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ACE3 Compatibility for SPS AI AXMC Sniper Rifles
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics, Weapon
1.008 MB
2018. szept. 13., 8:17
2021. júl. 30., 4:09
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ACE3 Compatibility for SPS AI AXMC Sniper Rifles

ACE3 Compatibility for SPS AI AXMC Sniper Rifles

Two new ammunition types added - Berger .338 OTM and .308 Juggernaut OTM which better ballance the performance of the 3 different calibres.

This is the ACE3 compatibility mod for the stand-alone version of SPS AI AXMC series of sniper rifles.

Some additional ACE3 ammo has been added and ACE3 ballistics should be implemented/added to all ammo and weapon types.

AtragMX presets are also included in this mod.

For full details on the Accuracy International AXMC mod, please see the following link:
9 megjegyzés
Steve  [készítő] ápr. 5., 13:11 
I've not updated this mod since July 2021.
Again, this is just to add ACE3 ballistics etc. to the stand along AI AXMC rifles.

It's possible something in ACE3's latest update has broken something but I don't think what you're describing is linked to this mod.
Steve  [készítő] ápr. 5., 11:44 
You mean it only happens after the latest ACE3 update?

Also, you might be posting in the wrong mod discussion - this is just the ACE3 compatibility for the stand alone SPS AI AXMC Sniper Rifle mod. You can't fit bipods or angled foregrips to that rifle.
Steve  [készítő] ápr. 5., 4:08 
Not sure what you mean by gun handle.
What I suspect is happening with laser sight (pointer/illuminator?) is that to keep the arsenal entries small, only the first function of the attachment is shown in the arsenal. You can then cycle through its other functions but if you try to save on any other than the initial one, the item will be removed.
It's either that or I start putting about 400 laser pointer options into the arsenal list...
Laid3acK 2018. szept. 16., 3:06 
Thank you Steve. :)
Steve  [készítő] 2018. szept. 14., 8:17 
OK - @Laid3acK - V1.0.1 should fix these issues. Most of it was being caused by the AI AXMC barrels being longer than the inherited ACE3 muzzle length arrays!
But also some additional tweaks required to ammo and AtragMX settings too so it should all line up nicely now.
Steve  [készítő] 2018. szept. 14., 4:57 
OK - I've found at least one area where this can be caused by so will look to fix this. However, I don't think what I've found can explain all of the differences I see. (It might explain the Mk248 issues though.)
Thanks for pointing this out as it's allowing me to improve the mod further!
Steve  [készítő] 2018. szept. 14., 3:57 
@Laid3acK- Have you tested the AtragMX settings for accuracy?
And are you refering to velocities in the config file or what you see displayed in the AtragMX's MV section?
I agree that the range card for some ammo types shows discrepency to the AtragMX settings (at standard atmospheric conditions) which I've yet to fully understand. Basically, it looks like there are some circumstances where the ACE3 fnc_updateRangeCard.sqf is not using the barrel length to calculate velocity correctly and uses 'default' settings from the magazine/ammo instead.Once I understand why this is, I will fix it.
Steve  [készítő] 2018. szept. 14., 3:57 
My testing has shown the AtragMX presets to be pretty accurate in a range of different ambient conditions for all but the .300WinMag Mk240Mod0 and Mod1. (Which I'd still like to improve.)
So my advice for now is use the AtragMX presets not the range card.

For info, the drag coefficient and airFriction are taken exactly from ACE3. Even if these values are not quite as reality, I want to keep my mod consistent with the rest of the ACE3 setting.
Laid3acK 2018. szept. 14., 2:28 
Hi Steve,
there is something wrong with your Muzzle Velocity Tables in your AtragMx's presets.
The AtragMx MVs must be according with the range card MVs.
Actually it's not. A quick example with the .308 M118LR :

Always take the range card MVs for your presets.

I checked the .308 rifle only but i think that you should take a look for all versions.

The Drag Coef Table and the "airFriction" should be reworked too but it's an another story. :)