Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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AOE II Random Map Scripts
Collection of random maps used in the MS Gaming Zone. Drop the scripts to the RANDOM folder of AOE II HD. The random maps are transfered automatically to other players if they join your lobby and the map is selected.
Föremål (5)
Green Arabia
Skapad av BaskervilleX
One of the maps used in the MS Gaming Zone. Drop the script to the RANDOM folder of AOE II HD. The random maps are transfered to other players if they join your lobby....
Land Nomad Final
Skapad av BaskervilleX
One of the maps used in the MS Gaming Zone. Drop the script to the RANDOM folder of AOE II HD. The random maps are transfered to other players if they join your lobby....
Michi Clean V2
Skapad av BaskervilleX
One of the Michi non-rush maps used in the MS Gaming Zone. Between the opponents is forest. You need to cut through with onagers. Drop the script to the RANDOM folder of AOE II HD. The random maps are transfered to other players if they join your lobby....
Michi Flat
Skapad av BaskervilleX
One of the Michi non-rush maps used in the MS Gaming Zone. Between the opponents is forest. You need to cut through with onagers. Drop the script to the RANDOM folder of AOE II HD. The random maps are transfered to other players if they join your lobby....
Michi non-rush map BF #01
Skapad av BaskervilleX
One of the Michi non-rush maps used in the MS Gaming Zone. Between the opponents is forest. You need to cut through with onagers. Drop the script to the RANDOM folder of AOE II HD. The random maps are transfered to other players if they join your lobby....