Raspail in Paris. When it was built in 1909, it was the HQ of a political journal "La Democratie".

Additional informations:

It's a L3 Office RICO or a landmark if you don't use RICO.
The flag and lamps on the building are not included with the asset.

This building is only 7m wide, which means it doesn't fit the grid. I strongly suggest using Plop the growables mod and Move it to make them look good in your city. I will not be replying to any comments complaining "Boohoo it doesn't fit the grid."

I will be making more stuff, so subscribe to stay updated!
C'est pas le dernier, donc oublie pas de t'abonner pour rester au courant!


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Journal "La Democratie" HQ [Paris] by Gèze
Maylow Jun 4, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
Last days im investigating all the mods and assets i use to look for any errors and i've come across a lot of assets which always worked and suddenly fail to load after last update. Other examples of building assets which always worked but fail to load since last update:
Sunset Harbor Yacht Club
Amsterdam Central Station
Though with Amsterdam Central station the problem might be caused by ETST mod. However, lot of assets fail to load as of last update. Very unfortunate. And not very professional of CO imo. Lot of complaints from gamers.
Maylow Jun 4, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
@Gèze i'm sorry but it does fail to load. Loading Screen Mod reports that this asset fails to load. The game loads, but the building cannot be found in the game (make sense since it failed to load). This has also happened to lots of other assets, ranging from common buildings, to unique buildings, to networks, etc, as of last game update.
Gèze  [author] Jun 4, 2023 @ 8:07am 
"It's a L3 Office RICO or a landmark if you don't use RICO."
It's a building. It can't fail to load. Even if you don't have the mod it would still load.
Maylow Jun 4, 2023 @ 5:00am 
Aww such a beautiful asset. Fails to load after latest update. I hope the author has time and is able to fix it.
urarakiroshi Mar 11, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
After many time creating american and japaneses cities, I'm going to create an european one. I remember that I felt in love with this building, years ago. After around 2 hours searching in the workshop for it, finally, yes, F I N A L L Y, I found it. This is one of the, in my opinion, one of the most prettiest buildings that I have downloaded ever. I love it! Thanks for it :D
Gèze  [author] Apr 8, 2019 @ 10:17am 
Sorry, no.
AnarchistMetalhead Apr 8, 2019 @ 5:03am 
would either ignoring the complaints or stretching it to 8m be acceptable to you?
Gèze  [author] Apr 8, 2019 @ 4:53am 
No, because it doesn't fit the grid and people would complain about it.
AnarchistMetalhead Apr 8, 2019 @ 4:38am 
could you make this growable without rico?
JonathanTheMostp♡lite Feb 15, 2019 @ 9:53am 
je viens de découvrir votre inventaire workshop , c'est magnifique :)