Arma 3
679 ratings
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer
Scenario Type: Infantry
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
File Size
99.329 MB
Jan 1, 2018 @ 9:05pm
Mar 18, 2022 @ 6:33pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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After the events of Force Recon rescuing Macready from the alien infection, reinforcements are deployed to fight against an escalating outbreak in Antarctica. The battle with Russian forces continue while an impending alien invasion is taking place, tonight.

The Thing
The Thing is a horror masterpiece directed by John Carpenter, one of my favorite directors of all time. The Thing is an amazing world full of potential and till this day we still don't have a next gen game based on The Thing. Unacceptable! A game based on The Thing came out in 2002 and a sequel was planned with very compelling concept art of a cancelled game that would have been a masterpiece if finished. I looked at the concept art and become inspired to do a sequel. The Thing Outbreak was a juggernaut of a project to work on for one man, it was once again a labor of love to create for the Arma community. Jan 2nd is my birthday, a time of winter, joy, and fighting monsters in Antarctica ;-)

Phantom Tips
When you see an object to grab analyze it well, read it before grabbing the next object. In MP do not disable the AI. Only enable the required mods for the mission, having extra mods installed could cause issues for the mission. Make sure sound and music is 100% or equal to each other. Avoid saving and loading in MP, loading a saved game can cause certain effects and triggers to stop working. Play the mission from begining to end in coop to avoid these issues. Flares in the mission only work if thrown on the ground, they do not work in buildings, for now the flares only work for the team leader. Do not run towards your death, slow down, investigate the areas on your map carefully for hidden intel.

The Thing Outbreak pushes the lighting in Arma to it's limit, make sure to have your light settings set to ULTRA or you may have visual issues. If you want to make a youtube video I recommend to give the creator a week or more to fix potential bugs from release day. I also recommend playing the mission first before making your video so you know what to expect. Hope you enjoy!
Tommacool Oct 26, 2023 @ 1:03am 
This version was better than the first one: better maps, details, scripted etc. Yet like the previous ones it can be a pain in the ass to find all the clues if you are not pixel hunting.
Sadly the game just gives me dread and I am constantly on my toes and feel very scared, desolated and alone. Even with your team mates since they are just quiet and just follow orders.
I think this is best played with some friends in multiplayer so you can really RP, and support each other.
I also came to the level where you have blow all those buildings up, but I couldn't continue since my team ran out of ammo on the constant spawning enemies and they all got killed.
What was scary is they all disappeared, I just saw them dropping off my icon list since I was inside a building planting a satchel charge. When I went out I just saw 5 zombie bodies dead close to each other. had they turned into these "things"? Creepy. Uninstalled after that. My nerves couldn't take it haha. I give it a 4 / 5 score.
Tommacool Oct 26, 2023 @ 12:57am 
You are wrong. It's quite easy to find out which mod needs what = Just have a bunch of mods installed and then uninstall CBA. Then you will see which one gives you the "mod link missing" file icon (the ones that actually needs CBA).
RHSUSAF does NOT require CBA. I googled it. It does say however it is compatible with it. Big difference.
Also I got the game to working perfectly fine without CBA and traversed to the next level.
I just struggled to find the ID card on Palmer's base, but it was due to the black smoke was in the way.
SVaughan Oct 25, 2023 @ 1:41am 
All the ones I use, require it, which includes RHS and CUP. CBA = Community Based Add-on's. Should be a requirement for anything that isn't a uniform mod.
IF @PHANTOM could add it to the required listing, so people know this fact, that'd be useful. RHS requires CBA. So anything using RHS, requires CBA.
Tommacool Oct 24, 2023 @ 11:44pm 
Then it should be mentioned under "required items". The first episode mentioned CBA.
Not everyone knows Arma's ins and outs. And no, not all mods require CBA.
SVaughan Oct 24, 2023 @ 7:40pm 
The fact that it requires RHS, says it all. You'll need CBA. As RHS requires CBA to run properly. Hell, all mods needs CBA in order to function.
Tommacool Oct 24, 2023 @ 7:09pm 
"Picture oillogoc.paa not found". But I can still play the game.
But when I start at Palmer base, the helicopter isn't there. Just this red flare.
Also I can't seem to find all the clues / objects so I am stuck.
Are you sure you don't need CBA for this one? Since you needed it in your first mod
Firebird May 9, 2023 @ 10:14pm 
Just played this with a few friends, it was a lot of fun. Great Scenario!
Evan Mar 2, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
haha I will thankyou, Well made missions many thanks
PHANTOM  [author] Mar 2, 2023 @ 3:35pm 
lol mission complete, I guess the game showed you mercy.
Do you have any other mods installed? Maybe try playing with only the required mods.
Evan Mar 2, 2023 @ 11:12am 
I walked into the building when we landed and it said mission complete? like 5 min mission lol but very cool buildup. PLayed with headphones and felt like I was there