Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

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Azote Jr.
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18 JUN 2018 a las 17:02
27 JUL 2019 a las 14:59
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Azote Jr.

En 1 colección creada por Blehschmidt
22 artículos
The son of Azote Del Mar, he has dropped the aquatic part of his fathers name, but carries on the same hard hitting style and the same unlikely connection with the fans. Like his father, started as a Rudo, but his hard work and hard hitting style have turned the crowds in his favor. As comfortable flying in the air, as he is smashing people with chairs, or connecting with any of the hard hitting moves in his aresenal, Azote Jr. is a different kind of luchadore. Heading into the United States for the first time, he is prepared to show a new audience what he is capable of......
Fear the Thing That Should Not Be.