Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

289 ratings
Irenthar: City of Hate
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553.626 MB
Jan 30, 2019 @ 4:57pm
Jan 15, 2023 @ 2:52pm
81 Change Notes ( view )

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Irenthar: City of Hate

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An age of uneasy peace is drawing to a close.

In the far North, the disparate kingdoms of the Northern Plains have been unified under the banner of Trabaster Arthenon, a warlock and conqueror from the West. Yet his rule is not absolute; separatist sentiments are still alive and well, and a young half-Elf from the fields of Nastrogdar claims the Gods have called upon him to lead a rebellion and cast off the Tyranny of the Grand Master.

In the sweltering jungles of Ordoria, the revanchist Elven Kingdom prepares to destroy revolutionary and ancient foe alike, while the Rthaur rebels and their allies, the Dwarves of Skaelinger, stand ready to cast back the tides of madness that Ordoria seeks to unleash upon the world. Yet for all their courage, they are few in number, and if they should fail, the world may yet be cast into an age darkness from which it may never recover.

Even the Union of free Ungerdaler Princes, the heart of civilization in southern Latherin, is not safe; the unrest in Holzbrenn, suffering under the yoke of the Mad Prince, is reaching a boiling point, while the Freiprinz of Stahlhof prepares his bid for dominance which could very well cast the Union into open civil war once more. Meanwhile, the hardy men of Schneefilde report that the marauding barbarians of Perkavland launch raids with ever increasing numbers...

Further beyond, in distant realms and uncharted lands, the warhorns are blowing, and they are coming ever closer...


Welcome to the public alpha of Irenthar: City of Hate, a total conversion mod for Hearts of Iron IV featuring a completely unique setting!

This mod aims to bring a fantasy world to life, and let you take command - lead your people to freedom, or build a global empire and rule the world with an iron fist, the choice is yours.

Please note that as it is currently a public alpha mod, it is still VERY much in development. Most of the countries aren't even on the map yet, but I've done my best to insure that what is there is fun to play.

-A completely original setting dreamt up by yours truly.
-Seven unique ideologies, including monarchies, republics and theocracies.
-A completely new generic Focus Tree with 67 foci to choose from.
-Seven unique focus trees, with plenty more planned.
-Thirteen unique units, with many more on the way.
-A massive, completely reworked tech tree running from the Tribal Era to the Early Industrial Era (WIP)
-A religion system - choose a Patron Deity for your people!
-(Hopefully) a Hearts of Iron experience completely unlike anything you've seen before!

If you have any questions or bugs, please post them on the mod's official subreddit, r/CoHmod. You'll also find dev diaries and teasers here.

A massive thank you to Xangelo7 for letting us use his awesome 3d models! Find them here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=952311178
Popular Discussions View All (5)
Jun 11, 2022 @ 2:03am
National focuses Ideas
Coca Cola Addict
Apr 11, 2021 @ 2:11pm
I am having trouble launching the mod.
Aug 13, 2019 @ 9:17am
Suggestions for devs
Coca Cola Addict
Omnicide101  [author] Feb 24 @ 12:13pm 
I mean, I do sometimes do that. There's dedicated HOI4 modding Discords that I'm in and ask/answer questions in. Knowledge really isn't the problem, I just need to find the time and energy to work on the mod lol
Soviet The Cat Thing Feb 23 @ 8:13am 
I also joined the Discord and I replied to one of your messages in the general channel with the main part of the messages being "WDYM?"

Extra info just in case: The display name of my discord account is "The King Of Akkad#2482". I will not list the username because of bots.
Soviet The Cat Thing Feb 23 @ 8:07am 
Why don't you ask major mod people (such as the creators of "Road to 56'" and "Kaiserreich" though I suggest asking the ones who made "Equestria at War" and "Old World Blues" since they have more knowledge about the modding required for this mod.) for tips on how to do this stuff? You can also ask the (non-owner) devs just in case if the mod owners make their money VIA their mods. Let me know when you see this please and goodbye my friend!

From: STCT.
Omnicide101  [author] Jan 7 @ 10:02am 
Glad to hear! Yes it is, I'm just juggling two jobs at the same time so it's difficult to find much time haha
Sar Meister Jan 5 @ 5:08pm 
Hoping this is still being worked on I just subbed
Omnicide101  [author] Dec 29, 2024 @ 10:18pm 
Happy to hear!
General Blue Dec 29, 2024 @ 6:48am 
Loved playing this mod years ago. Glad to see it's not abandoned.
Omnicide101  [author] Dec 20, 2024 @ 4:37am 
Not quite what I meant, but we have that too! DM me and I'll chuck you the links :)
Whiztale Dec 19, 2024 @ 4:21pm 
Would love to see lore even outside the game about this btw if that's what you mean by that.
Omnicide101  [author] Oct 28, 2024 @ 10:35am 
It's currently a bit in the icebox, I'm afraid, as I've been brought on board as Lead Designer for an indie game - that's going to take up most of my free time for the next year or so.

That said, the current devbuild has a major Ordoria rework in it that's pretty playable (if not *fully* complete), so if you'd like to give that a go, DM me on Discord and I'll chuck you the files!

And don't worry - this setting is my life's work. Sooner or later, I *will* get back to this.