Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

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Marioluigi Lucabrasi
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18.595 KB
2018년 10월 6일 오전 10시 16분
1개의 변경 사항 ( 보기 )

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Marioluigi Lucabrasi

turrible666님의 1 모음집
STRUGGLE Pro Wrestling
아이템 107개
(153 points, fictional wrestler)

"The Italian Horse" (he original was the "Italian Stallion," but then Sly's lawyers put the clamps on that, and he had already printed up a bunch of equestrian-themed t-shirts) was born the son of a couple of giant nerds, (hence the name) and was a rebellious youth, focusing more on athletic pursuits than intellectual ones, and broke his mama's heart when he went into pro wrestling after being raised to be the next great Italian Starcraft master. No longer wanting to deal with constant angry phone calls from his parents, he moved to America, where it would be too expensive to call more thn a couple times a week. To his horror, he then discovered that his baby sister, Zelda, had stowed away in his luggage. (What can I say, my man knows how to dress, so he has realy big luggage) Undaunted, he continued with his dream of being a wrestling superstar, while teaching her how to wrestle, mostly so he can keep an eye on her in a strange land full of meth addicts and perverts. (the Tri-State Area)
Full edit with moves and logic and things and whatever, plus four attires. Entrance theme is MarioL.mp3 -