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SCP - 111|Dragon Snails [1.0]
Mod, 1.0
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2018年10月17日 8時30分
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SCP - 111|Dragon Snails [1.0]

Tigerblut 作成の 1 件のコレクション
88 アイテム

All specimens of SCP - 111 can be milked every 5 days for 20 chemfuel. They won't explode like boomalopes, have a simple intelligence and can only be bought from traders.

SCP - Secure. Contain. Protect.

SCPs are stories like creepypastas about creatures, objects or something different, locked up in a special building for them (or if it's not possible there are a few other ways). SCP - 111 is just one of thousand stories you can read. I did NOT made this SCP, please visit the official SCP page[www.scp-wiki.net] if you like it! The following text is also from the original page.

SCP - 111|Dragon Snails

Item #: SCP-111

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-111 in captivity are housed at Site-19, ██████████ Wing, in a 5m x 5m x 5m plexiglass enclosure containing a temperate forest habitat transplanted from its natural surroundings. Habitat temperature will be maintained at 30° C. Feeding is to take place weekly by personnel placing three (3) kg of iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa) into the containment chamber. Water is to be supplied by an automatic misting system which regulates humidity levels at 50%, both for water required by SCP-111 and to prevent fires. In event of SCP-111 specimens breeding, personnel are to collect all eggs and transport them to the Biological Studies Wing for freezing.

Description: SCP-111 is an apparently artificial species of invertebrate vaguely resembling snails. Adult specimens of SCP-111 are approximately twenty (20) centimeters in length, twelve (12) centimeters in width, and fifteen (15) centimeters in height, although exact size differs slightly between specimens. SCP-111 specimens differ from ordinary snails in that they have a warm-blooded metabolism, complex eyes, small "horns" consisting of cartilage-ridged tentacles, apparently increased intelligence (personnel are requested to read Test Log ██████ for examples), and a complex vertebrate-type jaw structure; as well, specimens lay eggs possessing hardened shells.

Most abnormally, SCP-111 specimens possess small hollow sacs below their lower jaws containing methane from digestive by-products. A series of [DATA EXPUNGED] along the inside of the trachea serves as a "lighter" igniting stored methane as the specimen exhales, blowing a small jet of flame from its mouth. Said "fire-breathing" generally occurs in event of stress or anger, although is not apparently used deliberately for destruction but rather as a warning. This is presumably due to the limited size of methane sacs, which limits SCP-111 specimens in the amount of fire they can exhale at a time, and requiring both time and starch-rich food to refuel.

SCP-111's behavior is inconsistent with that of ordinary snail species, including whistling and hooting vocalizations easily audible to humans, high intellect seen in such tests as [DATA EXPUNGED], and parents caring for their young. Hatchlings have been observed imprinting on their parents, other members of their own species, or researchers. This is presumed to be a deliberate trait based on Document 111-a, as it means that hatchlings imprint upon owners.

History: On ██/██/████ a package containing twelve (12) SCP-111 eggs and Document 111-a was mailed to [DATA EXPUNGED], a Foundation front organization. Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 have proven unable to locate the sender of said package.

Document 111-a:

New from Dr. Wondertainment, DRAGON-SNAILS™!

The perfect pets for the fantasy-loving child.

Care and Hatching instructions:

1. Having read this document, take the eggs out of the box. Be careful, Dragon-Snail™ eggs are fragile!
2. Put the eggs in a warm, safe place, and wait 7 to 10 days.
3. Hold your newly-hatched Dragon-Snails™ so they get a good look at you and think you're their mommy.
4. Enjoy your new pet Dragon-Snails™!

To feed your Dragon-Snails™, give your new little friends some raw veggies: lettuce, brussels sprouts, beans, any sort of salad stuff you don't want! Remember to give them water - a small glass each, once a day.

For your enjoyment, Dragon-Snails™ come in six types! Breed them for unique pets!


1. Slimybellies®: Adorable and oozy little fellows, with awesome fire-engine red colored skin, little black horns and belly, and a speckled tan shell! Beautiful robin's-egg-blue eggs!

2. Oozedrakes®: Inquisitive little creatures, with neat banana-colored skin, curly horns and striped shells! Pale tan eggs, like a chicken!

3. Goowyverns®: Dark blue-grey skin, flattened shells, and a bumpy-horned head make Goowyverns® look like tiny sea monsters! Eggs are a fantastic glassy-green color!

4. Blobworms®: Green-and-gold stripes, pointy shells, and a single horn, not to mention fuzzy tails, make Blobworms® wonderful pets! Eggs are tan, with a silver tint!

5. Glowdrakes®: New from Doctor Wondertainment, these little fellows may look like blue-black Slimybellies®… until they light up! That's right, Glowdrakes® glow in the dark! Eggs are a golden color with little red dots!

6. Gunkwyverns®: Chubby, green-skinned, and dome-shelled, Gunkwyverns® make great pets! Eggs are transparent, so you can see the baby Dragon-Snail® inside!

Parental Notice: As Dr. Wondertainment's Dragon-Snails™ breathe fire, they have been known to cause house fires. For maximum playtime fun and safety, it is recommended that fire extinguishers be kept handy. Despite this, Dr. Wondertainment is not legally, morally, or financially responsible for any injuries, death, or property damage resulting from the unsafe use of Dragon-Snails™ or any other Dr. Wondertainment products.

By reading this document and incubating your Dragon-Snail™ eggs, you agree to all said terms and forfeit your rights to lawsuits, organized boycotts, protests, honor duels, etc.

Enjoy your purchase!
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2019年6月26日 19時23分
snails can't move
24 件のコメント
TurtleShroom 2022年2月7日 11時40分 
Will this Mod be made compatible with the new SCP Mod (RIMSCP)?
GamerBossHarmon 2020年8月18日 18時30分 
hey @Mlie how do i get that to work?
Mlie 2020年4月7日 13時22分 
This works in 1.1 but if the author wants to update the About to remove the warnings, here is a working copy: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgRfRfv2Ayu1jy8ZteYGShMUgFoz?e=G7UYcC
Hope it helps!
Legion 2020年3月21日 5時14分 
I'd love to take my snails with me to 1.1 please. Thank you.
Glory, to the Empress! 2020年3月4日 7時27分 
Will this be receiving an update to 1.1?
lechkingofdead 2020年2月22日 13時39分 
i fergot i found this my god yes if anyone wantys to see a photo of one beting petted than im happy to share as its why i recently could not stop loving them
Snail 2019年12月27日 11時33分 
pgames-food 2019年11月24日 18時28分 
hi tigerblutt :)
i had an idea (and question) about the glowdrake...

is there any way for it to emit light as a light source?
if not, can i make this suggestion please :)

screenshot 1 = https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1920565720
screenshot 2 = https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1920566012
bear 2019年5月9日 13時32分 
Guys, I do know about the SCP mod, and have been in full hype mode for it. The creator even got my favorite modder for it.
Moxxy 2019年4月29日 14時41分 
Nice to see some scps finally getting added! cant wait to see more and watch everyone of my colonist die from a chocolate fountain!