Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Using Streema Radio Links in Euro Truck Simulator 2
By Africa by Toto Fan
How to extract streaming links from Streema to use with the game's built-in online radio player.
Streema[] is one of the world's biggest radio streaming sites, and who wouldn't want to listen to some fun Norwegian black metal while doing deliveries around Europe?

So, here we'll learn how to grab the streaming links from this awesome website to use in the game's built-in online radio player directly - no need to keep some web browser open while playing anymore! Get ready to rock on with your truck out![]
What we'll need
So, what will we need, you ask? Lucky you! There's a list right below!

  • A text editor program that can open .sii, .pls, .wpl and .m3u files. Here we'll use Notepad++.[]
    (You can use the regular Windows Notepad for everything, even though it's a bit messier - here I'll use a combination of both.)
  • A web browser capable of showing webpage sources. I doubt there are any nowadays that don't, but ya know. Here I'll be using Chrome[].
  • And some streams to add, of course!
Extracting the stream links
Start by creating a new text file that we'll use as a holder area for our links, and then finding the stream you want on Streema. For this example we'll go with Metro 95.1[], from Argentina.

Begin by making sure the stream actually works. Press the big PLAY button and a new window will pop up with the player. The site will warn you if any stream links are dead for good.

If you don't get any warnings, just wait a bit and if the music plays, we're good to go!

Now, right-click on an empty area of the pop-up window and select "View Page Source". Again, if you use a different browser, your options may look a bit different.

A new tab will appear on the main browser window with heaps of code. No need to worry - we'll look for something specific in here.

Press Ctrl+F to bring up a search window, and type in the following.

<ul class="stream-downloads">

Then press Enter, and we'll find the stream links!

In this particular case, the source shows us simple "bare links" that, when clicked, will usually open a new tab with a music player. We'll nab the link right after <a href= and copy it into our holder text file.

Write down the station's name, genre, location/language and bitrate (if available) as well so you can identify it in-game later.

Some stations, however, will not have their stream links written down as bare links - they'll be in playlists which can have different formats, usually .pls, .wpl or .m3u. However, these can be opened easily to discover the links within.

For instance, we'll look at the AAZo Radio[] stream here...

When we check the stream downloads section on the source of the player pop-up window, we can see that the links all point to .pls files.

Download 'em by right-clicking the links and selecting "Save Link As". Alternatively you can just left-click the links to have your browser download them automatically.

Now you can use any text editor to open these playlist files, but we'll be using Notepad++ in this example because the text will look more organized. Whichever program you use, simply launch it, and then open the .pls file. In Notepad++ just go to File -> Open and navigate to the right place. It'll look like this.

Please note that, if you use the regular Windows Notepad, you'll have to go to the filetype drop-down menu and select "All Files" for the playlists to show up.

Our .pls file will look like this when opened there - much messier, but the information is there nonetheless. Depending on the format you're working with the lists may look a bit different, but they all will have the pertinent information.

So, like before, all we gotta do here is grab the link and copy-paste it into our holder text file for safekeeping.

Repeat as needed until you have all of your streams ready. Now we'll add them to the game!
Adding streams to the game data
Navigate to your Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder, locate live_streams.sii and open it with your text editor of choice. If the file somehow is not there, launch the game so it can be generated automatically.

The file comes with instructions that are quite self-explanatory - we start by removing the # before stream_data[]: (otherwise the links won't work!) and then fill in the blanks with your desired radio station data. To add another radio, we'll copy-paste the first line so we don't have to type it all again, and change the information accordingly.

Let's add Metro 95.1 first. Remove the #, replace the "URL of mp3 live stream" text with the URL we put in our holder file earlier, and replace the other text with the correct info. The bitrate is not really needed - if you're not sure, just write in 64. As for the language, you can add it in, or just replace it with the country's web code[] to make it shorter. That's what I'll do here.

Here's a comparison image showing how your new link should work.

As stated before, to add another radio, copy the entire first line with all the data, paste it right underneath, and tweak the values.

Our two radios added should look like this.

Repeat if needed, and save your changes. Now it's time to test!

Listening in-game
Launch Euro Truck Simulator 2 as usual, load up your profile, and go to the Radio option in the main menu.

There they are! You can double-click on the one you want to listen to, and wait for it to connect. Note that sometimes it can take a few moments.

Once it connects, the rockin' tunes of your choice will start playing, and the game will show the name of the radio that's currently playing at the top of the list.

Please note that radios using Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) will not work in the game. If you try to play one of these the player will simply skip them. An example of this is Boomer Radio.[] Unfortunately there isn't anything that can be done in this case - you'll have to look for a different station instead.

That's about it. Enjoy the music, but make sure to drive safely!
abcd_z Nov 20, 2020 @ 7:17pm 
Streema's website has changed a bit since this was posted. Instead of searching for

<ul class="stream-downloads">

you'll need to search for the phrase:

source src